Fields | |||
The following list is sorted alphabetically by field alias. Click a field name to see the description and search information. | |||
All Fields in this Database | |||
Abstract (AB) | Classification Code Words (CW) | Local Holdings (LH) | |
Abstract Number (AX) | Classification Codes (CC) | Local Messages (LM) | |
Accession Number (AN) | CODEN (CD) | Numeric Data (ND) | |
All Searchable Fields (AF) | Cooperative Patent Classification (GC) | Open Access (OA) | |
All Sources (AS) | Cooperative Patent Classification Word (GW) | Organization Identifier (OI) | |
Astronomical Object (AO) | Conference Information (CF) | Original Classification Codes (OC) | |
Author (AU) | Contract Number (CN) | Original Source (OS) | |
Author Email (EL) | Copyright (CR) | Original Subject Heading (OH) | |
Author ID (OR) | Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CA) | Pagination (PG) | |
Author Last Name (AZ) | Country of Publication (CP) | Parallel Journal Name (PJ) | |
Author NameID (AI) | Date of Publication (DP) | Patent Information (PI) | |
Author Unabbreviated (FA) | Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Place of Publication (PP) | |
Author/Editor Affiliation (IN) | Document Link (LK) | Pre-1995 Subject Headings (DE) | |
Availability (AA) | Document Number (DN) | Publication Type (PT) | |
Chemicals (CH) | Editor (ED) | Publisher (PU) | |
Cited Reference Author Email (EM) | Editor Affiliation (EN) | Report Number (RN) | |
Cited Reference Author Last Name (CU) | Editor Email (EE) | SICI (SI) | |
Cited Reference Author (CT) | Editor Unabbreviated (FE) |
Source (SO) | |
Cited Reference Conference Title (CM) | Funding Data (FU) |
Subject Heading Words (HW) | |
Cited Reference Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CG) | Image Caption Text (TE) | Subject Headings (SH) | |
Cited Reference Date (CB) | Inspec Accession Number (IA) | Text Word (TW) | |
Cited Reference DOI (RD) | Inspec Accession Number Links (IE) | Title (TI) | |
Cited Reference Edition (CQ) | Inspec Update Code (IU) | Translated Source (TS) | |
Cited Reference Issue (CI) | International Patent Classification (IC) | Treatment (TR) | |
Cited Reference Link (CJ) | International Patent Classification Word (IW) | Universal Decimal Classification (UD) | |
Cited Reference Page (CO) | ISBN (IB) | Update Code (UP) | |
Cited Reference Publisher (CE) | ISSN (IS) | URL (UR) | |
Cited Reference Series Title (CK) | Issue/Part (IP) | U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code (UC) | |
Cited Reference Source (CS) | Journal Name (JN) | U.S. Government Clearing House Number (UN) | |
Cited Reference Title (CV) | Journal Word (JX) | Volume (VO) | |
Cited Reference Volume (CL) | Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) | Year (YR) | |
Cited References (RF) | Language (LG) | Go: Menu or Back | |
Default Fields for Unqualified Searches (MP): Searching for a term without specifying a field in Advanced search, or specifying .mp., defaults to the following ‘multi-purpose’ (.mp.) fields for this database: ti,ab,hw,id. | |||
Abstract (AB) | Subject Heading Words (HW) | Title (TI) | |
Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) | Go: Menu or Back | ||
Default Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: The following fields are included by default for each record. |
Abstract (AB) | Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Organization Identifier (OI) | |
Accession Number (AN) | Editor (ED) | Original Classification Codes (OC) | |
All Sources (AS) | Editor Affiliation (EN) | Original Source (OS) | |
Astronomical Object (AO) | Editor Email (EE) | Original Subject Heading (OH) | |
Author (AU) | Editor Unabbreviated (FE) | Patent Information (PI) | |
Author/Editor Affiliation (IN) | Image Caption Text (TE) | Pre-1995 Subject Headings (DE) | |
Author Email (EL) | Inspec Accession Number Links (IE) | Publication Type (PT) | |
Author Unabrreviated (FA) | Inspec Update Code (IU) | Report Number (RN) | |
Chemicals (CH) | International Patent Classification (IC) | Source (SO) | |
Cited References (RF) | ISBN (IB) | Subject Headings (SH) | |
Classification Codes (CC) | ISSN (IS) | Title (TI) | |
Conference Information (CF) | Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) | Translated Source (TS) | |
Copyright (CR) | Language (LG) | Treatment (TR) | |
Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CA) | Local Messages (LM) | Universal Decimal Classification (UD) | |
Date of Publication (DP) | Numeric Data (ND) | Update Code (UP) | |
Go: Menu or Back | |||
All Fields for Display, Print, Email, and Save: Use the Select Fields button in the Results Manager at the bottom of the Main Search Page to choose the fields for a record. |
Abstract (AB) | Date of Publication (DP) | Original Source (OS) | |
Abstract Number (AX) | Digital Object Identifier (DO) | Original Subject Heading (OH) | |
Accession Number (AN) | Document Number (DN) | Patent Information (PI) | |
All Sources (AS) | Editor (ED) | Pre-1995 Subject Headings (DE) | |
Astronomical Object (AO) | Editor Affiliation (EN) | Publication Type (PT) | |
Author (AU) | Editor Email (EE) | Report Number (RN) | |
Author Email (EL) | Editor Unabbreviated (FE) | SICI (SI) | |
Author Unabbreviated (FA) | Image Caption Text (TE) | Source (SO) | |
Author/Editor Affiliation (IN) | Inspec Accession Number Links (IE) | Subject Headings (SH) | |
Availability (AA) | Inspec Update Code (IU) | Title (TI) | |
Chemicals (CH) | International Patent Classification (IC) | Translated Source (TS) | |
Cited References (RF) | ISBN (IB) | Treatment (TR) | |
Classification Codes (CC) | ISSN (IS) | Universal Decimal Classification (UD) | |
CODEN (CD) | Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) | Update Code (UP) | |
Conference Information (CF) | Language (LG) | URL (UR) | |
Contract Number (CN) | Local Messages (LM) | U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code (UC) | |
Copyright (CR) | Numeric Data (ND) | U.S. Government Clearing House Number (UN) | |
Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CA) | Organization Identifier (OI) | ||
Country of Publication (CP) | Original Classification Codes (OC) | ||
Go: Menu or Back | |||
Elements of Source (SO) Field: Ovid searches the following fields as part of the record source. | |||
Issue/Part (IP) | Place of Publication (PP) | Year (YR) | |
Journal Name (JN) | Publisher (PU) | ||
Pagination (PG) | Volume (VO) | ||
Go: Menu or Back | |||
The following list is sorted alphabetically by the two-letter label, and includes the relevant alias, at least one example for all searchable fields, and a description of the field. |
Label | Name / Example | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AA | Availability [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Availability (AA) field, when present, indicates where copies of the original document can be obtained. It also conveys information about the medium in which the document is available (such as microfiche). Price information is included only when it is available in the document itself or in an accompanying leaflet, invoice, or other record supplied by the publisher or supplier. When both a hardcover and a paperback price appear, both are included. |
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AB | Abstract [Word Indexed] two-dimensional black holes.ab. |
The Abstract (AB) field summarizes the content of the document and may also provide a description of the background, methods, results, and/or conclusions. The Number of References (NR) field displays at the end of each abstract. |
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AF | All Searchable Fields [Search Alias] |
All Fields (AF) is an alias for all of the fields which occur in the source documents, including value-added fields such as Abstract (AB). |
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AI | Author NameID [Phrase Indexed] |
The Author NameID (AI) field is being loaded as an indexable and displayable field in the Inspec database. However, this field will be unavailable to customers until a suitable publishing industry wide scheme is available. |
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AN | Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] |
The Accession Number (AN) field contains an identifier assigned by the IEE to uniquely identify a particular record. |
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AO | Astronomical Object [Word Indexed] cen |
The Astronomical Object (AO) field contains designations for astronomical objects discussed in the bibliographic item to which the record refers.
Inspec follows the guidelines produced by the International Astronomical Union. A thesaurus-type document entitled "Nomenclature of Astronomical Catalogue Designations" is available from Inspec. |
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AS | All Sources [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The All Sources (AS) contains all sources for abstracts that are available in multiple sources. |
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AU | Author [Phrase Indexed] katz |
The Author (AU) field contains the names of the authors or editors of an item. In the case of a patent, the field contains the names of the inventors. The format for authors is Smith AE, or Smith A. Enter the last name, or if it is a common name, enter the last name and the first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other. |
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AX | Abstract Number [Phrase Indexed] "a1898 01 a4100 00056".ax. |
The Abstract Number (AX) field contains the number(s) within the various sections of the Inspec database. These sections are:
In the case of sections A, B and C, their numbers are those assigned to the item as published in one of the Inspec Abstracts Journals. The section of the Database in which items occur may be identified by the first letters of the Classification Codes. An item may appear in more than one section, and in such circumstances this group may contain more than one Abstract Number. The Abstract Number (AX) field is being loaded as an indexable and displayable field in the Inspec database. However, this field will be unavailable to customers until the IP populates it in the input data. |
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AZ | Author Last Name [Phrase Indexed] qadri |
The Author Last Name (AZ) index allows you to search for the authors' last names. Authors' names display in Author (AU) and Author Unabbreviated (FA) fields. |
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CA | Corporate Author/Issuing Organization [Word Indexed] |
The Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CA) field contains the name of the issuing organization for a dissertation or a report. Enter the single most descriptive word in a corporate author's name, for example, enter only "Harvard", not "Harvard University". Consider both full spellings and abbreviations. |
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CB | Cited Reference Date [Phrase Indexed] 2011.cb. |
The Cited Reference Date (CB) field contains the year of publication for the reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CC | Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed] crystal |
The Classification Codes (CC) field contains the appropriate code or codes from the Inspec Classification. Inspec Classification is a powerful search tool, which enables you to limit your search to predetermined sections of the Inspec Database. The Inspec classification is divided into four sections. Codes begin with A, B, C, D or E where:
The code format is typically: A7865K where
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CD | CODEN [Phrase Indexed] |
The CODEN (CD) field contains the full six-character CODEN, including check digit, for the Source (SO) and the Translated Source (TS). The CODEN corresponds with the journal in the Source (SO) field. The CODEN for the Translated Source can be viewed in the Translated Source Field. |
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CE | Cited Reference Publisher [Word Indexed] elsevier.ce. |
The Cited Reference Publisher (CE) field contains the publisher of the referenced publication. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CF | Conference Information [Word Indexed] fuzzy |
The Conference Information (CF) field contains the title, location, and dates of the conference and may contain the name of the sponsoring organization. |
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CG | Cited Reference Corporate Author/Issuing Organization [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Corporate Author/Issuing Organization (CG) field contains the name of the organization, group, collaboration, or corporate author name for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CH | Chemicals [Phrase Indexed] |
The Chemicals (CH) field, which first appears in 1987, contains data on the significant substances and material systems discussed in a paper. Organic substances are not covered by this index. Search on either an entire chemical compound, or any chemical group that is a subset of that compound. For example, search on "H2S04" or simply search on "S04" for all compounds containing "S04". Roles can be applied to compounds to indicate the number of elements in the compound. For example, to retrieve a binary system containing H2, enter the compound followed by the appropriate code for the type of role in which you are interested. For example, "" will search for H2 as part of a binary system. Or, search for H2 and use the Limit/Chemical Role menu to select a role. Roles which can be used are:
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CI | Cited Reference Issue [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Issue (CI) field contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal or other publication for the reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CJ | Cited Reference Link [Word Indexed] journal.cj. |
The Cited Reference Link (CJ) field contains the Internet Uniform Resource Locator of the cited work. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CK | Cited Reference Series Title [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Series Title (CK) field contains the series title for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CL | Cited Reference Volume [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Volume (CL) field contains the volume number for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CM | Cited Reference Conference Title [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Conference Title (CM) field contains the title of the conference for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CN | Contract Number [Phrase Indexed] esa str |
The Contract Number (CN) field contains the contract number(s) under which work described in a technical report has been performed. |
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CO | Cited Reference Page [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Page (CO) field contains the page number of a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CP | Country of Publication [Phrase Indexed] russia.cp. |
The Country of Publication (CP) field contains the full name of the country where the work was published. Country names are indexed as phrases. Enter the first few letters of the country and select it from the index. For example, enter "Pacific" to select "Pacific Islands." |
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CQ | Cited Reference Edition [Word Indexed] 2nd.cq. |
The Cited Reference Edition (CQ) field contains the edition number for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CR | Copyright [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Copyright (CR) field contains a statement on the copyright of the bibliographic record. It does not indicate copyright ownership of the published item to which the bibliographic record refers. |
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CS | Cited Reference Source [Phrase Indexed] science.cs. |
The Cited Reference Source (CS) field contains the title of the publication. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CT | Cited Reference Author [Phrase Indexed] taylor j.ct. |
The Cited Reference Author (CT) field contains the author for the source document. Authors may be Anonymous, Individual Authors, or Institutional Authors. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CU | Cited Reference Author Last Name [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Author Last Name (CU) field contains the last name of the author for the source document. Authors may be Anonymous, Individual Authors, or Institutional Authors. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CV | Cited Reference Title [Word Indexed] |
The Cited Reference Title (CV) field contains the title of the source document. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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CW | Classification Code Words [Word Indexed] |
Use the Classification Code Words (CW) field to retrieve every instance of a word within the Classification Codes. For example, searching will return these Classification Codes: "Cosmic ray interplanetary propagation and effects," "Interplanetary dust," "Shock waves in interplanetary space," "Interplanetary magnetic fields," etc. |
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DE | Pre-1995 Subject Headings [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Pre-1995 Subject Headings (DE) field displays subject headings no longer used in the current INSPEC Thesaurus, but that were used at some time in the past. These terms will not appear in the Thesaurus, but can be searched in the Subject Headings (SH) field or the Heading Word (HW) field. |
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DN | Document Number [Phrase Indexed] s8755 4615 05 00064 2.dn. |
