Zoological Record Archive Database Guide | |||||||||||||||||||
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Database guide last Copyright 2012, |
The archive for Zoological Record includes newly available access to 1.5 million records from original bibliographic and taxonomic data originally published in print between 1864 and 1977. The archive includes the most complete coverage of taxonomy and animal science literature and is indexed and searchable with unified and mapped terminology. The archive is provided in Ovid's unique environment in order to provide the best possible search functionality. Zoological Record, currently published by BIOSIS, and by BIOSIS and the Zoological Society of London until 2012, is the world's most comprehensive index to zoological literature. Records cover every aspect of zoology, including biochemistry, behavior, ecology evolution, genetics, and so forth. Over 5000 international serials plus approximately 1,500 non-serial publications are currently monitored, including professional journals, magazines, newsletters, monographs, books, reviews, and conference proceedings. Also available: The Zoological Record (1978 - present) Database Guide
The limit of databases that you can select for a multifile search session is based upon database segments rather than actual databases. The Ovid multifile segment limit is set at 120 to avoid impacting your search sessions. Until 2016, your Zoological Record subscription will not amount to more than 20 segments. This is an archive database. No new data will be added. |
Fields | |||
The following list is sorted alphabetically by field alias. Click a field name to see the description and search information. | |||
All Fields in this Database | |||
Abstract (AB) | ISBN (IB) | Publisher (PB) | |
Accession Number (AN) | ISSN (IS) | Publisher URL (PL) | |
Author (AU) | Issue/Part (IP) | Record Owner (RO) | |
Author Address (IN) | Item URL (IU) | Source (SO) | |
Author E-Mail (AE) | Journal Name (JN) | Subject Headings (SH) | |
Book Title and Source (BT) | Journal Words (JX) | Super-Taxa (ST) | |
Book URL (BL) | Language (LG) | Systematics (SY) | |
Broad Terms (BR) | Language of Summary (LS) | Taxa Notes (TN) | |
Date Delivered (DD) | Local Messages (LM) | Title (TI) | |
Date of Publication (DP) | Medium (MM) | Update Code (UP) | |
Descriptors (DE) | Notes (NT) | URL (UR) | |
Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Pagination (PG) | Volume (VO) | |
Editors (ED) | Publication Type (PT) | Zoological Records Update (ZU) | |
Heading Words (HW) | Publication Year (YR) | Go: Menu or Back | |
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches: Searching for a term without specifying a field searches the following fields. | |||
Abstract (AB) | Heading Words (HW) | Title (TI) | Go: Menu or Back |
Default Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: The following fields are included by default for each record. |
Abstract (AB) | Editors (ED) | Record Owner (RO) | |
Accession Number (AN) | ISBN (IB) | Source (SO) | |
Author (AU) | ISSN (IS) | Super-Taxa (ST) | |
Author Address (IN) | Language (LG) | Systematics (SY) | |
Book Title and Source (BT) | Language of Summary (LS) | Title (TI) | |
Broad Terms (BR) | Local Messages (LM) | Taxa Notes (TN) | |
Date Delivered (DD) | Notes (NT) | Update Code (UP) | |
Descriptors (DE) | Publication Type (PT) | ||
Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Publication Year (YR) | ||
Go: Menu or Back | |||
All Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: Use the Select Fields button in the Results Manager at the bottom of the Main Search Page to choose the fields for a record. |
Abstract (AB) | Editors (ED) | Publication Year (YR) | |
Accession Number (AN) | ISBN (IB) | Publisher (PB) | |
Author (AU) | ISSN (IS) | Record Owner (RO) | |
Author Address (IN) | Item URL (IU) | Source (SO) | |
Book Title and Source (BT) | Journal URL (JL) | Super-Taxa (ST) | |
Book URL (BL) | Language (LG) | Systematics (SY) | |
Broad Terms (BR) | Language of Summary (LS) | Title (TI) | |
Date Delivered (DD) | Local Messages (LM) | Taxa Notes (TN) | |
Descriptors (DE) | Notes (NT) | Update Code (UP) | |
Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Publication Type (PT) | ||
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Elements of Source (SO) Field: Ovid searches the following fields as part of the record source. | |||
Date of Publication (DP) | Journal Name (JN) | Publication Year (YR) | |
Issue/Part (IP) | Pagination (PG) | Volume (VO) | |
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The following list is sorted alphabetically by the two-letter label, and includes the relevant alias, at least one example for all searchable fields, and a description of the field. |
Label | Name / Example | ||||||||||||||||||||
AB | Abstract [Word Indexed] abandoned.ab. |
The Abstract (AB) field, available from Volume 137 forward, contains abstracts that briefly summarize the information contained in the original document. |
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AE | Author E-mail [Word Indexed] abdn.ae. |
The Author E-Mail (AE) index contains e-mail addresses of the source document authors. Each e-mail address element is separated, so your search should include as many elements as possible. Author E-Mail information displays in the Author (AU) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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AN | Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] zoor00100000701.an. |
