Ovid HealthStar Database Guide

Ovid HealthSTAR is comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) MEDLINE. It contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. The following topics are included: evaluation of patient outcomes; effectiveness of procedures, programs, products, services and processes; administration and planning of health facilities, services and manpower; health insurance; health policy; health services research; health economics and financial management; laws and regulation; personnel administration; quality assurance; licensure; and accreditation.

As announced in October 2000, Ovid is offering Ovid HealthSTAR as a continuation of the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) now-defunct HealthSTAR database. Ovid HealthSTAR is updated with new journal citations culled from MEDLINE using the NLM’s HealthSTAR search strategy. The database contains citations and abstracts (when available) to journal articles, monographs, technical reports, meeting abstracts and papers, book chapters, government documents, and newspaper articles from 1975 to the present. Citations are indexed with the National Library of Medicine’s Medical Subject Headings in order to ensure compatibility with other NLM databases. Information in Ovid HealthSTAR is derived from MEDLINE, the Hospital Literature Index, and selected journals.

NLM uses a controlled vocabulary of biomedical terms to index articles, to catalog books and other holdings, and to facilitate searching within MEDLINE. MEDLINE’s controlled-vocabulary thesaurus contains Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®) to describe the subject of each journal article in the database. MeSH terms provide a consistent way of retrieving information that uses different terminology for the same concept. Within MEDLINE’s tree, MeSH terms display hierarchically by category, with more specific terms arranged beneath broader terms. This hierarchical structure also provides an effective way for searchers to browse MeSH in order to find descriptors appropriate to their searches.

Multi-Segments and Years of Coverage
Name   Years of Coverage
hstr   1966 - present
hstf   1999 to present
hstb   1966 to 1998

The limit of databases that you can select for a multifile search session is based upon database segments rather than actual databases. The Ovid multifile segment limit is set at 120 to avoid impacting your search sessions. This database includes 18 segments.

This database is updated online monthly.


The following list is sorted alphabetically by field alias. Click a field name to see the description and search information.
All Fields in this Database
  Abbreviated Source (AS) Gene Symbol Word (GW) Original Title (OT)
  Abstract (AB) General Note (NT) Other Abstract (OA)
  Abstract Label (AL) Grant Acronym (GR) Other ID (OI)
  All Searchable Fields (AF) Grant Country (GC) Page (PG)
  Article Identifier (ID) Grant Information (GI) Personal Name as Subject (PN)
  Authors (AU) Grant Number (NO) PMC Identifier (PM)
  Authors Full Name (FA) Grant Organization (GO) Primary Author (PA)
  Authors Last Name (AX) Indexing Method (IG) Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS)
  Author NameID (AI) Institution (IN) Publication History Status (PH)
  Cited Reference Date (CQ) Investigator (IR) Publication Status (PP)
  Cited Reference DOI (CD) Investigator Affiliation (IA) Publication Type (PT)
  Cited Reference Issue (RP) Investigator NameID (IX) Publisher Item Identifier (DI)
  Cited Reference Page (CG) ISO Journal Abbreviation (IO) Publishing Model (PI)
  Cited Reference PMCID (CZ) ISSN Print (IS) Pubmed Central Release (PQ)
  Cited Reference Publisher Identifier (RY) ISSN Electronic (ES) Rare Disease Supplementary Concept (RS)
  Cited Reference Source (CS) ISSN Linking (IL) Record Owner (RO)
  Cited Reference UI (RZ) Issue/Part (IP) Reference Title Index (RL)
  Cited Reference Volume (CE) Journal Abbreviation (JA) Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN)
  Cited References (RF) Journal Name (JN, JT ) Revision Date (RD)
  Comments (CM) Journal Subset (SB) Season (SE)
  Conflict of Interest (CI) Journal Word (JW) Secondary Source AN (SA)
  Copyright Index (CR) Keyword Heading (KW) Secondary Source ID (SI)
  Country of Publication (CP) Keyword Heading Word (KF) Secondary Source Link (SL)
  Create Date (DT) Language (LG, LA) Space Flight Mission (SM)
  Date of Publication (DP) Local Messages (LM) Subject Heading Word (HW)
  Digital Object Identifier (DO) MeSH Date (DA) Source (SO)
  Electronic Date of Publication (EP) MeSH Subject Heading (SH, CT, SW) Text Word (TW)
  Entry Date (ED) Name of Substance Word (NM) Title (TI)
  Entrez Date (EZ) NLM Category (NC) Title Comment (TC)
  Equal Contributor (EC) NLM Journal Code (JC) Unique Identifier (UI, AN)
  Exploded MeSH Heading (XM) NLM Journal Name (NJ) Update Date (UP)
  Exploded Subheading (XS) NLM Journal Word (NW) Volume (VO)
  Floating Sub-heading (FS) Number of References (NR) Year of Publication (YR)
  Floating Sub-heading Word (FX) Organism Supplementary Concept (OS)  
  Gene Symbol (GS) Organism Supplementary Concept Word (OX)  
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Default Fields for Unqualified Searches (MP): Searching for a term without specifying a field in Advanced search, or specifying .mp., defaults to the following ‘multi-purpose’ (.mp.) fields for this database: ti,ot,ab,nm,hw,fx,kf,ox,px,rx,ui,sy.
  Abstract (AB) Organism Supplementary Concept Word (OX) Subject Heading Word (HW)
Floating Sub-heading Word (FX) Original Title (OT) Synonyms (SY)
Keyword Heading Word (KF) Protocol Supplementary Concept Word (PX) Title (TI)
Name of Substance Word (NM) Rare Disease Supplementary Concept Word (RX) Unique Identifier (UI)
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Default Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: The following fields are included by default for each record.

  Abbreviated Source (AS) Investigator NameID (IX) Publisher Item Identifier (DI)
  Abstract (AB) ISSN Print (IS) Publication Type (PT)
  Author NameID (AI) ISSN Electronic (ES) Publishing Model (PI)
  Authors (AU) ISSN Linking (IL) Pubmed Central Release (PQ)
  Authors Full Name (FA) Journal Subset (SB) Rare Disease Supplementary Concept (RS)
  Cited References (RF) Keyword Heading (KW) Record Owner (RO)
  Comments (CM) Language (LG, LA) Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN)
  Conflict of Interest (CI) Local Messages (LM) Revision Date (RD)
  Country of Publication (CP) MeSH Subject Heading (SH) Secondary Source AN (SA)
  Digital Object Identifier (DO) NLM Journal Code (JC) Secondary Source ID (SI)
  Electronic Date of Publication (EP) NLM Journal Name (NJ) Secondary Source Link (SL)
  Entry Date (ED) Organism Supplementary Concept (OS) Source (SO)
  Gene Symbol (GS) Original Title (OT) Space Flight Mission (SM)
  General Note (NT) Other Abstract (OA) Title (TI)
  Grant Information (GI) Other ID (OI) Title Comment (TC)
  Institution (IN) Personal Name as Subject (PN) Unique Identifier (UI)
  Investigator (IR) PMC Identifier (PM) Update Date (UP)
  Investigator Affiliation (IA) Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS) Year of Publication (YR)
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All Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: Use the Select Fields button in the Results Manager at the bottom of the Main Search Page to choose the fields for a record.

  Abbreviated Source (AS) Investigator Affiliation (IA) Publication History Status (PH)
  Abstract (AB) Investigator NameID (IX) Publication Status (PP)
  Article Identifier (ID) ISO Journal Abbreviation (IO) Publication Type (PT)
  Authors (AU) ISSN Print (IS) Publisher Item Identifier (DI)
  Authors Full Name (FA) ISSN Electronic (ES) Publishing Model (PI)
  Author NameID (AI) ISSN Linking (IL) Pubmed Central Release (PQ)
  Cited References (RF) Journal Subset (SB) Rare Disease Supplementary Concept (RS)
  Comments (CM) Keyword Heading (KW) Record Owner (RO)
  Conflict of Interest (CI) Language (LG) Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN)
  Country of Publication (CP) Local Messages (LM) Revision Date (RD)
  Create Date (DT) MeSH Date (DA) Season (SE)
  Digital Object Identifier (DO) MeSH Subject Heading (SH) Secondary Source AN (SA)
  Electronic Date of Publication (EP) NLM Journal Code (JC) Secondary Source ID (SI)
  Entrez Date (EZ) NLM Journal Name (NJ) Secondary Source Link (SL)
  Entry Date (ED) Number of References (NR) Source (SO)
  Gene Symbol (GS) Organism Supplementary Concept (OS) Space Flight Mission (SM)
  General Note (NT) Original Title (OT) Title (TI)
  Grant Information (GI) Other Abstract (OA) Title Comment (TC)
  Grant Number (NO) Other ID (OI) Unique Identifier (UI)
  Indexing Method (IG) Personal Name as Subject (PN) Update Date (UP)
  Institution (IN) PMC Identifier (PM) Year of Publication (YR)
  Investigator (IR) Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS)  
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Elements of Source (SO) Field: Ovid searches the following fields as part of the record source.
  Issue/Part (IP) Page (PG) Year of Publication (YR)
  Journal Name (JN) Volume (VO)  
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The following list is sorted alphabetically by the two-letter label, and includes the relevant alias, at least one example for all searchable fields, and a description of the field.
Label Name / Example
AB Abstract [Word Indexed]
bone density.ab.
drug abuse.ab.


