PSYNDEXplus Literature
and Audiovisual Media Database Guide |
Database guide last Copyright 2024, |
The "PSYNDEXplus Literature and Audiovisual Media" is an electronic bibliographic database that contains summaries of psychological publications in German and English from authors in the German-speaking countries. Yearly, about 11,000 new journal articles, books, chapters, reports, and dissertations are documented, from all fields of psychology, or covering aspects of psychiatry, medicine, education, sociology, sport, linguistics, business management, criminology that are relevant for psychology. Audiovisual media and intervention programs from the field of psychology are also included. Additional information about the database (e.g. current number of records, record languages) can be found on the PSYNDEX webpage. A list of German and English journals covered in the database is provided by the PSYNDEX Coverage List. All records are indexed with the "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms"
(Copyright American Psychologial Association, all rights reserved; translated and adapted by
permission of the American Psychological Association). The database is searchable in German and English.
PSYNDEXplus is produced by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) The Thesaurus of Index Terms and Classification Categories are copyrighted by the American Psychological Association, all rights reserved; contact [email protected] for more information.
The limit of databases that you can select for a multifile search session is based upon database segments rather than actual databases. The Ovid multifile segment limit is set at 120 to avoid impacting your search sessions. This database includes 1 segment. This database is updated online monthly. |
Label | Name / Example | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AB | Abstract [Word Indexed] abbau.ab. |
The Abstracts (AB) field contains the German and the English abstracts. |
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AF | All Searchable Fields [Search Alias] mental |
All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as Subject Headings (SH). |
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AG | Age Group [Phrase Indexed] |
The Age Group (AG) field indicates which age group(s) are included in records with human populations. Possible age groups and corresponding age ranges are as follows. When searching using the field label, use only the name of the age group, for example
Age Group is also available as a limit. |
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AI | Author ID [Word Indexed] |
The Author ID (AI) will help users locate publications by authors with variant name spellings and will group that author’s publications. |
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AL | Abstract Language [Word Indexed] |
The Abstract Language (AL) field contains the language(s) of the abstract(s). The abstract languages available are German and English. |
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AN | Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] |
The Accession Number (AN) is a 7-digit unique identifier assigned to each record in the database. |
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AU | Author [Phrase Indexed] abele andrea |
The Author (AU) field contains the names of individual persons responsible for creation of the work represented by the record. Authors' and collaborators’ names appear last name first. Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name, a space, and the first initial. If an author or collaborator has performed a specific function in the creation of a document, this function will be noted, enclosed in parentheses. The functions are displayed but are not indexed. The following functions (only available in German) are used in the PSYNDEXplus Literature and Audiovisual Media Database:
All authors are listed. |
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BT | Parent Book Title [Word Indexed] |
The Parent Book Title (BT) field appears in chapter records only, and contains the title of the parent book in which the chapter appears. The parent book information, combined with the publisher and ISBN fields, enables users to obtain complete book bibliographic data from chapter records. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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BY | Type of Book [Phrase Indexed] |
The Type of Book (BY) field displays the description or type of book. |
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CA | Corporate/Institutional Author [Word Indexed] |
The Corporate/Institutional Author (CA) field contains the corporation or institution of the authors
or editors as well as the department, sub-departments and location of a corporation named as author of a
publication. Enter the most significant words from a corporate author name to search this field. |
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CC | Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed] curriculum programs teaching |
The Classification Codes (CC) field contains numeric codes and classification categories representing broad subject areas, such as "Learning and Motivation" or "Linguistics, Language and Speech". Originated from the "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms" (Copyr. Am. Psych. Assn., 11th ed., 2007, all rights reserved; translated and adapted by permission of the American Psychological Association). Typing in the first two digits from codes ending with 00 will retrieve all records from a major category plus all of its subcategories; for example, "" retrieves the category Psychological & Physical Disorders plus its 20 subcategories. To view and select from the hierarchical list of codes and their scope notes, use the option "Tools/Classification Codes." Classification Codes/Categories are also available as a limit. |
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CD | Cited Reference DOI [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference DOI (CD) field contains the Digital Object Identifier of the electronic document cited in a record, which may allow full-text access. The Cited Reference DOI displays in the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CF | Conference Information [Word Indexed] |
