Ovid Emcare Database Guide

Emcare, produced by Elsevier, covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.

Emcare includes unique content not found in other nursing and allied health databases and features more than a thousand journals not covered by Elsevier's Embase database.

Emcare's precise indexing guarantees consistent retrieval of relevant records across the entire database. Underlying this indexing is the Emtree thesaurus, and Ovid offers multiple tools to take advantage of this indexing.

Emcare covers all specialties of nursing, including:

  • Addictions Nursing
  • Coronary Care
  • Flight Nursing
  • Hospice and Palliative Care
  • Neonatal Nursing
  • Occupational Health
  • Periperative Nursing
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • School Health Nursing
  • Urologic Nursing
  • Burn Nursing
  • Community and Mental Health
  • Gastroenterology Nursing
  • Gynaecologic Nursing
  • HIV/AIDS Nursing
  • Professional Home Nursing
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Obstetric Nursing
  • Paediatric Nursing
  • Respiratory Nursing
  • Plastic Surgical Nursing
Segments and Years of Coverage
Name   Years of Coverage
emcr   1995 - Present

The limit of databases that you can select for a multifile search session is based upon database segments rather than actual databases. The Ovid multifile segment limit is set at 120 to avoid impacting your search sessions. This database includes 4 segments.

This database is updated online weekly.


The following list is sorted alphabetically by field alias. Click a field name to see the description and search information.
All Fields in this Database
  Abstract (AB) Date of Publication (DP) Journal Translated Name (TJ)
  Accession Number (AN) Device Trade Name (DV) Keyword Heading (KW)
  All Searchable Fields (AF) Drug Index Terms (DU) Keyword Heading Word (KF)
  Article Number (AR) Drug Index Terms Word (DY) Language (LG)
  arXiv Identifier (XC) Drug Manufacturer (MF) Local Messages (LM)
  Author (AU) Drug Trade Name (TN) Molecular Sequence Number (MS)
  Author Email (AE) Editor (ED) Number of References (NR)
  Author NameID (AO) Entry Week (EM) Original Title (OT)
  Book Series (BS) Electronic ISSN (EN) Other Index Terms (OD)
  Book Title (BT) Enzyme Commission Numbers (EZ) Other Index Terms Word (OX)
  Candidate Term Word (DQ) Floating Subheading (FS) Parent Book Title (BK)
  Candidate Terms (DJ) Floating Subheading Word (FX) Part Number (PA)
  CODEN (CD) Grant Abstract (GA) PMID (PM)
  Conference Information (CF) Grant Country (GC) Publisher (PB)
  Conference Publication (CG) Grant Information (GI) Publisher Copyright (PC)
  Clinical Trial Number (CN) Grant Organization (GO) Page (PG)
  Country of Publication (CP) Grant Organization Number (GN) Preferred Journal Name (PJ)
  Copyright (CR) Grant Acronym (GR) Publication Type (PT)
  Collaboration (CO) Grant Number (NO) Revised Date (RD)
  Contributors (CZ) Heading Word (HW) Subject Heading (SH)
  Correspondence Address (AD) ISBN (IB) Summary Language (SL)
  CAS Registry Number (RN) Institution (IN) Source (SO)
  Date Created (DC) Issue Part (IP) Source Type (SU)
  Date Delivered (DD) ISSN (IS) Title (TI)
  Device Index Terms (MV) Journal Abbreviation (JA) Textword (TW)
  Device Index Terms Word (MY) Journal Issue (JI) URL (UR)
  Device Manufacturer (DM) Journal Name (JN) Volume (VO)
  DOI (DO) Journal Word (JX) Year of Publication (YR)
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Default Fields for Unqualified Searches (MP): Searching for a term without specifying a field in Advanced search, or specifying .mp., defaults to the following ‘multi-purpose’ (.mp.) fields for this database: ti,ab,hw,tn,ot,dm,mf,dv,kw.
  Abstract (AB) Drug Manufacturer (MF) Keyword Heading Word (KF)
  Device Manufacturer (DM) Drug Trade Name (TN) Original Title (OT)
  Device Trade Name (DV) Heading Word (HW) Title (TI)
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Default Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: The following fields are included by default for each record.

  Abstract (AB) Editor (ED) Original Title (OT)
  Accession Number (AN) Entry Week (EM) Publication Type (PT)
  CODEN (CD) Institution (IN) Publisher (PB)
  Copyright (CR) ISSN (IS) Source (SO)
  Correspondence Address (AD) Journal Abbreviation (JA) Subject Heading (SH)
  Country of Publication (CP) Language (LG) Summary Language (SL)
  Date Delivered (DD) Molecular Sequence Number (MS) Title (TI)
  Digital Object Identifier (DO) Number of References (NR) Year of Publication (YR)
  Drug Trade Name (TN)    
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All Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: Use the Select Fields button in the Results Manager at the bottom of the Main Search Page to choose the fields for a record.

  Abstract (AB) Date of Publication (DP) Journal Translated Name (TJ)
  Accession Number (AN) Device Trade Name (DV) Keyword (KW)
  Article Number (AR) Drug Manufacturer (MF) Language (LG)
  arXiv Identifier (XC) Drug Trade Name (TN) Local Messages (LM)
  Author (AU) Editor (ED) Molecular Sequence Number (MS)
  Author Email (AE) Entry Week (EM) Number of References (NR)
  Author NameID (AO) Electronic ISSN (EN) Original Title (OT)
  Book Series (BS) Enzyme Commission Numbers (EZ) Parent Book Title (BK)
  Book Title (BT) Grant Abstract (GA) Part Number (PA)
  CODEN (CD) Grant Country (GC) Publisher (PB)
  Conference Information (CF) Grant Information (GI) Publisher Copyright (PC)
  Conference Publication (CG) Grant Organization (GO) Page (PG)
  Clinical Trial Number (CN) Grant Acronym (GR) Preferred Journal Name (PJ)
  Country of Publication (CP) Grant Number (NO) Publication Type (PT)
  Copyright (CR) Heading Word (HW) Revised Date (RD)
  Collaboration (CO) ISBN (IB) Subject Heading (SH)
  Contributors (CZ) Institution (IN) Summary Language (SL)
  Correspondence Address (AD) Issue Part (IP) Source (SO)
  CAS Registry Number (RN) ISSN (IS) Source Type (SU)
  Date Created (DC) Journal Abbreviation (JA) Title (TI)
  Date Delivered (DD) Journal Issue (JI) URL (UR)
  Device Manufacturer (DM) Journal Name (JN) Volume (VO)
  DOI (DO) Journal Word (JX) Year of Publication (YR)
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Elements of Source (SO) Field: Ovid searches the following fields as part of the record source.
  Article Number (AR) Date of Publication (DP) Page (PG)
  Book Series (BS) Issue Part (IP) Volume (VO)
  Book Title (BT) Journal Name (JN) Year of Publication (YR)
  Conference Information (CF) Part Number (PA)  
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The following list is sorted alphabetically by the two-letter label, and includes the relevant alias, at least one example for all searchable fields, and a description of the field.