Since 1975, NLM has included author-written abstracts from journals whose publishers gave the NLM permission for their use. These abstracts appear in the Abstract (AB) field. Over 50% of the documents in Ovid HealthSTAR (R) contain abstracts.

The abstract index contains all searchable words from the abstract.

AF All Searchable Fields [Search Alias]


All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as MeSH Subject Headings (SH).

AI Author NameID [Word Indexed]


Author NameID (AI) field contains author's full name and its unique identifiers may be supplied by the publisher for records added or updated beginning in January 2013. The identifier may be an Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), an International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), Ringgold, or from the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF).

AL Abstract Label [Word Indexed]


The Abstract Label (AL) field contains the valid label name found in published Structured Abstracts (e.g., Introduction, Goals, Study Design, Findings, and Discussion). Each label has a corresponding broader NLM Category (NC) map, and an indication of whether the label is classed as an "Ending Label" concept. This is word indexed and is displayed in the Abstract (AB) field.

AS Abbreviated Source [Display Only]


The Abbreviated Source (AS) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a citation, including the Journal Abbreviation (JA), the Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Page (PG), and Date of Publication (DP).

AU Authors [Phrase Indexed]
rise j.au.


The Authors (AU) field contains the authors of the article. The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials: Smith JC or Smith J. Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other.

Misspelled and corrected names are now included in the Author Index to ensure all possible matches. Only correct author names display, while incorrectly spelled names are indexed along with the correct spelling of the name.

AX Author Last Name [Phrase Indexed]

The Author Last Name (AX) index allows you to search for the authors’ last names. Author names display in Authors (AU) and Authors Full Name (FA) fields.

CD Cited Reference DOI [Phrase Indexed]

The Cited Reference DOI (CD) field contains the DOI information of the source citation.

This field displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

CE Cited Reference Volume [Word Indexed]

The Cited Reference Volume (CE) field contains the particular volume of the Cited Reference Source (CS).

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

CG Cited Reference Page [Word Indexed]

The Cited Reference Page (CG) field contains the page information of the source citation.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

CI Conflict of Interest [Word Indexed]

The Conflict of Interest (CI) field contains disclosure statements as provided by the publisher. This field was introduced in 2017.

CM Comments [Word Indexed]
The Comments (CM) field contains the comment or correction type and the corresponding codes as displayed in below table. Please note the Title Comment (TC) field contains the detail of the referenced article.

Comment or Correction Type Code Description
Comment in (CIN) cites the reference containing a commentary about the article (appears on citation for original article); began use with journal issues published in 1989.
Comment on (CON) cites the reference upon which the article comments; began use with journal issues published in 1989.
Erratum in (EIN) cites a published erratum to the article (appears on citation for original article); began use in 1987.
Erratum for (EFR) cites the original article for which there is a published erratum. As of 2016, partial retractions are considered errata.
Corrected and Republished in (CRI) cites the final, correct version of a corrected and republished article (appears on citation for original article). Began use in 1987 as Republished in (RPI); renamed in 2006.
Corrected and Republished from (CRF) cites the original article subsequently corrected and republished. Began use in 1987 as Republished from (RPF); renamed in 2006.
Dataset described in (DDIN) cites a description of a dataset.
Dataset use reported in (DRIN) cites articles reporting results or use of a dataset.
ExpressionOfConcernIn (ECI) cites the expression of concern (appears on citation for original article); began use in 2017.
ExpressionOfConcernFor (ECF) cites the original article for which there is an expression of concern; began use in 2017.
Republished in (RPI) cites the subsequent (and possibly abridged) version of a republished article (appears on citation for original article); began use in 2006.
Republished from (RPF) cites the first, originally published article; began use in 2006.
Retraction in (RIN) cites the retraction of the article (appears on citation for original article); began use in August 1984 but applied back through 1966.
Retraction of (ROF) cites the article(s) being retracted; began use in August 1984 but applied back through 1966.
Update in (UIN) cites an updated version of the article (appears on citation for original article); began limited use in 2001.
Update of (UOF) cites the article being updated; limited use; began limited use in 2001.
Summary for patients in (SPIN) cites a patient summary article; began use in November 2001 (these records contain Publication Type, Patient Education Handout).
Original report in (ORI) cites a scientific article associated with the patient summary.
CP Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
united states.cp.


The Country of Publication (CP) index contains the full name of the country in which an article was published. The country name is entered into the index as a phrase.

CQ Cited Reference Date [Phrase Indexed]
1880 aug.cq.


The Cited Reference Date (CQ) field contains at least the publication year for the respective reference. This field may contain month, day and/or time of publication or release.

This field displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

CR Copyright Index [Word Indexed]


The Copyright Index (CR) index contains published information and it will be display at the end of Abstract (AB) or Other Abstract (OA) field if available. The Copyright Index (CR) is a word indexed.

CS Cited Reference Source [Word Indexed]
acs med chem lett.cs.


The Cited Reference Source (CS) field contains the journal name of the source citation.

The Cited Reference Source displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

CZ Cited Reference PMCID [Phrase Indexed]


The Cited Reference PMCID (CZ) field contains the PMC identification number of the source citation reference.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

DA MeSH Date [Phrase Indexed]
2017 06 18 0600.da.


The MeSH Date (DA) field contains the date MeSH terms were added to the citation. The MeSH date is the same as the Entrez date until MeSH are added. This field has a format display of YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM and the index format is YYYYMMDD.

DI Publisher Item Identifier [Word Indexed]


The Publisher Item Identifier (DI) field uniquely identifies individual published documents that are provided by the publisher for new citation submitted. The full PII appears as such e.g "S0036-36342008000600005"

Search all PII's by replacing punctuation with spaces such as "S0036 36342008000600005".di. for the displayed PII of S0036-36342008000600005.

DO Digital Object Identifier [Phrase Indexed]
10 1001 jama 2016 1724.do.


The DOI (DO) field contains the Digital Object Identifier - a unique and persistent digital identification code for any object of intellectual property. The DOI itself consists of two parts: a prefix which is assigned to each publisher by the administrative DOI agency, e.g., "10.1097", and a suffix which is assigned by the publisher and can be any code that the publisher chooses, e.g., "00045415-200111000-00002". The full DOI appears as such: "10.1097/00045415-200111000-00002".

Search all DOI's by replacing punctuation with spaces such as "10 1016 j adnc 2003 08 001".do. for the displayed DOI of 10.1016/j.adnc.2003.08.001. (all DOI information provided to Ovid is loaded as it becomes available from NLM).

DP Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed]
2016 may 28.dp.


The Date of Publication (DP) field consists of the date of publication for a citation, in the format YYYY MMM DD (1950 dec 3). The Month and day are not always present. This field is also displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

DT Create Date [Phrase Indexed]


The Create Date (DT) field contains the date when it was added to PubMed. It was implemented with all PubMed records when the 2009 system became available on December 15, 2008. All records added to PubMed prior to implementation received a Create Date equal to Entrez Date (EZ). This field has a format display of YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM and the index format is YYYYMMDD.

EC Equal Contributor [Phrase Indexed]


The Equal Contributor (EC) field contains the journal publisher names who submit citation data to Pubmed.

ED Entry Date [Phrase Indexed]


The Entry Date (ED) field contains the NLM internal Date Completed (DCOM) which is the date processing of the record ends; i.e., MeSH Headings have been added, quality assurance validations are completed, and the completed record subsequently is distributed to PubMed. This is contrasted with the PubMed/MEDLINE Date Created, which is the date processing begins.

EP Electronic Date of Publication [Phrase Indexed]


The Electronic Date of Publication (EP) is the date the record was sent to NLM for inclusion in HealthSTAR (R). This index appears in the format YYYYMMDD.

ES ISSN Electronic [Phrase Indexed]

The ISSN Electronic (ES) field contains the Electronic International Standard Serial Number (EISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen: 0028-4793. To retrieve all of the articles for a journal, search by the Journal Name (JN).

Both Electronic and Print ISSN can be searched in the IS index.

EZ Entrez Date [Phrase Indexed]

The Entrez Date (EZ) is the date the citation was added to PubMed. However, prior to October 9, 2008, the Entrez Date was set equal to the Publication Date (DP) on records with publication dates before September 1997. Beginning on October 9, 2008, the Entrez Date is set equal to the Publication Date (DP) when the record enters PubMed more than twelve months after the date of publication. This field has a format display of YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM and the index format is YYYYMMDD.