The Conference Information (CF) field contains the name, number, date and location of a conference at which contents referred to in the document were presented. |
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CG | German Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed] curricula bildungsprogramme und |
The German Classification Codes (CG) field contains numeric codes that correspond to the Classification Categories in German translation. Originated from the "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms" (Copyr. Am. Psych. Assn., 11th ed., 2007, all rights reserved; translated and adapted by permission of the American Psychological Association). Typing in the first two digits from codes ending with 00 will retrieve all records from a major category plus all of its subcategories; for example, "" retrieves the category Psychological & Physical Disorders plus its 20 subcategories. To view and select from the hierarchical list of codes and their scope notes, use the option "Tools/Classification Codes." Classification Codes/Categories are also available as a limit. |
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CP | Copyright [Word Indexed] |
The Copyright Field (CP) indicates who owns the copyright of a publication at the time it was first published. Captures also open content license types. |
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CQ | Correspondence Address [Word Indexed] |
The Correspondence Address (CQ) field contains the address of the corresponding author at the time of publication. |
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CS | Cited Reference Source [Phrase Indexed] cambridge.cs. |
The Cited Reference Source (CS) field contains the source of the cited publication. For Book references, title information will be found in the Cited Reference Title (CV) field. The Cited Reference Source displays in the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CT | Cited Reference Author Word [Phrase Indexed] cameron.ct. |
The Cited Reference Author Word (CT) field is a word index containing the names of the authors in the cited references. Authors may be Anonymous, Individual Authors, or Institutional Authors. The Cited Reference Author Word displays in the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CU | Cited Reference Author [Phrase Indexed] carver c s scheier m |
The Cited Reference Author (CU) field contains the names of the author in cited references. Authors may be Anonymous, Individual Authors, or Institutional Authors. The Cited Reference Author displays in the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CV | Cited Reference Title [Phrase Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Title (CV) field contains the title of the source document. This field displays in the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CW | Classification Word [Word Indexed] |
Sometimes, you may wish to retrieve every Classification Category that includes a particular word or words. This is done by searching the desired word(s) in the Classification Word (CW) field. This field contains the words of both the English and the German Classification Codes - CC and CG fields. Classification Codes/Categories are also available as a limit. |
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CY | Country [Phrase Indexed] |
The Country (CY) field lists the country of the first author's institution or address (at the time of publication). |
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DC | Data Set Access [Word Indexed] |
The Data Set Access (DC) field contains the access points for a data set the publication is based on. There can be any number of DOIs or links for a data set. |
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DE | Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings (DE) field contains entries from the subject heading that are no longer actual terms in the Thesaurus. This field is indexed via the Subject Headings (SH). |
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DJ | Date of Doctoral Thesis [Word Indexed] 07.pd. |
The Date of Doctoral Thesis (DJ) field contains the date of promotion for a Doctoral Thesis. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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DL | Document Location [Word Indexed] dortmund.dl. |
The Document Location (DL) field contains the location of theses, reports, and audiovisual media. The Document Location displays within the Source (SO) field. |
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DM | Domain [Word Indexed] |
The Domain (DM) field indicates that a record belongs to one or more of the following categories:
Domain is also available as a limit. |
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DN | Dissertation Details [Word Indexed] |
The Dissertation Details (DN) field contains the additional publisher information such as UMI Order Number, OpenURL, Advisor(s), degree and institution and department for dissertation records. |
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DO | Digital Object Identifier [Phrase Indexed] 10 1001 archneur 1992 |
The Digital Object Identifier (DO) field contains the registered DOI for electronic documents. These DOIs may allow full text access. |
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DP | Publication Date [Word Indexed] |
The Publication Date (DP) field contains combinations of day, month, and year; month and year; season and year; or only a year. |
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DS | Doctoral Supervisor [Phrase Indexed] dahme b.ds. |
The Doctoral Supervisor (DS) field features the name(s) of the faculty advisors of doctoral candidates. Initials are always used for first names. It is not necessary to type in hyphens. |
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DT | Document Type [Phrase Indexed] |
The field Document Type (DT) identifies the specific type of document, not its content. |
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EA | English Abstract [Word Indexed] early.ea. |