The Publication Type is also available as a limit.

Label Name / Example

Abstract [Word Indexed]


Emcare includes author-written abstracts when they are available. Approximately 60% of the citations in Emcare include abstracts.

Individual words are indexed in the abstracts field. Enter a single word or phrase to be searched in the abstracts.


Correspondence Address [Word Indexed]


The Correspondence Address (AD) field contains the contact information associated with the authors of the document.

Author Email [Word Indexed]


The Author Email (AE) field contains the email of the author/s. This field is word indexed.


All Searchable Fields [Search Alias]


All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as Abstract (AB).


Accession Number [Phrase Indexed]


The Accession Number (AN) field contains up to ten-digit number assigned in Emcare to uniquely identify a particular record.


Article Number [Phrase Indexed]


The Article Number (AR) consists of a fixed alphanumeric character string used in place of page numbers for electronic documents; it may also be used in addition to page numbers for printed documents. This field, when present, is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.


Author [Phrase Indexed]
a ashton miller j.au.


The Author (AU) field contains the list of authors associated with the article. The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials: Smith JC or Smith J. If a single initial could not be transliterated with one letter, two or more letters may be used. Occasionally a name will include the full first name.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other.


Author NameID [Word Indexed]


Author NameID (AO) field contains author's full name and its Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) unique identifier that may be supplied by the publisher for records added or updated beginning in early 2015.


Parent Book Title [Word Indexed]


The Parent Book Title (BK) field contains the title of the parent book in which the record appears.


Book Series [Word Indexed]


The Book Series (BS) field contains information relating to the series title of the document as it appears with the publication. The Book Series field displays in the Source (SO) field.


Book Title [Word Indexed]


The Book Title (BT) field contains information relating to the original title and subtitle of the document as it appears with the publication. The Book Title field displays in the Source (SO) field.


CODEN [Phrase Indexed]


The CODEN (CD) field contains a journal CODEN. Journal CODENS are 5-digit codes such as "AJDCA" which uniquely identify a journal title.


Conference Information [Word Indexed]


The Conference Information (CF) field contains supplementary information about a conference event such as date and its location, and/or conference publication containing information about the conference proceeding that publishes the conference presentations. Conference information usually is displayed as part of the Source (SO).

Individual words are indexed in the CF field; enter a single descriptive word such as "japan".


Conference Publication [Word Indexed]


The Conference Publication (CG) field contains information about the conference proceeding that publishes the conference presentations. Conference publication is displayed as part of the Source (SO).


Clinical Trial Number [Word Indexed]


The Clinical Trial Number (CN) field contains the clinical trial number associated with the record. CTNs that follow the NIH format "nct12345678" are hyperlinked.


Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
"bosnia and herzegovina".cp.


The Country of Publication (CP) field contains the full name of the country in which a journal was published (such as United States).

The country name is entered into the index as a phrase.


Copyright [Word Indexed]


The Copyright (CR) field contains the copyright information associated with an article.


Collaboration [Word Indexed]


The Collaboration (CO) field contains the names of collaborators associated with the article.


Contributors [Phrase Indexed]
dr aw kushniruk editor e mail andrekuvicca.cz.


The Contributors (CZ) field contains the name and e-mail address of a contributor to the document (e.g. an author, editor, illustrator etc.)


Date Created [Phrase Indexed]


The Date Created (DC) field contains the date on which the original Citation & Abstract file is made in Emcare by Elsevier.


Date Delivered [Phrase Indexed]


The Date Delivered (DD) field contains the date that the record was issued on Emcare by Elsevier.


Candidate Terms [Phrase Indexed]


The Candidate Terms (DJ) field contains new concepts not in Emtree, and were proposed during indexing because they were judged to be useful additions to Emtree. Candidate Terms are also indexed in the Subject Headings (SH) field.


Device Manufacturer [Word Indexed]


The Device Manufacturer (DM) field contains the full name of the manufacturer of a drug or device discussed in an article. Manufacturer names are listed in their brief form, for example, Lilly for "Eli Lilly."

View the index to see all Device Manufacturer names. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.

The Device Manufacturer (DM) field will display together with the Device Trade Name (DV) field in the citation.


DOI [Word Indexed]


The DOI (DO) field contains the Digital Object Identifier - a unique and persistent digital identification code for any object of intellectual property. The DOI itself consists of two parts: a prefix which is assigned to each publisher by the administrative DOI agency, e.g., "10.3961", and a suffix which is assigned by the publisher and can be any code that the publisher chooses, e.g., "jpmph.2009.42.4.209". The full DOI appears as such: "10.3961/jpmph.2009.42.4.209".

You can search the DO field by entering either the prefix in quotes ("10.3961".do.) or the entire DOI value in quotes ("10.3961/jpmph.2009.42.4.209".do.).


Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
winter 2015 2016.dp.


The Date of Publication (DP) field consists of the date of publication for a citation. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

It is searchable either structured in the format of DD MMM YYYY (Example: 23 FEB 2002) or unstructured (Example: Winter 2009 or apr 2009).


Candidate Terms Word [Word Indexed]


The Candidate Term Word (DQ) is a word indexed version of Candidate Terms (DJ) in which the ADJ (adjacency) function can be utilized.


Drug Index Terms [Phrase Indexed]


The Drug Index Terms (DU) field contains index terms used for all drugs and chemicals: not only therapeutic drugs, but also endogenous compounds, laboratory chemicals and environmental chemicals or toxins.

It is important to realise that "drugs" as defined in Emcare may refer to any chemical entity.


Device Trade Name [Word Indexed]


The Device Trade Name (DV) field contains the medical device trade names assigned to the records.

View the index to see all Device Trade Names. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.

The Device Trade Name (DV) displays with the Device Manufacturer (DM) field in the citation.


Drug Index Terms Word [Word Indexed]


The Drug Index Terms Word (DY) is a word indexed version of Drug Index Terms (DU) in which the ADJ (adjacency) function can be utilized.


Editor [Phrase Indexed]
fidler dj.ed.


The Editor (ED) field contains the list of editors associated with the article.

The format for editor is last name followed by one or more initials: Smith JC or Smith J. If a single initial could not be transliterated with one letter, two or more letters may be used. Occasionally a name will include the full first name. The Editor field is phrase indexed.

Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial.


Entry Week [Phrase Indexed]


The Entry Week (EM) field contains the year and week number in which a document was added to Emcare on Ovid. The Entry Week appears in the format YYYY00.

The Entry Week (EM) field is phrase indexed.


Electronic ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
0733 8627.en.