The Accession Number (AN) field contains a unique eleven-digit number, prefixed by ZOOR, that identifies the document. The first three digits correspond to the ZR volume number. The next two digits indicate the quarterly update number. The remaining six digits are a sequential number assigned to the records. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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AU | Author [Phrase Indexed] aagaard b.au. |
The Author (AU) field contains the name(s), personal and corporate, of the author(s) of the original document. From 1994 (Volume 130) forward, this field can contain up to 100 names. Prior to this time a maximum of 10 authors were cited, followed by "et al," if more than 10 authors were cited in the original item. Forenames may appear in full or as initials. An alphabetic character in braces, such as {a}, follows the name of one author. The corresponding author address is available in the Author Address (IN) field. |
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BL | Book URL [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Book URL (BL) field contains the electronic URL address of the book associated with the record. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URL's. Book URL information is indexed in the URL (UR) index. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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BR | Broad Terms [Phrase Indexed] biochemical techniques.br. |
The Broad Terms (BR) field contains broader terms, taken from the Zoological Record thesaurus enabling you to expand your searches using controlled vocabulary. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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BT | Book Title and Source [Word Indexed] barnard.bt. |
The Book Title and Source (BT) field contains the title of the book, including subtitles, as well as the book's publication information, for book chapter records. Pagination for the book chapter, as well as the entire book, are listed in this field. Both original and English-language titles are included. Special characters and symbols are transliterated. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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DD | Date Delivered [Phrase Indexed] 20060609.dd. |
The Date Delivered (DD) field contains the date that the record was issued. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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DE | Descriptors [Phrase Indexed] daily movements.de. |
The Descriptors (DE) field lists the subject terms that describe the key concept(s) relating to the animal(s) mentioned in the original document. Descriptor terms are preceded by the animal name(s) to which they relate. For example, in the sentence below, "Menida speciosa" is the animal name, "Yunnan" and "New species" are the descriptor terms that pertain to the animal name: Menida speciosa: Yunnan, New species. A semi-colon (;) indicates the end of a sentence when multiple descriptor sentences are present. |
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DO | Digital Object Identifier [Phrase Indexed] 10 1121 1 3478851.do. |
The DOI (DO) field contains the record's Digital Object Identifier. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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DP | Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed] sept dec 1943.dp. |
The Date of Publication (DP) field contains the date the document was originally published. This field appears as part of the Source (SO) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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ED | Editors [Phrase Indexed] catanei a.ed. |
The Editors (ED) field contains the name(s), personal and corporate, of the editor(s) of the original document. The ED field will appear as part of the Author (AU) field or Book Title and Source (BT) field, or in both depending upon the Publication Type (PT). In the Author field, individual editors will be followed by "[ed.]", while in the Book Title and Source field, a list of Editors will be followed by a "[Eds.]". | ||||||||||||||||||||
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HW | Heading Words [Word Indexed] habits.hw. |
The Heading Words (HW) field enables you to simultaneously search the following fields: Broad Terms (BR), Descriptors (DE), Super-Taxa (ST), Systematics (SY), and Taxa Notes (TN). | ||||||||||||||||||||
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IB | ISBN [Phrase Indexed] 978 0 226 44009 5.ib. |
The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for monographs, books, and book chapters. In records from 1997 forward, the IB field contains the ten-character International Standard Book Number (ISBN) assigned to original documents that are books. Note: this field is not available in the Zoological Record Archive. |
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IN | Author Address [Word Indexed] ibaraki.in. |
The Author Address (IN) field lists the correspondence or contact address of an author of the original document. An alphabetic character in braces, such as {a}, preceding the address links the address to the corresponding author name in the Author (AU) field; the name is followed by the same alphabetic character in braces. Note: this field is not available in the Zoological Record Archive. |
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IP | Issue/Part [Word Indexed] 107.ip. |