The English Abstract (EA) field contains the English abstract. English abstract term appears in the Abstract (AB) field English Abstract is also available as a limit. |
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EP | Evidence Phase [Word Indexed] developmental.ep. |
The Evidence Phase (EP) contains the classification of empirical methods according to the extended 4-phase test model for clinical trials. Evidence Phases include:
Evidence Phase is also available as a limit. |
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FD | Free Descriptors [Phrase Indexed] foreign workers.fd. |
The Free Descriptors (FD) field contains additional controlled vocabulary terms in English that are not covered in the Thesaurus. Free Descriptors often include theories and concepts that are unique to the psychological field of the Germany-speaking countries. |
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FG | German Free Descriptors [Phrase Indexed] forschung.fg. |
The German Free Descriptors (FG) field contains additional controlled vocabulary terms in German that are not covered in the Thesaurus. Free Descriptors often include theories and concepts that are unique to the psychological field of the German-speaking countries. |
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FO | Format Covered [Phrase Indexed] |
The Format Covered (FO) field contains information on the media type of a record: |
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FW | Free Descriptors Word [Word Indexed] foreign.fw. |
The Free Descriptors Word (FW) is a word index containing the values of Free Descriptors (FD) and German Free Descriptors (FG). |
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GA | German Abstract [Word Indexed] |
The German Abstract (GA) field contains the German abstract. German Abstract is also available as a limit. |
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GS | Grant/Sponsorship [Word Indexed] |
The Grant/Scholarship (GS) field identifies the sponsor name(s) and grant/contract/award number of the research covered by the record. |
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HW | Heading Word [Word Indexed] handwriting.hw. |
Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Subject Heading that includes a particular word or words. This is done by searching the desired word(s) in the Heading Word (HW) field. This field contains the words of both the English and the German Subject Headings - SH and SG fields. You can also view every Subject Heading which contains a particular word by using the option "Tools/Permuted Index." |
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IA | Intended Audience [Phrase Indexed] practitioners.ia. |
The Intended Audience (IA) field indicates the intended audience for the publication, audiovisual medium, or intervention program. The categories of the intended audience are:
Intended Audience is also available as a limit. |
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IB | ISBN [Phrase Indexed] 0195130073.ib. |
The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number, a 13- or 10-digit unique identifier for monograph publications. You may search the ISBN with or without hyphens. |
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ID | Key Concepts [Word Indexed] |
The Key Concepts (ID) field (available in English only) contains a brief description of the contents of a document. For empirical and experimental studies, it includes independent variable(s), dependent variable(s), abbreviations of all tests and measures used in a study, and number and type of subjects. You can search the Key Phrase field for tests (using test abbreviations); for example, "" |
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IN | Institution [Word Indexed] |
The Institution (IN) field contains the institutional affiliation (at the time of publication) of every author listed in the Author (AU) field. For an effective search, enter the single most descriptive word in the institution name, e.g., "heidelberg", not "universitaet". |
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IP | Issue/Part [Word Indexed] 9.ip. |
The Issue/Part (IP) field contains the issue or part for a particular volume of a journal. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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IS | ISSN Print [Phrase Indexed] 0001 |
The ISSN Print (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (an 8-13 digits code) for the print journal in which an article was published. It appears as a number separated by a hyphen. To search the index, include the hyphens, e.g. 0001-4966. |
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IT | ISSN Electronic [Phrase Indexed] 1423 |
The ISSN Electronic (IT) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (an 8-digit code) for the electronic journal in which an article was published. It appears as a number separated by a hyphen. To search the index, include the hyphens, e.g. 0001-4966. |
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JN | Journal Name [Phrase Indexed] journal fuer psychologie.jn. |
The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published. Journal names are indexed as phrases. To view journal titles in the index, enter as many of the words or letters in a journal name as are needed to distinguish it from other journals: "cognitive sci" for "Cognitive Science." To search by a journal word, use the Journal Word (JX) field. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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JU | Journal URL [Word Indexed] jid.ju. |
The Journal URL (JU) field contains the URL address of the journal home page. |
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JX | Journal Word [Word Indexed] jugendlichen.jx. |
The Journal Word (JX) field contains individual words from every journal name. This field is used to retrieve all journals which include a particular word, such as "psychological." The field is searchable also with the search syntax .jw. |
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LG | Language [Phrase Indexed] german.lg. |
