CINAHL -- Cumulative Index to Nursing &
Allied Health Literature Database Guide

Originally a print index to the literature of nursing and eventually allied health information, the CINAHL® database has emerged as a comprehensive and versatile guide to an exploding body of knowledge, and now extends beyond the limits of a bibliographic print index.

Although a bibliographic database, the CINAHL database continues to include selected original and full-text material.   Full text is included for selected state nursing journals and some newsletters, standards of practice, practice acts, government publications, research instruments and patient education material.  For current information or a list of full-text material, please contact us at 818-409-8575 or by email at [email protected].

The abstracts, when available and with publisher permission, are included in the database to assist with the evaluation of journal articles. Currently abstracts for more than 924 journal titles (active and inactive) are available. CINAHL abstracts are available for audiovisuals and educational software.

The citation index, started in 1994, continues to grow in leaps and bounds. There are now citations in the database, and these can be used to track the evolution of ideas in the professional literature. Citations are included (when we have the publisher's permission) for nursing, allied health and health sciences librarianship journals.

The CINAHL® database includes citations from 2,593 journals of which are currently indexed. Some journals have ceased publication, changed names or are no longer indexed in the database. Of the 2,593 journals indexed, 1,798 include author abstracts. Journals cover nursing, allied health, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and health sciences librarianship

The CINAHL® database covers the nursing and allied health literature from 1982 to the present. Disciplines covered include the following:

Nursing Disciplines
  Addictions Nursing   Gynecologic Nursing   Parish Nursing
  Ambulatory Care Nursing   HIV-AIDS Nursing   Pediatric Critical Care Nursing
  Anesthesia Nursing   Holistic Nursing   Pediatric Nursing
  Burn Nursing   Home Nursing, Professional   Pediatric Oncology Nursing
  Camp Nursing   Hospice and Palliative Nursing   Perianesthesia Nursing
  Cardiovascular Nursing   Intravenous Nursing   Perinatal Nursing
  Community Health Nursing   Military Nursing   Perioperative Nursing
  Community Mental Health Nursing   Maternal-Child Nursing   Practical Nursing
  Coronary Care Nursing   Medical-Surgical Nursing   Private Duty Nursing
  Correctional Health Nursing   Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing   Psychiatric Nursing
  Critical Care Nursing   Neonatal Nursing   Radiological Nursing
  Dermatology Nursing   Nephrology Nursing   Rehabilitation Nursing
  Emergency Nursing   Neuroscience Nursing   Respiratory Nursing
  Enterostomal Therapy Nursing   Nurse Midwifery   Rural Health Nursing
  Family Nursing   Obstetric Nursing   School Health Nursing
  Flight Nursing   Occupational Health Nursing   Spinal Cord Injury Nursing
  Forensic Nursing   Office Nursing   Surgical Nursing, Plastic
  Gastroenterology Nursing   Oncologic Nursing   Trauma Nursing
  Genetics Nursing   Ophthalmic Nursing   Urologic Nursing
  Gerontologic Nursing   Orthopedic Nursing    
  Geropsychiatric Nursing   Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nursing
Allied Health Disciplines
  Athletic Training   Medical/Laboratory Technology   Radiologic Technology
  Audiology   Medical Assisting   Respiratory Therapy
  Cardiopulmonary Technology   Nutrition & Dietetics   Social Service in Health Care
  Dental Hygiene   Occupational Therapy   Speech-Language Pathology
  Emergency Services   Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation   Surgical Technology
  Health Information Management   Physician Assistants    
Other Subject Areas
  AIDS Care   Consumer Health   Law and Legal Issues in Health Care
  Alternative/Complementary Medicine   Gerontology   Oncology
  Behavioral Science   Health Promotion and Education   Optometry
  Biomedicine   Health Sciences Librarianship   Podiatry
  Chiropractic   Health Services Administration   Women's Health


Segments and Years of Coverage
Name   Years of Coverage
nursing       1982-present

The limit of databases that you can select for a multifile search session is based upon database segments rather than actual databases. The Ovid multifile segment limit is set at 120 to avoid impacting your search sessions. This database includes 1 segment.

This database is updated online weekly.