FA Authors Full Name [Word Indexed]
wheaton kylie j.fa.


The Authors Full Name (FA) field contains the full name of the authors of the article when available.

FS Floating Sub-heading [Phrase Indexed]


Subheadings are qualifiers added to MeSH subject headings to refine their meaning. Terms such as "etiology" or "therapy", when combined with a MeSH heading, give a precise idea of what an article covers.

The Floating Subheadings (FS) field contains both the 2-letter codes, such as "po" and the full headings, such as "poisoning". These are displayed following the corresponding MeSH Subject Headings.

FX Floating Sub-Heading Word [Word Indexed]


Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every Floating Sub-heading that includes a particular word; this is done by searching the single word in the Floating Sub-heading Word (FX) field.

GC Grant Country [Phrase Indexed]
united kingdom.gc.


The Grant Country (GC) field contains the country of the organization that awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.

GI Grant Information [Phrase Indexed]
arthritis research uk.gi.


The Grant Information (GI) field displays information about awarded grants, may contain Grant Number (NO), Grant Acronym (GR), Grant Organization (GO) and Grant Country (GC).

GO Grant Organization [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Organization (GO) field contains the full name of the organization that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.

GR Grant Acronym [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Acronym (GR) field contains the acronym of the organization that has awarded the grant.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.

GS Gene Symbol [Phrase Indexed]


The Gene Symbol (GS) field contains Gene Symbols as they are entered into Ovid HealthSTAR (R) in the original document. They often, but not always, conform to standardized human gene nomenclature. Ignore super or sub-scripts in entry of a gene symbol: psub 1450 would be entered p1450. Enter hyphens as in the original symbol.

The Gene Symbol field was added to Ovid HealthSTAR (R) in 1991. Beginning in 1996, data will no longer be added to this field.

GW Gene Symbol Word [Word Indexed]


The Gene Word (GW) index contains individual words from the Gene Symbol (GS) field. The Gene Symbol field was added to Ovid HEALTHSTAR (R) in 1991. Beginning in 1996, data will no longer be added to this field.

HW Subject Heading Word [Word Indexed]


The Subject Heading Word (HW) index allows you to retrieve every MeSH subject heading that includes a particular word. Do this by searching a single word in the Subject Heading Word (HW) field.

IA Investigator Affiliation [Word Indexed]
purdue u.ia


The Investigator Affiliation (IA) field contains author's full name and its affiliation to the investigator of the article.

ID Article Identifier [Word Indexed]
zootaxa415027 pii.id.


The Article Identifier (ID) field may contain an identifier that links with records in the publisher's system. The Article Identifier values may include the controlled publisher identifier (PII) or the digital object identifier (DOI). It is most often used for LinkOut, and is not considered part of the citation source information.

IG Indexing Method [Word Indexed]


The Indexing Method (IG) field was introduced by the NLM in September 2018. It will only be present in records if a value is specified. If Indexing Method is not present in the records, the indexing method is fully human indexed.

Values for Indexing Method (IG) are:
Curated - MeSH indexing method is provided algorithmically and a human reviewed (and possibly modified) the algorithm results.
Automated - MeSH indexing is provided algorithmically.

IL ISSN Linking [Phrase Indexed]
0007 1285.il.


The ISSN Linking (IL) index contains an identifier intended to provide a mechanism to group the various medium versions of a continuing resource. The purpose of the ISSN-L is to provide a mechanism for grouping, or collocating, the various medium versions of a resource, for instance, the print and online versions of a journal per ISO 3297 standards.

The first ISSN assigned, in the ISSN Register, to any medium version of a continuing resource shall be designated by default to function also as the ISSN-L and shall apply to all other media versions of that resource identified in the ISSN Register.

The ISSN Linking field will be used only for new records added during the 2008 production year (although NLM still does not know the timing when all will be in place to start to appear on records).

IN Institution [Word Indexed]
case western.in.


The Institution (IN) field contains all author full names and their affiliations, which is usually the source for a reprint of the article. This information can be searched in most documents since 1988, but records from earlier years which were added to the database after 1988 may also contain institution information. Beginning with documents indexed in 1996, author's email address will also be included, if present in the journal.

The information is taken from the source document and is not standardized. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution (harvard, not university). Consider both full spellings and abbreviations.

IO ISO Journal Abbreviation [Phrase Indexed]
aids educ prev.io.


The ISO Journal Abbreviation (IO) field contains journal abbreviations. Those created prior to 2007 did not necessarily conform to the ISO standard. ISO Journal Abbreviations created after this date are identical to the Journal Abbreviation (JA) field. In November 2009 ISO abbreviations were retrospectively assigned for every record from a journal that was currently indexed for MEDLINE at that time.

IP Issue/Part [Word Indexed]


The Issue/part field (IP) contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal. The Issue/Part field displays as part of the Source (SO) and Abbreviated Source (AS) fields.

IR Investigator [Phrase Indexed]
young lr.ir.
zent ap.ir


The Investigator (IR) field contains the NASA-funded principal investigator(s) who conducted the research. The format for authors is last name followed by one or more initials: Smith JC or Smith J.

IS ISSN Print [Phrase Indexed]
0098 7484.is.
8756 971X.is.


The ISSN Print (IS) field contains the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the journal in which an article was published. It appears as an 8 digit number, separated by a hyphen: 0028-4793. To retrieve all of the articles for a journal, search by the Journal Name (JN).

Both Electronic and Print ISSN can be searched in the IS index.

IX Investigator NameID [Phrase Indexed]


The Investigator NameID (IX) field is defined to contain a unique identifier associated with the name. The value in the Identifier attribute Source will designate the organizational authority that established the unique identifier.

JA Journal Abbreviation [Phrase Indexed]
aids behav.ja.


The Journal Abbreviation (JA) field contains the abbreviation of the journal in which the article was published.

JC NLM Journal Code [Phrase Indexed]


The NLM Journal Code (JC) is an alpha-numeric code established by NLM which uniquely identifies every journal indexed in the NLM databases. Only the 7 digit code is searchable, in some cases the 3 digit alpha-numeric code will display as well.

JN Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
archives of dermatology.jn.
journal of the american medical association.jn.


The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published. This field usually displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

JW Journal Word [Word Indexed]


The Journal Word (JW) index contains individual words from every journal name in Ovid HealthSTAR (R). This index displays as part of the Source (SO) field.

KF Keyword Heading Word [Word Indexed]


The Keyword Heading Word (KF) field allows you to retrieve every Keyword Heading that includes a particular word.

KW Keyword Heading [Phrase Indexed]
risk factors men.kw.


The Keyword Heading (KW) field contains the Keyword Headings assigned by indexers at NLM to describe the content of an article. To retrieve every Keyword Heading that includes a particular word, search for the word in the Keyword Heading Word (KF) field.

LG Language [Phrase Indexed]


The Language (LG) field contains the language(s) of publication of an article. The language name will appear in the index as the full form and a 3-letter code (such as fre for French) and as the full name French. The codes are usually, but not always, the first three letters of the language name.

The language index is quickly scrollable to determine all languages which appear in Ovid MEDLINE (R).

LM Local Messages [Display Only]
The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by the System Administrator to indicate information about journals held in your local library system.
NC NLM Category [Word Indexed]

The NLM Category (NC) index defines the NLM-assigned mapped-to category of a published Structured Abstract Label (AL) (e.g., Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions). This is word indexed but not displayable.

NJ NLM Journal Name [Phrase Indexed]
cochrane database of systematic reviews online.nj.
un chronicle.nj.

The NLM Journal Name (NJ) field contains the full name of the journal in which an article was published.

NM Name of Substance Word [Word Indexed]


The Name of Substance Word (NM) index contains single words from the CAS Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN) field and is used to search portions of chemical names. This field displays as part of the CAS Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN) field.

The Name of Substance Word (NM) field was added to Ovid HEALTHSTAR (R) in 1980.

NO Grant Number [Phrase Indexed]


The Grant Number (NO) field contains the original identification number of the grant that is awarded to the work as described in the content. The identification number is assigned by the grant agency.

This field displays as part of the Grant Information (GI) field.

NR Number of References


The Number of References (NR) field contains the number of bibliographic references listed in the review article.

Effective October 1, 2010 NLM discontinued the practice of including the number of bibliographic references listed in articles cited in MEDLINE. NLM had included the number of references for the following Publication Types: Review; Consensus Development Conference; Consensus Development Conference, NIH; Interactive Tutorial; Meta-Analysis. This change in policy is prospective only; we will not remove number of references data from existing citations.

This field displays in the Abstract (AB) and Title (TI) when available.