The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of a document. Language is also available as a limit. |
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LO | Population Location [Phrase Indexed] netherlands.lo. |
The Population Location (LO) field indicates the country in which the group that is the subject of the document is located. Population Location is also available as a limit. |
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MA | E-Mail Address [Word Indexed] |
The E-Mail Address (MA) field contains the e-mail address of the corresponding author. |
MD | Methodology (MD) [Phrase Indexed] methodological |
The Methodology (MD) field indicates the specific kind of publication or audiovisual media. Use the MD field or the corresponding Methodology Code to limit your search to records of a particular type of publication or audiovisual media such as "empirical study" "literature review" or "theoretical discussion". The Methodology (MD) field also contains the 5-digit methodology codes. The content of the field is available in English. Methodology terms include: 10100 Empirical Study10110 Experimental Study 10111 Randomized Experimental Study 10112 Quasi-experimental Study 10120 Longitudinal Empirical Study 10130 Qualitative Empirical Study 10140 Meta-analysis 10150 Multicenter Study 10200 Illustrative Empirical Data 10300 Clinical Case Report 10310 Illustrative Case Report 10400 Experience Report/Case Study 10600 Data Reanalysis 10700 Study Replication 10800 Registered Study 11100 Methodological Study 11200 Assessment Method Description 12100 Theoretical Study 12200 Theoretical Discussion 12300 Terminological/Conceptual Contribution 13100 Literature Review 13110 Systematic Review 13200 Overview 15100 Historical Study Typing the Methodology 5-digit code will retrieve all records from Methodology; for example, retrieves the Empirical Study. Methodology is also available as a limit. |
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NE | Number of Edition [Word Indexed] |
The Number of Edition (NE) field contains edition number information of a publication. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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NR | Number of Cited References [Word Indexed] |
The Number of Cited References (NR) field contains the number of publications cited in the bibliography. |
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NT | Notes [Word Indexed] naturwissenschaftlichen.nt. |
The Notes (NT) field contains notes about a publication. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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PA | Parent Book Author [Phrase Indexed] pawlik |
The Parent Book Author (PA) field appears in chapter records only. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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PD | Parent Book Author ID [Word Indexed] |
The Parent Book Author ID (PD) uniquely identifiers authors of the parent book in which rhe record was published. The Parent Book Author ID (PD) displays in the Source (SO) field following its associated Book Author. |
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PE | Page Count [Phrase Indexed] |
The Page Count (PE) field contains the total number of pages for a publication. It is a separate and a distinct field from the Pagination (PG) field. It is an optional, nonrepeating field containing a number string. |
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PG | Pagination [Word Indexed] |
The Pagination (PG) field consists of the initial page of a document. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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PH | Publication History [Word Indexed] |
The Publication History (PH) field contains multiple dates for the publishing history of a journal article. |
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PI | Parent Book Institutional Author [Word Indexed] |
The Parent Book Institutional Author (PI) identifies, for chapter records,
the institutional author of the book in which the chapter appears. |
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PJ | Journal Publisher [Word Indexed] akademische.pj. |
The Journal Publisher (PJ) field contains the name of the publisher of a journal. |
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PL | Publisher Location [Word Indexed] |
The Publisher Location (PL) field contains the city where the document was published. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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PR | Price [Word Indexed] |
The Price (PR) field contains price information for publications and other resources. |
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PS | Publication Status [Phrase Indexed] |
The Publication Status (PS) field is used to indicate whether an article is a first posting before being fully published. |
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PT | Publication Type [Phrase Indexed] |
The Publication Type (PT) field contains the following publication types (only available in English) and their corresponding numeric codes:
You can search for publication types by name (English names) or by 2-digit numeric code. Publication Type is also available as a limit. |
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PU | Publisher Information [Word Indexed] pabst.pu. |
The Publisher Information (PU) field contains the name of the publisher of a book, book chapter or dissertation. This field displays in the Source (SO) field. |
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RD | Replication Details [Word Indexed] |
The Replication Details field indicates, whether the publication is an experimental replication study; provides the source and a link (URL or DOI) to the replicated original study. |
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RF | Cited References [Phrase Indexed] racial.rf. |
The Cited References (RF) field contains the reference list of a document. The Cited References field may appear in journal, book, and book chapter records. Use RF to simultaneously search in all searchable parts of the Cited References field, including Cited Reference Author Word (CT), Cited Reference Source (CS), Cited Reference Title (CV), and Cited Reference DOI (CD). |