The following list is sorted alphabetically by field alias. Click a field name to see the description and search information.
All Fields in this Database
      Abbreviated Source (AS) Full Text (TX) Publication Type (PT)
  Abstract (AB) Grant Information (GI) Publisher (PB)
  Accession Number (AN) Identifiers (ID) Publisher/Producer Address (AD)
  All Authors (AA) Image File Names (IM) Publisher URL (PU)
  Article URL (DU) Institution (IN) PubMed Identifier (PM)
  Author (AU) Instrumentation (IT) References (RB)
  Bibliography (BY) ISBN (IB) Reviews (RV)
  CE Module Information (CE) ISSN (IS) Revised Date (RD)
  CINAHLexpress Document Delivery (CX) Issue/Part (IP) Series Title (ST)
  CINAHL Subject Headings (SH) Journal Abbreviation (JA) School Name for Masters & Dissertations (SL)
  Citations (RF) Journal Name (JN) Source (SO)
  Commentary/Response (CM) Journal Subset (SB) Special Fields Contained (CN)
  Contributor (CO) Journal Word (JW) Special Interest Category (SP)
  Corporate Author (CA) Language (LG) Subject Heading Word (HW)
  Date of Publication (DP) Legal Cases (LE) Supplement Title (SU)
  Degree for Masters & Dissertations (DG) Literacy Level (LL) Table of Contents (TC)
  Description (DF) Miscellaneous Bibliographic Information (MI) Text Word (TW)
  Division (DV) Named Person (NP) Title (TI)
  Document Delivery (DD) NLM Serial ID Number (NL) UMI Order Number (MN)
  Edition or Revised Edition (EN) Notes (NT) Volume (VO)
  Editor (ED) Original Study (OS) Website (WB)
  Electronic Document ID Number (EI) Page (PG) Year of Publication (YR)
  Entry Week (EW) Place of Publication (PL)  
  Floating Subheading (FS) Price (PR)  
Go: Menu or Back 
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches: Searching for a term without specifying a field searches the following fields.
  Abstract (AB) Subject Heading Word (HW)      
  Instrumentation (IT) Title (TI)      
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Default Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: The following fields are included by default for each record.

  Abstract (AB) Corporate Author (CA) NLM Serial ID Number (NL)
  Accession Number (AN) Description (DF) Special Fields Contained (CN)
  Abbreviated Source (AS) Editor (ED) Source (SO)
  Author (AU) Identifiers (ID) Title (TI)
  Contributor (CO) Institution (IN) Website (WB)
  CINAHL Subject Headings (SH) Instrumentation (IT)      
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All Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: Use the Select Fields button in the Results Manager at the bottom of the Main Search Page to choose the fields for a record.

  Abbreviated Source (AS) Electronic Document ID Number (EI) NLM Serial ID Number (NL)
  Abstract (AB) Entry Week (EW) Notes (NT)
  Accession Number (AN) Full Text (TX) Original Study (OS)
  Article URL (DU) Grant Information (GI) Price (PR)
  Author (AU) Identifiers (ID) Publication Type (PT)
  Bibliography (BY) Image File Names (IM) Publisher/Producer Address (AD)
  CE Module Information (CE) Institution (IN) Publisher URL (PU)
  CINAHLexpress Document Delivery (CX) Instrumentation (IT) PubMed Identifier (PM)
  CINAHL Subject Headings (SH) ISSN (IS) Reviews (RV)
  Citations (RF) ISBN (IB) Series Title (ST)
  Commentary/Response (CM) Journal Subset (SB) Special Fields Contained (CN)
  Contributor (CO) Language (LG) Special Interest Category (SP)
  Corporate Author (CA) Legal Cases (LE) Source (SO)
  Description (DF) Literacy Level (LL) Table of Contents (TC)
  Document Delivery (DD) Local Messages (LM) Title (TI)
  Editor (ED) Named Person (NP) Website (WB)
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Elements of Source (SO) Field: Ovid searches the following fields as part of the record source.

  Date of Publication (DP) Journal Word (JW) References (RB)
  Degree for Masters & Dissertations (DG) Miscellaneous Bibliographic Information (MI) School Name for Masters & Dissertations (SL)
  Division (DV) Page (PG) Supplement Title (SU)
  Edition (EN) Place of Publication (PL) Volume (VO)
  Issue/Part (IP) Publisher (PB) Year of Publication (YR)
  Journal Name (JN) Publisher/Producer Address (AD)      
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The following list is sorted alphabetically by the two-letter label, and includes the relevant alias, at least one example for all searchable fields, and a description of the field.
Label Name / Example
AA All Authors [Phrase Indexed]
smith g.aa.
The All Authors (AA) field is an alias for Author (AU), Contributor (CO), Named Person (NP), Editor (ED) and Corporate Author (CA).
AB Abstract [Word Indexed]
escherichia coli.ab.

Since January 1986, author abstracts have been included for certain journals indexed in CINAHL. In 1995 CINAHL began writing original abstracts for some journal articles and all audiovisual and software records. A "[CINAHL Abstract]" indicator will follow any original abstract.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

AD Publisher/Producer Address [Word Indexed]

The Publisher/Producer Address (AD) field contains an address for the producer.