The Electronic ISSN (EN) field contains the electronic International Standard Serial Number (eISSN) for the journal in which the article was published.

Each journal may have an ISSN, an eISSN, or both. When there is only an eISSN available it is also searchable in the ISSN (IS) index and displays in both the ISSN (IS) and Electronic ISSN (EN) fields.

Like the ISSN, it appears as an 8-digit character, separated by a hyphen: 1089-4098.


Enzyme Commission Numbers [Phrase Indexed]
ec 11142.ez.


The Enzyme Commission Numbers (EZ) field contains the enzyme name with corresponding Enzyme Commission number.

Enzyme Commission Numbers appear and are searched with dot enclosed in double quotes ("").


Floating Subheading [Phrase Indexed]


The Floating Subheadings (FS) field contains both the 2-letter link terms, such as "an" and the full headings, such as "drug analysis". These are displayed following the corresponding EMTREE Subject Headings.


Floating Subheading Word [Word Indexed]


Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Floating Subheading that includes a particular word; this is done by searching the single word in the Floating Subheading Word (FX) field


Grant Abstract [Word Indexed]


The Grant Abstract (GA) field contains the acknowledgement full text of the full text article. This field is related to the Grant Number (NO) field.

The Grant Abstract (GA) field is word indexed.


Grant Country [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Country (GC) field contains the country of the organization that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.


Grant Information [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Information (GI) field displays information about awarded grants, may contain Grant Number (NO), Grant Acronym (GR), Grant Organization (GO), Grant Organization Number (GN) and Grant Country (GC).


Grant Organization Number [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Organization Number (GN) field contains the identification number of the agency that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.


Grant Organization [Word Indexed]


The Grant Organization (GO) field contains the full name of the organization that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.


Grant Acronym [Phrase Indexed]
aafp foundation.gr.


The Grant Acronym (GR) field contains the acronym of an organization that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.


Heading Word [Word Indexed]


Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every EMTREE subject heading that includes a particular word; this is done by searching the single word in the Heading Word (HW) field.


ISBN [Phrase Indexed]


The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for a book or monographic publication.

The ISBN (IB) field appears as a 10-digit number and may contain 13-digit number if available.


Institution [Word Indexed]


The Institution (IN) field contains the primary author's affiliation, which is usually the source for a reprint of the article.

This information is not standardized and often contains abbreviations. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution (harvard, not university). Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.


Issue Part [Word Indexed]


The Issue Part field (IP) contains the Issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal. The IP field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.


ISSN [Phrase Indexed]
875 5122.is.


The ISSN (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published.

Each journal may have an ISSN, an eISSN, or both. When there is only an eISSN available it is also searchable in the ISSN (IS) index and displays in both the ISSN (IS) and Electronic ISSN (EN) fields.

It appears as an 8-digit character, separated by a hyphen: 0002-8894.


Journal Abbreviation [Word Indexed]


The Journal Abbreviation (JA) field contains the abbreviated title of an individual journal issue.


Journal Issue [Word Indexed]


The Journal Issue (JI) field contains the title of an individual journal issue.


Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
"aac augmentative and alternative communication".jn.


The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published.

View the index to see all journal names. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.

This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.


Journal Word [Word Indexed]


The Journal Word (JX) field contains individual words from every journal name in Emcare.


Keyword Heading Word [Word Indexed]


The Keyword Heading Word (KF) index allows you to retrieve every Keyword Headings defined by the author of the article. Do this by searching a single word in the Keyword Heading Word (KF) field.


Keyword Heading [Phrase Indexed]


The Keyword Heading (KW) field contains keywords defined by the author of the article. To retrieve every Keyword Heading that includes a particular word, search for the word in the Keyword Heading Word (KF) index.


Language [Phrase Indexed]


The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of an article. The language name will appear as the full language name.

For a spelled-out list of languages, refer to the Languages Limit menu or view the index. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.


Local Messages


The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by the System Administrator to indicate information about journals held in your local library system.


Drug Manufacturer [Word Indexed]


The Drug Manufacturer (MF) field contains the full name of the manufacturer of a drug or device discussed in an article. Manufacturer names are listed in their brief form, for example, Lilly for "Eli Lilly."

View the index to see all Drug Manufacturer names. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.

The Drug Manufacturer (MF) field will display together with the Drug Trade Name (TN) field in the citation.


Molecular Sequence Number [Word Indexed]


The Molecular Sequence Number (MS) field contains an acronym for a source of molecular sequence data (for example, Genbank) and a sequence accession number documented by the source.


Device Index Terms [Phrase Indexed]


The Device Index Terms (MV) field contains index terms used for general and medical devices. Emtree contains over 3,000 specific device terms (e.g., endoscopes, catheters, prostheses).


Device Index Terms Word [Word Indexed]


The Device Index Terms Word (MY) is a word indexed version of Device Index Terms (MV) in which the ADJ (adjacency) function can be utilized.


Grant Number [Word Indexed]
a tubitak 2232 fellowship 113c011.no.


The Grant Number (NO) field contains the original identification number of the grant that is awarded to the work as described in the content. The identification number is assigned by the grant agency.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.


Number of References [Phrase Indexed]


The Number of References (NR) field contains the number of references that appear at the end of the document.


Other Index Terms [Phrase Indexed]


The Other Index Terms (OD) field contains Emtree terms that are from all 13 Emtree facets other than "chemicals and drugs".

They are distinguished from drug terms in that the latter are indexed in greater depth.


Original Title [Word Indexed]


The Original Title (OT) field contains all non-English titles in the original language. If the original title was in a non-Roman alphabet, then the OT is transliterated.

Omit common articles when searching a foreign language: heure not l'heure.


Other Index Terms Word [Word Indexed]


The Other Index Terms Word (OX) is a word indexed version of Other Index Terms (OD) in which the ADJ (adjacency) function can be utilized.


Part Number [Word Indexed]


The Part Number field (PA) contains the part number for a particular journal. The PA field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.


Publisher [Word Indexed]


The Publisher (PB) field contains the name and optionally the address of the publisher for Journal, Book, Conference Proceeding, Report, Major Reference Work, Book Series or Trade Journal.

Enter the most distinctive part of a name to locate a publisher, for example: "elsevier".


Publisher Copyright [Word Indexed]


The Publisher Copyright (PC) index contains publisher information and it will display at the end of the Abstract (AB) field if available.

The Publisher Copyright (PC) is word indexed.


Page [Phrase Indexed]


The first page on which an article appears is indexed in the Page (PG) field. Often a journal title combined with the beginning page number is enough to locate a citation. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field.


Preferred Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
the lancet psychiatry.pj.


The Preferred Journal Name (PJ) field contains the preferred name of the journal in which an article was published.

This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field, but will only be displayed if the Journal Name (JN) is not available.


PMID [Phrase Indexed]


The PMID (PM) field contains PubMed unique identifier assigned to each PubMed record.