The Issue/Part field (IP) contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal. This field appears as part of the Source (SO) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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IS | ISSN [Phrase Indexed] 0002 8487.is. |
The ISSN (IS) field contains the eight-digit International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. ISSN may be searched with the hyphen or with a space in place of the hyphen. |
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IU | Item URL [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Item URL (IU) field contains the electronic URL address for the item and the date that the URL was cited and/or revised. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URL. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JL | Journal URL [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Journal URL (JL) field contains the recorded URL of the Journal Name at the time the source item was processed by BIOSIS. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URL. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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JN | Journal Name [Phrase Indexed] ganad ent.jn. |
The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which the article was published. |
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JX | Journal Words [Word Indexed] jahrbuch.jx. |
The Journal Words (JW) field contains individual words from every journal name indexed in Zoological Record. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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LG | Language [Phrase Indexed] korean.lg. |
The Language (LG) field lists the language(s) of the original document. When searching, use the full language name. Up to ten languages can be listed in this field. Prior to 1994, the Notes (NT) field might contain additional language information. |
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LM | Local Messages [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by the System Administrator to indicate information about journals held in your local library system. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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LS | Language of Summary [Phrase Indexed] german.ls. |
The Language of Summary (LS) field contains the language(s) of the article summary. When searching, use the full language name. Up to ten languages are listed in this field. Prior to 1994, the Notes (NT) field might contain additional language information. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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MM | Medium [Phrase Indexed] print.mm. |
The Medium (MM) indicates the physical medium of the source item. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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NT | Notes [Word Indexed] newsletter.nt. |
The Notes (NT) field is optional, and contains additional miscellaneous bibliographic information related to the source document. This field is not present in every record. |
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PB | Publisher [Word Indexed] pacific.pb. |
The Publisher (PB) index contains the name and address of the publisher that produced the source book. The information is not standardized. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution (heart not association), and consider both full spellings and abbreviations. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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PG | Pagination [Word Indexed] 103.pg. |
The Pagination (PG) field contains the initial and final pages of a document. This field appears as part of the Source (SO) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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PL | Publisher URL [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Publisher URL (PL) field contains the electronic URL address of the publisher associated with the record. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet- common practice for URL's. Publisher URL information is indexed in the URL (UR) index. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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PT | Publication Type [Phrase Indexed] meeting.pt. |
The Publication Types (PT) field describes the contents of the original document. Use this field to limit your search to a particular type of document. More than one document type can describe the original document. Publication Types are:
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RO | Record Owner [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Record Owner (RO) field indicates the original producer of the item as well as the copyright holder. | |||||||||||||||||||||
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SH | Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] sacoglossa.sh. |
The Subject Headings (SH) field enables you to simultaneously search the following fields: Broad Terms (BR), Descriptors (DE), Super-Taxa (ST), Systematics (SY), and Taxa Notes (TN). | ||||||||||||||||||||
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SO | Source [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Source (SO) field lists the bibliographic source for journal article and serial article records. This field includes the Journal Name (JN), Publication Year (YR), Date of Publication (DP), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), and Pagination (PG). | ||||||||||||||||||||
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ST | Super-Taxa [Word Indexed] scleractinia.st. |