AN, UI Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]
The Accession Number (AN) field contains a 10-digit number assigned by CINAHL to uniquely identify a particular record. Certain records also contain the eight-digit reference number that corresponds to the Medline system of unique identifiers.
AS Abbreviated Source [Display Only]
world ir

The Abbreviated Source (AS) field contains an abbreviation of the journal name, as well as a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Abbreviation (JA), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Page (PG), and Year of Publication (YR).

AU Author [Phrase Indexed]
barrett c$.au.

The Author (AU) field contains personal author names. The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials: Smith JC or Smith J.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and you will be able to scroll through the list of names to find the other. Use truncation to search for variations in initials, as in barrett c$.au.

BY Bibliography [Word Indexed]

The Bibliography (BY) field contains additional bibliographic references cited by the author. All are included. The bibliography field was added to selected publications in the CINAHL database in 2001. The Bibliography index contains all searchable words from the Bibliography.

Note: This field is currently not populated with data.

CA Corporate Author [Phrase Indexed]
"centers for disease control and prevention".ca.
The Corporate Author (CA) field contains the name(s) of the corporate author(s). To search for a corporate author, enter the most unique word or phrase in the name.
CE CE Module Information [Word Indexed]

The CE Module Information (CE) field contains the title and URL for a specific CINAHL Continuing Education course. Modules provide Nursing and Allied Health professionals with a means to fulfill individual continuing education requirements.

CM Commentary/Response [Word Indexed]

The Commentary/Response (CM) field indicates whether a journal article commentary or a response to a commentary is available.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

CN Special Fields Contained [Display Only]
The Special Fields Contained (CN) field lists the special text fields that are used in any particular record. This will enable the searcher to see what particular records contain should they have certain fields not displayable at all times.
CO Contributor [Phrase Indexed]
bailey m$.co.
The Contributor (CO) field contains contributor names in the format of last name followed by one or more initials. This field includes contributors, consultants, reviewers, or reporters who are not principle authors. Use truncation to search for variations in initials, as in bailey m$.co.
CX CINAHLexpress Document Delivery [Word Indexed]
The CINAHLexpress Document Delivery (CX) field contains the URL for the location of the full-text Portable Document Format (PDF) documents located at the CINAHL website. There is a charge for these documents.
DD, MN Document Delivery [Word Indexed]

The Document Delivery (DD) field contains information indicating where the full text of the document can be obtained. When available, this field will include a UMI Order Number. The UMI Order Number can be used to order the document from UMI (1-800-521-0600, x2786).

DF Description [Word Indexed]

The Description (DF) field contains detailed information on the particular research instrument or other document type.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

DG Degree for Masters & Dissertations [Word Indexed]
The Degree for Masters & Dissertations (DG) field contains the degree of the author of the publication. This field displays as part of the Source (SO).
DP Date of Publication [Display Only]
The Date of Publication (DP) field contains the month, year, and possibly day that the journal was published. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
DU Article URL [Word Indexed]

The Article URL (DU) field contains journal article URLs that are maintained by CINAHL on their website

DV Division [Word Indexed]
The Division (DV) field contains the name of the Publisher's division, if listed, for pamphlets and other published material.
ED Editor [Phrase Indexed]
amin n$.ed.
wyatt j.ed.

The Editor (ED) field contains personal editor names in the format of last name and one or more initials. This field is indexed under authors. Use truncation to search for variations in initials, as in amin n$.ed.

EI Electronic Document ID Number [Phrase Indexed]

The Electronic Document ID Number (EI) field contains the electronic document ID number.

EN Edition or Revised Edition [Word Indexed]
2 rev ed.en.
The Edition or Revised Edition (EN) field contains the edition or revised edition of a publication. This field displays as part of the Source (SO).
EW Entry Week [Phrase Indexed]

The Entry Week (EW) field contains a 6- or 8-digit date in which a document was added to the CINAHL database. Prior to 2001, the Entry Week field has a 6-digit date in the YYYYMM format. Beginning in 2001, the Entry Week field consists of an 8-digit date in the YYYYMMWW format.

The Revised Date (RD) also displays as part of the Entry Week (EW) field.

FS Floating Subheading [Phrase Indexed]

Subheadings are qualifiers added to CINAHL subject headings to refine their meaning. Qualifiers such as "surgery" or "therapy," when combined with a subject heading, give a very precise idea of what an article covers.