Publication Type [Word Indexed]


A limit to Publication Types will restrict retrieval to any of the selected article types such as:

Article   Conference Paper  


Article in Press   Conference Proceeding   Note
Book   Conference Review  


Book Series   Dissertation   Short Survey
Business Article  


Chapter   Erratum  

Trade Journal

Conference Abstract   Journal   Working Paper

Revised Date [Phrase Indexed]


The Revised Date (RD) field contains the date that the record was revised by Elsevier.


CAS Registry Number [Phrase Indexed]
1 1 diphenyl 2 picrylhydrazyl.rn.


The CAS Registry Numbers (RN) field contains the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry number in an association with chemical name for a compound mentioned in an article.

CAS Registry Numbers (RN) field are indexed by numbers and/or chemical names. Numbers appear and are searched with hyphens (e.g.50-07-0) and chemical names should be entered as phrase as they appear in the CAS Registry Number display (e.g. squalene monooxygenase).


Subject Heading [Phrase Indexed]
y box binding protein 1.sh.


The Subject Heading (SH) field contains the EMTREE Thesaurus terms used by Emcare indexers to describe the content of an article.

EMTREE terms are organized in hierarchy.

EMTREE terms are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched as they appear in the published EMTREE or in our Thesaurus display. All EMTREE terms and associated terms are indexed in the SH field.


Summary Language [Phrase Indexed]


The Summary Language (SL) field contains the language or languages in which the abstract is written.

The summary language name appears in the index as the full language name (french). See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.


Source [AR, PA, BS, BT, CF, DP, IP, JN, PG, VO, YR]
dietary fiber.ab.
soil conservation.ab.


The Source (SO) field includes a display of all basic information needed to locate a citation, may contain the Journal Name, Book Title, Book Series, Conference Information, Part Number, Vol/Issue, Pagination, Year of Publication, Article Number and Date of Publication.


Source Type [Word Indexed]


The Source Type (SU) field contains information about the source type of the document.


Title [Word Indexed]


The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title. For documents which are not written in English, the original or transliterated title appears in a separate field, Original Title (OT).


Journal Translated Name [Phrase Indexed]
acta endoscopica.tj.


The Journal Translated Name (TJ) field contains the translated title of an individual journal issue.


Drug Trade Name [Word Indexed]


The Drug Trade Name (TN) field contains the trade name for a drug or device discussed in an article.

View the index to see all Drug Trade Names. See "Display and Browse Field Indexes" in the Ovid Online Help for details on viewing and using a field index.

The Drug Trade Name (TN) displays with the Drug Manufacturer (MF) field in the citation.


Textword (AB, TI, TN)


The Textword (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database which contain text words and which are appropriate for a subject search.

The Textword field in Emcare includes Title (TI), Abstract (AB), and Drug Trade Name (TN).


URL [Word Indexed]


The URL (UR) field will contain the URL information for internet only journals.


Volume [Word Indexed]


The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume of a serial publication. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

XC arXiv Identifier [Phrase Indexed]
http arxiv org abs 1709 04632.xc.

The arXiv Identifier (XC) Field contains research articles unique identifier in "arXiv archive" (an electronic archive and distribution server for research articles that is maintained and operated by Cornell University Library). The areas covered by arXiv include physics, mathematics, computer science, nonlinear sciences, quantitative biology and statistics.

This identifier will be supplied by the publisher for records added or updated in the last quarter of 2016 – present (e.g. http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.00332v5).

There are 2 formats of ArXiv Identifier, please see this link for further details - https://arxiv.org/help/arxiv_identifier.


Year of Publicaton [Phrase Indexed]


The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which an article or monograph was published. The full year appears in the document and can be searched using a single 4-digit number.

Year of Publication (YR) field also displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

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Advanced Searching
You can use special search syntax listed below to combine search terms or strategically develop a search. Full documentation is provided in the Advanced Searching Techniques section of the Online Help.
Operator Syntax Search Example Sample Results
OR x or y vitamin c or ascorbic acid

"a statistically significant decrease in the plasma L-ascorbic acid concentration "

  The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
AND x and y anticancer and vitamin K

"Inhibition of rat liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy and induction of ERK phosphorylation by Cpd 5, a K vitamin-based anticancer compound. "

  The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
NOT x not y blastula not embryo

"while twitchin and myorod appeared at the blastula stage (12 h after fertilization).

  The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search health reform not health maintenance organizations retrieves only those records that contain the term health reform but excludes the term health maintenance organizations. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic.
You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
Adjacency (ADJ) x y drug adj therapy

"Early ovarian carcinoma.....Surgical and drug therapy"

  The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other in that specific order. You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. For example, the search blood pressure is identical to the search blood adj pressure.

CheckTags are frequently searched terms that have been identified to bypass the mapping screen to help the searcher get to the results faster. Emcare checktags terms includes the following:

Priority Journal Article
Newborn Human
Infant Nonhuman
Adolescent Letter
Adult Clinical Article
Aged Controlled Study
Age Note
Child Case Report
Male Major Clinical Study
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) x ADJn y patterning adj3 embryo  

"Nodal signalling are all critical for proper patterning of the vertebrate embryo"

  The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n-1) of words from each other in any order (stop-words included). To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99 as explained below:

           ADJ1     Next to each other, in any order
           ADJ2     Next to each other, in any order, up to 1 word in between
           ADJ3     Next to each other, in any order, up to 2 words in between
           ADJ99   Next to each other, in any order, up to 98 words in between

For example, the search physician adj5 relationship retrieves records that contain the words physician and relationship with a maximum of four words in between in either direction. This particular search retrieves records containing such phrases as physician patient relationship, patient physician relationship, or relationship between cancer patient and physician.
Please note Ovid’s order of operation handles terms within parentheses first. Therefore it is recommended to apply the ADJn operator in one-on-one operations to avoid missing out on results. E.g. stroke adj4 (blood pressure or high blood pressure) could potentially miss out on some combinations of stroke with high blood pressure. The optimum way to execute this on Ovid is: (stroke adj4 blood pressure) OR (stroke adj4 high blood pressure).
Frequency (FREQ) x.ab./FREQ=n blood.ab./freq=2

"To test this hypothesis, lactate concentrations in the whole blood, plasma and red blood cells of AS and AA were compared at rest "

  The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase.
Unlimited Truncation ($) x$ rat$

"OBJECTIVE. To investigate apoptotic, degenerative, and inflammatory changes occurring in the cervical intervertebral discs of rats."

  Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or * (asterisk). For example, in the truncated search rat*, Ovid retrieves the word rat as well as the words rats, and more.
Limited Truncation ($) x$n dog$1

"an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) probe was placed in LCx in 29 dogs."
"and the response to HFS was blunted in one dog (10-11 V)."

  Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma.
Mandated Wildcard (#) xx#y wom#n

"Inflammatory activity and anticardiolipin antibodies during tibolone treatment of healthy postmenopausal women. "
"We report the computed tomography features of a woman..."

  Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. For example, the search dog# retrieves results that contain the word dogs, but not those that contain the word dog, effectively limiting results to only those that contain the plural form of the word. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. For example, the search wom#n retrieves results that contain both woman and women. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Optional Wildcard (?) xx?y colo?r

" one or more colours (95.5%)"
"in addition to the predictable red hair color (RHC) alleles"

  The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Literal String ("") "x / y" "Heat / Cold Application"

"Patient education, psychological support, weight control, exercise, heat/cold application, and... "

"n" "3".vo

"Foodborne Pathogens & Disease. Vol. 3(2)(pp 212-215), 2006. "


Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/).

Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number.

Go: Menu or Back 


The Ovid search engine applies so called "run-time stopword processing". This means the search engine on the fly ignores the stopwords: and, as, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, that, the, this, to, was, were & with.

Therefore a search: at risk for diabetes.ti will also find: at risk of diabetes. The distance of one word in between is kept, but the stopword "for" is ignored.

Go: Menu or Back 


The following limits are available for this database. See Database Limits in the Ovid Online Help for details on applying limits.




Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to abstracts
Command Syntax: ..l/ ab=y
  A limit to Abstracts will restrict retrieval to Emcare documents which include an abstract. About 60% of the documents in Emcare contain abstracts.


Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Animals

A limit to Animals will restrict retrieval to all items involving animals.

Animal Studies

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Animal Studies

A limit to Animal Studies will retrict retrieval to all times involving animal tissues, cells, models, or experiment.

Clinical Queries

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "diagnosis (maximizes sensitivity)"

Limiting using Clinical Queries will restrict retrieval to clinically sound studies for all categories. There are 7 categories provided, and you can choose to emphasize Sensitivity (i.e., retrieves most relevant articles but also off target articles), Specificity (i.e., retrieves fewer relevant articles but also fewer off target articles), or both using the Best Balance (i.e., the combination of terms that optimizes the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity).

These filters, based on the work of Nancy L. Wilczynski PhD and R. Brian Haynes MD, PhD et al. of the Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University, are intended for clinicians. A detailed explanation of these search filters can be found at: http://hiru.mcmaster.ca/hedges/ .

Clinical Trials

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to clinical trial

A limit to Clinical Trials will restrict retrieval to various trial types indexed in Emcare found in this limit. This allows for limiting to only those records that refer to trials in certain phase. For example limiting to Phase 3 Clinical Trial, will retrieve only those records that are Phase 3 Clinical Trials.

Clinical Trial  
Randomized Controlled Trial  
Controlled Clinical Trial  
Multicenter Study  
Phase 1 Clinical Trial  
Phase 2 Clinical Trial  
Phase 3 Clinical Trial  
Phase 4 Clinical Trial  

Cochrane Library

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to cochrane library
  A limit to Cochrane Library will restrict retrieval to Emcare documents indexed with "Cochrane Library" in the subject heading. To limit records from the Cochrane systematic reviews, use the Journal Name (JN) field: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.jn

EBM-Evidence Based Medicine

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to evidence based medicine

A limit to Evidence Based Medicine will restrict retrieval of results to only Evidence Based Medicine records or subsets of those such as meta analysis, outcomes research etc.

Evidence Based Medicine  
Consensus Development  
Meta Analysis  
Outcomes Research  
Systematic Review  

English Language

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to english
Command Syntax: ..l/1 en=y
  A limit to English will restrict retrieval to articles which are written in the English language. Articles written in another language but which have an English abstract will be eliminated by a limit to English.

Experimental Subjects

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to amphibia
limit 1 to higher plant
limit 1 to microorganism

A limit to Experimental Subjects will restrict retrieval to various specific animal types used as experimental subjects.


Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to female
  A limit to Female will restrict retrieval to clinical or experimental studies on females, whether human or animal. The designation "female" includes in vitro studies on human or animal tissue or cells.

Full Text

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Full Text
  A limit to Full Text will restrict retrieval to those citations for which there is a full text link. Both Ovid full text and external full text are included in this limit.


Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to human
Command Syntax: ..l/1 hu=y
  A limit to Human will restrict retrieval to all items concerning humans, including clinical articles and studies on humans as experimental subjects, or involving human tissue, cells or cell components.

Human Age Groups

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to infant

A limit by Human Age Groups will restrict retrieval to any of a number of broad age categories indexed in Emcare.

Infant <to one year>


Embryo <first trimester>

Preschool Child <1 to 6 years>


Child <unspecified age>

Adolescent <13 to 17 years>


School Child <7 to 12 years>

Aged <65+ years>


Adult <18 to 64 years>


Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to french
Command Syntax: ..l/1 lg=french
  A limit to Language will restrict retrieval to any of the languages indexed in Emcare. If you choose Languages... you will be presented with a list of languages from which to select.

Latest Update

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to update
Command Syntax: ..l/1 up=y
  New documents are added to Emcare every month. If you limit to Latest Update you will restrict retrieval to documents which were added to the database in the most recent database update.

Local Holdings

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Local Holdings

A limit to local holdings will restrict retrieval to documents from journals held in your local library or library system.

If your System Administrator has created any special messages about a journal's availability, this message will display with the document in the Local Messages (LM) field.


Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to male
  A limit to Male will restrict retrieval to clinical or experimental studies on males, whether human or animal. The designation "male" includes in vitro studies on human or animal tissue or cells.

Ovid Full Text Available

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Ovid Full Text Available

A limit to Ovid Full Text Available will restrict retrieval to those citations for which an Ovid full text link is available.

When viewing a citation with full text available use the LINK button to display the full text.

Publication Types

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to review
limit 1 to article

A limit to Publication Types will restrict retrieval to any of the selected article types such as:

Article   Conference Paper  


Article in Press   Conference Proceeding   Note
Book   Conference Review  


Book Series   Dissertation   Short Survey
Business Article  


Chapter   Erratum  

Trade Journal

Conference Abstract   Journal   Working Paper

Publication Year

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to (yr=2001-2002 and oral)
limit 1 to yr=2001
Command Syntax: ..l/1 yr=2002
  A limit to Publication Year will restrict retrieval to a publication year. After you chose Publication Year... you will be prompted to enter a year. Use the 4-digit form of year.
Range Limits Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to dc=20200521-20200818
Command Syntax: ..l/1 dc=202011-202025
Range limits are available for the EM, DC, DD and RD fields. These limits are not listed in the drop-down menu, however they can be run straight from the command line in Advanced Search mode. These date fields are formatted YYYY00 or YYYYMMDD, and below are examples how to apply them as date-range limits on Ovid:

limit 1 to em=202011-202025
limit 1 to dc=20200521-20200818
limit 1 to dd=20200801-20200915
limit 1 to rd=20200101-20200901

Routes of Drug Administration

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to oral
  Routes of Drug Administration are the various ways in which drugs may be administered, such as "intramuscular" or "regional perfusion." If you choose Routes of Drug Administration... you will be presented with a comprehensive list from which to select.