The Super-Taxa (ST) field contains high-level taxonomic terms, taken from the Zoological Record Systematic Thesaurus, that enable retrieval of citations referring to broad categories of animals. The term for the broadest animal group is listed first followed by the more specific terms in the hierarchy. In the example below, "Aves" is the broadest controlled animal group term and Acciptitridae is the most specific thesaurus term applied: Aves, Falconiformes, Accipitridae; A semi-colon (;) indicates the end of a sentence when multiple descriptor sentences are present. |
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SY | Systematics [Phrase Indexed] saccostrea glomerata mollusca.sy. |
The Systematics (SY) field contains terms relating to the taxonomic hierarchy to which each organism mentioned in the original document is assigned. All taxonomic and nomenclatural information is attached to the appropriate animal name in this field. The author date for the animal name might be included in these entries. Index Searching for the SY field can be any of the following combinations: For example, in the sentence below, "Abacarus Animalia, Arthropoda, Arachnida, Acari. is the combination of the Organism Name and Organism Hierarchy Data, or " Abacarus Keifer 1944" is the combination of the Organism Name and Organism Author Date or " Abacarus Acari" is the combination of the Organism Name and Organism Classifier or " Abacarus Key to species," is the combination of the Organism Name and Systematics Controlled Term or " Abacarus China, P. 39,Published electronically" is the combination of the Organism Name and Systematics Modifier or " Abacarus New Record" is the combination of the Organism Name and OrganismSpec. Abacarus [Animalia, Arthropoda, Arachnida, Acari] Keifer 1944 (Acari): Key to species,China, P. 39,Published electronically,New record; A semi-colon (;) indicates the end of a sentence when multiple descriptor sentences are present. This field does not display in every record. |
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TI | Title [Word Indexed] tachinidae.ti. |
The Title (TI) field contains the title of the original document. Both original and English-language titles are included. Special characters or symbols are transliterated and enclosed in brackets. Translated titles display on a new line after the original title. Note: For book chapter records, the chapter title displays in the TI field; the book title displays in the Book Title and Source (BT) field. |
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TN | Taxa Notes [Phrase Indexed] tunicates.tn. |
The Taxa Notes (TN) field lists common names assigned to broad groups of organisms. These terms provide fast and easy searching of broad organism groups. Semi colons separate multiple terms in the TN field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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UP | Update Code [Phrase Indexed] 190700.up. |
The Update Code (UP) field displays in all records and contains the date the record was released into the database. It consists of six digits, in YYYYMM format, where YYYY is the release year and MM is the release month. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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UR | URL [Word Indexed] ukpmcacuk.ur. |
The URL (UR) index contains all the electronic URL addresses present in the Book URL (BL), Journal URL (JL), Publisher URL (PL) and Item URL (IU) fields. The format is highly variable, but follows the Internet-common practice for URL's. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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VO | Volume [Word Indexed] 107.vo. |
The Volume (VO) field contains the volume of the periodical that contains the article. This field appears as part of the Source (SO) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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YR | Publication Year [Phrase Indexed] 1937.yr. |
The Year (YR) field contains the year in which the original document was published. This field appears as part of the Source (SO) field. | ||||||||||||||||||||
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ZU | Zoological Records Update [Phrase Indexed] 190700.zu. |
The Zoological Records Update (ZU) index contains the year and month the item was originally produced by BIOSIS. For items produced 1978 - 2003, BIOSIS Update contains only the year of production followed by "00" (for example, 200300). The same is true for the Zoological Record Archive. For items produced from 2004 and late , Zoological Records Update contains the year and month of production (for example, 200512). This field displays as part of the Update Code (UP) field. |
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Advanced Searching | |||
You can use special search syntax to combine search terms or strategically develop a search. | |||
Operator | Syntax | Search Example | Sample Results |
OR | x or y | vitamin C or ascorbic acid | "The effect of vitamin C on stress..." |
The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
AND | x and y | wolf and dog | "Acid phosphatase, handy enzyme that separates the dog from the wolf." |
The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. Results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
NOT | x not y | blastula not embryo | "no signs of formation of the cavity (blastula)" |
The NOT operator
retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the
second search term.