The Floating Subheading (FS) field contains the 2-letter codes, such as "su" for surgery. The spelled out subheadings for any subject heading can be viewed from the Subheadings tool.

GI Grant Information [Word Indexed]
The Grant Information (GI) field contains funding information, including the institution(s) and grant number (if any).
HW Subject Heading Word [word Indexed]
The Subject Heading Word (HW) field contains the words from the subject headings for retrieval of all subject headings containing a particular word. It can also be viewed from the Permuted Index tool.
IB ISBN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the book which is cited. It appears as a 10-13 digit string, in the format: 0-684-19395-7.

ID Identifiers [Word Indexed]
The Identifiers (ID) field contains main heading subject terms being considered for inclusion in the next CINAHL Subject Headings thesaurus.
IM Image File Names [Phrase Indexed]
The Image File Names (IM) field contains the names of files of images associated with a document. These files are in PDF format.
IN Institution [Word Indexed]

The Institution (IN) field has been included in CINAHL since 1992. This field includes the primary author's affiliation and address for journal articles and a producer address for software records.

Certain abbreviations have been standardized in the Institution field, including such terms as Hospital (HOSP), Medical and Medicine (MED), Administration (ADM), Nursing (NURS), Division (DIV), and Associate or Association (ASSOC).

IP Issue/Part [Word Indexed]
The Issue/Part field (IP) contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a serial publication. The IP field is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.
IS ISSN [Phrase Indexed]

The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as an 8-digit string in the following format: 0028-4793.

The ISSN can be searched either with the hyphen, or with a space instead of the hyphen: 0028-4793 or 0028 4793.

IT Instrumentation [Word Indexed]

The Instrumentation (IT) field includes the names of instruments used in research studies indexed by CINAHL. Names of clinical assessment tools also appear in this field, but instrument names do not include subscales, revised versions, edition numbers, etc.

To search for instrument names, enter the most unique word or phrase in the name.

JA Journal Abbreviation [Phrase Indexed]
nursing times.jn.

The Journal Abbreviation (JA) field contains the abbreviated name of the journal in which the article was published. Enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index: new engl (for New England Journal of Medicine).

JN Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
nursing ti.jn.
nursing times.jn.

The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published. Journal names are searched as phrases -- enter as many of the letters in a journal name as are needed to distinguish it from other journals: nursing ti (for nursing times).

JW Journal Word [Word Indexed]

The Journal Word (JW) field contains individual words from every journal name in CINAHL. This field is used to retrieve every occurrence of a journal which includes a particular word, such as "obstetrics."

LE Legal Cases [Word Indexed]
roe v wade.le.
The Legal Cases (LE) field contains the names of legal cases found in indexed materials.
LG Language [Phrase Indexed]

The Language (LG) field contains the language of publication of an article. The language will appear in the index both as the full language name and a 3-letter code. The codes are usually, but not always, the first three letters of the language name, such as fre for French. Beginning in 1994, non-English materials began to be added to the CINAHL database.

The language index is quickly scrollable to determine all languages which appear in CINAHL.

LL Literacy Level [Word Indexed]
"Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 9.2".ll.

The Literacy Level (LL) field indicates the readability level of consumer documents in full text.

MI Miscellaneous Bibliographic Information [Word Indexed]
The Miscellaneous Bibliographic Information (MI) field contains additional information about videocassettes, compact discs, etc. This field displays as part of the Source (SO).
NL NLM Serial ID Number [Phrase Indexed]

The NLM Serial ID Number (NL) field contains the number assigned by the National Library of Medicine to identify the journal in which the document was published. This number, in conjunction with additional citation information, can be used to order the document from NLM's DOCLINE document delivery service.

NP Named Person [Phrase Indexed]
nightingale f$.np.
The Named Person (NP) field contains biography names in the format of last name followed by one or more initials. Use truncation to search for variations in initials, as in nightingale f$.np.
NT Notes [Word Indexed]
The Notes (NT) field includes such information as publisher changes and instances when an article is in multiple journals.
OS Original Study [Word Indexed]

The Original Study (OS) field contains references to the original studies cited by the author. All cited references are included. This field is formatted like Citations and may contain a CINAHL accession number, as well as author(s), title, and source information. This field was added to selected publications in the CINAHL database in 2001.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

PB Publisher [Word Indexed]
new york.pb.
The Publisher (PB) field generally contains the publisher or producer, but may include other items which represent the "source" of the information. For example, in legal case records, it is the name of the case, for websites it is the organization, etc. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
PG Page [Phrase Indexed]
The first page on which an article appears is indexed in the Page (PG) field. Often a journal title combined with the beginning page number and volume is enough to locate a citation.
PL Place of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
westport c$.pl.
The Place of Publication (PL) field contains the city and corresponding state, province or country where the material was published. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field). Use truncation or the index to search for variations in data, as in westport c$.pl. This will retrieve westport or westport
PM PubMed Identifier [Phrase Indexed]
The PubMed Identifier (PM) field indicates the PubMed number assigned to the record of the document. This field is available from 2002 onward.
PR Price [Display Only]

The Price (PR) field contains price or ordering information, usually for audiovisual or software records.