The Document Number (DN) field contains the publisher's unique document-specific identity number. Document numbers are being used increasingly by publishers to identify documents in electronic journals. |
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DO | Digital Object Identifier [Phrase Indexed] 10 h79 10 5214 1 |
The Digital Object Identifier (DO) field contains the registered DOI for electronic documents. |
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DP | Date of Publication [Word Indexed] 2011.dp. |
The Date of Publication (DP) field contains the date the article or monograph was published as provided by the publisher. |
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ED | Editor [Phrase Indexed] zwiggelaar r.ed. |
The Editor (ED) field contains the names of the editors of an item. The format for editors is "Smith AW", or "Smith A." Enter the last name, or it if is a common name, enter the last name and the first initial. If you are unsure of the spelling of the last name (macdonald or mcdonald), enter one version and then scroll through the list of names to find the other. |
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EE | Editor Email [Word Indexed] |
The Editor Email (EE) field contains the email of the editor/s. |
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EL | Author Email [Word Indexed] iacobini.el. |
The Author Email (EL) field contains the email of the author/s. |
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EM | Cited Reference Author Email [Word Indexed] edwumdedu.em. |
The Cited Reference Author Email (EM) field contains the email(s) of the author(s) for a reference. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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EN | Editor Affiliation [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Editor Affiliation (EN) field gives the affiliation of the first-named editor at the time the work was done. This field can be searched in the Author/Editor Affiliation (IN) field. |
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FA | Author Unabbreviated [Phrase Indexed] zywicki sebastian.fa. |
The Author Unabbreviated (FA) field contains the full name of the author/s of the article when available. |
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FE | Editor Unabbreviated [Phrase Indexed] zobel richard.fe. |
The Editor Unabbreviated (FE) field contains the full name of the editor/s of the article when available. |
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FU | Funding Data [Word Indexed] |
The Funding Data (FU) field contains the name of the organization(s) that awarded the funding, and an award/grant ID assigned by the funder organization for this award. |
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GC | Cooperative Patent Classification [Phrase Indexed] |
The Cooperative Patent Classification (GC) field contains codes and labels which form part of an internationally compatible classification system for technical documents, in particular patent publications. The CPC is an extension of the IPC and further classifies the document into a specialised category. |
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GW | Cooperative Patent Classification Word [Word Indexed] |
The Cooperative Patent Classification Word (GW) index is use to retrieve every instance of a word within the Cooperative Patent Classification. |
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HW | Subject Heading Words [Word Indexed] health.hw. waves.hw. |
Sometimes you may wish to retrieve every subject heading (current or discontinued) that contains a particular word; this is done by searching a single word in the Subject Heading Words (HW) field. Results will display in the Subject Headings (SH) field or Original Subject Heading (OH) field. You can also view current subject headings that contain a particular word by using the Permuted Index under the Tools option. |
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IA | Inspec Accession Number [Phrase Indexed] 10029564.ia. |
The Inspec Accession Number (IA) index contains the Accession Number related to the cited reference in each record. |
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IB | ISBN [Phrase Indexed] 9843233948.ib. |
The ISBN (IB) field contains the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for a book or monographic publication. The ISBN (IB) field appears as a 10-digit or 13-digit number and separated by hyphens or spaces. Search the ISBN number without hyphens or spaces. |
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IC | International Patent Classification [Phrase Indexed] x ray tubes.ic. |
The International Patent Classification (IC) field contains the appropriate International Patent Classification code/s or IPC code/s and their hierarchical context from the World Intellectual Property Organization. The IPC code and the phrase that it contains are each stored in the IC index. Searching for "Non-linear optics.ic." or "G02F135.ic." will retrieve the same documents. Use the International Patent Classification Word (IW) index to search individual words. |
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ID | Key Phrase Identifiers [Word Indexed] knowledge based |
The Key Phrase Identifiers (ID) field contains free-language words or phrases which are assigned by Inspec indexers. These give a more exhaustive description of the content of the document than that which is provided by the original title or by controlled index terms. Individual words from the Key Phrases are entered into the index; enter individual words to view the index. |
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IE | Inspec Accession Number Links [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Inspec Accession Number Links (IE) field contains the linkable Accession Number related to the cited reference in each record. |
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IN | Author/Editor Affiliation [Word Indexed] cambridge |
The Author/Editor Affiliation (IN) field contains the primary author's or editor's affiliation. Enter the single most descriptive word in an institution ("Harvard", not "Harvard University"). Consider both full spellings and abbreviations. |
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IP | Issue/Part [Word Indexed] 71.ip. |
The Issue/Part (IP) field contains the issue and/or part for a particular volume of a journal or other publication. The IP field displays as part of the Source (SO). |
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IS | ISSN [Phrase Indexed] 1051 |
The ISSN (IS) field contains the ISSN of the original journal. The ISSN of the translation can be viewed in the Translated Source (TS) field. |
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IU | Inspec Update Code [Phrase Indexed] 2009034.iu. |
The Inspec Update Code (IU) consists of year and issue elements. It appears in YYYYIII format. It specifies the Inspec update in which the record was released. This field also displays a record's amended date. The amended date appears in YYYYMMDD format. |
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IW | International Patent Classification Word [Word Indexed] acids.iw. |
Use the International Patent Classification Word (IW) index to retrieve every instance of a word within the International Patent Classification. For example, searching on "forestry.iw" will return these IPCs: "Agriculture; Forestry; Animal husbandry; Hunting; Trapping; Fishing", "Soil working in agriculture or forestry; Parts, details, or accessories of agricultural machines or implements, in general" etc. |
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JN | Journal Name [Phrase Indexed] theoretical computer science.jn. ieee journal of quantum electronics.jn. |
The Journal Name (JN) field contains the full name of the journal in which the article was published. The Journal Name displays in the Source (SO) field. Journal names are indexed as phrases, so enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index. For example, "human comp" for "Human Computer Interaction." |
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JX | Journal Word [Word Indexed] radio.jx. neural.jx. |
The Journal Word (JX) index contains individual words from every journal name in Inspec. This field is used to retrieve every occurrence of a journal that contains a particular word, such as "lasers." |
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LG | Language [Word Indexed] english.lg. japanese.lg. |
The Language (LG) field contains the language or languages of the item abstracted. |
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LH | Local Holdings [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Local Holdings (LH) field indicates (with a "Y" or an "N") if a journal is held locally. |
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LK | Document Link [Phrase Indexed] |
The Document link (LK) field may contain a DOI or URL which takes the user to another document, other than that which is the focus of the current record. The linked document may be, for example, the published version of a Preprint article. |
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LM | Local Messages [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Local Messages (LM) field contains messages created by the System Administrator to indicate information about journals held in your local library system. |
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ND | Numeric Data [Word Indexed] density.nd. time.nd. |
The Numerical Data (ND) field, which first appears in 1987, contains structured numeric data. The data is more likely to be operating or experimental parameters rather than measured values or experimental results. Only data which is in the title or abstract or is encountered by the indexer in writing the abstract is considered for inclusion. To limit to articles discussing a particular type (such as Velocity) without actually searching on the actual numeric value, use the Limit or Numeric Data option. |
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OA | Open Access [Word Indexed] |
The Open Access (OA) label appears in records where the full-text content has been given open access status by the publisher. |
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OC | Original Classification Codes [Phrase Indexed] optical communications.oc. |
The Original Classification Codes (OC) field includes the original classification which was used to order and cross-reference the records in the Science Abstracts. This field will include a numeric code when available. |
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OH | Original Subject Heading [Phrase Indexed] absorption.oh. |
The Original Subject Heading (OH) contains the indexing terms for the record as it appeared in the original Science Abstracts. Each entry will include a Main term followed by Sub-terms and a Modifier. |
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OI | Organization Identifier [Phrase Indexed] 10051.oi. |
The Organization Identifier (OI) field is a number assigned to an organization in an article. This field is phrase indexed. However, this field will be unavailable to customers until the IP populates it in the input data. |
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OR | Author ID [Word Indexed] |
The Author ID (OR) is a 16-digit identifier used by individuals. The ID is a unique, persistent identifier registered with ORCID and linked to an ORCID record for the individual. |
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OS | Original Source [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For records where the English language cover-to-cover translation journal is indexed, the Original Source (OS) field contains the full title of the original journal, along with the Date of Publication (DP), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Pagination (PG), ISSN (IS) and CODEN (CD) of the original when available. |
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PG | Pagination [Word Indexed] |
The Pagination (PG) field contains either the number of pages in a book, conference proceeding, or dissertation, or the inclusive page numbers of the original journal paper, conference paper, report section, or book chapter. |
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PI | Patent Information [Word Indexed] submitted.pi. |
The Patent Information (PI) index is used in documents dating prior to 1977 only. The Patent Information field contains information unique to patents such as the Patent Number, Patent Authority, Original Patent Number, Country of Patent, Country of Original Patent Application, Patent Assignee, Date Filed or Submitted and Patent Priority Date. |
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PJ | Parallel Journal Name [Phrase Indexed] teploenergetika.pj |
The Parallel Journal Name (PJ) contains the full name of the journal in which the translation was published. The Parallel Journal Name displays in the Original Source (OS) and Translated Source (TS) field. Journal names phrase indexed. Enter enough letters of the journal name to locate the name in the index: "russian eng" for "Russian Engineering Journal." |
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PP | Place of Publication [Word Indexed] london.pp. |
The Place of Publication (PP) field contains the name of the town or city where the item was published. This normally applies to books and conference proceedings. This field is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field when no Country of Publication (CP) is provided. |
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PT | Publication Type [Phrase Indexed] |
The Publication Type (PT) field defines the type of document to which the bibliographic record refers. All records in the database are assigned one of the following publication types:
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PU | Publisher [Word Indexed] cambridge.pu. |
The Publisher (PU) index contains the words in the name of the publisher of a book, conference proceedings, dissertation, and from 1996, journals. This field displays as a part of the Source (SO) field. |
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RD | Cited Reference DOI [Phrase Indexed] 10 1002 0470044136.rd. |
The Cited Reference DOI (RD) field contains the Digital Object Identifier of the electronic document cited in a record. These DOIs may contain full text access. This field displays as part of the Cited References (RF) field. |
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RF | Cited References [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Cited References (RF) field contains a complete or partial reference list of the source document. |
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RN | Report Number [Phrase Indexed] y3216.rn. |
The Report Number (RN) field contains the primary identification number of a report. This is normally the number given to the report by the issuing organization (not the US Government Clearing House Number). Inspec treats IEEE Standards as reports. If no report number is available, the field contains the word "unnumbered." The Report Number field is word indexed so any part of the report number can be searched separately, if desired. |
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SH | Subject Headings [Phrase Indexed] magnetic |
The Subject Headings (SH) index contains controlled index terms assigned to the document from the Inspec Thesaurus. Records exist only for current and deleted full terms and not for lead-in terms. Subject Headings are entered into the index as phrases and should be searched as they appear in the published Inspec Thesaurus or as they appear in the Thesaurus display, which can be access by using the Tools/Thesaurus Option. |
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SI | SICI [Phrase Indexed] 8756 758x 200705 30 5l 443 fcig 1 1991 8763 200702 2 2l 93 ubhp |
The SICI (SI) field contains the Serial Item Contribution Identifier as defined in ANSI Standard Z39.56 (1991). This code is generated automatically for journal articles, from other data elements, where enough of these have been collected by Inspec to produce a valid SICI code. The code contains some or all of the following elements: ISSN, Chronology, Enumeration, Location Number, Title Code, Standard Version Number, and Check Character. |
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SO | Source [Display Only] |
The Source (SO) field displays all of the basic information needed to locate a citation, including full Journal Name (JN), Publisher (PU), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Pagination (PG), Place of Publication (PP) and Year (YR). The town or city of publication is also included, but mainly applies to books and conference proceedings. |
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TE | Image Caption Text [Word Indexed] transformers.te. |
The Image Caption Text (TE) field includes the optional caption for an image. |
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TI | Title [Word Indexed] quantum coherence.ti. information society.ti. |
The Title (TI) field contains the title of the bibliographic record, i.e. title of journal paper, book, book chapter, conference proceedings, conference paper, patent, dissertation, report or report section. |
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TR | Treatment [Phrase Indexed] new |
The Treatment (TR) field can be used to enhance searching when a search on subject descriptive data elements is not enough. Treatments can be searched directly using the phrase or Limit option. Nine types of treatment codes can be assigned to a document. The treatments types are:
The Treatment Field was first used in 1971. |
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TS | Translated Source [Word Indexed] 0887.ts. |
