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2008 CINAHL -- Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature Reload News


The CINAHL -- Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature database has been reloaded with a new thesaurus for 2008.

The 2008 update to the thesaurus includes 26 terms replaced with CINAHL preferred terminology, 67 new and changed tree numbers, and 169 new terms.

26 Updated Terms

    Removed Term   Updated Term
    Adrenergic Alpha Agonists   Adrenergic Alpha-Agonists
    Adrenergic Alpha Antagonists   Adrenergic Alpha-Antagonists
    Adrenergic Beta Agonists   Adrenergic Beta-Agonists
    Adrenergic Beta Antagonists   Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists
    Angioneurotic Edema   Angioedema
    Bowel/Gastric Component (Saba CCC)   Bowel-Gastric Component (Saba CCC)
    Caretaking/Parenting (Omaha)   Caretaking-Parenting (Omaha)
    Cerebral Vascular Accident   Stroke
    Communicable/Infectious Condition (Omaha)   Communicable-Infectious Condition (Omaha)
    Constipation/Impaction Management (Iowa NIC)   Constipation-Impaction Management (Iowa NIC)
    Electrolyte and Acid/Base Balance (Iowa NOC)   Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance (Iowa NOC)
    Fluid/Electrolyte Management (Iowa NIC)   Fluid-Electrolyte Management (Iowa NIC)
    Heat/Cold Application   Heat-Cold Application
    Heat/Cold Application (Iowa NIC)   Heat-Cold Application (Iowa NIC)
    HER-2/neu Oncogene   HER-2-neu Oncogene
    Immunization/Vaccination Administration (Iowa NIC)   Immunization-Vaccination Administration (Iowa NIC)
    Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations   Joint Commission
    National Association for Home Care   National Association for Home Care and Hospice
    Neighborhood/Workplace Safety (Omaha)   Neighborhood-Workplace Safety (Omaha)
    Neurological Status: Cranial Sensory/Motor Function (Iowa NOC)   Neurological Status: Cranial Sensory-Motor Function (Iowa NOC)
    Neurological Status: Spinal Sensory/Motor Function (Iowa NOC)   Neurological Status: Spinal Sensory-Motor Function (Iowa NOC)
    Self-Care Assistance: Bathing/Hygiene (Iowa NIC)   Self-Care Assistance: Bathing-Hygiene (Iowa NIC)
    Self-Care Assistance: Dressing/Grooming (Iowa NIC)   Self-Care Assistance: Dressing-Grooming (Iowa NIC)
    Teaching: Prescribed Activity/Exercise (Iowa NIC)   Teaching: Prescribed Activity-Exercise (Iowa NIC)
    Teaching: Procedure/Treatment (Iowa NIC)   Teaching: Procedure-Treatment (Iowa NIC)
    Tube Care: Ventriculostomy/Lumbar Drain (Iowa NIC)   Tube Care: Ventriculostomy-Lumbar Drain (Iowa NIC)

67 New and Changed Tree Numbers

    Antibiotics, Peptide   Hydrochlorothiazide
    Automobile Driving   Hyperthermia, Induced
    Bioflavonoids   Hypogonadism
    Bone Morphogenetic Proteins   Image Cytometry
    Breathing Exercises   Interferons
    Cerebral Aneurysm   Interleukin 1
    Colony-Stimulating Factors   Interleukin 2
    Creatine Kinase   Interleukin 3
    Creatine Kinase Isoenzymes   Interleukins
    Cytokines   Isoflavones
    Cytophotometry   Lupus Erythromatosus, Systemic
    Decision Trees   Lymphokines
    Dementia, Multi Infarct   Macroglossia
    Emblems and Insignia   Monokines
    Endothelins   Muscle, Smooth
    Erythropoietin   Myeloproliferative Disorders
    Essential Oils   Nurses, Disabled
    Flavanones   Oncology
    Flavones   Ovarian Neoplasms
    Flavonoids   Petroleum
    Flavonols   Pharyngeal Muscles
    Flow Cytometry   Pharynx
    Fluorometry   Phenotype
    Foot Fractures   Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors
    Fractures, Ununited   Phosphoproteins
    Gastrointestinal Hormones   Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
    Genetic Markers   Proteinuria
    Genistein   Quercetin
    Graft Rejection   Sildenafil
    Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor   Somatomedins
    Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor   Spectrometry, Fluorescence
    Growth Substances   Tonsil
    Hematopoietic Cell Growth Factors   Tumor Necrosis Factor
    Homeopathic Agents    