PT Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]

The Publication Type (PT) field contains the type of publication being indexed, such as journal, book, audiovisual, pamphlet, software, dissertation, or research instrument. The field may also include the format of the individual item being indexed, such as editorial, research, or review, or the presence of some special data, such as exam questions, care plan, questionnaire.

Publication types are assigned by CINAHL indexers.

Some publication types unique to CINAHL include:

  Publication Type       Description
  Clinical Innovations  

These documents describe new approaches to patient carecovering pain assessment and documentation, fall risk assessment and prevention, and improving readability of print materials in patient care.


Competencies for all jobs in a hospital setting are updated annually in the database. 

  Legal Cases   These documents include summaries of court cases resulting from malpractice lawsuits.
  Drugs   These documents include a description of the drug, nursing and other healthcare personnel considerations, information for the educator and a patient information handout.
  Research Instruments   These documents describe research instruments and give information on how to obtain them. 

PU Publisher URL [Word Indexed]
The Publisher URL (PU) field contains the URL address for the publisher.
RB References [Word Indexed]
The References (RB) field contains the number of cites in the reference or bibliography list. This field displays as part of the Source (SO).
RD Revised Date [Phrase Indexed]

The Revised Date (RD) field contains a 6- or 8-digit date when the record was last revised. Revisions to records added to the database prior to 2001 will have a 6-digit date in YYYYMM format. Revisions to records added to the database beginning in 2001 will have an 8-digit date in YYYYMMWW format. The new format includes the week the record was revised in addition to the year and month. For example, a 1995 record revised in 2000 will have a 6-digit revision date; a 2001 record, once revised, would have an 8-digit revision date. When a Revised Date is available, it will display as part of the Entry Week (EW) field. Revised Date is also a limit.

RF Citations [Word Indexed]
The Citations (RF) field contains the bibliographic references cited by the author. All cited references are included. The Citations field was added to selected publications in 1994.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

RV Reviews [Word Indexed]
doody's rating service.rv.
The Reviews (RV) field contains bibliographic information for reviews of a document.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

SB Journal Subset [Phrase Indexed]
allied health

CINAHL includes broad Journal Subset (SB) categories. Each category has a corresponding code to make searching convenient.

  Code   Category   Code   Category

African Journals


European Journals


Allied Health Journals


Expert Peer Reviewed


Alternative/Complementary Therapies Journals


Health Promotion/Education Journals


Asian Journals


Health Services Administration Journals


Australian & New Zealand Journals


Mexican & Central / South American Journals


Biomedical Journals


Nursing Journals


Blind Peer Reviewed

  o   Online Journals

Canadian Journals


Online/Print Journals


Computer/Information Science Journals


Peer Reviewed Journals

  h   Consumer Health Journals   ph   Public Health Journals
  c   Core Nursing Journals   e   UK & Ireland Journals
  dp   Double Blind Peer Reviewed   u   USA Journals

Editorial Board Reviewed

SH, DE CINAHL Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed]

The CINAHL Subject Headings (SH) field contains subject headings used to index the literature contained in the database. Use subject headings to effectively search the database and retrieve literature citations on a specific topic.

CINAHL's subject headings were developed to reflect the terminology used by nursing and the allied health professionals, and follow the structure of the Medical Subject Headings, or MeSH, used by the National Library of Medicine.

SL School Name for Masters & Dissertations [Phrase Indexed]
university of alabama at
The School Name for Masters & Dissertations (SL) field contains the name of the school with which the author was affiliated when published. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
SO Source

The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Name (JN), Journal Word (JW), Edition (EN), Publisher (PB), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Page (PG), Publisher/Producer Address (AD), Date of Publication (DP), and Year of Publication (YR). The Source field also displays the Degree for Masters & Dissertations (DG), Division (DV), References (RB), Place of Publication (PL), School Name for Masters & Dissertations (SL), Miscellaneous Bibliographic Information (MI), and Supplement Title (SU).

SP Special Interest Category [Phrase Indexed]
critical care.sp.

The Special Interest (SP) field contains categories of literature for several specialties, which can help in finding the most recent literature for a specific area of concern.