For records where the original source journal is indexed, the Translated Source (TS) field contains the full title of the English language cover-to-cover translation journal, along with the Date of Publication (DP), Volume (VO), Issue/Part (IP), Pagination (PG), ISSN (IS) and CODEN (CD) of the translation when available. |
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TW | Text Word [Word Indexed] quantum |
A Text Word (TW) field is an alias for all of the fields in the database which contain text words and which are appropriate for a free-text subject search. The Textword fields in Inspec include Title (TI), Abstract (AB) and Key Phrase Identifiers (ID). |
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UC | U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code [Display Only] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The US Copyright Clearance Center Code (UC) contains the US Copyright Clearance Center Code. The Copyright Clearance Center (21 Congress St, Salem, Massachusetts 01970) conveys authorizations to photocopy to users of copyrighted material from thousands of copyright owners, mainly publishers; royalty fees are collected from photocopy users and distributed to appropriate publishers. |
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UD | Universal Decimal Classification [Phrase Indexed] 0613.ud. |
The Universal Decimal Classification (UD) field contains the UDC code(s) assigned to the record. This classification was used to order and cross-reference the records in the Science Abstracts journals from 1942-1967. |
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UN | U.S. Government Clearing House Number [Phrase Indexed] |
The US Government Clearing House Number (UN) field contains the identification number assigned to a report by the US Government Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information. This number is usually of the form 'PB' or 'AD' followed by a variable length serial number. However, this field will be unavailable to customers until the IP populates it in the input data. |
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UP | Update Code [Phrase Indexed] 200600.up. |
The Update Code (UP) field contains a six-digit number indicating the year and the week of the update. For example, 200109 represents the update for the ninth week of 2001. |
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UR | URL [Phrase Indexed] firstmonday.ur. |
The URL (UR) field contains the Internet Uniform Resource Locator of electronic documents and document collections URLs that are believed to be stable. Each part of the URL and file name is indexed, so enter the most descriptive word or words in a URL or file name. |
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VO | Volume [Word Indexed] 1012.vo. 1000.vo. |
The Volume (VO) index contains the volume number of a serial publication. This field is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field. |
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YR | Year [Phrase Indexed] 2005.yr. |
The Year (YR) index contains the year in which an article or monograph was published. The year is indexed as four digits. This field is displayed as part of the Source (SO) field. |
Go: Menu or Back |
Advanced Searching | |||
You can use special search syntax listed below to combine search terms or strategically develop a search. Full documentation is provided in the Advanced Searching Techniques section of the Online Help. | |||
Operator | Syntax | Search Example | Sample Results |
OR | x or y | dielectric or "plasma slabs" | "dielectric barrier discharge" |
The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive. You can use the OR operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
AND | x and y | waveguides and variable | "dynamic range variable optical attenuator" |
The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms. You can use the AND operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. | ||
NOT | x not y | waveguides not variable | "sub-layers in polymeric waveguides" |
The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search health reform not health maintenance organizations retrieves only those records that contain the term health reform but excludes the term health maintenance organizations. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic. You can use the NOT operator in both unqualified searches and searches applied to a specific field. |
Adjacency (ADJ) | x y | varying waveguides | "Propagation in slowly-varying wave-guides" |
The Adjacent operator (ADJ) retrieves records with search terms next to each other. You do not need to separate search terms manually by inserting ADJ between them, because when you separate terms with a space on the command line, Ovid automatically searches for the terms adjacent to one another. For example, the search blood pressure is identical to the search blood adj pressure. | ||
Defined Adjacency (ADJn) | x ADJn y | polymeric adj3 waveguides | "polymeric optical waveguides" |
The defined adjacency operator (ADJn) retrieves records that contain search terms within a specified number (n) of words from each other in any order. To use the adjacency operator, separate your search terms with ADJ and a number from 1 to 99. For example, the search physician adj5 relationship retrieves records that contain the words physician and relationship within five words of each other in either direction. This particular search retrieves records containing such phrases as physician patient relationship, patient physician relationship, or relationship of the physician to the patient. | ||
Frequency (FREQ) | x.ab./FREQ=n | blood.ab. /freq=5 | "Implantable blood pressure monitoring" |
The frequency operator (FREQ) lets you specify a threshold of occurrence of a term in the records retrieved from your search. Records containing your search term are retrieved only if the term occurs at least the specified (n) number of times. In general, records that contain many instances of your search term are more relevant than records that contain fewer instances. The frequency operator is particularly useful when searching a text field, such as Abstract or Full Text, for a common word or phrase. | ||
Unlimited Truncation ($) | x$ | rat$ | "quality issues impacting tin mill operations" |
Unlimited truncation retrieves all possible suffix variations of the root word indicated. To apply unlimited truncation to a term, type the root word or phrase followed by either of the truncation characters: $ (dollar sign) or * (asterisk). For example, in the truncated search disease*, Ovid retrieves the word disease as well as the words diseases, diseased, and more. | ||
limited Truncation ($) | x$n | dog$1 | "systolic function in dogs" |
Limited truncation specifies a maximum number of characters that may follow the root word or phrase. For example, the truncated search dog$1 retrieves results with the words dog and dogs; but it does not retrieve results with the word dogma. | ||
Mandated Wildcard (#) | xx#y | wom#n | "the leading cause of death in women" |
Searching with a mandated wildcard retrieves all possible variations of a word in which the wildcard is present in the specified place. You can use it at the end of a term to limit results to only those that contain the word plus the mandated character. For example, the search dog# retrieves results that contain the word dogs, but not those that contain the word dog, effectively limiting results to only those that contain the plural form of the word. The mandated wild card character (#) is also useful for retrieving specialized plural forms of a word. For example, the search wom#n retrieves results that contain both woman and women. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word. | ||
Optional Wildcard (?) | xx?y | colo?r | "Color texture recognition in video sequences" |
The optional wild card character (?) can be used within or at the end of a search term to substitute for one or no characters. This wild card is useful for retrieving documents with British and American word variants since it specifies that you want retrieval whether or not the extra character is present. For example, the optional wild card search colo?r retrieves results that contain the words color or colour. You can use multiple wild cards in a single query word. | ||
Literal String ("") | "x / y" | "go/no-go" | "go/no-go testing based on the use of confidence limits" |
"n" | "3".vo | "vol.3, no.1, 2005, pp. 78-96" |
Quotation marks can be used to retrieve records that contain literal strings, when the string includes special characters, such as a forward slash (/). Quotation marks can also be used to retrieve records that contain numbers that may otherwise be confused for earlier searches. In the example, a search for 3.vo would limit the string from your third search in your search history to the volume field. By including the number in quotation marks, the search will retrieve documents with a 3 in the volume number. |
Go: Menu or Back |
Stopwords |
The Ovid search engine applies so called "run-time stopword processing". This means the search engine on the fly ignores the stopwords: and, as, by, for, from, in, is, of, on, that, the, this, to, was, were & with. Therefore a search: at risk for diabetes.ti will also find: at risk of diabetes. The distance of one word in between is kept, but the stopword "for" is ignored. |
Go: Menu or Back |
Limits | ||
The following limits are available for this database. See Database Limits in the Ovid Online Help for details on applying limits. |
Limit |
Syntax | |
Abstracts | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to abstracts |
Command Syntax: | ..l/ ab=y | |
A limit to abstracts will restrict retrieval to those documents that contain an abstract. An abstract field summarizes the content of the document and generally describes the background, methods, results, and conclusions | ||
Chemical Roles | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to binary system limit 1 to element |
Chemical Roles can be applied to compounds to indicate the number of elements in the compound. For example, to retrieve a binary system containing H2, search on and then limit the search to binary. | ||
Classification Codes | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to section a - physics |
A limit to Classification Codes will restrict retrieval to any of the sections in the limit list. Any item may appear in more than one section. | ||
English Language | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to english |
A limit to English will restrict retrieval to articles written in the English language. | ||
Journal Paper | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to journal paper |
Journal Papers make up approximately 80% of the total items in the Inspec database. A limit to Journal Papers will restrict retrieval to items abstracted from journal articles. | ||
Full Text | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to full text |
A limit to Full Text will result in only those records that have links to full text. Both Ovid full text and external full text are included in this limit. |
Languages | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to spanish |
A limit to Language will restrict retrieval to any of the languages in the limit list. If you choose this option you will be presented with an alphabetic list of languages from which to select. | ||
Latest Update |
Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to latest update |
New documents are added to the Inspec database at regular intervals. A limit to latest update will restrict retrieval to documents which were most recently added to the database. | ||
Local Holdings | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to local holdings |
A limit to local holdings will restrict
retrieval to documents from journals held in your local library or library
system. If your System Administrator has created any special messages about a journal's availability, this message will display with the document in the Local Holdings (LH) field. |
Numeric Data | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to altitude limit 1 to galactic distance limit 1 to wavelength |
Select this option to select from a descriptive list of the different types of numeric data limits available. The data is more likely to be operating or experimental parameters rather than measured values or experimental results. Only data which is in the title or abstract or is encountered by the indexer in writing the abstract is considered for inclusion. | ||
Open Access | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to open access |
A limit to Open Access will restrict retrieval to label appearing in records where the full-text content has been given open access status by the publisher. | ||
Ovid Full Text Available | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to ovid full text available |
A limit to Ovid Full Text Available will restrict retrieval to those citations for which an Ovid full text link is available. When viewing a citation with full text available use the LINK button to display the full text. |
Publication Types | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to book limit 1 to conference paper limit 1 to report |
A limit to Publication Types can restrict retrieval to one of nine publication types. By selecting this option, you will be presented with a list of publication types and descriptions to choose from. | ||
Publication Year | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to yr=1996 |
You can restrict retrieval to any of the years that this Inspec segment covers. If you choose this option you will be prompted to enter the desired year; the format is 4 digits: "1989" or a range: "1994-1995". | ||
Star Ranking | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to one star |
A limit to Star Ranking will restrict retrieval to articles which fall within a particular star ranking from a Basic Search. Multiple star rankings may be selected by holding down the Control key and selecting the desired rankings. | ||
Treatments | Sentence Syntax: | limit 1 to application |
A limit to Treatment restricts retrieval to one of nine treatment types, useful when a search on subject descriptive data elements is not enough. | ||
Go: Menu or Back |
Tools |
The following Search Tools are available for this database. For specific information on using these tools, refer to the Ovid Online Help linked below. |
Go: Menu or Back |
Changing to this Database | |||||
To change a search session to a segment of this database from another database or another segment, use the following syntax in the Ovid Syntax tab: | |||||
Segment | Command Syntax | Sentence Syntax | |||
1969 to Present | ..c/insz | use insz | |||
1987 to Present | ..c/insp | use insp | |||
Click on this link to see other Advanced Search Techniques | |||||
Go: Menu or Back |
Sample Document |
Sample 1 | Accession Number 9601031 Author Bocharova TV. Adam JL. Karapetyan GO. Smektala F. Mironov AM. Tagil'tseva NO. Author Unabbreviated Bocharova T. V.; Adam J. L.; Karapetyan G. O.; Smektala F.; Mironov A. M.; Tagil'tseva N. O. Author/Editor Affiliation Bocharova TV. Karapetyan GO. Mironov AM. Tagil'tseva NO. : Lab. of Appl. Phys. & Opt. of Solids, Saint- Petersburg State Polytech. Univ., Politekhnicheskaya 29, Saint Petersburg 195251, Russia Author Email Adam JL: [email protected] Title Analysis of rare-earth ion spatial distribution in fluorophosphate glasses in terms of segregation phenomenon Source Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, vol.68, no.5-6, May-June 2007, 978-82. Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd., UK. Date of Publication May-June 2007 Country of Publication UK Abstract The study deals with complex investigation of segregation phenomenon of Eu3+ (1.0 mol% EuF3) and Tb3+ ions (1.2 mol% TbF3) in Ba(PO3)2-MgCaSrBaAl2F14 glasses, by using photoluminescence methods, followed by Rayleigh and Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering (RMBS) measurements. It is shown that the local environment of rare-earth ions depends on the ratio of rare-earth concentration and phosphate component content. The results are interpreted in terms of doping-ion segregation model. (9 References). Subject Headings aluminium compounds; barium compounds; Brillouin spectra; calcium compounds; europium; magnesium compounds; phosphate glasses; photoluminescence; Rayleigh scattering; segregation; strontium compounds; terbium. Key Phrase Identifiers Ba(PO3)2-MgCaSrBaAl2F14-EuF3-TbF3; Mandelstam-Brillouin scattering; Rayleigh scattering; photoluminescence; Tb3+ ions; Eu3+ ions; segregation; fluorophosphate glasses; rare-earth ion spatial distribution. Classification Codes Solubility, segregation, and mixing [A6475]; Photoluminescence in other inorganic materials [A7855H]; Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering; other light scattering (condensed matter) [A7835]. Treatment Experimental. Chemicals Ba(PO3)2MgCaSrBaAl2F14EuF3TbF3/ss; O3)2/ss; F14/ss; Al2/ss; Ba(/ss; F3/ss; Al/ss; Ba/ss; Ca/ss; Eu/ss; Mg/ss; Sr/ss; Tb/ss; F/ss; O/ss; P/ss. CODEN JPCSAW Language English. Digital Object Identifier ISSN 0022-3697 Publication Type Journal Paper Inspec Update Code 2007042. Update Code 200700. Copyright Copyright 2007, The Institution of Engineering and Technology. |
Go: Menu or Back |
CC CODE List | |
The following is the complete list of Classification Codes for the Inspec database.
A0000 General | |
A0100 Communication, education, history, and philosophy | |
A0110 Announcements, news, and organizational activities | |
A0110C Announcements, news, and awards | |
A0110F Conferences, lectures, and institutes | |
A0110H Physics organizational activities | |
A0130 Physics literature and publications | |
A0130B Publications of lectures (advanced institutes, summer schools, etc.) | |
A0130C Conference proceedings | |