NT General Note [Display Only]


The General Note (NT) field contains general supplementary information about an item. The notes may include information on the availability of a bibliography, ordering information for dissertations or hearings, or general summaries of materials such as manuals or scripts. A series title may appear for a book or for audiovisual materials.

NW NLM Journal Word [Word Indexed]
  The NLM Journal Word (NW) index contains individual words from every journal name in the NLM Journal Name (NJ) field.
OA Other Abstract [Word Indexed]


The Other Abstract (OA) field includes a brief abstract written by collaborating partners. The OA field is indexed in the Abstract (AB) field, and contains all searchable words from the other abstract.

Collaborating Partners include:


Special HIV/AIDS publications with abstracts written by someone other than the author


Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Population Information Program, Johns Hopkins School of Health
OI Other ID [Word Indexed]


The Other ID (OI) is a unique alpha-numeric code. In particular, it will contain the PubMed Central Identifier (PMCID), where the alphabetical prefix 'PMC' precedes the identifier. If the publisher has embargoed access to the full text, the date of availability in PubMed Central will be noted. When the embargo is lifted, a revised record with the date of availability removed will be released.

Other ID's are entered into the index as phrases. In particular, PMC ID's should be searched as how the alpha-numeric code appears in PubMed Central (PMC).

OS Organism Supplementary Concept [Phrase Indexed]
usutu virus.os.


The Organism Supplementary Concept (OS) field contains the Protocol Class 4 SCR terms that includes viruses and other organisms. The Organism Supplementary Concept (OS) terms are phrase indexed.

They appear for the first time in the 2018 MeSH and were made available as a means to index emerging viruses and other pathogenic organisms as they occur in the literature without delay.

OT Original Title [Word Indexed]


The Original Title (OT) includes any non-English titles in the original language. If the original title was in a non-Roman alphabet, then the OT is transliterated.

OX Organism Supplementary Concept Word [Word Indexed]


The Organism Supplementary Concept Word (OX) index allows the users to retrieve single terms from the Organism Supplementary Concept (OS) field.


Primary Author [Phrase Indexed]
smith rh.pa.


The Primary Author (PA) index contains the first author listed for the article. This allows users to search for articles by any primary author. Author names display in the Authors (AU) and Authors Full Name (FA) fields.

Searching for smith rh.pa. will return results where Smith RH was listed as the main author of the article.

PG Page [Phrase Indexed]


The Page (PG) field consists of the inclusive pagination of a journal article. Often a journal title combined with the beginning page number is enough to locate a citation. You can search for pages with alphanumeric, such as "a1.pg.". This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

PH Publication History Status [Word Indexed]


The Publication History Status (PH) field contains information from the publisher regarding important events in the publishing process. It contains a date, and one of the following values for each date in the publication history:

[received] - date manuscript received for review
[accepted] - accepted for publication
[revised] - article revised by publisher or author
[aheadofprint] - published electronically, to be followed by the print

The Publication History Status (PH) field is word-indexed.

PI Publishing Model [Display Only]


The Publishing Model (PI) field provides the model of publishing of the original document described in the record. The field indicates if the article cited is available in Print or Electronic format. It also indicates if the citation was converted from a Print or Internet source. This field is display only; you cannot search this field.
PM PMC Identifier [Phrase Index]


The PMC Identifier (PM) is a unique alpha-numeric code. In particular, it will contain the PubMed Central Identifier (PMCID), where the alphabetical prefix 'PMC' precedes the identifier. If the publisher has embargoed access to the full text, the date of availability in PubMed Central will be noted. When the embargo is lifted, a revised record with the date of availability removed will be released.

Other ID's are entered into the index as phrases. In particular, PMC ID's should be searched as how the alpha-numeric code appears in PubMed Central (PMC).

PN Personal Name as Subject [Phrase Indexed]
monet c$.pn.
adams s$.pn.


The Personal Name as Subject (PN) field displays the name of a well-known person if they are discussed in an article, such as an interview or obituary.

PP Publication Status [Word Indexed]


The Publication Status (PP) field contains the current status of the publication, as submitted by the publisher. Possible values are:

ppublish - published in print (default value)
epublish - electronically published only, never published in print
aheadofprint - electronically published, but followed by print

PQ Pubmed Central Release [Phrase Indexed]
2019 08 01.pq.


The Pubmed Central Release (PQ) field contains the embargo date associated with the availability of the published article in PMC.

PS Protocol Supplementary Concept [Phrase Indexed]
folfox protocol.ps.


The Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS) field contains the Protocol Class 2 SCR terms. These terms were previously exported in Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN) in MEDLINE/PubMed. The PS terms are phrase indexed.

With the 2011 reload, Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS) will be loaded separately only for new records added during 2011 production year

PT Publication Type [Phrase Indexed]


In addition to indexing documents with Medical Subject Headings, the indexers at the National Library of Medicine assign terms to describe the article type. Publication Types include such classifications as reviews, clinical trials, directories and letters. These terms appear in the Publication Type (PT) field.

To view the index, enter enough letters to distinguish a publication type (jour for "journal article"); the entire index is quickly scrollable to determine all possible publication types.

With the 2005 reload, Publication Types are also loaded into the MeSH. Because some Publication Types are also MeSH terms, the syntax to enter the Tree is "Randomized controlled trial [publication type]". To post the results from the Tree without entering the Tree, the syntax is: "Randomized controlled trial [publication type]"/ or Randomized controlled trial.pt.

PX Protocol Supplementary Concept Word [Word Indexed]

The Protocol Supplementary Concept Word (PX) index allows the users to retrieve single terms from the Protocol Supplementary Concept (PS) field.

RD Revision Date [Phrase Indexed]


The Revision Date (RD) field contains the issue (year, month and day) in which a document was revised in Index Medicus. The RD field appears in the format YYYYMMDD. Previously, the RD field was indexed with the Entry Date (ED) field. Now, it is a separate index.

RF Cited References


The Cited References (RF) field contains a complete or partial reference list to the source citation.

Use RF to simultaneously search in all searchable parts of the Cited References field, including Cited Reference Date (CQ), Cited Reference Author, Cited Reference Source (CS), Cited Reference Title, Cited Reference DOI (CD), Cited Reference Volume (CE), Cited Reference Page (CG), Cited Reference Issue (RP), Cited Reference PMCID (CZ), Cited Reference Publisher Identifier (RY) and Cited Reference UI (RZ).

RL Reference Title Index [Word Indexed]


The Reference Title Index (RL) allows the users to search for the reference(s) title which may contain one or multiple source citations.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

RN Registry Number/Name of Substance [Phrase Indexed]
zm 241385.rn.


The Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN) field contains the Chemical Abstracts Service registry number or Enzyme Commission number for a compound mentioned in an article. If the generic compound name could be determined, then it is also included.

The Registry Number/Name of Substance (RN) field was added to Ovid HealthSTAR (R) in 1980.

RO Record Owner [Phrase Indexed]


The Record Owner (RO) field contains the owner of the record.

HMD   History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine
HSR   Health Services Research
KIE   Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University
NASA   National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NLM   National Library of Medicine
PIP   Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs
RP Cited Reference Issue [Word Indexed]


The Cited Reference Issue (RP) field contains the issue information of the journal in which the citation appears.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

RS Rare Disease Supplementary Concept [Phrase Indexed]
carcinoma squamous cell of head and neck.rs.


The Rare Disease Supplementary Concept (RS) field contains the Protocol Class 3 SCR terms. The RS terms are phrase indexed.

Beginning with 2011 Healthstar data, Rare Disease Class 3 SCRs are also going to be exported.

RX Rare Disease Supplementary Concept Word [Word Indexed]

The Rare Disease Supplementary Concept Word (RX) index allows the users to retrieve single terms from the Rare Disease Supplementary Concept (RS) field.

RY Cited Reference Publisher Identifier [Phrase Indexed]


The Cited Reference Publisher Identifier (RY) field contains the Publisher Item Identifier (DI) of the source citation.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field.

RZ Cited Reference UI [Phrase Indexed]


The Cited Reference UI (RZ) field contains the PMID of the source citation.

It displays in the Cited References (RF) field as part of the link URL to NLM.

SA Secondary Source AN [Word Indexed]


The Secondary Source AN (SA) index contains the unique identifiers of outside resources discussed in MEDLINE articles. The display will include the Secondary Source ID (SI) and the unique identifier seperated by a forward slash (RefSeq/NM_020533). If you wish to search all works from a particular data bank use the Secondary Source ID (SI) index: refseq.si.

SB Journal Subset [Phrase Indexed]
oldmedline citations.sb.