  Advanced Nursing Practice       Informatics       Pediatric Care
  Alternative Therapies       Men's Health       Perioperative Care
  Case Management       "Military/Uniformed Services"       Physical Therapy
  Chiropractic Care       Nursing Administration       "Psychiatry/Psychology"
  Consumer Health       Nursing Education       Public Health
  Critical Care       "Nursing Language/Classification"       Quality Assurance
  Dental Care       Nutrition       Social Work
  Emergency Care       Obstetric Care       "Speech-Language Pathology/Audiology"
  Evidence-Based Practice       Occupational therapy       Sports Medicine
  Gerontologic Care       Oncologic Care       Women's Health
  Home Health Care       "Pain and Pain Management"       Wound Care
  "Hospice/Palliative Care"       Patient Safety            
ST Series Title [Word Indexed]
"Law and nursing".st.



The Series Title (ST) field contains the series title for books, pamphlets, and journals. The Series Title was added in 1995.

Stopwords such as "of" or "the" will display in documents but do not appear in the Title index. However, the word "a", which is a stopword in other fields CAN be searched in titles.

SU Supplement Title [Word Indexed]
The Supplement Title (SU) field includes the specific title of the supplement or is indicated by suppl. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
TC Table of Contents [Word Indexed]

In order to provide comprehensive coverage of all nursing and allied health articles which contain information about topics such as new products, new drugs, or nursing practice issues, a new Table of Contents (TC) field has been added. Each Table of Contents entry contains the author(s), the title of the item, and pagination information. Entries will also include the CINAHL Accession Number if a full record for the item appears in CINAHL.

In records with a reference to another CINAHL record, the Accession Number to that record links to the cited reference. Only references to CINAHL documents are linked, and not all records include a reference and link.

TI Title [Word Indexed]
bone marrow.ti.

The Title (TI) field contains the title of an article, book, proceeding, dissertation or software. Some titles include a title clarification which is added by an indexer if the original title does not adequately describe the contents of the item.

TW Text Word [Word Indexed]
The Text Word (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database which contain text words which are appropriate for a word search. The Text Word field in CINAHL includes the Title (TI), Abstract (AB), Instrumentation (IT), and Identifiers (ID) fields.
TX Full Text [Word Indexed]

The Full Text (TX) field contains all searchable words from the text.

Beginning in 1994, the full text of some documents is available in CINAHL in the Full Text (TX) field. Initially, the Full Text field primarily contained the standards of nursing practice, nurse practice acts, research instruments, and some state nursing journals.

Many records contain "Full text available as PDF image file". Use the "Ovid Database PDF's" link to view the full-text article.

VO Volume [Word Indexed]
The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume number of a serial publication. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.
WB Website [Word Indexed]

The Website (WB) field lists websites mentioned in the article. A brief description of the site may also be present, for example, " American Cancer Society."
To search the Website field, enter the most descriptive part of the web address. For example, search on "fda" if the address you are searching for is

YR Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
The Year (YR) field contains the year in which an article or monograph was published. The full 4-digit year appears in the index. The YR field is displayed as part of the Source (SO).
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Advanced Searching
You can use special search syntax to combine search terms or strategically develop a search.
Operator Syntax Search Example Sample Results
OR x or y vitamin c or ascorbic acid "How effective is prophylactic vitamin C"


The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
AND x and y vitamin c and ascorbic acid "combination of the antioxidants ascorbic acid (vitamin C)"


The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
NOT x not y vitamin c not ascorbic acid "vitamin C and phytic acid content"


The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search health reform not health maintenance organizations retrieves only those records that contain the term health reform but excludes the term health maintenance organizations. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic.
You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
Adjacency (ADJ) x y therapy dog "Using a therapy dog to alleviate the agitation"


The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other.You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. For example, the search blood pressure is identical to the search blood adj pressure.
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) x ADJn y therapy adj3 animal "Why animal assisted therapy is important for children and youth"


The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n) of words from each other in any order. To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99. For example, the search physician adj5 relationship retrieves records that contain the words physician and relationship within five words of each other in either direction. This particular search retrieves records containing such phrases as physician patient relationship, patient physician relationship, or relationship of the physician to the patient.
Frequency (FREQ) x.ab./FREQ=n blood.tx./freq=5 "Is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Transmitted in Blood?"