A0130E Monographs, and collections | |
A0130K Handbooks and dictionaries | |
A0130L Collections of physical data, tables | |
A0130N Textbooks | |
A0130Q Reports, dissertations, theses | |
A0130R Reviews and tutorial papers; resource letters | |
A0130T Bibliographies | |
A0140 Education | |
A0140D Educational course design and evaluation | |
A0140E Science in elementary and secondary schools | |
A0140G Curricula, teaching methods, strategies, and evaluation | |
A0140J Teacher training | |
A0150 Educational aids | |
A0150F Audio and visual aids for education | |
A0150H Instructional computer use for education | |
A0150K Testing theory and techniques for education | |
A0150M Demonstration experiments and apparatus | |
A0150P Laboratory experiments and apparatus for education | |
A0150Q Laboratory course design, organization, and evaluation | |
A0150T Buildings and facilities for education | |
A0155 General Physics | |
A0160 Biographical, historical, and personal notes | |
A0165 History of science | |
A0170 Philosophy of science | |
A0175 Science and society | |
A0190 Other topics of general interest in physics | |
A0200 Mathematical methods in physics | |
A0210 Algebra, set theory, and graph theory | |
A0220 Group theory | |
A0230 Function theory, analysis | |
A0240 Geometry, differential geometry, and topology | |
A0250 Probability theory, stochastic processes, and statistics | |
A0260 Numerical approximation and analysis | |
A0270 Computational techniques | |
A0290 Other topics in mathematical methods in physics | |
A0300 Classical and quantum physics; mechanics and fields | |
A0320 Classical mechanics of discrete systems: general mathematical aspects | |
A0330 Special relativity | |
A0340 Classical mechanics of continuous media: general mathematical aspects | |
A0340D Mathematical theory of elasticity | |
A0340G Fluid dynamics: general mathematical aspects | |
A0340K Waves and wave propagation: general mathematical aspects | |
A0350 Classical field theory | |
A0350D Maxwell theory: general mathematical aspects | |
A0350K Other special classical field theories | |
A0365 Quantum theory; quantum mechanics | |
A0365B Foundations, theory of quantum measurement, miscellaneous quantum theories | |
A0365C Formalism in quantum theory | |
A0365D Functional analytical methods in quantum theory | |
A0365F Algebraic methods in quantum theory | |
A0365G Solutions of wave equations: bound state in quantum theory | |
A0365N Nonrelativistic scattering in quantum theory | |
A0365S Semiclassical theories and applications in quantum theory | |
A0367 Quantum information | |
A0367D Quantum cryptography | |
A0367H Quantum communication | |
A0367L Quantum computation | |
A0370 Theory of quantized fields | |
A0375 Matter waves | |
A0375B Atom and neutron optics | |
A0375F Bose-Einstein condensation | |
A0375P Atom lasers | |
A0380 General theory of scattering | |
A0400 Relativity and gravitation | |
A0420 General relativity | |
A0420C Fundamental problems and general formalism in general relativity | |
A0420F Canonical formalism, Lagrangians, and variational principles in general relativity | |
A0420J Solutions to equations in general relativity | |
A0420M Conservation laws and equations of motion in general relativity | |
A0430 Gravitational waves and radiation: theory | |
A0440 Continuous media; electromagnetic and other mixed gravitational systems | |
A0450 Unified field theories | |
A0455 Alternative theories of gravitation | |
A0460 Quantum theory of gravitation | |
A0465 Supergravity | |
A0470 Physics of black holes | |
A0480 Experimental tests of general relativity and observations of gravitational radiation | |
A0485 Intermediate range forces | |
A0490 Other topics in relativity and gravitation | |
A0500 Statistical physics and thermodynamics | |
A0520 Statistical mechanics | |
A0520D Kinetic theory in statistical mechanics | |
A0520G Classical ensemble theory | |
A0530 Quantum statistical mechanics | |
A0530C Quantum ensemble theory | |
A0530F Fermion systems and electron gas (quantum statistical mechanics) | |
A0530J Boson systems (quantum statistical mechanics) | |
A0530L Anyons and parastatistics (quantum statistical mechanics) | |
A0540 Fluctuation phenomena, random processes, and Brownian motion | |
A0545 Theory and models of chaotic systems | |
A0547 Nonlinear dynamical systems and bifurcations | |
A0550 Lattice theory and statistics; Ising problems | |
A0555 Fractals | |
A0560 Transport processes: theory | |
A0565 Self-organized systems | |
A0570 Thermodynamics | |
A0570C Thermodynamic functions and equations of state | |
A0570F Phase transitions: general thermodynamic aspects | |
A0570J Critical point phenomena in thermodynamics | |
A0570L Nonequilibrium thermodynamics, irreversible processes | |
A0580 Econophysics | |
A0590 Other topics in statistical physics and thermodynamics | |
A0600 Measurement science, general laboratory techniques, and instrumentation systems | |
A0620 Metrology | |
A0620D Measurement and error theory | |
A0620F Measurement units | |
A0620H Measurement standards and calibration | |
A0620J Determination of fundamental constants | |
A0630 Measurement of basic variables | |
A0630C Spatial variables measurement | |
A0630E Mass and density measurement | |
A0630F Time and frequency measurement | |
A0630G Velocity, acceleration and rotation measurement | |
A0630L Measurement of basic electric and magnetic variables | |
A0630M Measurement of mechanical variables | |
A0630N Pressure measurement | |
A0650 Data handling and computation | |
A0650D Data gathering, processing, and recording, data displays including digital techniques | |
A0650M Computing devices and techniques | |
A0660 Laboratory techniques | |
A0660E Sample preparation | |
A0660J High-speed techniques (microsecond or shorter) | |
A0660S Positioning and alignment; manipulating, remote handling | |
A0660V Workshop techniques (welding, machining, lubrication, bearings, etc.) | |
A0660W Safety in the laboratory | |
A0670 General instrumentation | |
A0670D Sensing and detecting devices | |
A0670E Testing equipment | |
A0670H Display, recording, and indicating instruments | |
A0670M Transducers | |
A0670T Servo and control devices | |
A0690 Other topics in measurement science, general laboratory techniques and instrumentation systems | |
A0700 Specific instrumentation and techniques of general use in physics | |
A0710 Mechanical instruments, equipment, and techniques | |
A0710C Micromechanical and nanomechanical devices and systems | |
A0710F Vibration isolation | |
A0710Y Other mechanical instruments and techniques | |
A0720 Thermal instruments and techniques | |
A0720D Thermometry | |
A0720F Calorimetry | |
A0720H Furnaces | |
A0720K High-temperature techniques and instrumentation; pyrometry | |
A0720M Cryogenics | |
A0725 Hygrometry | |
A0730 Vacuum production and techniques | |
A0730B Evacuating power, degasification, residual gas | |
A0730C Vacuum pumps and pumping techniques | |
A0730D Vacuum meters and measuring techniques | |
A0730G Vacuum apparatus and testing methods | |
A0730K Auxiliary vacuum apparatus, hardware and materials | |
A0735 High pressure production and techniques | |
A0750 Electrical instruments and techniques | |
A0755 Magnetic instruments and techniques | |
A0758 Magnetic resonance spectrometers, auxiliary instruments and techniques | |
A0760 Optical instruments and techniques | |
A0760D Photometry and radiometry | |
A0760F Optical polarimetry and ellipsometry | |
A0760H Optical refractometry and reflectometry | |
A0760L Optical interferometry | |
A0760P Optical microscopy | |
A0762 Detection of radiation (bolometers, photoelectric cells, i.r. and submillimetre waves detection) | |
A0765 Optical spectroscopy and spectrometers | |
A0765E UV and visible spectroscopy and spectrometers | |
A0765G IR spectroscopy and spectrometers | |
A0768 Photography, photographic instruments and techniques | |
A0775 Mass spectrometers and mass spectrometry techniques | |
A0777 Particle beam production and handling; targets | |
A0779 Scanning probe microscopy and related techniques | |
A0780 Electron and ion microscopes and techniques | |
A0781 Electron and ion spectrometers and related techniques | |
A0785 X-ray, gamma-ray instruments and techniques | |
A0788 Particle interferometry and neutron instrumentation | |
A0790 Other topics in specialised instrumentation | |
A1000 The physics of elementary particles and fields | |
A1100 General theory of fields and particles | |
A1110 Quantum field theory | |
A1110C Axiomatic field theories | |
A1110E Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approach in quantum field theories | |
A1110G Renormalization in quantum field theories | |
A1110J Asymptotic problems and properties in quantum field theories | |
A1110L Nonlinear or nonlocal field theories and models | |
A1110M Schwinger source theory | |
A1110N Gauge field theories | |
A1110P Noncommutative field theory | |
A1110Q Relativistic wave equations and field theories | |
A1110S Bound and unstable states; Bethe-Salpeter equations | |
A1110W Finite temperature field theory | |
A1117 Theories of strings and other extended objects | |
A1120 S-matrix theory | |
A1120D Scattering matrix and perturbation theory | |
A1120F Dispersion relations and analytic properties of the S-matrix | |
A1130 Symmetry and conservation laws | |
A1130C Lorentz and PoincareŹŔ» invariance | |
A1130E Charge conjugation, parity, time reversal and other discrete symmetries | |
A1130J SU(2) and SU(3) symmetries in particle physics | |
A1130K SU(4) symmetry in particle physics | |
A1130L Other internal and higher symmetries in particle physics | |
A1130N Nonlinear and dynamical symmetries (spectrum-generating symmetries) | |
A1130P Supersymmetry in particle physics | |
A1130Q Spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics | |
A1130R Chiral symmetries in particle physics | |
A1140 Currents and their properties | |
A1140D General theory of currents | |
A1140F Lagrangian approach to current algebras | |
A1140H Partially conserved axial-vector currents | |
A1150 Dispersion relations and sum rules | |
A1150E N/D method | |
A1150G Bootstraps | |
A1150J Crossing symmetries | |
A1150L Sum rules | |
A1150N Multivariable dispersion relations | |
A1160 Complex angular momentum; Regge formalism | |
A1180 Relativistic scattering theory | |
A1180C Kinematical properties (helicity and invariant amplitudes, kinematic singularities, etc.) | |
A1180E Partial-wave analysis | |
A1180F Approximations (eikonal approximation, variational principles, etc.) | |
A1180G Multichannel scattering | |
A1180J Many-body scattering and Faddeev equation | |
A1180L Multiple scattering | |
A1190 Other topics in general field and particle theory | |
A1200 Specific theories and interaction models; particle systematics | |
A1210 Unified field theories and models | |
A1210B Electroweak theories | |
A1210C Standard model of unification | |
A1210D Unified models beyond the standard model | |
A1220 Models of electromagnetic interactions | |
A1220D Specific calculations and limits of quantum electrodynamics | |
A1220F Experimental tests of quantum electrodynamics | |
A1225 Models for gravitational interactions | |
A1230 Models of weak interactions | |
A1230C Neutral currents | |
A1230E Intermediate bosons | |
A1235 Composite models of particles | |
A1235C General properties of quantum chromodynamics (dynamics, confinement, etc.) | |
A1235E Applications of quantum chromodynamics to particle properties and reactions | |
A1235H Phenomenological composite models of particle structure and reactions (partons, bags, etc.) | |
A1235K Other composite models | |
A1240 Models of strong interactions | |
A1240E Statistical models of strong interactions | |
A1240F Bootstrap models | |
A1240H Duality and dual models | |
A1240K Hadron classification schemes | |
A1240M Complex angular momentum plane; Regge poles and cuts (Reggeons) | |
A1240P Absorptive, optical, and eikonal models | |
A1240Q Potential models of strong interactions | |
A1240R Peripheral models (one or more particle exchange) | |
A1240S Multiperipheral and multi-Regge models | |
A1240V Vector-meson dominance | |
A1270 Hadron mass formulas | |
A1290 Miscellaneous theoretical ideas and models in elementary particle physics | |
A1300 Specific elementary particle reactions and phenomenology | |
A1310 Weak and electromagnetic interactions of leptons | |
A1315 Neutrino interactions | |
A1317 Neutrino oscillations | |
A1320 Leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons | |
A1320C pi leptonic/semileptonic decays | |
A1320E K leptonic/semileptonic decays | |
A1320F Leptonic and semileptonic decays of charmed mesons | |
A1320G Leptonic and semileptonic decays of psi/J, Upsilon, phi mesons | |
A1320H B meson leptonic/semileptonic decays | |
A1320I f meson leptonic/semileptonic decays | |
A1320J Other meson leptonic/semileptonic decays | |
A1325 Hadronic decays of mesons | |
A1330 Decays of baryons | |
A1330C Leptonic and semileptonic decays of baryons | |
A1330E Hadronic decays of baryons | |
A1335 Decays of leptons | |
A1338 Decays of intermediate and Higgs bosons | |
A1340 Electromagnetic processes and properties of elementary particles | |
A1340D Electromagnetic mass differences | |
A1340F Electromagnetic form factors; electric and magnetic moments; structure functions | |
A1340H Electromagnetic decays of elementary particles | |
A1340K Electromagnetic corrections to strong and weak interaction processes | |
A1360 Photon and charged-lepton interactions with hadrons | |
A1360F Elastic and Compton scattering | |
A1360H Total and inclusive cross sections | |
A1360K Meson production | |
A1360M Meson-resonance production | |
A1360P Baryon and baryon resonance production | |
A1365 Hadron production by electron-positron collisions | |
A1375 Hadron-induced low- and intermediate-energy reactions and scattering, energy = 10 GeV | |
A1375C Nucleon-nucleon interactions, including antinucleon, deuteron, etc. (energy = 10 GeV) | |
A1375E Hyperon-nucleon interactions (energy = 10 GeV) | |
A1375G Pion-baryon interactions (energy = 10 GeV) | |
A1375J Kaon-baryon interactions (energy = 10 GeV) | |
A1375L Meson-meson interactions (energy = 10 GeV) | |
A1380 Photon-photon interactions and scattering | |
A1385 Hadron-induced high- and super-high-energy interactions, energy > 10 GeV | |
A1385D Hadron induced elastic scattering (energy > 10 GeV) | |
A1385F Hadron induced inelastic scattering, two-particle final states (energy > 10 GeV) | |
A1385H Hadron induced inelastic scattering, many-particle final states (energy > 10 GeV) | |
A1385K Hadron induced inclusive reactions, including total cross sections, (energy > 10 GeV) | |
A1385M Hadron induced cosmic ray interactions | |
A1385N Hadron induced very high energy interactions (E > 1 TeV) | |
A1387 Jets in large-Q2 elementary particle interactions | |
A1388 Polarization in elementary particle interactions and scattering | |
A1390 Other topics in specific reactions and phenomenology of elementary particles | |
A1400 Properties of specific particles and resonances | |
A1420 Baryons and baryon resonances | |
A1420C Neutrons | |
A1420E Protons | |
A1420G Baryon resonances with S=0 | |
A1420J Hyperons and hyperon resonances | |
A1420P Dibaryons | |
A1440 Mesons and meson resonances | |
A1440D pi mesons | |
A1440F K mesons | |
A1440K rho, omega, and eta mesons | |
A1440L D mesons | |
A1440M a and B mesons | |
A1440N psi/J, upsilon, phi mesons | |
A1440P Other mesons | |
A1460 Leptons | |
A1460C Electrons and positrons | |
A1460E Muons | |
A1460G Neutrinos | |
A1460J Heavy leptons | |
A1480 Other and hypothetical particles | |
A1480A Photons | |
A1480D Quarks and gluons | |
A1480F Intermediate and Higgs bosons | |
A1480H Magnetic monopoles | |
A1480J Supersymmetric particles | |
A1480K Other elementary particles | |
A1480L Dark matter candidates | |
A2000 Nuclear physics | |
A2100 Nuclear structure | |
A2110 General and average properties of nuclei; properties of nuclear energy levels | |
A2110D Nuclear binding energy and masses | |
A2110F Nuclear shape, charge, radius, form factors and structure functions | |
A2110H Nuclear spin, parity, and isobaric spin | |
A2110J Nuclear spectroscopic factors | |
A2110K Nuclear electromagnetic moments | |
A2110M Nuclear level density and structure | |
A2110P Single particle structure in nuclear levels | |
A2110R Collective structure in nuclear levels | |
A2110S Nuclear Coulomb effects | |
A2130 Nuclear forces | |
A2140 Few-nucleon systems | |
A2160 Nuclear-structure models and methods | |
A2160C Nuclear shell model | |
A2160E Nuclear collective models | |
A2160F Nuclear models based on group theory | |
A2160G Nuclear cluster models | |
A2160J Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximations in nuclei | |
A2165 Nuclear matter | |
A2180 Hypernuclei | |
A2190 Other topics in nuclear structure | |
A2300 Radioactivity and electromagnetic transitions | |
A2320 Electromagnetic transitions | |
A2320C Lifetimes and transition probabilities of nuclei | |
A2320E Angular distribution and correlation measurements of nuclei | |
A2320G Nuclear multipole mixing ratios | |
A2320J Nuclear multipole matrix elements | |
A2320L Nuclear gamma transitions and level energies | |
A2320N Nuclear internal conversion and extranuclear effects | |
A2320Q Nuclear resonance fluorescence | |
A2340 beta decay; electron and muon capture | |
A2340B Weak interaction and lepton aspects of beta decay | |
A2340H Nuclear matrix elements and nuclear structure inferred from beta decay | |
A2360 alpha decay | |
A2380 Nuclear decays by heavy ion emission | |
A2390 Other topics in nuclear decay and radioactivity | |
A2400 Nuclear reactions and scattering: general | |
A2410 Nuclear reaction and scattering models and methods | |
A2410D Coupled-channel and many-body-theory methods in nuclei | |
A2410F Plane- and distorted-wave Born approximations in nuclei | |
A2410H Optical and diffraction models in nuclei | |