169 New Terms

    Abortion, Habitual   Intracranial Arterial Disease
    Adrenergic Alpha-Agonists   Intracranial Arteriosclerosis
    Adrenergic Alpha-Antagonists   Irinotecan
    Adrenergic Beta-Agonists   Joint Commission
    Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists   Kallman Syndrome
    Albuminuria   Laboratory Automation Systems
    American Psychiatric Association   Linseed Oil
    Ammotherapy   Lupus Nephritis
    Angioedema   Mastoiditis
    Antibiotics, Anthracycline   Medication Reconciliation
    Antigen-Presenting Cells   Meigs syndrome
    Arachnoid Cysts   Methylation
    Aripiprazole   Milk Proteins
    Association of Camp Nurses   Moexipril Hydrochloride
    Atomoxetine   Mollusca
    Audit Trail   Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
    Auditory Steady-State Response   Myometrium
    Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association   Nasopharynx
    Australian Rural Nurses & Midwives   National Association for Home Care & Hospice
    Automobile Driver Examination   National Rehabilitation Association
    Battered Men   Neighborhood-Workplace Safety (Omaha)
    Bedbugs   Neurological Status: Cranial Sensory-Motor Function (Iowa NOC)
    Biomedical Equipment Technician   Neurological Status: Spinal Sensory-Motor Function (Iowa NOC)
    Blepharitis   Nevirapine
    Body Dysmorphic Disorder   Nosode
    Bowel-Gastric Component (Saba CCC)   Nutrient Density
    Bowel Technique   Orlistat
    Buteyko Method   Oropharynx
    Calcaneus Fractures   Osteoarthritis, Hip
    Caretaking-Parenting (Omaha)   Osteoarthritis, Knee
    Caseins   Osteochondroma
    Ceftriaxone   Osteopetrosis
    Cerebral Arterial Disease   Otitis Externa
    Cholecystokinin   Oxalic Acids
    Communicable-Infectious Condition (Omaha)   Papillomavirus Vaccine
    Community Violence   Parental Behavior
    Constipation-Impaction Management (Iowa NIC)   Peanut Oil
    Contingency Management   Periconceptual Period
    Corn Oil   Phase Angle
    Cottonseed Oil   Phosphotransferases
    Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia   Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
    Daptomycin   Polyphenols
    Decision Support Techniques   Prolotherapy
    Dementia, Vascular   Pseudoarthrosis
    Dendritic Cells   Radiation Oncology
    Dipeptidyl Peptidsase 4 Inhibitors   Radiation Oncology Nursing
    Discography   Ramelteon
    Duloxetin   Rapeseed Oil
    Education, Biomedical Engineering   Recognition
    Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance (Iowa NIC)   Recognition (Psychology)
    Emergency Medical Tags   Reflexivity
    Endothelial Growth Factors   Respondent Validation
    Epidermal Cyst   Rhinometry, Acoustic
    Epidermal Growth Factors   Ropivacaine
    Epidural Abscess   Rural Population
    Eplerenone   Safflower Oil
    ERIC Database   Salmonella Vaccines
    Estazolam   School Violence
    Eszopiclone   Self-Care Assistance: Bathing-Hygiene (Iowa NIC)
    Ethics, Organizational   Self-Care Assistance: Dressing-Grooming (Iowa NIC)
    External Fixators   Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health
    Fissure in Ano   Sesame Oil
    Fluid-Electrolyte Management (Iowa NIC)   Sevoflurane
    Fossil Fuels   Sibling Violence
    Funnel Chest   Stroke
    gamma-Linolenic Acid   Students, Medical Technology
    Ghrelin   Suburban Population
    Glycemic Acid   Suburethral Slings
    Golf Elbow   Tea Tree Oil
    Graft Survival   Teaching: Prescribed Activity-Exercise (Iowa NIC)
    Guideline Adherence   Teaching: Procedure-Treatment (Iowa NIC)
    Health Professional, Disabled   Telepsychiatry
    Heat-Cold Application   Telithromycin
    Heat-Cold Application (Iowa NIC)   Tendinopathy
    Hepatitis A Vaccine   Thrombocytosis
    HER-2-neu Oncogene   Triamterene
    Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell   Triceps Brachil
    Homeopathic Provings   Tube Care: Ventriculostomy-Lumbar Drain (Iowa NIC)
    Host versus Graft Reactions   Typhoid-Parathyroid Vaccines
    Hydrochlorothiazide Triamterene   Urban Population
    Hypopharynx   Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
    Immunization-Vaccination Administration (Iowa NIC)   Visual Acuity
    Indapamide   Volunteer Experiences
    Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins   Voyeurism
    Internal Fixators    

If you have any questions contact your Ovid Support Representative at [email protected].

Reload News last updated July 17, 2008.

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