The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase.
Unlimited Truncation ($) x$ rat$ "Global Deterioration Scale"


Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or : (colon). For example, in the truncated search disease$, Ovid retrieves the word disease as well as the words diseases, diseased, and more.
Limited Truncation ($) x$n dog$1 "Herding cats and dogs: the scope of practice debate"


Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma.
Mandated Wildcard (#) xx#y wom#n "incontinence in women from the town of Teruel"


Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. For example, the search dog# retrieves results that contain the word dogs, but not those that contain the word dog, effectively limiting results to only those that contain the plural form of the word. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. For example, the search wom#n retrieves results that contain both woman and women. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Optional Wildcard (?) xx?y colo?r "Toys with color, shape a hit with children"


The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Literal String ("") "x / y" "Heat / Cold Application" "*Heat / Cold Application [Equipment and Supplies]"
"n" "3" "2004 Jul-Aug; 3(7-8): 50-1."


Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/).

Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number.

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At customer request, Stopwords have been eliminated from this database. You can now search for words or phrases like is there Previously such searches would have returned an error because they included stopwords.

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The following limits are available for this database. See Database Limits in the OvidSP Online Help for details on applying limits.


Abstracts Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to abstracts
Command Syntax: ..l/1 ab=y
  A limit to Abstracts restricts retrieval to documents which include an author-written abstract. Abstracts have been included for a selected list of journals since 1986.
Age Group Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to infant
  A limit by Age Group will restrict retrieval by any of the age groups indexed by CINAHL. If you choose this option you will be presented with a list of age groups from which to select.
CE Module
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to ce module information
  A limit to CE Module Information restricts retrieval to records that contain a title and URL for a specific CINAHL Continuing Education course.
CINAHL Fulltext
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to cinahl fulltext available
Command Syntax: ..l/1 tx=y
  A limit to CINAHL Fulltext Available restricts retrieval to records that contain the complete ascii text of the cited document.
Citations Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to citations

A limit to Citations restricts retrieval to records that contain the bibliographic references cited by the author. All the references that are cited by the author are included. The Citations field was added to selected publications in the CINAHL database in 1994.

Consumer Health
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to consumer health journals

A limit to Consumer Health Journals will restrict retrieval to journals published for the general population as consumers of health care.

English Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to english
Command Syntax: ..l/1 en=y

A limit to English restricts retrieval to articles which are written in the English language. Beginning in 1994, non-English language documents are being added to the CINAHL database.

Female Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to female

A limit to Female will restrict retrieval to documents which are about females.

Full Text Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to full text available

A limit to Full Text restricts retrieval to records with links to Ovid's Full Text collections and to records containing CINAHL Full Text or PDF images.

Geographic Journal
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to USA Journals
Command Syntax: ..l/1 sb=u

The CINAHL database contains eight geographic journal subsets indicating the country of publication such as "USA Journals" or "UK and Ireland Journals". You can restrict your retrieval to any of these subsets by a limit to geographic journal subset. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of Geographic Journal Subsets from which to select.

Journal Subsets Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to allied health journals
limit 1 to biomedical journals
Command Syntax: ..l/1 sb=a
..l/1 sb=b

The CINAHL database contains subsets of broad journal categories such as "Allied Health Journals" or "Core Nursing Journals". You can restrict your retrieval to any of these subsets by a limit to journal subset. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of Journal Subsets from which to select. See the Journal Subsets (SB) field description for a complete list of categories and codes.

Languages Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to french

A limit by Languages will restrict retrieval by any of the languages indexed by CINAHL. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of languages from which to select.

Latest Update Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to latest update
Command Syntax: ..l/1 up=y

New documents are added to the CINAHL database every week. A limit to latest update restricts retrieval to documents that were most recently added to the database.

Local Holdings Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to local holdings

A limit to local holdings will restrict retrieval to documents from journals held in your local library or library system. If your System Administrator has created any special messages about a journal's availability, this message will display with the document in the Local Holdings (LH) field.

Male Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to male

A limit to Male will restrict retrieval to documents which are about males.

Ovid Full Text
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to ovid full text available

A limit to Ovid Full Text Available will restrict retrieval to those citations for which an Ovid full text link is available.

PDF Images
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to pdf images

A limit to PDF Images Available restricts retrieval to records that have PDF images available.

Publication Types Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to case study

A limit by Publication Type will restrict retrieval by any of the over thirty publication types indexed by CINAHL, including classifications such as "Case Study", "Nursing Diagnosis", "Teaching Materials", etc. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of publication types.

Publication Year Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to yr=2002
Command Syntax: ..l/1 yr=2003

A limit to Publication Year restricts retrieval to any of the years covered by this segment of CINAHL. The format is four digits, such as 2002, or a range, such as 2000-2002.

Research Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to research

A limit to Research will restrict retrieval to documents which research studies containing data collection, methodology, discussion of results, and so on. For material on how to conduct research, see specific CINAHL main headings, such as CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH or RESEARCH, MEDICAL.