The Journal Subset (SB) field identifies the subset for MEDLINE records from certain journal lists on specialized topics. The NLM discontinued the Journal Subset (SB) indexing for MEDLINE/PubMed with the 2022 reload, with the exception of index medicus.sb. and oldmedline citations.sb.. Ovid replaced the corresponding Journal subset limits new journal selections based on NLM Catalog searches, using matching MeSH terms and title words to create new lists of titles for the below journal subsets. We strongly recommend that you review your search strategies if you used the Journal Subset (SB) field, or limits in search strategies prior to the 2022 reload.

IM Index Medicus

Do not confuse these journal subsets with the Topics subsets available on PubMed's Limits screen, which are search strategies.

SE Season [Word Indexed]


The Season (SE) field contains the month or season that the citation article was published. The field usually consists of a three-character alphabetic abbreviation of the month or season.

Example: Win

SH MeSH Subject Heading [Phrase Indexed]
sarcoma kaposi.sh.


The MeSH Subject Headings (SH) field contains the Medical Subject Headings used by indexers at the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to describe the content of an article. NLM's MeSH terms are organized in a hierarchy, or "tree" structure.

SI Secondary Source ID [Word Indexed]


The Secondary Source ID (SI) identifies secondary source databanks with unique identifiers of outside resources discussed in MEDLINE articles. The field is composed of the source acronym: GENBANK

The Secondary Source ID (SI) formerly known as the Molecular Sequence (MS) field was added to Ovid MEDLINE (R) in 1988.

SL Secondary Source Link [Phrase Indexed]
http clinicaltrials gov search term nct00158847.sl.


The Secondary Source Link (SL) index contains the URL to the outside resources discussed in MEDLINE articles when the Secondary Source ID is either ClinicalTrials.gov or ISRCTN. The index contains the the URL, for searching ease use the Secondary Source AN (SA) index: nct00000150.sa.

SM Space Flight Mission [Phrase Indexed]
flight experiment.sm.
galileo project.sm.


The Space Flight Mission (SM) field provides descriptive values for each Space Flight Mission.
SO Source (JN, PB, IP, PG, DP)
biochemical genetics.so.


The Source (SO) field includes a display of all the basic information needed to locate a record, including the full Journal Name (JN), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Page (PG), and Date of Publication (DP).

SY Synonyms [Word Indexed]

The Synonyms (SY) field contains a synonymous name for generic drug names that are not actual trade names.

TC Title Comment [Word Indexed]


The Title Comment (TC) field pertain to and contain citations to associated journal publications, e.g., comments, errata, retractions, or cited references. These data enable links between the record at hand and its associated citations.

This field begins with the indication of comment or correction type (see Comments (CM) fields for a full list of types) and then displays the Journal Abbreviation (JA), Date of Publication (DP), Volume (VO), Issue/Part(IP) and Page (PG).

TI Title [Word Indexed]
nursing care.ti.


The Title (TI) field contains the English language version of a title. For documents which were not written in English, the original or transliterated title appears in a separate field, Original Title.

The title sometimes includes notes, in brackets, about the article, such as an indication that it is a letter, editorial, or comment.

TW Text Word (AB, TI)


The Text Word (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in a database which contain text words and which are appropriate for a subject search.

The Text Word field in HealthStar includes Title (TI) and Abstract (AB).

UI Unique Identifier [Phrase Indexed]


The Unique Identifier (UI) field contains the PMID (PubMed identifier or PubMed unique identifier) that is the unique number assigned to each PubMed record.

PMIDs do not change over time or during processing and are never reused.

UP Update Date [Phrase Indexed]


The Update Date (UP) field contains the date the record was added to Ovid's HealthSTAR (R) since reload completion. The Update Date for existing records changes with each global reload to reflect the date starts processing the reload data. The UP field appears in the format YYYYMMDD.

VO Volume [Word Indexed]


The Volume (VO) field consists of the volume and issue of a serial publication. This field is usually displayed as part of the Source (SO) field.

XM Exploded MeSH Heading [Phrase Indexed]
"dopamine agents*".xm.
exocrine glands.xm.


The Exploded MeSH Heading (XM) index contains pre-exploded MeSH Headings. MeSH Subject Headings are hierarchical, with up to twelve levels of narrower terms from the top of a hierarchy. In order to retrieve a term and all of its narrower terms, a subject heading must be "exploded", that is, the subject heading and allnarrower terms are "OR'd" together. OVID pre-explodes highly-posted broader terms with their narrower terms during loading. These pre-exploded MeSH Headings display in the MeSH Subject Headings (SH) field.

XS Exploded Subheading [Phrase Indexed]


The Exploded Subheadings (XS) index contains the two-letter codes for the pre-exploded subheadings. Sometimes multiple MeSH Subheadings can be logically grouped together. Such related groups of subheadings are "pre-exploded" under one broad subheading. This means that all the grouped subheadings can be retrieved together by searching on the "pre-exploded" version of the broad subheading. These pre-exploded MeSH Headings display in the MeSH Subject Headings (SH) field.

YR Year of Publication [Phrase Indexed]


The Year of Publication (YR) field contains the year in which an article or monograph was published. Only the four digit year is contained in the index.


Advanced Searching
You can use special search syntax listed below to combine search terms or strategically develop a search. Full documentation is provided in the Advanced Searching Techniques section of the Online Help.
Operator Syntax Search Example Sample Results
OR x or y vitamin c or ascorbic acid "beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, zinc and selenium"


The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
AND x and y blastula and embryo "stress markers in sea urchin embryos"


The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
NOT x not y blastula not embryo "embryonic stem cell research"


The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search health reform not health maintenance organizations retrieves only those records that contain the term health reform but excludes the term health maintenance organizations. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic.
You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field.
Adjacency (ADJ) x y ectopic tachycardia "post-operative junctional ectopic tachycardia"


The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other in that specific order. You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. For example, the search blood pressure is identical to the search blood adj pressure.
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) x ADJn y intravenous adj3 amiodarone "intravenous infusion of flecainide and amiodarone "


The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n-1) of words from each other in any order (stop-words included). To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99 as explained below:

           ADJ1     Next to each other, in any order
           ADJ2     Next to each other, in any order, up to 1 word in between
           ADJ3     Next to each other, in any order, up to 2 words in between
           ADJ99   Next to each other, in any order, up to 98 words in between

For example, the search physician adj5 relationship retrieves records that contain the words physician and relationship with a maximum of four words in between in either direction. This particular search retrieves records containing such phrases as physician patient relationship, patient physician relationship, or relationship between cancer patient and physician.
Please note Ovid’s order of operation handles terms within parentheses first. Therefore it is recommended to apply the ADJn operator in one-on-one operations to avoid missing out on results. E.g. stroke adj4 (blood pressure or high blood pressure) could potentially miss out on some combinations of stroke with high blood pressure. The optimum way to execute this on Ovid is: (stroke adj4 blood pressure) OR (stroke adj4 high blood pressure).
Frequency (FREQ) x.ab./FREQ=n blood.ab./freq=5 "effects of blood donation frequency on body iron stores"


The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase.
Unlimited Truncation ($) x$


"strategies used in Quebec local community health centres"


Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or * (asterisk). For example, in the truncated search rat*, Ovid retrieves the word rat as well as the words rats, and more.
Limited Truncation ($) x$n


"prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi C6 antibodies in dogs from southeastern and mid-Atlantic States"


Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma.
Mandated Wildcard (#) xx#y


"serum homocysteine levels in postmenopausal women"


Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. For example, the search dog# retrieves results that contain the word dogs, but not those that contain the word dog, effectively limiting results to only those that contain the plural form of the word. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. For example, the search wom#n retrieves results that contain both woman and women. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Optional Wildcard (?) xx?y colo?r "endoscopic color Doppler ultrasonography"


The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word.
Literal String ("") "x / y"

"Heat / Cold Application"

"exercise, heat/cold application, and use of assistive devices"



Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research. 3(2):122-3, 2006 Sep


Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/).

Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number.

Go: Menu or Back 


The Ovid search engine applies so called "run-time stopword processing". This means the search engine on the fly ignores the stopwords: and, as, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, that, the, this, to, was, were & with.

Therefore a search: at risk for diabetes.ti will also find: at risk of diabetes. The distance of one word in between is kept, but the stopword "for" is ignored.

Go: Menu or Back 


The following limits are available for this database. See Database Limits in the Ovid Online Help for details on applying limits.


Abstracts Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to abstracts
Command Syntax: ..l/ ab=y
  A limit to Abstracts will restrict retrieval to documents which include an abstract. Over 50% of Ovid HealthSTAR records after 1975 contain abstracts. All abstracts included in Ovid HealthSTAR are in English and were written by the author(s) of the original article.
Age Groups Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to infant
limit 1 to adult
limit 1 to middle aged
A limit by Age Group restricts retrieval by any of the age groups indexed by NLM. Since only human age groups are indexed, this limit will also restrict retrieval to human subjects. If you choose this option you will be presented with a list of age groups from which to select.
Animals Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to animals

A limit to Animals restricts retrieval to documents which are primarily about animal subjects. It will retain articles about both human and animal subjects. Consider also the Limit to Animal Type, which will allow you to select from a list of common experimental research animals.