Special Ovid Filters for Emcare

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Adverse Effects - focussed
limit 2 to Children

You can use Special Ovid Filters to restrict retrieval to a pre-defined set of records, populated by a special Ovid search strategy for that topic. As the results sets for these filters are created with every database update, the results display quickly. Ovid filters are "AND" combined with the search line you are trying to limit, unless stated otherwise (e.g. humans only).

Each of the search hedges below are based on publicly available filters that have been reviewed, translated, and improved by Ovid expert searchers. While these filters aren't validated by Ovid, we provide the full transcript for each filter below and we have placed a reference for each filter where applicable. You may want to review the underlying terms and modify them as necessary.

Ovid welcomes your suggestions to enhance the filters. Please contact [email protected].

Adverse effects

exp adverse drug reaction/ or adverse.ti,ab,kf. or side effect?.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug overdose/ or overdos*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug misuse/ or misus*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug abuse/ or exp substance abuse/ or abus*.ti,ab,kf. or exp pregnancy/ or pregnan*.ti,ab,kf. or exp pregnancy complications/ or exp lactation/ or exp breast feeding/ or (exp milk human/ and exp secretion/) or exp fertility/ or exp infertility/ or exp reproduction/ or exp fetus/ or exp embryo/ or terat*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug efficacy/ or exp drug withdrawal/ or exp medication error/ or exp death/ or death*.ti,ab,kf. or fatal*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug interaction/ or exp carcinogenicity/ or carcinogen*.ti,ab,kf. or mutagen*.ti,ab,kf. or exp 'off label drug use'/ or exp occupational exposure/ or exp toxicity/ or toxic*.ti,ab,kf. or pharmacotox*.ti,ab,kf. or neurotox*.ti,ab,kf. or cardiotox*.ti,ab,kf. or nephrotox*.ti,ab,kf. or immunotox*.ti,ab,kf. or hepatotox*.ti,ab,kf. or cytotox*.ti,ab,kf. or immunocytotox*.ti,ab,kf. or exp intoxication/ or exp congenital disorder/ or exp drug treatment failure/ or exp case report/ or case report?.ti,ab,kf. or exp environmental exposure/ or exp treatment contraindication/ or exp drug contraindication/ or exp injury/ or suicid*.ti,ab,kf. or exp poisoning/ or exp drug tolerance/ or exp treatment failure/ or exp drug resistance/ or exp substance-related disorders/

Last reviewed 13 February 2023.. This is based on guidelines provided by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), monitoring of medical literature and the entry of relevant information into the EudraVigilance database by the EMA. https://www.ema.europa.eu/documents/other/monitoring-medical-literature-entry-relevant-information-eudravigilance-database-european-medicines_en.pdf

Adverse effects - Focussed

exp *adverse drug reaction/ OR adverse.ti,kf. OR side effect?.ti,kf. OR exp *drug overdose/ OR overdos*.ti,kf. OR exp *drug misuse/ OR misus*.ti,kf. OR exp *drug abuse/ OR exp *substance abuse/ OR abus*.ti,kf. OR exp *pregnancy/ OR pregnan*.ti,kf. OR exp *pregnancy complications/ OR exp *lactation/ OR exp *breast feeding/ OR (exp *milk human/ AND exp *secretion/) OR exp *fertility/ OR exp *infertility/ OR exp *reproduction/ OR exp *fetus/ OR exp *embryo/ OR terat*.ti,kf. OR exp *drug efficacy/ OR exp *drug withdrawal/ OR exp *medication error/ OR exp *death/ OR death*.ti,kf. OR fatal*.ti,kf. OR exp *drug interaction/ OR exp *carcinogenicity/ OR carcinogen*.ti,kf. OR mutagen*.ti,kf. OR exp *'off label drug use'/ OR exp *occupational exposure/ OR exp *toxicity/ OR toxic*.ti,kf. OR pharmacotox*.ti,kf. OR neurotox*.ti,kf. OR cardiotox*.ti,kf. OR nephrotox*.ti,kf. OR immunotox*.ti,kf. OR hepatotox*.ti,kf. OR cytotox*.ti,kf. OR immunocytotox*.ti,kf. OR exp *intoxication/ OR exp *congenital disorder/ OR exp *drug treatment failure/ OR exp *case report/ OR case report?.ti,kf. OR exp *environmental exposure/ OR exp *treatment contraindication/ OR exp *drug contraindication/ OR exp *injury/ OR suicid*.ti,kf. OR exp *poisoning/ OR exp *drug tolerance/ OR exp *treatment failure/ OR exp *drug resistance/ OR exp *substance-related disorders/

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Adverse effects - Medical devices

complicat*.ti,ab. OR safe*.ti,ab. OR failure*.ti,ab. OR exp medical device complication/ OR adverse.ti,ab. OR failed.ti,ab. OR exp postoperative complication/ OR problem*.ti,ab. OR side effect*.ti,ab. OR discomfort.ti,ab. OR loosen*.ti,ab. OR removal*.ti,ab. OR complications.kf. OR migration.ti,ab. OR device related events.ti,ab. OR adverse effects/ OR device safety/ OR safety/ OR peroperative complication/ OR tolerated.ti,ab. OR failing.ti,ab.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This filter is based on: Golder S, Farrah K, Mierzwinski-Urban M, Wright K, Loke YK. The development of search filters for adverse effects of medical devices in MEDLINE and Embase. Health Info Libr J 2019 Jun 11. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12260

Adverse effects - Surgical interventions

complication*.ti,ab. or safe*.ti,ab. or post-operative morbidity.ti,ab. or surgical risk/ or complication/ or post-operative complication/ or procedure related.ti,ab.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This filter is based on: Golder S, Wright K, Loke YK. The development of search filters for adverse effects of surgical interventions in MEDLINE and Embase. Health Info Libr J 2018 Mar 31. https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12213.