A2430 Resonance nuclear reactions and scattering | |
A2430C Giant resonances | |
A2430F Isobaric analogue states | |
A2450 Direct nuclear reactions | |
A2460 Nuclear statistical theory and fluctuations | |
A2470 Polarization in nuclear reactions and scattering | |
A2475 General properties of fission | |
A2485 Quark models in nuclei and nuclear processes | |
A2490 Other topics in nuclear reactions and scattering, general | |
A2500 Nuclear reactions and scattering: specific reactions | |
A2510 Nuclear reactions and scattering involving few-nucleon systems | |
A2520 Photonuclear reactions and photon scattering | |
A2530 Lepton-induced reactions and scattering | |
A2530C Electron and positron reactions and scattering | |
A2530E Muon reactions and scattering | |
A2530G Neutrino reactions and scattering | |
A2540 Nucleon-induced reactions and scattering | |
A2540C Elastic proton scattering | |
A2540D Elastic neutron scattering | |
A2540E Inelastic proton scattering and (p, n) reactions | |
A2540F Inelastic neutron scattering and (n, p) reactions | |
A2540G Single nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2540J Few nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2540L Radiative capture | |
A2540P Reactions and scattering above meson production thresholds (energies > 400 MeV) | |
A2540S Spallation reactions | |
A2550 2H- and 3H-induced reactions and scattering | |
A2550D 2H- and 3H-induced elastic, inelastic and charge exchange reactions | |
A2550G 2H- and 3H-induced single-nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2550J 2H- and 3H-induced few nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2560 3He- and 4He-induced reactions and scattering | |
A2560C 3He- and 4He-induced elastic, inelastic and charge exchange reactions | |
A2560E 3He- and 4He-induced single-nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2560F 3He- and 4He-induced few nucleon transfer reactions | |
A2570 Heavy ion induced reactions and scattering | |
A2570B Reaction mechanisms in heavy ion induced reactions | |
A2570D Few nucleon transfers in heavy ion induced reactions | |
A2570E Resonances in heavy ion induced reactions | |
A2570G Compound nucleus properties and decays in heavy ion induced reactions | |
A2570H Heavy ion induced elastic, inelastic, and charge exchange reactions | |
A2570J Heavy ion induced fusion and fusion-fission reactions | |
A2570K Coulomb excitation in heavy ion induced reactions | |
A2570N Fragmentation and relativistic heavy ion induced collisions | |
A2580 Meson- and hyperon-induced reactions and scattering | |
A2585 Fission reactions | |
A2585C Spontaneous fission | |
A2585E Neutron induced fission | |
A2585G Charged particle induced fission | |
A2585J Photofission | |
A2587 Nuclear fragmentation | |
A2588 Fusion reactions | |
A2590 Other topics in nuclear reactions and scattering: specific reactions | |
A2700 Properties of specific nuclei listed by mass ranges | |
A2710 Properties of nuclei with A = 5 | |
A2720 Properties of nuclei with 6 < A < 19 | |
A2730 Properties of nuclei with 20 < A < 38 | |
A2740 Properties of nuclei with 39 < A < 58 | |
A2750 Properties of nuclei with 59 < A < 89 | |
A2760 Properties of nuclei with 90 < A < 149 | |
A2770 Properties of nuclei with 150 < A < 189 | |
A2780 Properties of nuclei with 190 < A < 219 | |
A2790 Properties of nuclei with 220 < A | |
A2800 Nuclear engineering and nuclear power studies | |
A2820 Neutron physics | |
A2820C Neutron reflection and scattering | |
A2820F Neutron absorption | |
A2820H Neutron diffusion | |
A2820L Neutron moderation | |
A2841 Fission reactor theory and design | |
A2841C Computing for fission reactor theory and design | |
A2841D Fission reactor design | |
A2841E Fission reactor theory and physics | |
A2842 Fission reactor materials | |
A2842D Fission reactor fuel elements | |
A2842H Fission reactor fuel preparation and reprocessing | |
A2842K Radioactive wastes from fission reactors | |
A2842N Fission reactor coolants | |
A2842P Fission reactor moderators | |
A2842Q Fission reactor structural and shielding materials | |
A2842R Fission reactor coolant circuit materials | |
A2843 Fission reactor operation | |
A2843B Cooling and heat recovery in fission reactors | |
A2843D Core control and guidance in fission reactors | |
A2843F Fission reactor maintenance and outages | |
A2843G Fission reactor control rooms | |
A2843H Instrumentation and experiments with fission reactors | |
A2844 Fission reactor protection systems, safety and accidents | |
A2846 Nuclear materials: safety aspects | |
A2846C Nuclear safeguards | |
A2846E Nuclear criticality safety | |
A2846G Packaging and transportation of nuclear materials | |
A2847 Fission reactor decommissioning | |
A2850 Fission reactor types and applications | |
A2850D Research, test and training reactors | |
A2850F Fast reactors | |
A2850G Light water reactors | |
A2850I Gas cooled reactors | |
A2850J Heavy water reactors | |
A2850K Propulsion reactors | |
A2850P Nuclear power supplies | |
A2852 Fusion reactors | |
A2852C Fusion reaction ignition | |
A2852F Fusion reactor materials | |
A2852J Fusion reactor theory and design | |
A2852L Fusion reactor instrumentation | |
A2852N Fusion reactor safety | |
A2858 Integrated reactor systems | |
A2858C Synergetic fission reactor systems | |
A2858E Fission + fusion systems | |
A2858G Spallation breeders | |
A2870 Nuclear explosions | |
A2875 Radioactive waste, transportation, disposal, storage, treatment | |
A2875C Radioactive waste (materials aspects) | |
A2875E Radioactive waste transport | |
A2875M Radioactive waste disposal and storage | |
A2875S Radioactive waste treatment and transmutation | |
A2880 Radiation technology in nuclear engineering, including shielding | |
A2880C Dosimetry in nuclear engineering | |
A2880F Radiation monitoring and radiation protection in nuclear engineering | |
A2890 Other topics in nuclear engineering and nuclear power studies | |
A2900 Experimental methods and instrumentation for elementary-particle and nuclear physics | |
A2910 Preacceleration (injection) | |
A2915 Electrostatic and linear particle accelerators | |
A2915B Electrostatic accelerators | |
A2915D Linear accelerators | |
A2920 Cyclic accelerators and storage facilities | |
A2920D Storage rings | |
A2920F Betatrons | |
A2920H Cyclotrons | |
A2920J Synchrocyclotrons | |
A2920L Synchrotrons | |
A2921 Beams in particle accelerators | |
A2925 Particle sources and targets, preparation and technology | |
A2925B Electron sources | |
A2925C Ion sources: positive, negative and polarized | |
A2925D Neutron sources | |
A2925E Radioactive sources | |
A2925F Beam handling, focusing, pulsing, stripping and diagnostics | |
A2925G Nuclear bombardment targets | |
A2925K Polarized targets | |
A2925M Other lepton sources | |
A2930 Radiation spectrometers and spectroscopic techniques | |
A2930D Heavy charged-particle spectroscopy | |
A2930E alpha-ray spectroscopy | |
A2930F Beta-ray and electron spectroscopy | |
A2930H Neutron spectroscopy | |
A2930K X- and gamma-ray spectroscopy | |
A2940 Radiation detectors | |
A2940B Ionisation chambers | |
A2940C Proportional counters; multiwire proportional chambers | |
A2940D Cloud chambers | |
A2940F Bubble chambers | |
A2940H Spark chambers and other track chambers | |
A2940K Cherenkov detectors | |
A2940M Scintillation detectors; scintillators and photomultipliers | |
A2940P Semiconductor detectors | |
A2940Q Transition radiation detectors | |
A2940R Nuclear emulsions | |
A2940S Geiger tubes | |
A2940T Position sensitive detectors | |
A2940W Solid-state nuclear track detectors | |
A2940X Superconducting particle detectors | |
A2960 Counting circuits and nuclear electronics | |
A2960C Basic function units; supply units, amplifiers (nuclear electronics) | |
A2960E Pulse counting assemblies; counting scalers, analyzers (nuclear electronics) | |
A2960G Pulse circuits (nuclear electronics) | |
A2960J Radiation monitors (nuclear electronics) | |
A2970 Radiation measurement, detection and counting | |
A2970D Angular correlation techniques in radiation measurement | |
A2970F Coincidence techniques in radiation measurement | |
A2970G Energy loss and energy range relations in radiation measurement | |
A2970J Integral methods of radiation detection | |
A2975 Polarization analysis (elementary-particle and nuclear physics) | |
A2980 Nuclear information processing | |
A2980C Computer systems for nuclear information processing | |
A2980F Programming for nuclear information processing | |
A2990 Other topics in high-energy and nuclear experimental methods and instrumentation | |
A3000 Atomic and molecular physics | |
A3100 Theory of atoms and molecules | |
A3110 General theory of structure, transitions and chemical binding in atoms and molecules | |
A3115 General mathematical and computational developments for atoms and molecules | |
A3120 Specific calculations and results for atoms and molecules | |
A3120A Ab initio calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120B SCF and HF calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120C Coupled cluster calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120D Complete ab initio calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120E Ab initio LCAO and GO SCF calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120G Other accurate or nearly ab initio calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120H Xalpha methods (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120J Local density approximation (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120L Other statistical model calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120N Semi-empirical NDO calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120P Other semi-empirical calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120R Valence bond calculations (ab initio or not) (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120T Electron correlation and CI calculations (atoms and molecules) | |
A3120W Empirical methods (atoms and molecules) | |
A3130 Electronic structure of atoms and molecules, corrections and effects of interactions | |
A3130G Hyperfine interactions and isotope effects (atoms and molecules) | |
A3130J Radiative and relativistic effects (atoms and molecules) | |
A3130L Environmental and solvent effects (atoms and molecules) | |
A3130N Molecular solids | |
A3150 Excited states of atoms and molecules | |
A3180 Potential energy surfaces (atoms and molecules) | |
A3190 Other topics in the theory of atoms and molecules | |
A3200 Atomic spectra and interactions with photons | |
A3220 Atomic spectra grouped by wavelength ranges | |
A3220D Radiofrequency and microwave atomic spectra | |
A3220F Infrared and Raman atomic spectra | |
A3220J Visible and ultraviolet atomic spectra | |
A3220R X-ray atomic spectra | |
A3240 Magnetic resonance spectra of atoms | |
A3250 Atomic fluorescence, phosphorescence; radiationless transitions | |
A3250F Atomic fluorescence, phosphorescence | |
A3250H Atomic radiationless transitions | |
A3260 Magneto-optical and electro-optical effects in atoms; birefringence, dichroism and optical activity | |
A3260S Stark effect in atoms | |
A3260V Zeeman effect in atoms | |
A3270 Atomic spectral line shapes and intensities | |
A3270C Atomic oscillator strengths, transition moments | |
A3270F Atomic lifetimes, absolute and relative intensities, transition probabilities | |
A3270J Atomic line shapes, widths, and shifts | |
A3280 Photon interactions with atoms | |
A3280B Atomic level crossing, optical pumping, population inversion, stimulated emission | |
A3280D Atomic autoionization | |
A3280F Atomic photoionization, photodetachment, photoelectron spectra | |
A3280H Auger effect and inner-shell ionization (atoms) | |
A3280K Multiphoton processes in atoms | |
A3280P Optical cooling of atoms; trapping | |
A3290 Other topics in atomic spectra and interactions with photons | |
A3300 Molecular spectra and interactions with photons | |
A3310 Calculation of molecular spectra | |
A3310C Calculational methods (molecular spectra) | |
A3310E Rotational analysis (molecular spectra) | |
A3310G Vibrational analysis (molecular spectra) | |
A3310J Vibrational-rotational analysis (molecular spectra) | |
A3310L Vibronic, rovibronic, and rotation-electron-spin interactions (molecular spectra) | |
A3320 Molecular spectra grouped by wavelength ranges | |
A3320B Radiofrequency and microwave molecular spectra | |
A3320E Infrared molecular spectra | |
A3320F Raman and Rayleigh molecular spectra | |
A3320K Visible molecular spectra | |
A3320L Ultraviolet molecular spectra | |
A3320N Vacuum ultraviolet molecular spectra | |
A3320R X-ray molecular spectra | |
A3325 Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation in molecules; nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) | |
A3325B Relaxation phenomena (molecular NMR) | |
A3325D Chemical shifts (molecular NMR) | |
A3325F Nuclear spin interactions, quadrupole effects and nuclear coupling (molecules) | |
A3325H Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) (molecules) | |
A3325K Quadrupole resonance (molecular NQR) | |
A3330 Electron paramagnetic resonance and relaxation of molecules | |
A3330B Relaxation phenomena in molecular EPR | |
A3330H Chemically induced dynamic electron polarization (CIDEP) in molecules | |
A3335 Double resonances and other multiple resonances of molecules | |
A3335D DNMR, ENDOR, ELDOR, Overhauser, INDOR, DNP of molecules | |
A3335H MODR and PMDR of molecules (microwave optical double resonance and phosphorescence microwave double resonance) | |
A3340 MoŹŔ»ssbauer spectra of molecules | |
A3345 Magneto-optical and electro-optical effects in molecules; birefringence, dichroism and optical activity | |
A3345B Zeeman and Stark effects in molecules | |
A3345C Magnetic circular dichroism in molecules | |
A3345D Optical activity, optical rotation, circular dichroism in molecules | |
A3350 Molecular fluorescence, phosphorescence; radiationless transitions (intersystem crossing, internal conversion) | |
A3350D Molecular fluorescence and phosphorescence spectra | |
A3350H Molecular radiationless transitions | |
A3365 Photoelectron spectra of molecules | |
A3365C UV and VUV photoelectron spectra of molecules | |
A3365F X-ray photoelectron spectra of molecules | |
A3370 Intensities and shapes of molecular spectral lines and bands | |
A3370C Molecular oscillator and band strengths, transition moments, Franck-Condon factors | |
A3370F Molecular lifetimes, absolute and relative line and band intensities | |
A3370J Molecular line and band widths, shapes, and shifts | |
A3380 Photon interactions with molecules | |
A3380B Molecular level crossing, optical pumping, population inversion, stimulated emission | |
A3380E Autoionization, photoionization, and photodetachment of molecules | |
A3380G Diffuse molecular spectra; predissociation, photodissociation | |
A3380K Multiphoton processes in molecules | |
A3380P Optical cooling of molecules; trapping | |
A3390 Other topics in molecular spectra and interactions with photons | |
A3400 Atomic and molecular collision processes and interactions | |
A3410 General theories and models (atomic and molecular collision processes) | |
A3420 Interatomic and intermolecular potentials and forces | |
A3425 Intramolecular energy transfer; intramolecular dynamics; dynamics of van der Waals molecules | |
A3430 Potential energy surfaces for collisions (atoms and molecules) | |
A3440 Elastic scattering of atoms and molecules | |
A3450 Inelastic scattering of atoms and molecules | |
A3450B Energy loss and stopping power (atoms and molecules) | |
A3450D Interactions of atoms, molecules and ions with surfaces | |
A3450E Rotational and vibrational energy transfer (atoms and molecules) | |
A3450H Electronic excitation and ionization (atoms and molecules) | |
A3450L Chemical reactions, energy disposal, and angular distribution, as studied by atomic and molecular beams | |
A3450R Laser-modified inelastic scattering of atoms and molecules | |
A3470 Charge transfer (atoms and molecules) | |
A3480 Electron scattering, electron spectra (atoms and molecules) | |
A3480B Elastic scattering of electrons by atoms and molecules | |
A3480D Atomic excitation and ionization by electron impact | |
A3480G Molecular excitation, ionization, and dissociation by electron impact | |
A3480L Electron-ion recombination and electron attachment (atoms and molecules) | |
A3480Q Laser-modified electron scattering (atoms and molecules) | |
A3485 Positron scattering, positron spectra (atoms and molecules) | |
A3485B Elastic scattering of positrons by atoms and molecules | |
A3485D Atomic excitation and ionization by positron impact | |
A3485G Molecular excitation, ionization and dissociation by positron impact | |
A3485L Positron-ion recombination and positron attachment (atoms and molecules) | |
A3485Q Laser-modified positron scattering (atoms and molecules) | |
A3490 Other topics in atomic and molecular collision processes and interactions | |
A3500 Properties of atoms and molecules; instruments and techniques | |
A3510 Atomic properties | |
A3510B Atomic masses, mass spectra, abundances, and isotopes | |
A3510D Atomic electric and magnetic moments, polarizability | |
A3510F Atomic fine- and hyperfine-structure constants | |
A3510H Atomic ionization potentials, electron affinities | |
A3510W Atomic weak interactions | |
A3520 Molecular properties | |
A3520B General molecular conformation and symmetry; stereochemistry | |
A3520D Interatomic distances and angles in molecules | |
A3520G Molecular bond strengths, dissociation energies, hydrogen bonding | |
A3520J Molecular barrier heights (internal rotation, inversion); rotational isomerism, conformational dynamics | |
A3520M Molecular electric and magnetic moments (and derivatives), polarizability, and magnetic susceptibility | |
A3520P Molecular rotation, vibration, and vibration-rotation constants | |