Animal Types Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to cats
limit 1 to rabbits
A limit by Animal Type restricts retrieval to any of the basic animal types indexed by NLM. If you choose this option you will be presented with a short alphabetical list of some common research animal types from which to select. Consider also the Limit to Animal, which restricts retrieval to documents which are about any animal subject.
Core Clinical
Journals (AIM)
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "core clinical journals (aim)"
A limit to Core Clinical Journals will restrict retrieval to the 119 core clinical journals which comprise the Abridged Index Medicus collection.

This is a good way to limit your retrieval to journals more commonly found in hospital and medical library collections.

Dietary Supplements Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to dietary Supplements
A limit to Dietary Supplements is designed to limit search results to citations from a broad spectrum of dietary supplement literature. This strategy was based on PubMed's Dietary Supplements subset limit.
English Language Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to english
Command Syntax: ..l/1 en=y
A limit to English restricts retrieval to articles which are written in the English language. Foreign language articles with English abstracts will be eliminated by a limit to English.
Female Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to female
A limit to Female restricts retrieval to documents which are about females, either human or animal.
Full Text Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to full text
A limit to Full Text restricts retrieval to those citations for which there is a full text link. Both Ovid full text and external full text are included in this limit.
Humans Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to humans
Command Syntax: ..l/1 hu=y

A limit to Humans restricts retrieval to articles which are about human subjects. If you limit by Age Group you do not need to use this limit.

Journal Subsets Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "core clinical journals (aim)"
Command Syntax: ..l/1 sb=aim
NLM databases contain several subsets of broad journal categories such as "AIM Journals" or "Dentistry Journals." You can restrict your retrieval to any of these subsets by a limit to journal subset. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of Journal Subsets from which to select.

Population Information Citations
Languages Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to french
Command Syntax: ..l/1 lg=fre
A limit to Language restricts retrieval to any of the languages indexed by NLM. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of languages from which to select.
Latest Update Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to latest update
New documents are added to the Ovid HealthSTAR database at regular intervals. A limit to latest update restricts retrieval to documents which were most recently added to the database.
Male Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to male
A limit to Male restricts retrieval to documents which are about males, either human or animal.
No Language Specified Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to no language specified
A limit to No Language Specified will restrict retrieval to articles without specific language. All foreign articles including English abstracts will be eliminated by this limit.
Ovid Full Text
Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Ovid Full Text Available
A limit to Ovid Full Text Available restricts retrieval to those citations for which an Ovid full text link is available. When viewing a citation with full text available use the LINK button to display the full text.
Publication Types Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to clinical trial
limit 1 to clinical trial, all
limit 1 to dataset
limit 1 to journal article
limit 1 to observational study
limit 1 to pragmatic clinical trial
limit 1 to review
limit 1 to preprint
A limit by Publication Type restricts retrieval by any of the over forty publication types indexed by NLM, including classifications such as "bibliography," "classical article," "clinical trial," etc.
Range Limits Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to dt=20191201-20201231
Command Syntax: ..l/1 dt=20191201-20201231
Range limits are available for the DT, DA, ED, EP, EZ, RD, and UP fields. These limits are not listed in the drop-down menu, however they can be run straight from the command line in Advanced Search mode. These date fields are formatted YYYYMMDD, and below are examples how to apply them as date-range limits on Ovid:

limit 1 to ed=20181116-20181217
limit 1 to rd=20181221-20181231
limit 1 to up=20181211-20181231
limit 1 to ep=20181001-20181115
limit 1 to dt=20181001-20191001
limit 1 to da=20160101-20160422
limit 1 to ez=20150101-20150218

Publication Year Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to yr=2006
Command Syntax: ..l/1 yr=2006
You can restrict retrieval to any of the years which this Ovid HealthSTAR segment covers. If you choose this option you will be prompted to enter the desired year; the format is 4 digits: "1989" or a range: "1994-1995."
Review Articles Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "review articles"
A limit to Review Articles restricts retrieval to articles which are reviews of a subject. For NLM databases this includes all review types: Review Literature; Review of Reported Cases; Review, Academic; Review, Multicase; and Review, Tutorial.

Special Ovid Filters for HealthSTAR

Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Adverse Effects - focussed
limit 2 to Children - focussed

You can use Special Ovid Filters to restrict retrieval to a pre-defined set of records, populated by a special Ovid search strategy for that topic. As the results sets for these filters are created with every database update, the results display quickly. Ovid filters are “AND” combined with the search line you are trying to limit, unless stated otherwise (e.g. humans only).

Each of the search hedges below are based on publicly available filters that have been reviewed, translated and improved by Ovid expert searchers. While these filters aren’t validated by Ovid, we provide the full transcript for each filter below and we have placed a reference for each filter where applicable. You may want to review the underlying terms and modify them as necessary. Ovid welcomes your suggestions to enhance the filters; to provide feedback and ideas for the Special Ovid Filters, please contact [email protected].

Adverse effects

exp "drug-related side effects and adverse reactions"/or adverse.ti,ab, kf. or side effect?.ti,ab,kf. or adverse effects.fs. or exp drug overdose/ or overdos*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug misuse/ or misus*.ti,ab,kf. or exp substance-related disorders/ or abus*.ti,ab,kf. or exp pregnancy/ or pregnan*.ti,ab,kf. or exp pregnancy complications/ or exp lactation/ or exp lactation disorders/ or exp breast feeding/ or (exp milk, human/ and exp secretion/) or exp fertility/ or exp infertility/ or exp reproduction/ or exp fetus/ or exp embryonic structures/ or terat*.ti,ab,kf. or drug efficacy.ti,ab,kf. or therapeutic efficacy.ti,ab,kf. or drug withdrawal.ti,ab, kf. or exp medication errors/ or exp death/ or death*.ti,ab,kf. or fatal*.ti,ab,kf. or exp drug interactions/ or exp carcinogens/ or carcinogen*.ti,ab,kf. or mutagen*.ti,ab,kf. or exp "off-label use"/ or exp occupational exposure/ or toxicity.fs. or toxic*.ti,ab,kf. or pharmacotox*.ti,ab,kf. or neurotox*.ti,ab,kf. or cardiotox*.ti,ab,kf. or nephrotox*.ti,ab,kf. or immunotox*.ti,ab,kf. or hepatotox*.ti,ab,kf. or cytotox*.ti,ab,kf. or immunocytotox*.ti,ab,kf. or intoxicat*.ti,ab,kf. or exp "congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities"/ or drug treatment failure.ti,ab,kf. or drug toxicity.ti,ab,kf. or exp case report/ or case report?.ti,ab,kf. or exp environmental exposure/ or treatment contraindication.ti,ab,kf. or exp contraindications, drug/ or exp "wounds and injuries"/ or suicid*.ti,ab,kf. or exp poisoning/ or poisoning.fs. or exp drug tolerance/ or exp treatment failure/ or exp drug resistance/ or exp substance-related disorders/

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This is based on guidelines provided by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), monitoring of medical literature and the entry of relevant information into the EudraVigilance database by the EMA. https://www.ema.europa.eu/documents/other/monitoring-medical-literature-entry-relevant-information-eudravigilance-database-european-medicines_en.pdf

Adverse effects - focussed

exp *"drug-related side effects and adverse reactions"/or adverse.ti,kf. or side effect?.ti,kf. or adverse effects.fs. or exp *drug overdose/ or overdos*.ti,kf. or exp *drug misuse/ or misus*.ti,kf. or exp *substance- related disorders/ or abus*.ti,kf. or exp *pregnancy/ or pregnan*.ti,kf. or exp *pregnancy complications/ or exp *lactation/ or exp *lactation disorders/ or exp *breast feeding/ or (exp milk, human/ and exp secretion/) or exp *fertility/ or exp *infertility/ or exp *reproduction/ or exp *fetus/ or *exp embryonic structures/ or terat*.ti,kf. or drug efficacy.ti,kf. or therapeutic efficacy.ti,kf. or drug withdrawal.ti,kf. or exp *medication errors/ or exp *death/ or death*.ti,kf. or fatal*.ti,kf. or exp *drug interactions/ or *exp carcinogens/ or carcinogen*.ti,kf. or mutagen*.ti,kf. or exp *"off-label use"/ or *exp occupational exposure/ or toxicity.fs. or toxic*.ti,kf. or pharmacotox*.ti,kf. or neurotox*.ti,kf. or cardiotox*.ti,kf. or nephrotox*.ti,kf. or immunotox*.ti,kf. or hepatotox*.ti,kf. or cytotox*.ti,kf. or immunocytotox*.ti,kf. or intoxicat*.ti,kf. or *exp "congenital, hereditary, and neonatal diseases and abnormalities"/ or drug treatment failure.ti,kf. or drug toxicity.ti,kf. or exp *case report/ or case report?.ti,kf. or exp *environmental exposure/ or treatment contraindication.ti,kf. or exp *contraindications, drug/ or exp *"wounds and injuries"/ or suicid*.ti,kf. or exp *poisoning/ or poisoning.fs. or exp *drug tolerance/ or exp *treatment failure/ or exp *drug resistance/ or exp *substance-related disorders/

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Adverse effects - medical devices

complicat*.ti,ab. OR ae.fs. OR safe*.ti,ab. OR exp postoperative complications/ OR failure*.ti,ab. OR adverse.ti,ab. OR co.fs. OR failed.ti,ab. OR exp equipment failure/ OR removal.ti,ab. OR equipment safety/ OR problem*.ti,ab. OR side effect*.ti,ab. OR Harmful.ti,ab. OR Tolerated.ti,ab. OR loosen*.ti,ab. OR Intraoperative Complications/ OR migration.ti,ab. OR breakag*.ti,ab. OR discomfort.ti,ab. OR displacement.ti,ab. OR (detrimental adj2 effect*).ti,ab. OR untoward effects.ti,ab.