Includes records about neonate and birth to about 18 years

exp adolescence/ or exp adolescent/ or exp child/ or exp childhood disease/ or exp infant disease/ or (adolescen* or babies or baby or boy? or boyfriend or boyhood or child or child* or child*3 or children* or girl? or infant* or juvenil* or juvenile* or kid? or minors or minors* or neonat* or newborn* or new-born* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or pediatric* or perinat* or preschool* or puber* or pubescen* or school or school child* or school* or schoolchild* or schoolchild* or teen* or toddler? or underage? or under-age? or youth*).ti,ab,kf,hw.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This Paediatrics filter is based on the Improved "Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group" Child filter published here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.09.012

Children - Focussed

exp *adolescence/ or exp *adolescent/ or exp *child/ or exp *childhood disease/ or exp *infant disease/ or (adolescen* or babies or baby or boy? or boyfriend or boyhood or child or child* or child*3 or children* or girl? or infant* or juvenil* or juvenile* or kid? or minors or minors* or neonat* or newborn* or new-born* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or pediatric* or perinat* or preschool* or puber* or pubescen* or school or school child* or school* or schoolchild* or schoolchild* or teen* or toddler? or underage? or under-age? or youth*).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This Paediatrics filter is based on the Improved "Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group" Child filter published here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.09.012

Covid - 19

exp Coronavirus/

exp Coronavirus Infections/

(coronavirus* or anti-corona* or corona virus* or OC43 or NL63 or 229E or HKU1 or HCoV* or ncov* or anti-ncov* or anti-cov* or covid* or anti-covid* or sars-cov* or anti-sars* or sarscov* or Sars-coronavirus* or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus* or "Kawasaki like paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome" or "Kawasaki like pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome" or "PIMS-TS" or "Kawa-COVID-19" or "MIS-C" or "multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children" or pediatric multisystem inflammatory disease).mp.

(or/1-3) and 20190101:20301231.(dc). [this set is the sensitive/broad part of the search]

4 not (SARS or SARS-CoV or MERS or MERS-CoV or Middle East respiratory syndrome or camel* or dromedar* or equine or coronary or coronal or covidence* or covidien or influenza virus or HIV or bovine or calves or TGEV or feline or porcine or BCoV or PED or PEDV or PDCoV or FIPV or FCoV or SADS-CoV or canine or CCov or zoonotic or avian influenza or H1N1 or H5N1 or H5N6 or IBV or murine corona*).mp. [line 5 removes SARS, MERS and veterinary noise from the sensitive/broad search results]

((pneumonia or covid* or coronavirus* or corona virus* or ncov* or 2019-ncov or sars*).mp. or exp pneumonia/) and (Wuhan or Hubei or Huanan).mp. [Early articles about the outbreak]

exp severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2/ or coronavirus disease 2019/ or anti-SARS-CoV-2 agent/ or SARS coronavirus 2 test kit/ or SARS-CoV-2 antibody/ or SARS-CoV-2 vaccine/ or experimental coronavirus disease 2019/ or (coronavirus disease 2019 or coronavirus 2019 or 2019-ncov or 2019nCoV or ncov2019 or ncov19 or ncov-19 or HCoV-19 or 2019-novel CoV or sars-cov2 or sars-cov-2* or sarscov2 or sarscov-2 or SARS-2-nCoV or SARS-2-Cov or SARS-COV-19 or Sars-coronavirus2 or Sars-coronavirus-2 or SARS 2 coronavirus* or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-CoV-2 or SARS-like coronavirus* or coronavirus-19 or covid19 or covid-19 or covid 2019 or ((novel or new or nouveau) adj2 (CoV or nCoV or covid or coronavirus* or corona virus or Pandemi*2)) or ((covid or covid19 or covid-19 or SARS-CoV-2) and pandemic*2) or (coronavirus* and pneumonia)).mp. [specific to Covid-19, Covid pneumonia, Covid pandemic]

4 and (exp Vaccination/ or exp Vaccine/ or vaccin*.mp. or exp antibodies/ or antibodies.mp. or ("AAVCOVID" or "Ad5-nCoV" or "AdCOVID" or "AdimrSC-2f" or "AG0301-COVID19" or "ARCT-021" OR "LUNAR-COV19" or "AZD1222" or "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine" or BCG or "bacTRL-Spike" or "BBIBP-CorV" or "BNT162" or "ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S" or "CoronaVac" or "COVAX-19" or "Covaxin" or "CVnCoV" or "DelNS1-2019-nCoV-RBD-OPT1" or "EpiVacCorona" or "GRAd-COV2" or "GX-19" or "HaloVax" or "HDT-301" or "INO-4800" or "JNJ-78436735" OR "Ad26.COV2.S" or "LineaDNA" or "LNP-nCoVsaRNA" or "Mechanism" or "mRNA-1273" or "MRT5500" or "NVX-CoV2373" or "PittCoVacc" or "SCB-2019" or "Sputnik V" or "T-COVIDTM" or "UB-612" or "UQ-CSL V451" or "V590" or "V591" or "VIR-7831" or "VXA-CoV2-1" or "ZyCoV-D").mp. or (mRNA vaccine$ or messenger RNA vaccine$ or AstraZeneca$1 or Janssen$s or Moderna$1 or Novavax$1 or Pfizer$1 or BioNTech$1).mp.) [Line to add everything related to Vaccines and coronavirus]

4 and (Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine or convalescent plasma or Remdesivir or Veklury or azithromycin or bamlanivimab or "LY CoV555" or corticosteroids or glucocorticoids or "vitamin C" or lopinavir or ritonavir or ivermectin or Tocilizumab or Favipiravir or dexamethasone HIV protease inhibitors).mp. [specific to Covid specific drug treatment]

("634712247" or "635020424" or "631768752" or "631366712" or "2013141845" or "631999721" or "632815870" or "2011904236" or "634787377" or "2011103916" or "632397979" or "633643197" or "2004695368" or "2007963537" or "2007637104" or "2004652922" or "2007551108" or "2007388024" or "2005608533" or "632138424" or "2005992155" or "2005634094" or "2004579270" or "631951585" or "631951582" or "2005656163" or "2004210770" or "2006051290" or "631409122" or "632832473" or "632673999").an. [Articles not captured by this search when updated in August 2021, pending further indexing by NLM/Elsevier]

(or/6-10) and 20191201:20301231.(dc). [Lines 6 to 10 are specific to Covid-19]

5 or 11

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This search is optimized to achieve sensitivity (through lines 1-5) and specificity (lines 6-12). We remove unwanted records (noise) in line 5.

To load the above hedge line by line to an Ovid search session please use this shared search history link: https://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&NEWS=N&PAGE=main&SHAREDSEARCHID=1iqCZzHbtMfwN9dMJKOEuQ30rLpNlxJpqHOfAMS3Ma4WNfQnqf8BhNHhfUzqZ1F4R .

Full documentation is available from the Authors: Ovid staff: Michelle Volesko Brewer, health sciences librarian and Pieter van der Houwen, product manager.

Enormous appreciation for the clinical consultation of this search by: Elaine Larson, RN, PhD, FAAN, CIC, Anna C. Maxwell Professor Emerita and Special Lecturer, School of Nursing, Professor Emerita of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, Scholar in Residence, New York Academy of Medicine and former editor, American Journal of Infection Control.