A3520S Molecular hyperfine and fine-structure constants | |
A3520V Molecular ionization potentials, electron affinities, molecular core binding energy | |
A3520W Molecular weak interactions | |
A3520X Molecular mass spectra | |
A3520Y Correlation times in molecular dynamics | |
A3580 Atomic and molecular measurements and techniques | |
A3580B Time-resolved measurements and techniques (atoms and molecules) | |
A3600 Studies of special atoms and molecules | |
A3610 Exotic atoms and molecules (containing mesons, muons, and other abnormal particles) | |
A3610D Positronium, muonium, muonic atoms and molecules | |
A3610G Mesonic atoms and molecules, hyperonic atoms and molecules | |
A3620 Macromolecules and polymer molecules | |
A3620C Macromolecular conformation (statistics and dynamics) | |
A3620E Macromolecular constitution (chains and sequences) | |
A3620F Molecular weights of macromolecules | |
A3620H Macromolecular configuration (bonds, dimensions) | |
A3620K Electronic structure and spectra of macromolecules | |
A3640 Atomic and molecular clusters | |
A3640B Geometrical structure of clusters | |
A3640C Spectra and electronic structure of clusters | |
A3640J Interactions of clusters (collisions and reactions) | |
A3690 Other special atoms and molecules | |
A4000 Fundamental areas of phenomenology | |
A4100 Electricity and magnetism; fields and charged particles | |
A4110 Classical electromagnetism | |
A4110D Electrostatics, magnetostatics | |
A4110F Steady-state electromagnetic fields; electromagnetic induction | |
A4110H Electromagnetic waves: theory | |
A4170 Particles in electromagnetic fields: classical aspects | |
A4180 Particle beams and particle optics | |
A4180D Electron beams and electron optics | |
A4180G Ion beams and ion optics | |
A4190 Other topics in electricity and magnetism | |
A4200 Optics | |
A4210 Optical propagation and transmission in homogeneous media | |
A4210D Wave-front and ray tracing in homogeneous media | |
A4210F Edge and boundary effects, optical refraction | |
A4210H Optical diffraction and scattering from extended bodies | |
A4210J Optical interference in homogeneous media | |
A4210K Optical absorption in homogeneous media | |
A4210M Optical coherence in homogeneous media | |
A4210N Optical polarization in homogeneous media | |
A4210Q Optical propagation and transmission in homogeneous and anisotropic media; birefringence | |
A4215 Geometrical optics | |
A4215D Optical wave fronts and ray tracing | |
A4215E Optical system design | |
A4220 Optical propagation and transmission in inhomogeneous media | |
A4220C Wave fronts, ray tracing and beam spread in inhomogeneous media | |
A4220E Optical coherence; scintillation in inhomogeneous media | |
A4220G Optical scattering, diffraction, dispersion and polarization in inhomogeneous media | |
A4225 Physical optics | |
A4225B Optical propagation, transmission and absorption | |
A4225F Optical diffraction and scattering | |
A4225G Edge and boundary effects; optical reflection and refraction | |
A4225H Optical interference and speckle | |
A4225J Optical polarization | |
A4225K Optical coherence | |
A4225L Birefringence (physical optics) | |
A4230 Optical information, image formation and analysis | |
A4230D Theory of optical information and image processing | |
A4230F Aberrations in optical images | |
A4230H Resolution of optical images | |
A4230K Fourier transform optics | |
A4230L Modulation and optical transfer functions | |
A4230N Optical storage and retrieval | |
A4230Q Optical communication | |
A4230S Pattern recognition | |
A4230V Image processing and restoration | |
A4240 Holography | |
A4240D Theory of holography | |
A4240E Holographic optical elements; holographic gratings | |
A4240F Image characteristics in holography | |
A4240H Holographic recording | |
A4240J Computer-generated holography | |
A4240K Holographic interferometry; other holographic techniques | |
A4240M Applications of holography | |
A4250 Quantum optics | |
A4250V Mechanical effects of light | |
A4252 Masers | |
A4255 Lasing processes | |
A4255B General theory of lasing action | |
A4255D CO2 lasers | |
A4255F Inert gas lasers | |
A4255G Excimer lasers | |
A4255H Lasing action in other gas lasers | |
A4255K Chemical lasers | |
A4255M Lasing action in liquids and organic dyes | |
A4255N Fibre lasers and amplifiers | |
A4255P Lasing action in semiconductors | |
A4255Q Laser-active defect centres in solids | |
A4255R Lasing action in other solids | |
A4255T Free electron lasers | |
A4255V High energy lasing processes (e.g. gamma and X-ray lasers) | |
A4260 Laser optical systems: design and operation | |
A4260B Design of specific laser systems | |
A4260D Laser resonators and cavities | |
A4260F Laser beam modulation, pulsing and switching; mode locking and tuning | |
A4260H Laser beam characteristics and interactions | |
A4260K Laser beam applications | |
A4262 Laser applications | |
A4262A Laser materials processing | |
A4262E Metrological applications of lasers | |
A4265 Nonlinear optics | |
A4265B General theory of nonlinear optics | |
A4265C Stimulated Raman scattering and spectra; CARS; stimulated Brillouin and stimulated Rayleigh scattering and spectra | |
A4265F Optical phase conjugation | |
A4265G Optical transient phenomena, self-induced transparency, optical saturation and related effects | |
A4265J Beam trapping, self focusing, thermal blooming, and related effects | |
A4265K Optical harmonic generation, frequency conversion, parametric oscillation and amplification | |
A4265M Multiwave mixing | |
A4265P Optical bistability, multistability and switching | |
A4265S Optical solitons | |
A4265T Optical chaos and related effects | |
A4270 Optical materials | |
A4270C Optical glass | |
A4270D Liquid crystals (optical materials) | |
A4270E Quartz (optical materials) | |
A4270F Other optical materials | |
A4270G Light-sensitive materials | |
A4270J Optical polymers and other organic optical materials | |
A4270Q Photonic bandgap materials | |
A4270T Optical metamaterials | |
A4270Y Other optical materials | |
A4272 Optical sources and standards | |
A4278 Optical lens and mirror systems | |
A4278C Optical lens and mirror design | |
A4278D Optical system design | |
A4278F Performance and testing of optical systems | |
A4278H Optical coatings | |
A4278M Eyepieces, projection systems, prism systems | |
A4280 Optical elements, devices and systems | |
A4280A Optical lenses and mirrors | |
A4280B Spatial filters, zone plates, and polarizers | |
A4280C Spectral and other filters | |
A4280D Optical monochromators | |
A4280E Optical shutters, windows, diaphragms, deflectors, choppers, and scanners | |
A4280F Gratings, echelles | |
A4280G Optical prisms and projection systems | |
A4280H Optical beam splitters | |
A4280J Optical collimators and autocollimators | |
A4280K Optical beam modulators | |
A4280L Optical waveguides and couplers | |
A4280M Optical switches | |
A4280N Schlieren devices | |
A4280P Optical rangefinders | |
A4280Q Image detectors, convertors, and intensifiers | |
A4280R Gradient-index (GRIN) devices | |
A4280S Optical communication devices, equipment and systems | |
A4280T Optical storage and retrieval | |
A4280V Optical computers, logic elements, and interconnects | |
A4280W Ultrafast optical techniques | |
A4280X Optical coatings | |
A4280Y Solar collectors, concentrators and control films: optical aspects | |
A4281 Fibre optics and fibre waveguides | |
A4281B Optical fibre fabrication, cladding, splicing, joining | |
A4281C Optical fibre testing and measurement of fibre parameters | |
A4281D Optical propagation, dispersion and attenuation in fibres | |
A4281F Other fibre optical properties | |
A4281H Gradient-index (GRIN) fibre devices and techniques | |
A4281M Fibre couplers and connectors | |
A4281P Fibre optic sensors; fibre gyros | |
A4281W Other fibre optical devices and techniques | |
A4282 Integrated optics | |
A4283 Micro-optical devices and technology | |
A4284 Nanophotonic devices and technology | |
A4285 Optical testing and workshop techniques | |
A4285D Optical fabrication, surface grinding | |
A4285F Optical testing techniques | |
A4290 Other topics in optics | |
A4300 Acoustics | |
A4320 General linear acoustics | |
A4325 Nonlinear acoustics and macrosonics | |
A4328 Aeroacoustics and atmospheric sound | |
A4330 Underwater sound | |
A4335 Ultrasonics, quantum acoustics, and physical effects of sound | |
A4337 Acoustic emission | |
A4337D Thermoacoustics | |
A4337G Photoacoustics | |
A4340 Structural acoustics and vibration | |
A4345 Statistical studies of acoustical response | |
A4350 Acoustic noise, its effects and control | |
A4355 Architectural acoustics | |
A4360 Acoustic signal processing | |
A4363 Acoustic holography | |
A4370 Speech communication | |
A4370C Human speech communication | |
A4370F Machine-based speech communication | |
A4375 Music and musical instruments | |
A4385 Acoustical measurements and instrumentation | |
A4385D Measurement of acoustic variables | |
A4385G Measurement by acoustic techniques | |
A4388 Transduction; devices for the generation and reproduction of sound | |
A4390 Other topics in acoustics | |
A4400 Heat flow, thermal and thermodynamic processes | |
A4410 Heat conduction (models, phenomenological description) | |
A4425 Heat convection | |
A4430 Heat transfer in inhomogeneous media and through interfaces | |
A4440 Heat radiation | |
A4450 Thermal properties of matter (phenomenology) | |
A4460 Thermodynamic processes (phenomenology) | |
A4490 Other topics in heat flow, thermal and thermodynamic processes | |
A4600 Mechanics, elasticity, rheology | |
A4610 Mechanics of discrete systems | |
A4620 Continuum mechanics | |
A4630 Mechanics of solids | |
A4630C Elasticity | |
A4630J Viscoelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity, creep, and stress relaxation | |
A4630L Buckling and instability | |
A4630M Vibrations, aeroelasticity, hydroelasticity, mechanical waves, and shocks | |
A4630N Fracture mechanics, fatigue, and cracks | |
A4630P Friction, wear, adherence, hardness, mechanical contacts | |
A4630R Mechanical measurement methods and techniques for solids | |
A4660 Rheology of fluids and pastes | |
A4660B Viscoelasticity of fluids and pastes | |
A4660D Nonlinearities in rheology of fluids and pastes | |
A4660F Rheopexy, thixotropy | |
A4660H Electrorheological and magnetorheological fluids | |
A4690 Other topics in mechanics, elasticity, and rheology | |
A4700 Fluid dynamics | |
A4710 General fluid dynamics theory, simulation and other computational methods | |
A4715 Laminar flows | |
A4715C Laminar boundary layers | |
A4715F Stability of laminar flows | |
A4720 Hydrodynamic stability and instability | |
A4725 Turbulent flows, convection, and heat transfer | |
A4725C Isotropic turbulence | |
A4725F Boundary layer and shear turbulence | |
A4725J Turbulent diffusion | |
A4725M Noise (turbulence generated) | |
A4725Q Convection and heat transfer | |
A4725R Wakes | |
A4730 Rotational flow, vortices, buoyancy and other flows involving body forces | |
A4735 Waves in fluid dynamics | |
A4740 Compressible flows; shock and detonation phenomena | |
A4740D General subsonic flows | |
A4740H Transonic flows | |
A4740K Supersonic and hypersonic flows | |
A4740N Shock-wave interactions | |
A4745 Rarefied gas dynamics | |
A4745D Free molecular flows | |
A4745G Slip flows | |
A4745N Accommodation in fluid dynamics | |
A4750 Non-Newtonian dynamics | |
A4752 Chaos and fractals in flow | |
A4754 Pattern selection in flow | |
A4755 Nonhomogeneous flows | |
A4755B Cavitation | |
A4755C Jets in fluid dynamics | |
A4755E Nozzles | |
A4755H Stratified flows | |
A4755K Multiphase flows | |
A4755M Flow through porous media | |
A4760 Flows in ducts, channels, and conduits | |
A4762 Flow control | |
A4765 Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics | |
A4770 Reactive, radiative, or nonequilibrium flows | |
A4770F Chemically reactive flows | |
A4770M Radiation gas dynamics | |
A4775 Relativistic fluid dynamics | |
A4780 Measurement instrumentation and techniques for fluid dynamics | |
A4780A Flow visualization and imaging | |
A4785 Applied fluid mechanics | |
A4787 Microfluidics and nanofluidics | |
A4790 Other topics in fluid dynamics | |
A5000 Fluids, plasmas and electric discharges | |
A5100 Kinetic and transport theory of fluids; physical properties of gases | |
A5110 Kinetic and transport theory of gases | |
A5120 Viscosity and diffusion in gases: experimental | |
A5130 Thermal properties of gases | |
A5140 Acoustical properties of gases; ultrasonic relaxation | |
A5150 Electrical phenomena in gases | |
A5160 Magnetic phenomena in gases | |
A5170 Optical phenomena in gases | |
A5190 Other topics in the physics of fluids | |
A5200 The physics of plasmas and electric discharges | |
A5220 Elementary processes in plasma | |
A5220D Particle orbits in plasma | |
A5220F Electron collisions in plasma | |
A5220H Atomic, molecular, ion and heavy particle collisions in plasma | |
A5225 Plasma properties | |
A5225D Plasma kinetic equations | |
A5225F Plasma transport properties | |
A5225G Plasma fluctuation phenomena | |
A5225K Thermodynamics of plasmas | |
A5225L Plasma temperature and density | |
A5225M Plasma dielectric properties | |
A5225P Emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation in plasma | |
A5225V Impurities in plasma | |
A5225W Nonneutral plasmas | |
A5225Z Dusty plasmas and plasma crystals | |
A5230 Plasma flow; magnetohydrodynamics | |
A5235 Waves, oscillations, and instabilities in plasma | |
A5235B Plasma magnetohydrodynamic waves, Alfven and hydromagnetic waves | |
A5235D Plasma sound waves, magnetosonic waves | |
A5235F Plasma electrostatic waves and oscillations | |
A5235H Plasma electromagnetic waves | |
A5235K Plasma drift waves | |
A5235M Nonlinear plasma waves and nonlinear interactions | |
A5235P Plasma instabilities | |
A5235R Plasma turbulence | |
A5235S Plasma solitons | |
A5235T Shock waves in plasma | |
A5240 Plasma interactions | |
A5240D Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma | |
A5240F Antennas in plasma; plasma-filled wave guides | |
A5240H Solid state-plasma interactions | |
A5240K Plasma sheaths | |
A5240M Particle beam interactions in plasma | |
A5250 Plasma production and heating | |
A5250D Plasma sources | |
A5250G Plasma heating | |
A5250J Plasma production and heating by laser beams | |
A5250L Plasma production and heating by shock waves and compression | |
A5255 Plasma equilibrium and confinement | |
A5255D General theory of plasma confinement | |
A5255E Pinch effect and pinch machines | |
A5255G Plasma in torus (stellarator, tokamak, etc.) | |
A5255K Magnetic traps (e.g., Astron, helitron, mirror, cusp, etc.) | |
A5255M Nonmagnetic plasma confinement systems (e.g. electrostatic, inertial, high frequency and laser confinement, etc.) | |
A5255P Confinement in fusion experiments | |
A5260 Relativistic plasma | |
A5265 Plasma simulation | |
A5270 Plasma diagnostic techniques and instrumentation | |
A5270D Electric and magnetic plasma diagnostic techniques, probes | |
A5270G Radiofrequency and microwave plasma diagnostic techniques | |
A5270K Optical (ultraviolet, visible, infrared) plasma diagnostic techniques | |
A5270L X-ray and gamma-ray plasma diagnostic techniques | |
A5270N Particle plasma diagnostic techniques | |
A5275 Plasma devices and applications | |
A5275D Accelerators and propulsion using plasma | |
A5275F Magnetohydrodynamic generators and thermionic convertors | |
A5275H Plasma torches | |
A5275K Plasma switches | |
A5275P Plasma diodes | |
A5275R Plasma applications in manufacturing and materials processing | |
A5280 Electric discharges | |
A5280D Low-field and Townsend discharges | |
A5280F Dielectric-barrier discharges | |
A5280H Glow and corona discharges | |
A5280M Arcs and sparks | |
A5280P High-frequency discharges | |
A5280Q Explosions (electrical discharges) | |
A5280S Magnetoactive and Penning discharges | |
A5280V Discharges in vacuum | |
A5280W Discharges and electric breakdown in liquids | |
A5280Y Discharge methods for spectral sources | |
A5290 Other topics in plasma physics and electric discharges | |
A6000 Condensed matter: structure, thermal and mechanical properties | |
A6100 Structure of liquids and solids; crystallography | |
A6110 X-ray determination of structures | |
A6110D Theories of X-ray diffraction and scattering | |
A6110F Experimental X-ray diffraction and scattering techniques | |
A6110M Crystal structure solution and refinement techniques using X-rays | |
A6112 Neutron determination of structures | |
A6112B Theories of neutron diffraction and scattering | |
A6112E Neutron scattering techniques | |
A6112G Neutron diffraction techniques | |
A6114 Electron determination of structures | |
A6114D Theories of electron diffraction and scattering | |
A6114F Experimental electron diffraction and scattering | |
A6114H Low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) and reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) | |
A6114R Other electron diffraction and scattering techniques | |
A6116 Other determination of structures | |
A6116D Electron microscopy determinations of structures | |
A6116F Field-ion microscopy determinations of structures; atom and ion scattering techniques | |
A6116N EPR and NMR determinations of structures; Mossbauer spectroscopy | |
A6116P Scanning probe microscopy determinations of structures | |
A6120 Classical, semiclassical, and quantum theories of liquid structure | |
A6120G Statistical theories of liquid structure | |
A6120J Computer simulation of static and dynamic liquid behaviour | |
A6120L Time-dependent properties of liquid structure | |
A6120N Structure of simple liquids | |
A6120Q Structure of associated liquids | |
A6125 Studies of specific liquid structures | |
A6125B Structure of liquid noble gases | |
A6125E Structure of molecular liquids | |
A6125H Structure of macromolecular and polymer solutions (solubility, swelling, etc.); polymer melts | |