Last reviewed 27 June 2019. This filter is based on: Golder S, Farrah K, Mierzwinski-Urban M, Wright K, Loke YK. The development of search filters for adverse effects of medical devices in MEDLINE and Embase. Health Info Libr J 2019 Jun 11. doi: 10.1111/hir.12260.

Adverse effects - surgical interventions

complication*.ti,ab. OR ae.fs. OR safe*.ti,ab. OR co.fs. OR postoperative complications/

Last reviewed 27 June 2019. This filter is based on: Golder S, Wright K, Loke YK. The development of search filters for adverse effects of surgical interventions in MEDLINE and Embase. Health Info Libr J 2018 Mar 31. doi: 10.1111/hir.12213.


Includes records about neonate and birth to about 18 years

exp adolescent/ or exp child/ or exp infant/ or (infant disease* or childhood disease*).ti,ab,kf. or (adolescen* or babies or baby or boy? or boyfriend or boyhood or child* or girl? or infant* or juvenil* or kid? or minors or minors* or neonat* or neonat* or newborn* or new-born* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or pediatric* or perinat* or preschool* or puber* or pubescen* or school* or teen* or toddler? or underage? or under-age? or youth*).ti,ab,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This Paediatrics filter is based on the Improved “Cochrane Childhood Cancer Group” Child filter published here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.09.012

Children - focussed

exp *adolescent/ or exp *child/ or exp *infant/ or (infant disease* or childhood disease*).ti,kf. or (adolescen* or babies or baby or boy? or boyfriend or boyhood or child* or girl? or infant* or juvenil* or kid? or minors or minors* or neonat* or neonat* or newborn* or new-born* or paediatric* or peadiatric* or pediatric* or perinat* or preschool* or puber* or pubescen* or school* or teen* or toddler? or underage? or under-age? or youth*).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This filter is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.


exp aged/ or exp geriatrics/ or exp geriatric psychiatry/ or exp geriatric nursing/ or exp *geriatric psychiatry/ or exp *dental care for aged/ or exp *health services for the aged/ or (elder* or eldest or frail* or geriatri* or old age* or oldest old* or senior* or senium or very old* or septuagenarian* or octagenarian* or octogenarian* or nonagenarian* or centarian* or centenarian* or supercentenarian* or older people or older subject* or older patient* or older age* or older adult* or older man or older men or older male* or older woman or older women or older female* or older population* or older person*).ti,ab,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This filter is based on the “Aged” filter from the Dutch Library Association: https://blocks.bmi-online.nl/catalog/7.

Elderly - focussed

exp *aged/ or exp *geriatrics/ or exp *geriatric psychiatry/ or exp *geriatric nursing/ or exp *geriatric psychiatry/ or exp *dental care for aged/ or exp *health services for the aged/ or (elder* or eldest or frail* or geriatri* or old age* or oldest old* or senior* or senium or very old* or septuagenarian* or octagenarian* or octogenarian* or nonagenarian* or centarian* or centenarian* or supercentenarian* or older people or older subject* or older patient* or older age* or older adult* or older man or older men or older male* or older woman or older women or older female* or older population* or older person*).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This filter is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Humans only (removes records about animals)

NOT ((exp animal/ or exp invertebrate/ or animal experiment/ or animal model/ or exp plant/ or exp fungus/) not exp human/)

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This filter is based on Ovid best practices. Most Ovid filters are “AND” combined with the line that is being limited. This filter is “NOT” combined with the search line that is being limited.

Pregnancy - wide

exp pregnancy/ or exp pregnancy complications/ or exp maternal health services/ or exp fetus/ or exp fetal therapies/ or exp fetal monitoring/ or exp perinatal care/ or exp labor pain or exp analegsia, obstetrical/ or exp obstetric surgical procedures/ or exp infant, newborn/ or exp postpartum period/ or exp breast feeding/ or exp prenatal diagnosis/ or exp obstetrics/ or exp prenatal education/ or (breast-feeding education or parturition or ante natal or antenatal* or pre natal* or prenatal* or puerper* or postnatal* or postpartum or post partum or post natal* or peripartum or peri partum or prepregnancy or pre pregnancy or preconception* or pre conception* or periconception* or peri conception* or ((preterm or premature) and (labor or labour)) or eclamp* or preeclamp* or pre eclamp* or amniocentes* or chorion* vill* or breastfe* or breast fe* or lactation* or cesarean or caesarean or cesarian or caesarian or cesarien or caesarien or newborn* or new born* or tocoly* or fetal or foetal or fetus or foetus or miscarriage* or pregnancy or pregnancies or pregnant).ti,ab,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. Based on the Search strategy from the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group: Appendix 2, Embase-Ovid: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK379828/

Pregnancy - focussed

exp *pregnancy/ or exp *pregnancy complications/ or exp *maternal health services/ or exp *fetus/ or exp *fetal therapies/ or exp *fetal monitoring/ or exp *perinatal care/ or exp *labor pain or exp *analgesia, obstetrical/ or exp *obstetric surgical procedures/ or exp *infant, newborn/ or exp *postpartum period/ or exp *breast feeding/ or exp *prenatal diagnosis/ or exp *obstetrics/ or exp *prenatal education/ or (breast-feeding education or parturition or ante natal or antenatal* or pre natal* or prenatal* or puerper* or postnatal* or postpartum or post partum or post natal* or peripartum or peri partum or prepregnancy or pre pregnancy or preconception* or pre conception* or periconception* or peri conception* or ((preterm or premature) and (labor or labour)) or eclamp* or preeclamp* or pre eclamp* or amniocentes* or chorion* vill* or breastfe* or breast fe* or lactation* or cesarean or caesarean or cesarian or caesarian or cesarien or caesarien or newborn* or new born* or tocoly* or fetal or foetal or fetus or foetus or miscarriage* or pregnancy or pregnancies or pregnant).ti,kf.

Last reviewed 18 September 2018. This is similar to the filter above but uses focussed subject headings and only uses Title and Keywords for the free-text component of the strategy.

Subject Subsets Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Dietary Supplements
limit 1 to Veterinary Science
limit 1 to toxicology

Limiting to Subject Subsets will restrict retrieval to the specific subject chosen. These Subject Subset limits are based on the Subset limits in PubMed. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of Subject Subsets to choose from.

Structured Abstracts Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to Structured Abstracts

A limit to Structured Abstracts will restrict retrieval to citations with distinct labelled sections in the abstract (e.g., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) for rapid comprehension.

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Subject Limits
Ovid HealthSTAR includes the following limits based on PubMed's subject subsets. For a detailed explanation of the differences between these limits and the PubMed strategies, see Ovid MEDLINE Subject Limits Overview.
AIDS Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to AIDS
  A limit to AIDS will restrict retrieval to the area of AIDS. This strategy was based on PubMed's AIDS subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Bioethics Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to bioethics
  A limit to Bioethics will restrict retrieval to the area of bioethics. This strategy was based on PubMed's Bioethics subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Cancer Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to cancer
  A limit to Cancer will restrict retrieval to the area of cancer. This strategy was based on PubMed's Cancer subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Complementary Medicine Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to complementary medicine
  A limit to Complementary Medicine will restrict retrieval to the area of complementary and alternative medicine. This strategy was based on PubMed's Complementary Medicine subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Dietary Supplements Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to dietary supplements
  A limit to Dietary Supplements restricts retrieval to documents on the area of dietary supplements. This strategy was based on PubMed's Dietary Supplements subset limit, PubMed Dietary Supplements.
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to developmental and reproductive toxicology
  A limit to DART restricts retrieval to the area of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology. This strategy was based on PubMed's Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART) subset limit, Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (DART).
Core Clinical Journals (AIM: Discontinued in 2020) Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "Core Clinical Journals (AIM: Discontinued in 2020)"
  A limit to Core Clinical Journals (AIM: Discontinued in 2020) will restrict retrieval to only the articles published in the core clinical journals.