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RG | Preregistration Details [Word Indexed] |
The Preregistration Details field (RG) indicates, whether the publication is a preregistered study; provides a link (URL) to the preregistration document. |
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RY | Reprint Year [Phrase Indexed] |
The Reprint Year (RY) field contains the year in which a book or chapter was reprinted. |
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SG | German Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] |
The German Subject Headings (SG) field contains the German translation provided by ZPID of the subject terms from the "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms" (Copyr. Am. Psych. Assn., 11th ed., 2007, all rights reserved; translated and adapted by permission of the American Psychological Association), a list of controlled vocabulary terms used to ensure consistent indexing of records. The German Subject Headings field contains the German terms; the Subject Headings (SH) field contains the English terms. German Subject Headings which describe the major point (focus) of a document are followed by the word (focus). |
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SH | Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] |
The Subject Headings (SH) field contains subject terms from the "Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms" (Copyr. Am. Psych. Assn., 11th ed., 2011, all rights reserved; translated and adapted by permission of the American Psychological Association), a list of controlled vocabulary terms used to ensure consistent indexing of records. The Subject Headings field contains the English terms; the German Subject Headings (SG) field contains the German translation of the terms, provided by ZPID. Subject Headings which describe the major point (focus) of a document are preceded by an asterisk (*). You can look up any of these terms by using the Thesaurus tool. Subject Headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched exactly as they appear in the thesaurus. Subject Headings that are no longer actual terms in the Thesaurus will display in Non-Thesaurus Subject Headings (DE) field |
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SO | Source [Display Only] |
The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the journal name or monograph publisher, the vol/issue, pagination and year of publication. The fields which comprise the Source field are Parent Book Title (BT), Parent Book Author (PA), Parent Book Institutional Author (PI), Issue/Part (IP), Journal Name (JN), Publisher Location (PL), Number of Edition (NE), Notes (NT), Pagination (PG), Date of Doctoral Thesis (PD), Publisher Information (PU), Series Title (ST), University Name (UN), University Location (UO), Volume (VO), and Year of Publication (YR). |
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ST | Series Title [Word Indexed] |
The Series Title (ST) field contains the title of a publication series. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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SU | Subject [Display Only] |
The Subject (SU) field is used for simultaneous word searching in Key Concepts (ID), Subject Headings (SH), German Subject Headings (SG), Free Descriptors (FD), and German Free Descriptors (FG). |
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SV | Supplemental Material [Word Indexed] |
The Supplemental Material (SV) field (only available in German) indicates any items accompanying the document, such as study guide, an assessment instrument, references, and more. Use this field to limit your search to only records of documents containing a specific feature, such as "assessment instrument." |
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TI | Title [Word Indexed] taboo.ti. |
The Title (TI) field contains the complete title of the original document. All titles display in the original language (the first title displayed in the Title field); most documents are in German, with an English title translation supplied. English publications have a German title translation. If the document is neither in German nor English, English and German title translations are supplied in addition to the original titles. |
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TM | Tests and Measures [Word Indexed] |
The Tests and Measures (TM) field identifies the names of tests and measures mentioned in the source document. The Tests and Measures (TM) field contains both the short name and the long name of a test used in a study mentioned in the document. A 9 digit code consisting of prefix "PT"and the 7-digit Accession number of Psyndex Tests may be enclosed. In addition, the following terms may be listed: "appended" (the entire test or its items are printed in the document), "central" (the test procedure is the central content of the publication), "German version" (the German version or translation of a test procedure in a different language was used), and DOI ("Digital Object Identifier": the DOI named in the publication and/or the DOI documented in the PSYNDEX Tests database for this test). These terms can also be searched for in the TM field: for example, entering "happiness and appended" in the TM search field, finds all publications in which the complete test (or at least its items) that was used to assess "happiness" are printed. In the "full record" of the document these terms can also be found in the TM field. |
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TW | Text Word [TI, AB, ID.] drug |
The Text Word field searches simultaneously in the Title (TI), Abstract (AB) and Key Concepts (ID) fields is appropriate for a free-text search intended for broad retrieval. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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UA | Author URL [Word Indexed] |
The Author URL (UA) field contains the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the first author's website. |
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UB | Publisher URL [Word Indexed] verlag.ub. |