A6125K Structure of molten salts | |
A6125M Structure of liquid metals and liquid alloys | |
A6130 Liquid crystals | |
A6130B Molecular theories of liquid crystals | |
A6130C Microstructure theory of liquid crystals (continuum, swarm theories) | |
A6130E Experimental determinations of smectic, nematic, cholesteric, and lyotropic structures | |
A6130G Orientational order of liquid crystals in electric and magnetic fields | |
A6130J Defects in liquid crystals | |
A6140 Structure of amorphous, disordered and polymeric materials | |
A6140D Structure of glasses | |
A6140G Structure of powders and porous materials | |
A6140K Structure of polymers, elastomers, and plastics | |
A6140M Structure of quasicrystals | |
A6146 Structure of solid clusters, nanoparticles, nanotubes and nanostructured materials | |
A6148 Structure of graphene and graphene-related materials | |
A6150 Crystalline state | |
A6150C Physics of crystal growth | |
A6150E Crystal symmetry; models and space groups, and crystalline systems and classes | |
A6150J Crystal morphology and orientation | |
A6150K Crystallographic aspects of polymorphic and order-disorder transformations | |
A6150L Crystal binding | |
A6155 Crystal structure of specific elements and alloys | |
A6155D Crystal structure of specific nonmetallic elements | |
A6155F Crystal structure of specific metallic elements | |
A6155H Crystal structure of specific alloys | |
A6160 Crystal structure of specific inorganic compounds | |
A6165 Crystal structure of specific organic compounds | |
A6167 Crystal structure of organic-inorganic hybrid materials | |
A6170 Defects in crystals | |
A6170A Annealing processes | |
A6170B Interstitials and vacancies | |
A6170D Colour centres | |
A6170E Other point defects | |
A6170G Dislocations: theory | |
A6170J Etch pits, decoration, transmission electron-microscopy and other direct observations of dislocations | |
A6170L Slip, creep, internal friction and other indirect evidence of dislocations | |
A6170N Grain and twin boundaries | |
A6170P Stacking faults, stacking fault tetrahedra and other planar or extended defects | |
A6170Q Inclusions and voids | |
A6170R Crystal impurities: general | |
A6170T Doping and implantation of impurities | |
A6170W Impurity concentration, distribution, and gradients | |
A6170Y Interaction between different crystal structure defects | |
A6175 Structure of composite materials | |
A6175B Structure of reinforced metal composites (inc. particle, fibre, platelet and whisker-reinforced metals) | |
A6175E Structure of ceramic-based composites (inc. cermets and refractory composites) | |
A6175H Structure of glass-based composites | |
A6175K Structure of reinforced polymers and polymer-containing composites (inc. filled polymers) | |
A6175N Structure of organic-inorganic hybrid materials (inc. perovskite hybrids) | |
A6175Q Structure of nanocomposites | |
A6175W Structure of other composite materials | |
A6180 Radiation damage and other irradiation effects | |
A6180B Ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation effects | |
A6180C X-ray effects | |
A6180E Gamma ray effects | |
A6180F Electron and positron effects | |
A6180H Neutron effects | |
A6180J Ion beam effects | |
A6180L Atomic and molecular irradiation effects | |
A6180M Channelling, blocking and energy loss of particles | |
A6185 Modelling and computer simulation of solid structure | |
A6190 Other topics in structure of liquids and solids | |
A6200 Mechanical and acoustic properties of condensed matter | |
A6210 Mechanical properties of liquids | |
A6220 Mechanical properties of solids (related to microscopic structure) | |
A6220D Elasticity, elastic constants | |
A6220F Deformation and plasticity | |
A6220H Creep | |
A6220M Fatigue, brittleness, fracture, and cracks | |
A6220P Tribology | |
A6230 Mechanical and elastic waves | |
A6240 Anelasticity, internal friction and mechanical resonances | |
A6250 High-pressure and shock-wave effects in solids and liquids | |
A6260 Acoustic properties of liquids | |
A6265 Acoustic properties of solids | |
A6280 Ultrasonic relaxation in condensed matter | |
A6290 Other topics in mechanical and acoustical properties of condensed matter | |
A6300 Lattice dynamics and crystal statistics | |
A6310 General theory of lattice dynamics and crystal statistics | |
A6320 Phonons and vibrations in crystal lattices | |
A6320D Phonon states and bands, normal modes, and phonon dispersion | |
A6320H Phonon-phonon interactions | |
A6320K Phonon-electron interactions | |
A6320L Phonon interactions with quasi-particles | |
A6320M Phonon-defect interactions | |
A6320P Localized modes in crystal lattices | |
A6320R Anharmonic lattice modes | |
A6322 Phonons in low-dimensional structures and small particles | |
A6350 Vibrational states in disordered systems | |
A6370 Statistical mechanics of lattice vibrations | |
A6375 Statistical mechanics of displacive phase-transitions | |
A6390 Other topics in lattice dynamics and crystal statistics | |
A6400 Equations of state, phase equilibria, and phase transitions | |
A6410 General theory of equations of state and phase equilibria | |
A6430 Equations of state of specific substances | |
A6460 General studies of phase transitions | |
A6460A Renormalization group, fractal and percolation studies of phase transitions | |
A6460C Order-disorder and statistical mechanics of model systems | |
A6460F Equilibrium properties near critical points, critical exponents | |
A6460H Dynamic critical phenomena | |
A6460K Multicritical points | |
A6460M Metastable phases | |
A6460Q Nucleation in phase transitions | |
A6470 Phase equilibria, phase transitions, and critical points | |
A6470D Solid-liquid transitions | |
A6470F Liquid-vapour transitions | |
A6470H Solid-vapour transitions | |
A6470J Liquid-liquid transitions | |
A6470K Solid-solid transitions | |
A6470M Transitions in liquid crystals | |
A6470P Glass transitions | |
A6470R Commensurate-incommensurate transitions | |
A6475 Solubility, segregation, and mixing | |
A6480 Other phase properties of systems | |
A6480E Stoichiometry and homogeneity | |
A6480G Microstructure | |
A6490 Other topics in equations of state, phase equilibria, and phase transitions | |
A6500 Thermal properties of condensed matter | |
A6520 Heat capacities of liquids | |
A6540 Heat capacities of solids | |
A6540E Lattice and electronic heat capacity of solids | |
A6540H Lambda, Schottky and other anomalies in solids | |
A6550 Thermodynamic properties and entropy | |
A6570 Thermal expansion and thermomechanical effects | |
A6590 Other topics in thermal properties of condensed matter | |
A6600 Transport properties of condensed matter (nonelectronic) | |
A6610 Diffusion and ionic conduction in liquids | |
A6610C Diffusion and thermal diffusion in liquids | |
A6610E Ionic conduction in liquids | |
A6620 Viscosity of liquids; diffusive momentum transport | |
A6630 Diffusion and ionic conduction in solids | |
A6630D Theory of diffusion and ionic conduction in solids | |
A6630F Self-diffusion in solid metals, semimetals, and alloys | |
A6630H Self-diffusion and ionic conduction in solid nonmetals | |
A6630J Diffusion, migration, and displacement of impurities in solids | |
A6630L Diffusion, migration, and displacement of other defects in solids | |
A6630N Chemical interdiffusion in solids | |
A6630Q Electromigration in solids | |
A6660 Thermal conduction in nonmetallic liquids | |
A6670 Nonelectronic thermal conduction and heat-pulse propagation in nonmetallic solids | |
A6690 Other topics in nonelectronic transport properties | |
A6700 Quantum fluids and solids; liquid and solid helium | |
A6720 Quantum effects on the structure and dynamics of nondegenerate fluids | |
A6740 Boson degeneracy and superfluidity of helium-4 | |
A6740B Phenomenology and two fluid models (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740D Quantum statistical theory; ground state, elementary excitations (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740F Dynamics of relaxation phenomena (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740H Hydrodynamics in specific geometries, flow in narrow channels (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740K Thermodynamic properties (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740M First sound (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740P Transport processes, second and other sounds, and thermal counterflow (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740R Films and weak link transport (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740V Vortices and turbulence (liquid helium-4) | |
A6740X Impurities and other defects (liquid helium-4) | |
A6750 Fermi fluids; liquid helium-3 | |
A6750D Normal phase liquid helium-3 | |
A6750F Superfluid phase liquid helium-3 | |
A6760 Mixed systems; liquid helium 3-4 mixtures | |
A6760D Liquid He I-3He mixtures | |
A6760F Liquid He II-3He mixtures | |
A6765 Spin-polarized hydrogen and helium | |
A6770 Films of quantum fluids and solids | |
A6780 Solid helium and related quantum crystals | |
A6780C Lattice dynamics and sound propagation (solid helium/quantum crystals) | |
A6780G Thermal properties (solid helium/quantum crystals) | |
A6780J Magnetic properties and NMR (solid helium/quantum crystals) | |
A6780M Defects, impurities, and diffusion (solid helium/quantum crystals) | |
A6790 Other topics in quantum fluids and solids (e.g. neutron-star matter) | |
A6800 Surfaces and interfaces; thin films and whiskers | |
A6810 Fluid surfaces and interfaces with fluids | |
A6810C Fluid surface energy (surface tension, interface tension, angle of contact, etc.) | |
A6810E Fluid interface elasticity, viscosity, and viscoelasticity | |
A6810G Fluid interface activity, spreading | |
A6810J Fluid kinetics (evaporation, adsorption, condensation, catalysis, etc.) | |
A6815 Liquid thin films | |
A6817 Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films | |
A6820 Solid surface structure | |
A6822 Surface diffusion, segregation and interfacial compound formation | |
A6825 Mechanical and acoustical properties of solid surfaces and interfaces | |
A6830 Dynamics of solid surfaces and interface vibrations | |
A6840 Surface energy of solids; thermodynamic properties | |
A6842 Surface phase transitions and critical phenomena | |
A6845 Solid-fluid interface processes | |
A6845B Sorption equilibrium at solid-fluid interfaces | |
A6845D Adsorption and desorption kinetics; evaporation and condensation | |
A6848 Solid-solid interfaces | |
A6855 Thin film growth, structure, and epitaxy | |
A6860 Physical properties of thin films, nonelectronic | |
A6865 Low-dimensional structures: growth, structure and nonelectronic properties | |
A6870 Whiskers and dendrites: growth, structure, and nonelectronic properties | |
A6890 Other topics in the structure and nonelectronic properties of surfaces and thin films | |
A7000 Condensed matter: electronic structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties | |
A7100 Electron states in condensed matter | |
A7110 Theories and models of many electron systems in condensed matter | |
A7110A Fermi liquid theory and other phenomenological models of many electron systems (condensed matter) | |
A7110C Electron gas, Fermi gas (condensed matter) | |
A7110F Lattice fermion models (condensed matter) | |
A7110H Non-Fermi-liquid ground states, electron phase diagrams and phase transitions in model systems | |
A7110P Fermions in reduced dimensions (condensed matter) | |
A7115 Methods of electronic structure calculations (condensed matter) | |
A7115A Ab initio calculations (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115B Plane wave calculations (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115F Atomic- and molecular-orbital methods (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115H Pseudopotential methods (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115J Self consistent field (SCF) calculations (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115M Density functional theory, local density approximation (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115P General mathematical techniques in electronic structure calculations (condensed matter) | |
A7115Q Molecular dynamics calculations and other numerical simulations (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115R Relativistic calculations (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7115T Other methods of electronic structure calculations (condensed matter) | |
A7120 Electronic density of states determinations | |
A7120A Mathematical and computational techniques for electronic density of states | |
A7120C Electronic density of states of metals, semimetals, and alloys | |
A7120F Electronic density of states of nonmetallic inorganics | |
A7120H Electronic density of states of organic compounds, polymers, and complex systems | |
A7125 Electronic structure: density of states and band structure (condensed matter) | |
A7125C Techniques of band-structure calculation (general theory, applications of group theory, analytic continuation, etc.) | |
A7125H Fermi surface: calculations and measurements | |
A7125J Effective mass and g-factors (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7125L Electronic structure of liquid metals and semiconductors and their alloys | |
A7125M Electronic structure of amorphous and glassy solids | |
A7125P Electronic structure of crystalline metals and alloys | |
A7125R Electronic structure of crystalline elemental semiconductors | |
A7125T Electronic structure of crystalline semiconductor compounds and insulators | |
A7125V Electronic structure of organic compounds and polymers | |
A7125W Electronic structure of solid clusters and nanoparticles | |
A7125X Electronic structure of fullerenes and fullerene-related materials; intercalation compounds | |
A7125Y Electronic structure of composite materials | |
A7127 Strongly correlated electron systems | |
A7128 Narrow-band systems, heavy-fermion metals; intermediate-valence solids | |
A7130 Metal-insulator transitions and other electronic transitions | |
A7135 Excitons and related phenomena | |
A7136 Polaritons | |
A7138 Polarons and electron-phonon interactions | |
A7145 Collective effects (condensed matter electronic structure) | |
A7145G Exchange, correlation, dielectric and magnetic functions, plasmons | |
A7145J Thomas-Fermi model (condensed matter) | |
A7145L Charge-density-wave systems | |
A7145N Calculations of total electronic binding energy | |
A7150 Localized single-particle electronic states | |
A7155 Impurity and defect levels | |
A7155D Impurity and defect levels in metals, semimetals, and alloys | |
A7155E Impurity and defect levels in elemental semiconductors | |
A7155F Impurity and defect levels in tetrahedrally bonded nonmetals | |
A7155G Impurity and defect levels in II-VI and III-V semiconductors | |
A7155H Impurity and defect levels in other nonmetals | |
A7155J Localization in disordered structures | |
A7165 Positron states (condensed matter) | |
A7170 Level splitting and interactions (condensed matter) | |
A7170C Crystal and ligand fields | |
A7170E Spin-orbit coupling, Zeeman, Stark and strain splitting (condensed matter) | |
A7170G Exchange interactions (condensed matter) | |
A7170J Nuclear states and interactions (condensed matter) | |
A7170M Other bulk localised states | |
A7190 Other topics in electron states of condensed matter | |
A7200 Electronic transport in condensed matter | |
A7210 Theory of electronic transport; scattering mechanisms | |
A7210B General formulation of electronic transport theory | |
A7210D Carrier scattering by phonons, magnons, and other nonlocalized excitations | |
A7210F Carrier scattering by point defects, dislocations, surfaces, and other imperfections | |
A7215 Electronic conduction in metals and alloys | |
A7215C Electrical and thermal conduction in amorphous and liquid metals and alloys | |
A7215E Electrical and thermal conduction in crystalline metals and alloys | |
A7215G Galvanomagnetic and other magnetotransport effects (metals/alloys) | |
A7215H Thermomagnetic effects (metals/alloys) | |
A7215J Thermoelectric effects (metals/alloys) | |
A7215L Relaxation times and mean free paths (metals/alloys) | |
A7215N Collective modes; low-dimensional conductors | |
A7215Q Scattering mechanisms and Kondo effect (metals/alloys) | |
A7215R Quantum localization (metals/alloys) | |
A7220 Electrical conductivity phenomena in semiconductors and insulators | |
A7220D General theory, carrier scattering mechanisms (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220F Low-field transport and mobility; piezoresistance (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220H High-field transport and nonlinear effects (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220J Charge carriers: generation, recombination, lifetime, and trapping (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220M Galvanomagnetic and other magnetotransport effects (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220N Thermomagnetic effects (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7220P Thermoelectric effects (semiconductors/insulators) | |
A7225 Spin polarized transport | |
A7230 High-frequency effects; plasma effects in electronic transport | |
A7240 Photoconduction and photovoltaic effects; photodielectric effects | |
A7250 Acoustoelectric effects (electronic transport) | |
A7255 Magnetoacoustic effects (electronic transport) | |
A7260 Mixed conductivity and conductivity transitions | |
A7270 Noise processes and phenomena in electronic transport | |
A7280 Electrical conductivity of specific semiconductors and insulators | |
A7280C Electrical conductivity of elemental semiconductors | |
A7280E Electrical conductivity of II-VI and III-V semiconductors | |
A7280G Electrical conductivity of transition-metal compounds | |
A7280J Electrical conductivity of other crystalline inorganic semiconductors | |