This is a good way to limit your retrieval to journals more commonly found in hospital and medical library collections.

History of Medicine Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to history of medicine
  A limit to History of Medicine will restrict retrieval to documents on the history of medicine. This strategy was based on PubMed's History of Medicine subset limit.
Journal Subsets Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to "Dentistry Journals"
Command Syntax: ..l/1 sb=Dentistry Journals
You can restrict your retrieval to any of these subsets by a limit to journal subset. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetical list of Journal Subsets from which to select.

Please note the NLM has discontinued their Journal Subset (SB) limits for MEDLINE/PubMed with the 2022 reload, with the exception of index medicus.sb. and oldmedline citations.sb.. To ensure existing Ovid search strategies and alerts dont break, Ovid replaced them with new limits based on NLM Catalog searches, using matching MeSH terms and title words to create new lists of titles for the below journal subset limits. The new limits and the ensuing results don't compare to the old NLM versions, so we strongly recommend that you review your search strategies if you used the Journal Subset (SB) limits in search strategies prior to the 2022 reload.

Name of limit: Keywords used for NLM Catalog search
AIDS/HIV Journals Hiv, Hiv Infections, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Aids, Hiv
Behavioral Sciences Journals Behavioral Sciences
Bioethics Journals Bioethics, Bioethic
Biotechnology Journals Biotechnology, Biotech
Cardiology Journals Cardiology
Communication Disorders Journals Consumer Health Information, Health Education, Consumer Health, Popular Work Publication Type Health
Consumer Health / Health Education Journals Communication Disorder, Communication Disorder, Language Disorder, Agraphia, Anomia, Dyslexia, Alexia, Language Disorder, Speech Disorder OR Aphasia, Articulation Disorder, Dysarthria, Echolalia, Mutism, Stuttering, Learning Disabil, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia
Core Clinical Journals (AIM: Discontinued in 2020) Using list of Journals: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/aim.html
Dentistry Journals Dentistry, Dentistry, Dental
Epidemiology & Infectious Diseases Journals Epidemiology, Communicable Diseases
Genetics or Genomics Journals Genetics, Genomics
Health Administration Journals Health Services Administration, Health Administration, Services, Service
Health Technology Assessment Journals Technology Assessment, Biomedical, Technology Health, Assessment
History of Medicine Journals History Of Medicine, History Medicine
HTA and Computing Methodology Journals Computing Methodologies, Technology Assessment, Biomedical
Index Medicus Journals Using the IM.SB indexing for MEDLINE
International Journals Internationality, Global, International
Nursing Journals Nursing
OLDMEDLINE Citations Using the OM.SB indexing for MEDLINE
Pharmacology Journals Pharmacology
Population Information Citations Population Characteristics, Population
Public Health Journals Public Health
Radiology Journals Radiology, Radiography
Reproduction Journals Reproduction, Fertility
Space and Aerospace Medicine Journals AEROSPACE MEDICINE, Space Flight, Aeronautics, Astronautics, NASA, Space Research, Space Science, Space Sciences
Surgery Journals Surgical Procedures, Operative, General Surgery
Space Life Sciences Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to space life sciences
  A limit to Space Life Sciences will restrict retrieval to citations of interest to those working in the field of space life sciences research. This strategy was based on PubMed's Space Life Sciences subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Toxicology Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to toxicology
  A limit to Toxicology will restrict retrieval to the area of toxicology. This strategy was based on PubMed's Toxicology subset limit, and is available to online customers only.
Veterinary Science Sentence Syntax: limit 1 to veterinary science
A limit to Veterinary Science restricts retrieval to documents on the area of Veterinary Science. This strategy was based on PubMed's Veterinary Science subset limit, PubMed Veterinary Science.
There are range limits for both the RD and ED fields. These limits are not listed in the drop-down menu, however they can be used from the command line. To run the limits use the following syntax from the command line.
limit 1 to ed=20021001-20021115
limit 1 to rd=20021001-20021115
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Clinical Query Limits

Ovid HealthSTAR also offers limits to Clinical Queries. These limits restrict retrieval to clinically sound studies. There are nine categories provided, and the emphasis may be Sensitive (as in most relevant articles but probably some less relevant ones), Specific (as in mostly relevant articles but probably omitting a few), or Optimized (as in the combination of terms that optimizes the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity). A detailed explanation of the strategies behind these limits can be found at http://hiru.mcmaster.ca/hedges/.

The Clinical Queries are based on the work of R. Brian Haynes MD, PhD et al. of the Health Information Research Unit (HIRU) at McMaster University, are intended for clinicians.

Sentence syntax for the limits is as follows.

  • limit 1 to Therapy (sensitivity)
  • limit 1 to Therapy (specificity)
  • limit 1 to Therapy (optimized)

A complete list of queries is available from within the Ovid interface.

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The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the Ovid Online Help linked below.
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Changing to this Database

To change a search session to an Ovid MEDLINE segment from another database or Ovid MEDLINE segment, use the change database icon on the Main Search Page or use the following syntax in the Ovid Syntax tab:

  Command Syntax: ..c/hstr
  Sentence Syntax: use hstr

Click on this link to see other Advanced Search Techniques

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Sample Documents
Sample 1
Unique Identifier:
Record Owner:
	Ward sister in Swansea is RCNi Nurse of the Year.
	Emergency Nurse. 25(2):7, 2017 May 12.
Abbreviated Source:
	Emerg Nurse. 25(2):7, 2017 May 12.
NLM Journal Name:
	Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association
ISO Journal Abbreviation:
	Emerg Nurse
Publishing Model:
	Journal available in: Print
	Citation processed from: Print
NLM Journal Code:
	bia, 9208913
Journal Subset:
	Nursing Journal
Country of Publication:
MeSH Subject Headings:
	*Awards and Prizes
	Societies, Nursing
	United Kingdom
	The ultimate prize at the 2017 RCNi Nurse Awards has gone to Melanie Davies for her work championing the wellbeing of 
   	people with learning disabilities.
ISSN Print:
ISSN Linking:
Digital Object Identifier:
Publication Type:
Article Identifier:
	10.7748/en.25.2.7.s6 [doi]
Publication Status:
Date of Publication:
	2017 May 12
Entrez Date:
	2017/05/13 06:00
MeSH Date:
	2017/06/24 06:00
Create Date:
	2017/05/13 06:00
Year of Publication:
Entry Date:
Revision Date:
Update Date:
Sample 2
Unique Identifier:
Record Owner:
	Ishihara K.
Authors Full Name:
	Ishihara, Kenichi.
	The history and the future direction of medical school admissions. [Review] [Japanese]
	Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi - Journal of Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. 104(12):2490-7, 2015 12 10.
Abbreviated Source:
	Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi. 104(12):2490-7, 2015 12 10.
NLM Journal Name:
	Nihon Naika Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine
ISO Journal Abbreviation:
	Nippon Naika Gakkai Zasshi
Publishing Model:
	Journal available in: Print
	Citation processed from: Print
NLM Journal Code:
	ipz, 19130210r
Journal Subset:
	Index Medicus
Country of Publication:
MeSH Subject Headings:
	*College Admission Test / sn [Statistics & Numerical Data]
	History, 20th Century
	History, 21st Century
	Schools, Medical / sn [Statistics & Numerical Data]
	*Schools, Medical / td [Trends]
	*Students, Medical / hi [History]
	*Students, Medical / sn [Statistics & Numerical Data]
ISSN Print:
ISSN Linking:
Publication Type:
	Historical Article. Journal Article. Review.
Publication Status:
Date of Publication:
	2015 12 10
Entrez Date:
	2015/12/10 00:00
MeSH Date:
	2017/06/24 06:00
Create Date:
	2017/05/23 06:00
Year of Publication:
Entry Date:
Revision Date:
Update Date:	
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Ovid HealthSTAR is comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) MEDLINE and former HealthSTAR databases. NLM represents that the data provided is formulated with a reasonable standard of care. Except for this representation, and as otherwise specifically provided herein, NLM makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied. This includes but is not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the NLM databases, and NLM specifically disclaims any such warranties and representations. Downloading data is permitted for personal use only. Some material in the NLM databases is from copyrighted publications of the respective copyright claimants. Users of the NLM databases are solely responsible for compliance with any copyright restrictions and are referred to the publication data appearing in the bibliographic citations, as well as to the copyright notices appearing in the original publications, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference.

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Users must ensure that all downloaded publicly accessible data stored in electronic form for over one year must be in compliance with the following provisions of the NLM license agreement:

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