The Publisher URL (UB) field contains the URL address of the publisher's home page. |
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UC | Corporate URL[Word Indexed] unizh.uc. |
The Corporate URL (UC) field contains the URL address of the corresponding author's institution. |
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UM | URL Material[Word Indexed] |
The URL Material (UM) field contains the web address (URL) if additional information about the document is available, for example research data or the detailed description of an intervention program. |
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UN | University Name [Word Indexed] universitaet.un. |
The University Name (UN) field contains the name of the University where a document was published. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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UO | University Location [Word Indexed] landau.uo. |
The University Location (UO) field contains the geographical location of the university where a document was published. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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UP | Update Code [Phrase Indexed] 200801.up. |
The Update Code (UP) field indicates the date of the entry or of the last update of a record in the PSYNDEXplus Literature and Audiovisual Media Database, in YYYYMM form. |
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UR | URL [Word Indexed] org.ur. |
The URL (UR) field contains the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) where an online version of the document, a full-text version of the document, or additional information is available. |
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VO | Volume [Word Indexed] 11.vo. |
The Volume (VO) field contains the volume of a serial publication. This field displays as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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YR | Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed] 2016.yr. |
The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which a document was published. The year may be searched using four digits, such as "2004." Only individual years may be searched. Use the Limit to Publication Year to restrict sets to a range of years. The Year of Publication is displayed in its own field and also as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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Advanced Searching | |||
You can use special search syntax listed below to combine search terms or strategically develop a search. Full documentation is provided in the Advanced Searching Techniques section of the Online Help. | |||
Operator | Syntax | Search Example | Sample Results |
OR | x or y | bipolar or psychosis | "Treatment of bipolar mania" |
The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
AND | x and y | depression and personality | "borderline personality disorder and depression" |
The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
NOT | x not y | depression not bipolar | "treatment for major depression in elderly patients" |
The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search health reform not health maintenance organizations retrieves only those records that contain the term health reform but excludes the term health maintenance organizations. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic. You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. |
Adjacency (ADJ) | x y | autism spectrum | "Autism spectrum disorders and low body weight" |
The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other in that specific order. You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. For example, the search blood pressure is identical to the search blood adj pressure. | ||
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) | x ADJn y | depression adj3 suicide | "Psychopathological predictors of suicide in patients with major depression " |
The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n-1) of words from each other in any order (stop-words included). To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99 as explained below: ADJ1 Next to each other, in any order ADJ2 Next to each other, in any order, up to 1 word in between ADJ3 Next to each other, in any order, up to 2 words in between ADJ99 Next to each other, in any order, up to 98 words in between For example, the search physician adj5 relationship retrieves records that contain the words physician and relationship with a maximum of four words in between in either direction. This particular search retrieves records containing such phrases as physician patient relationship, patient physician relationship, or relationship between cancer patient and physician. Please note Ovid’s order of operation handles terms within parentheses first. Therefore it is recommended to apply the ADJn operator in one-on-one operations to avoid missing out on results. E.g. stroke adj4 (blood pressure or high blood pressure) could potentially miss out on some combinations of stroke with high blood pressure. The optimum way to execute this on Ovid is: (stroke adj4 blood pressure) OR (stroke adj4 high blood pressure). |
Frequency (FREQ) | x.ab./FREQ=n | depression.ea./freq=5 | "Measuring depression outcome with a brief self-report instrument" |
The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase. | ||
Unlimited Truncation ($) | x$ | rat$ | "The second to fourth digit ratio, sociosexuality, and offspring sex ratio" |
Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or * (asterisk). For example, in the truncated search rat*, Ovid retrieves the word rat as well as the words rats, and more. | ||
Limited Truncation ($) | x$n | dog$1 | "Dogs, man-wolves, and full moon" |
Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma. | ||
Mandated Wildcard (#) | xx#y | wom#n | "Women in forensic psychiatric incarceration" |
Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. For example, the search dog# retrieves results that contain the word dogs, but not those that contain the word dog, effectively limiting results to only those that contain the plural form of the word. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. For example, the search wom#n retrieves results that contain both woman and women. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word. | ||