For questions contact: [email protected]


exp aged/ or exp geriatrics/ or exp elderly care/ or (centarian* or centenarian* or elder* or eldest or frail* or geriatri* or nonagenarian* or octagenarian* or octogenarian* or old age* or older adult* or older age* or older female* or older male* or older man or older men or older patient* or older people or older person* or older population or older subject* or older woman or older women or oldest old* or senior* or senium or septuagenarian* or supercentenarian* or very old*).ti,ab,kf.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This filter is based on the "Aged" filter from the Dutch Library Association: https://blocks.bmi-online.nl/catalog/7.

Elderly - Focussed

exp *aged/ or exp *geriatrics/ or exp *elderly care/ or (centarian* or centenarian* or elder* or eldest or frail* or geriatri* or nonagenarian* or octagenarian* or octogenarian* or old age* or older adult* or older age* or older female* or older male* or older man or older men or older patient* or older people or older person* or older population or older subject* or older woman or older women or oldest old* or senior* or senium or septuagenarian* or supercentenarian* or very old*).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Humans only (removes records about animals)

NOT ((exp animal/ or exp invertebrate/ or nonhuman/ or animal experiment/ or animal tissue/ or animal model/ or exp plant/ or exp fungus/) not (exp human/ or human tissue/))

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This filter is based on Ovid best practices. Most Ovid filters are "AND" combined with the line that is being limited. This filter is "NOT" combined with the search line that is being limited.

Pregnancy - Wide

exp pregnancy/ or exp pregnancy disorder/ or exp obstetric procedure/ or exp breast feeding/ or exp breast feeding education/ or exp birth/ or exp childbirth/ or childbirth education/ or labor pain/ or (ante natal or antenatal* or pre natal* or prenatal* or puerper* or postnatal* or postpartum or post partum or post natal* or peripartum or peri partum or prepregnancy or pre pregnancy or preconception* or pre conception* or periconception* or peri conception* or ((preterm or premature) and (labor or labour)) or eclamp* or preeclamp* or pre eclamp* or amniocentes* or chorion* vill* or breastfe* or breast fe* or lactation* or cesarean or caesarean or cesarian or caesarian or cesarien or caesarien or newborn* or new born* or tocoly* or fetal or foetal or fetus or foetus or miscarriage* or pregnancy or pregnancies or pregnant).ti,ab,kf.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. Based on the Search strategy from the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group: Appendix 2, Embase-Ovid: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK379828/

Pregnancy - Focussed

exp *pregnancy/ or exp *pregnancy disorder/ or exp *obstetric procedure/ or exp *breast feeding/ or exp *breast feeding education/ or exp *birth/ or exp *childbirth/ or *childbirth education/ or *labor pain/ or (ante natal or antenatal* or pre natal* or prenatal* or puerper* or postnatal* or postpartum or post partum or post natal* or peripartum or peri partum or prepregnancy or pre pregnancy or preconception* or pre conception* or periconception* or peri conception* or ((preterm or premature) and (labor or labour)) or eclamp* or preeclamp* or pre eclamp* or amniocentes* or chorion* vill* or breastfe* or breast fe* or lactation* or cesarean or caesarean or cesarian or caesarian or cesarien or caesarien or newborn* or new born* or tocoly* or fetal or foetal or fetus or foetus or miscarriage* or pregnancy or pregnancies or pregnant).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 13 February 2023. This is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Source Type

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to major reference work
  A limit to Source Types will restrict retrieval to any of the selected source types such as "book" or "journal".
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The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the Ovid Online Help linked below.
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Sample Documents
Sample 1
Accession Number
	Gannon T.A.
Author Email
	Gannon T.A.; [email protected]
	(Gannon) Centre of Research and Education in Forensic Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom
Correspondence Address
	T.A. Gannon, Centre of Research and Education in Forensic Psychology, School of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, England CT2 7NP, United Kingdom. E-mail: 
    [email protected]
Country of Publication
	United Kingdom
	A compositional explanatory theory of pedophilia.
	Aggression and Violent Behavior. 61 (no pagination), 2021. Article Number: 101662. Date of Publication: 01 Nov 2021.
	Elsevier Ltd
Journal Translated Name
	Aggression and Violent Behavior
	A key problem associated with adequate knowledge generation in pedophilia is that theories and studies predominantly examine abusive pedophilia. Acting abusively in relation to children-even where
        pedophilia is present-is likely to involve a different set of processes to those involved in the underlying concept of pedophilia itself. What is required is a consistent definition of pedophilia, as well as an
        explanation of its composition, to promote insight into the etiological mechanisms underpinning pedophilia independent of abusive behavior. In this manuscript, I critically review both the concept of
        pedophilia and existing pedophilia theory. Then, using the Phenomena Detection Method of Theory Construction (PDM-TC; Ward & Clack, 2019), I generate a compositional explanatory theory of
        pedophilia (CEToP). The CEToP examines the composition and possible causes of pedophilia via an overarching framework that specifies two key pathways as being responsible for the central clinical
        features of pedophilia and reconciles biological and environmental explanations of pedophilia. I examine this new theory according to key evaluative components associated with theory construction
        and conclude by highlighting the CEToPs potential application for research and practice with individuals experiencing pedophilia.
        Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd

Number of References
Electronic ISSN
Summary Language
Publication Type
Source Type
Entry Week
Date Delivered
Date Created
Year of Publication
	Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.
Sample 2
Accession Number
	Dixon A.
Author Email
	Dixon A.; [email protected]
	(Dixon) Centre for Ageing Better, London, United Kingdom
Correspondence Address
	A. Dixon, Centre for Ageing Better, London, United Kingdom. E-mail: [email protected]
Country of Publication
	United Kingdom
	Why we need to face up to the ageing population?.
	Health Economics, Policy and Law. 16 (4) (pp 379-382), 2021. Date of Publication: 01 Oct 2021.
	Cambridge University Press
Journal Translated Name
	Health Economics, Policy and Law
	Dr Anna Dixon, Chief Executive at the Centre for Ageing Better, examines the issues around an ageing population, how we have reached this stage and offers potential solutions to the problems it
        presents. Her book, The Age of Ageing Better? turns the misleading and depressing narrative of burden and massive extra cost of people living longer on its head and shows how our society could
        thrive if we started thinking differently. She presents a refreshingly optimistic vision for the future that could change the way we value later life in every sense.
        Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press.
Number of References
Electronic ISSN
Summary Language
Publication Type
Source Type
Entry Week
Date Delivered
Date Created
Year of Publication
	Copyright 2021 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.
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Publishing Information

*The Emcare database is built throughout the month, with new and updated items of content being continuously published when ready.
*The Emcare database has one volume per year, as a living portal, the most current volume is always the available volume. Each item of content is updated annually based on its date of publication, therefore each volume is always up to date. The first volume of the Emcare database was published in 1995. A volume opens from the first day of January and will close on the last day of December each year; and is available via national subscription, pay-per-view, or, one-click free access for qualifying countries.

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