Review Articles Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "review articles"

A limit to Review Articles will restrict retrieval to documents which contain substantial reviews of the literature.

Revised Date Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to revised date

The Revised Date displays the date on which an existing record was changed. A limit to Revised Date restricts retrieval to records that were revised on a given date.

Special Interest
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to social work

A limit to Special Interest Category will restrict retrieval to any of the special interest current awareness categories which have been applied to selected records beginning in 1997. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of special interest categories from which to select.

CINAHL also offers limits to Clinical Queries. These limits restrict retrieval to clinically sound studies. There are nine categories provided, and the emphasis may be Sensitive (as in most relevant articles but probably some less relevant ones), Specific (as in mostly relevant articles but probably omitting a few), or Min Difference (as in the combination of terms that optimizes the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity). A detailed explanation of the strategies behind these limits can be found at

The Clinical Queries are based on the work of R. Brian Haynes MD, PhD et al. of the Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University, are intended for clinicians.

Sentence syntax for the limits is as follows.

  • limit to treatment (1 term high sensitivity)
  • limit to treatment (1 term high specificity)
  • limit to treatment (1 term min difference)
  • limit to treatment (2 or more terms high sensitivity)
  • limit to treatment (2 or more terms high specificity)
  • limit to treatment (2 or more terms min difference)

A complete list of queries is available from within the Ovid interface.

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The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the OvidSP Online Help linked below.
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Changing to this Database
To change a search session to a segment of this database from another database or another segment, use the following syntax in the Ovid Syntax tab:
  Command Syntax: ..c/nursing
  Sentence Syntax: use nursing
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Sample Documents
Sample 1
Accession Number
Special Fields Contained
   Fields available in this record: abstract.
   Human instinct: deepest desires.
   BBC. 2002; (1 videocassette (49 min): sound, color, 0.5 inch)
Abbreviated Source
   BBC. 2002; (1 videocassette (49 min): sound, color, 0.5 inch)
Publisher/Producer Address
   Distributed by Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Inc., 
   PO Box 2053,
   Princeton NJ 08543-2053, 
   Phone: (609) 275-1400 or (800) 257-5126
CINAHL Subject Headings
   *Personal Appearance
   Sex Factors
   This video explores physical attraction between the sexes and the 
   physiological factors that influence sexual attraction and the 
   instinct to reproduce. Viewers find out what it is about the way we
   look, the way we smeel and what we possess that attracks the ideal
   mate. The program discusses the differences between men and women
   in how they view sexual relations and the reasons for that difference.
   Topics discussed include the pheromones and the immune system;
   appearance, status symbols and marital appeal; and how a women's
   menstrual cycle affects her view of male facial features.
Publication Type
Entry Week
Sample 2
Accession Number
   Doherty S.
   Associate Professor, Emergency Department,
   Tamworth Base Hospital, Locked Bag 9783,
   Tamworth NEMSC, Tamworth, NSW 2348, Australia;
   [email protected].
   History of evidence-based medicine. Oranges, chloride of lime
   and leeches: barriers to teaching old dogs new tricks.
   Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2005 Aug; 17(4): 314-21. (36 ref)
Abbreviated Source
   EMERG MED AUSTRALAS. 2005 Aug; 17(4): 314-21. (36 ref)
NLM Serial ID Number
Journal Subset
   Australia & New Zealand Journals. Biomedical Journals. Online/Print.
Special Interest Category
   Emergency Care. Evidence-Based Practice.
CINAHL Subject Headings
   Clinical Trials / hi [History]
   Handwashing / hi [History]
   History of Medicine
   Medical Practice, Evidence-Based / ut [Utilization]
   *Medical Practice, Evidence-Based / hi [History]
   Pharmaceutical Companies / ei [Ethical Issues]
   Phlebotomy / hi [History]
   Professional Practice, Evidence-Based / ev [Evaluation]
   Puerperal Infection / hi [History]
   Scurvy / th [Therapy]
Publication Type
   Journal Article, Tables/Charts.
Publisher URL
Entry Week
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Producer Information
Cinahl Information Systems
1509 Wilson Terrace
Glendale, CA 91206
(800) 959-7167
(818) 409-8005
(818) 546-5679 (fax)
Email: [email protected]

Copyright ©, 1983 - 2004, Cinahl Information Systems. All rights reserved. Other than retention of a single printout of a literature search, no portion of the CINAHL® database may be published, reproduced, or stored in any medium without the prior written permission of Cinahl Information Systems. However librarians may temporarily store search results for the convenience of their patrons.

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