Optional Wildcard (?) | xx?y | colo?r | "Color assimilation as a grouping factor" |
The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word. | ||
Literal String ("") | "x / y" | "right / left" | "from left to right or right to left" |
"n" | "3".so | "Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 15(3) 2005, 343-349." |
Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/). Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number. |
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Stopwords |
The Ovid search engine applies so called "run-time stopword processing". This means the search engine on the fly ignores the stopwords: and, as, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, that, the, this, to, was, were & with. Therefore a search: at risk for diabetes.ti will also find: at risk of diabetes. The distance of one word in between is kept, but the stopword "for" is ignored. |
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Tools |
The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the Ovid Online Help linked below. |
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Changing to this Database | |||
To change a search session to a segment of this database from another database or another segment, use the following syntax in the Ovid Syntax tab: | |||
Command Syntax: | ..c/psyn | ||
Sentence Syntax: | use psyn | ||
Click on this link to see other Advanced Search Techniques | |||
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Sample Documents |
Sample 1 |
Accession Number 0373971 Title The dimensional structure of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale for pathological gambling: Functional differences between true compulsions and compulsive behavior. Die dimensionale Struktur der Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale fuer pathologisches Gluecksspiel: Funktionale Unterschiede zwischen echten Zwaengen und zwanghaftem Verhalten. (DeepL) PSYNDEXalert). Author Moritz, Steffen; Buecker, Lara; Wittekind, Charlotte; Gaweda, Lukasz; Gehlenborg, Josefine Author ID Moritz, Steffen; ORCID: 0000-0001-8601-0143 Buecker, Lara; ORCID: 0000-0002-2068-1478 Wittekind, Charlotte; ORCID: 0000-0002-5841-0067 Gaweda, Lukasz; ORCID: 0000-0001-6578-1846 Gehlenborg, Josefine; ORCID: 0000-0002-0029-2029 Institution Moritz, Steffen: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany) Buecker, Lara: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany) Wittekind, Charlotte: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany) Gaweda, Lukasz: Experimental Psychopathology Lab, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland) Gehlenborg, Josefine: Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg (Germany) Country Germany E-Mail Address Moritz, Steffen: [email protected] Source International Gambling Studies. 1-11, 2020. Publication Date: 27.08.2020 Journal Name International Gambling Studies Journal Publisher Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group) Publication Type Journal Article; Literature Publication Date 27.08.2020 Year of Publication 2020 Number of Cited References 33 ISSN Print 1445-9795 Language English Digital Object Identifier Domain PSYNDEX Research Intended Audience Research Users Grant/Sponsorship Sponsor: Gauselmann AG Publication Status First Posting Update Code 202101 Copyright PUBL Full copyright with publisher or association |
Sample 2 |
Accession Number 0009761 Title Einstellungs- und Selbstkonzeptaenderung bei Verhaltensaenderung: II. Korrelationen zwischen Verhalten und Einstellung. Change of attitudes and self-concepts after behavior change: II. Correlations between behavior and attitudes. Author Mummendey, Hans Dieter; Schiebel, Bernd; Sturm, Gabriele Author ID Mummendey, Hans D.; PsychAuthors: Institution Universitaet Bielefeld; Fakultaet fuer Soziologie (Germany) Country Germany Author URL Source Bielefeld: Universitaet, Fakultaet fuer Soziologie (1985). 18 Seiten Series: Bielefelder Arbeiten zur Sozialpsychologie, Nr. 120 Publication Date: 1985 Location: Sondersammelgebiet Psychologie an der Universitaetsbibliothek Saarbruecken Format Covered Print Publication Type Report; Literature Publication Date 1985 Year of Publication 1985 Number of Cited References 4 Language German Abstract Language German Abstract In diesem zweiten Bericht ueber eine empirische Untersuchung der Frage der Beziehung zwischen Einstellung und Verhalten - im Laengsschnitt aus der Perspektive "Verhalten aendert Einstellung" erforscht - wird ueber korrelative Zusammenhaenge berichtet. Waehrend sich die einfachen Korrelationen zwischen Verhaltens- und Einstellungsvariablen in unterschiedlicher Hoehe darstellen und nur fuer einzelne Gegenstaende Werte bis 0.50 erreichen, zeigen sich hohe (multiple) Korrelationen dann, wenn man die subjektive Bedeutung des verhaltensaendernden Ereignisses (Geburt des ersten Kindes bei Frauen, Wehrdienst bei Maennern) als weitere Erklaerungsvariable mit einbezieht. Darueber hinaus weisen komplexere Analysen (kanonische Korrelationsanalysen) auf einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Verhaltens- und Einstellungsvariablen hin. (Report - ZPID) Key Concepts behavior change, effect on self-concept change & attitude change, correlative relationship between behavior & attitudes Subject Headings *Self-Concept *Attitude Change *Behavior Change Longitudinal Studies German Subject Headings Selbstkonzept (focus) Einstellungsaenderung (focus) Verhaltensaenderung (focus) Laengsschnittuntersuchungen Classification Codes Social Psychology [3000; 30] German Classification Codes Sozialpsychologie [3000; 30] Intended Audience Practitioners Update Code 198604 |
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Producer Information |
Producer |
Leibniz Institute for Psychology Information |
Copyright |
Copyright, PSYNDEXplus Literature and Audiovisual Media, ZPID, 1977 to present. All rights reserved. |
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