In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict
results to a specific topic. You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. |
Adjacency (ADJ) | x y | cerambycid species | "Studies on cerambycid fauna" |
The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other. You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. | ||
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) | x ADJn y | blastocyst adj3 embryo | "patterning of the vertebrate embryo" |
The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n) of words from each other in any order. To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99. | ||
Frequency (FREQ) | x.ab./FREQ=n | elephant.ab./FREQ=2 | "The Mammary Gland of the Elephant" "habits and intelligence of the Elephant" |
The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase. | ||
Unlimited Truncation ($) | x$ | rat$ | "Rutilus rutilus: Growth rate, Young, diet effect" "Chromosome types in Rattus rattus" |
Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or : (colon). For example, in the truncated search disease$, Ovid retrieves the word disease as well as the words diseases, diseased, and more. | ||
limited Truncation ($) | x$n | dog$1 | "dog hybrid food habits " "black-tailed prairie dog" |
Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma. | ||
Mandated Wildcard (#) | xx#y | wom#n | "women and evolution" "acute abdominal syndrome in a woman" |
Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. | ||
Optional Wildcard (?) | xx?y | colo?r | "photoperiodic control of duration and colour" "color pattern genes " |
The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word. | ||
Literal String ("") | "x / y" | "C-band" |
"meiosis and C-band studies" |
"n" | "3".vo |
"Sociobiology. 1977; 3(1):" |
Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/). Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number. |
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Stopwords |
Stopwords have been eliminated from this database. You can now search for words or phrases like hope not forthcoming.tw. Previously such searches would have returned an error because they included stopwords. |
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Limits | ||
The following limits are available for this database. See Database Limits in the OvidSP Online Help for details on applying limits. |
Limit |
Syntax | |
Abstracts | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to abstracts |
Command Syntax: | ..l/ ab=y | |
A limit to Abstracts restricts retrieval to documents which include an abstract. Over 50% of the records after 1975 contain abstracts. All abstracts included are in English and were written by the author(s) of the original article. | ||
Article | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to article |
A limit to Article restricts retrieval to the selected publication type, articles. | ||
English | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to English |
A limit to English restricts retrieval to documents available in English. | ||
Full Text | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to full text |
A limit to Full Text restricts retrieval to records that have links to full text. Both Ovid full text and external full text are included in this limit. | ||
Languages | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to Dutch |
A limit to Languages restricts retrieval to documents available in the selected language | ||
Ovid Full Text Available | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to ovid full text available |
A limit to Ovid Full Text Available restricts retrieval to records that contain a link to the full text of an article. | ||
Publication Type | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to book chapter |
A limit to Publication Type restricts retrieval to records available in the selected formats. | ||
Publication Year | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to yr=1941 limit 1 to yr=1972-1977 |
Command Syntax: | ..l/1 yr=1974 ..l/1 yr=1968-1972 |
A limit to Publication Year restricts retrieval to records between the selected dates. |
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Tools |
The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the OvidSP Online Help linked below. |
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Changing to this Database | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To change a search session to a segment of this database from another database or another segment, use the following syntax in the Ovid Syntax tab:
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Sample Documents |
Sample 1 |
Accession Number ZOOR02600005114 Record Owner Copyright 2006 The Thomson Corporation. Title Unterauchungen von Schadeln der Gattung Bos, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung einiger in ostpreussischen Torfmooren gefundener Binderschadel. Author Hittcher, C. Book Title and Source Unterauchungen von Schadeln der Gattung Bos, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung einiger in ostpreussischen Torfmooren gefundener Binderschadel. Konigsberg. 1888: 150 pp. [Print] Publication Type Book Medium Print Notes 8vo pl. Broad Terms Biology. Descriptors 0. Bovidae: Zoology. Super-Taxa Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae. Systematics 0. Bovidae [Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Bovidae](Bovidae) Taxa Notes Chordates, Mammals, Ungulates, Vertebrates. Date Delivered 20060725 Year 1888 Update Code 188900. Zoological Records Update: 188900. |
Sample 2 |
Accession Number ZOOR02600005159 Record Owner Copyright 2006 The Thomson Corporation. Title On the Larynx and Hyoid of Monotremata. Author Walker, Mary L. Source Stud. Mus. Dundee. 1889; i(No. 3):Unpaginated. Publication Type Article Medium Print Notes Records the presence of an intranarial epiglottis in Echidna. Broad Terms Biology. Descriptors 12. Monotremata: Zoology. Super-Taxa Mammalia, Monotremata. Systematics 12. Monotremata [Mammalia, Monotremata](Monotremata) Taxa Notes Chordates, Mammals, Monotremes, Vertebrates. Date Delivered 20060725 Year 1889 Update Code 188900. Zoological Records Update: 188900. |
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Producer Information |
Producer |
Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC |
Copyright |
Copyright 2018 Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC |
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