A7280L Electrical conductivity of organic compounds and polymers | |
A7280N Electrical conductivity of amorphous and glassy semiconductors | |
A7280P Electrical conductivity of liquid semiconductors | |
A7280R Electrical conductivity of fullerenes and related materials | |
A7280S Electrical conductivity of insulators | |
A7280T Electrical conductivity of composite materials | |
A7290 Other topics in electronic transport in condensed matter | |
A7300 Electronic structure and electrical properties of surfaces, interfaces, thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures | |
A7315 Electronic structure: density of states and band structure (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315B Electronic structure of metals and alloys (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315D Electronic structure of elemental semiconductors (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315F Electronic structure of II-VI and III-V semiconductors (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315H Electronic structure of other inorganic semiconductors and insulators (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315J Electronic structure of amorphous and glassy materials (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315L Electronic structure of organic compounds and polymers (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315N Electronic structure of graphene and graphene-related materials (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7315P Electronic structure of composite materials (thin films, low dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7320 Electronic states (surfaces and interfaces) | |
A7320A Surface states, surface band structure, surface electron density of states | |
A7320D Electron states in low-dimensional structures | |
A7320F Weak localization (surface states) | |
A7320H Surface impurity and defect levels; energy levels of adsorbed species | |
A7320J Delocalization processes (surface states) | |
A7320M Collective excitations (surface states) | |
A7325 Surface conductivity and carrier phenomena | |
A7330 Surface double layers, Schottky barriers, and work functions | |
A7335 Mesoscopic systems and quantum interference | |
A7335A Ballistic transport | |
A7335C Coulomb blockade; quantum tunnelling | |
A7340 Electrical properties of interfaces | |
A7340B Static electrification | |
A7340C Contact resistance, contact potential, and work functions | |
A7340E Rectification at interfaces | |
A7340G Tunnelling: general (electronic transport) | |
A7340H Quantum Hall effect | |
A7340J Electrical properties of metal-to-metal contacts | |
A7340K Electrical properties of semiconductor quantum wells and related structures | |
A7340L Electrical properties of semiconductor-to-semiconductor contacts, p-n junctions, and heterojunctions | |
A7340M Electrical properties of semiconductor-electrolyte contacts | |
A7340N Electrical properties of metal-nonmetal contacts | |
A7340Q Electrical properties of metal-insulator-semiconductor structures | |
A7340R Electrical properties of metal-insulator-metal structures | |
A7340S Electrical properties of metal-semiconductor-metal structures | |
A7340T Electrical properties of semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor structures | |
A7340V Electrical properties of semiconductor-metal-semiconductor structures | |
A7360 Electrical properties of thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures | |
A7360D Electrical properties of metals and metallic alloys (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360F Electronic properties of semiconductor thin films | |
A7360H Electrical properties of insulators (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360J Electrical properties of elemental semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360L Electrical properties of II-VI and III-V semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360N Electrical properties of amorphous and glassy semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360P Electrical properties of other inorganic semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360R Electrical properties of organic compounds and polymers (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360T Electrical properties of graphene and graphene-related materials (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7360V Electrical properties of composite materials (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7390 Other topics in electrical properties of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films | |
A7400 Superconductivity | |
A7410 Superconducting critical temperature, occurrence | |
A7420 Theory of superconductivity | |
A7420D Phenomenological and two-fluid superconductivity theories | |
A7420F BCS theory of superconductivity | |
A7420M Other theories of superconductivity | |
A7430 General properties of superconductors | |
A7430C Magnetic properties of superconductors | |
A7430E Thermal and thermodynamic properties of superconductors | |
A7430F Transport properties of superconductors | |
A7430G Superconductor response to electromagnetic fields | |
A7430H Phase diagrams of superconductors | |
A7430J Electronic structure of superconductors | |
A7430K Phonons in superconductors | |
A7430L Mechanical and acoustic properties of superconductors | |
A7430M Optical properties of superconductors | |
A7440 Fluctuations and critical effects in superconductors | |
A7450 Superconductor tunnelling phenomena, proximity effects, and Josephson effect | |
A7455 Type-I superconductivity | |
A7460 Type-II superconductivity | |
A7460E Mixed state, Hc2, surface sheath | |
A7460G Flux pinning, flux motion, fluxon-defect interactions | |
A7460J Critical currents in type-II superconductors | |
A7460M Material effects on Tc, K, critical currents in type-II superconductors | |
A7465 Insulator-superconductor transition | |
A7470 Superconducting materials | |
A7470B Elemental superconductors | |
A7470C Superconducting A15 compounds and alloys | |
A7470E Superconducting interstitial compounds and alloys | |
A7470F Chevrel phase (ternary molybdenum chalcogenide) superconductors | |
A7470H Magnetic superconductors | |
A7470J Superconducting layer structures and intercalation compounds | |
A7470K Organic superconductors | |
A7470M Amorphous, highly disordered, and granular superconductors | |
A7470Q Laves phase (C15) superconductors | |
A7470S Superconducting metastable nonstoichiometric phases | |
A7470T Heavy-fermion superconductors | |
A7470V Perovskite phase and other high-temperature superconductors | |
A7470W Fullerene superconductors | |
A7470Y Other superconducting materials | |
A7475 Superconducting films and low-dimensional structures | |
A7490 Other topics in superconductivity | |
A7500 Magnetic properties and materials | |
A7510 General theory and models of magnetic ordering | |
A7510D Crystal-field theory and spin Hamiltonians (magnetism) | |
A7510H Ising and other classical spin models (magnetism) | |
A7510J Heisenberg and other quantized localized spin models (magnetism) | |
A7510L Band and itinerant models (magnetism) | |
A7510N Spin-glass models (magnetism) | |
A7520 Diamagnetism and paramagnetism | |
A7520C Diamagnetism and paramagnetism in nonmetals | |
A7520E Diamagnetism and paramagnetism in metals and alloys | |
A7520H Local moment in dilute alloys; Kondo effect, valence fluctuations, heavy fermions | |
A7525 Spin arrangements in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530 Magnetically ordered materials, other intrinsic properties | |
A7530C Magnetic moments and susceptibility in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530D Spin waves in magnetically ordered materials (inc. magnons) | |
A7530E Exchange and superexchange interactions in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530F Spin-density waves in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530G Magnetic anisotropy | |
A7530H Magnetic impurity interactions | |
A7530K Magnetic phase boundaries | |
A7530M Valence fluctuations, Kondo lattice and heavy fermions in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530S Magnetocaloric effect in magnetically ordered materials | |
A7530T Surface magnetism | |
A7530V Enhanced magnetoresistance in bulk magnetic materials | |
A7540 Critical-point effects, specific heats, short-range order in magnetic materials | |
A7540C Static properties of magnetic materials | |
A7540G Dynamic properties of magnetic materials | |
A7540M Numerical simulation studies of magnetic materials | |
A7550 Studies of specific magnetic materials | |
A7550B Ferromagnetism of Fe and its alloys | |
A7550C Ferromagnetism of nonferrous metals and alloys | |
A7550D Ferromagnetism of nonmetals | |
A7550E Antiferromagnetics | |
A7550G Ferrimagnetics | |
A7550K Amorphous and nanostructured magnetic materials | |
A7550L Spin glasses (magnetic materials) | |
A7550M Magnetic liquids | |
A7550P Magnetic semiconductors | |
A7550R Magnetism in interface structures | |
A7550S Magnetic recording materials | |
A7550V High coercivity magnetic materials | |
A7550X Molecular magnets | |
A7560 Magnetic domain effects, magnetization curves, and hysteresis | |
A7560C Magnetic domain walls and domain structure | |
A7560E Magnetization curves, hysteresis, Barkhausen and related effects | |
A7560G High coercivity magnetic materials | |
A7560J Fine-particle magnetic systems | |
A7560L Magnetic aftereffects | |
A7560N Magnetic annealing and temperature-hysteresis effects | |
A7570 Magnetic films, multilayers and low-dimensional structures | |
A7570A Magnetic properties of single layer thin films | |
A7570B Magnetic properties of nanostructures | |
A7570C Interfacial magnetic properties | |
A7570F Magnetic ordering in multilayers | |
A7570K Domain structure in magnetic films (magnetic bubbles) | |
A7570P Enhanced magnetoresistance in magnetic films and multilayers | |
A7580 Magnetomechanical and magnetoelectric effects, magnetostriction | |
A7590 Other topics in magnetic properties and materials | |
A7600 Magnetic resonances and relaxation in condensed matter; MoŹŔ»ssbauer effect | |
A7620 General theory of magnetic resonances and relaxation | |
A7630 Electron paramagnetic resonance and relaxation (condensed matter) | |
A7630D EPR of ions and impurities: general | |
A7630F EPR of iron group (3d) ions and impurities (Ti-Cu) | |
A7630H EPR of platinum and palladium group (4d and 5d) ions and impurities (Zr-Ag and Hf-Au) | |
A7630K EPR of rare-earth ions and impurities | |
A7630L EPR of other ions and impurities | |
A7630M EPR of colour centres and other defects | |
A7630P EPR of conduction electrons | |
A7630R EPR of free radicals (condensed matter) | |
A7640 Diamagnetic and cyclotron resonances (condensed matter) | |
A7650 Ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, and ferrimagnetic resonances; spin wave resonance | |
A7660 Nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation (condensed matter) | |
A7660C Chemical and Knight shifts (condensed matter NMR) | |
A7660E Relaxation effects (condensed matter NMR) | |
A7660G Quadrupole resonance (condensed matter NQR) | |
A7660J Effects of internal magnetic fields (condensed matter NMR) | |
A7660L Spin echoes (condensed matter NMR) | |
A7670 Magnetic double resonances and cross effects (condensed matter) | |
A7670D Electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) (condensed matter) | |
A7670E Dynamical nuclear polarization (condensed matter) | |
A7670F Double nuclear magnetic resonance (DNMR) (condensed matter) | |
A7670H Optical double magnetic resonance (ODMR) (condensed matter) | |
A7670K Electron double resonance (ELDOR) (condensed matter) | |
A7675 Muon spin rotation and relaxation in condensed matter | |
A7680 MoŹŔ»ssbauer effect; other gamma-ray spectroscopy in condensed matter | |
A7690 Other topics in magnetic resonances and relaxation in condensed matter | |
A7700 Dielectric properties and materials | |
A7720 Dielectric permittivity | |
A7730 Dielectric polarization and depolarization effects | |
A7740 Dielectric loss and relaxation | |
A7750 Dielectric breakdown and space-charge effects | |
A7755 Dielectric thin films | |
A7760 Piezoelectricity and electrostriction | |
A7770 Pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects | |
A7780 Ferroelectricity and antiferroelectricity | |
A7780B Ferroelectric transitions and Curie point | |
A7780D Ferroelectric domain structure and effects; hysteresis | |
A7780F Ferroelectric switching phenomena | |
A7785 Electrical resonances | |
A7790 Other topics in dielectric properties and materials | |
A7800 Optical properties and condensed matter spectroscopy and other interactions of matter with particles and radiation | |
A7820 Optical properties of condensed matter | |
A7820B Optical properties of pure homogeneous materials: general theory | |
A7820D Optical constants and parameters (condensed matter) | |
A7820E Optical rotatory power (condensed matter) | |
A7820F Birefringence (condensed matter) | |
A7820H Piezo-, elasto- and acousto-optical effects; photoacoustic effect (condensed matter) | |
A7820J Electro-optical effects (condensed matter) | |
A7820L Magneto-optical effects (condensed matter) | |
A7820N Thermo-optical and photothermal effects (condensed matter) | |
A7820P Photonic band gap (condensed matter) | |
A7820W Other optical properties of condensed matter | |
A7830 Infrared and Raman spectra and scattering (condensed matter) | |
A7830C Infrared and Raman spectra in liquids | |
A7830E Infrared and Raman spectra in metals | |
A7830G Infrared and Raman spectra in inorganic crystals | |
A7830J Infrared and Raman spectra in organic crystals | |
A7830L Infrared and Raman spectra in disordered solids | |
A7830N Infrared and Raman spectra in composite materials | |
A7835 Brillouin and Rayleigh scattering; other light scattering (condensed matter) | |
A7840 Visible and ultraviolet spectra (condensed matter) | |
A7840D Visible and ultraviolet spectra of liquids | |
A7840E Visible and ultraviolet spectra of elemental semiconductors | |
A7840F Visible and ultraviolet spectra of tetrahedrally bonded nonmetals | |
A7840G Visible and ultraviolet spectra of II-VI and III-V semiconductors | |
A7840H Visible and ultraviolet spectra of other nonmetals | |
A7840K Visible and ultraviolet spectra of metals, semimetals, and alloys | |
A7840M Visible and ultraviolet spectra of composite materials | |
A7845 Stimulated emission (condensed matter) | |
A7847 Ultrafast optical measurements in condensed matter | |
A7850 Impurity and defect absorption in solids | |
A7850E Impurity and defect absorption in insulators | |
A7850G Impurity and defect absorption in semiconductors | |
A7850J Impurity and defect absorption in metals, semimetals, and alloys | |
A7855 Photoluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7855B Photoluminescence in liquids | |
A7855C Photoluminescence in elemental semiconductors | |
A7855D Photoluminescence in tetrahedrally bonded nonmetals | |
A7855E Photoluminescence in II-VI and III-V semiconductors | |
A7855F Photoluminescence in alkali halides | |
A7855H Photoluminescence in other inorganic materials | |
A7855K Photoluminescence in organic materials | |
A7855M Photoluminescence in composite materials | |
A7860 Other luminescence spectra and radiative recombination (condensed matter) | |
A7860F Electroluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7860H Cathodoluminescence, ionoluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7860K Thermoluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7860M Sonoluminescence, triboluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7860P Chemiluminescence (condensed matter) | |
A7865 Optical properties of thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures | |
A7865E Optical properties of metals and metallic alloys (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865H Optical properties of elemental semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865J Optical properties of nonmetallic thin films | |
A7865K Optical properties of II-VI and III-V semiconductors (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865M Optical properties of amorphous and glassy semiconductors and insulators (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865P Optical properties of other inorganic semiconductors and insulators (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865R Optical properties of composite materials (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865T Optical properties of organic compounds and polymers (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7865V Optical properties of graphene and graphene related materials (thin films, low-dimensional and nanoscale structures) | |
A7870 Other interactions of condensed matter with particles and radiation | |
A7870B Positron annihilation (condensed matter) | |
A7870C X-ray scattering (condensed matter) | |
A7870D X-ray absorption and absorption edges (condensed matter) | |
A7870E X-ray emission threshold and fluorescence (condensed matter) | |
A7870F Channelling radiation | |
A7870G Microwave, radiofrequency and terahertz wave interactions with condensed matter | |
A7890 Other topics in optical properties of condensed matter and other interactions of matter with particles and radiation | |
A7900 Electron and ion emission by liquids and solids; impact phenomena | |
A7920 Surface impact phenomena | |
A7920D Laser-surface impact phenomena | |
A7920F Electron-surface impact: Auger emission | |
A7920H Electron-surface impact: secondary emission | |
A7920K Other electron-surface impact phenomena | |
A7920N Atom-, molecule-, and ion-surface impact and interactions | |
A7920R Atomic and molecular beam interactions with surfaces | |
A7940 Thermionic emission (from surfaces) | |
A7960 Photoemission and photoelectron spectra (condensed matter) | |
A7960C Photoelectron spectra of clean metals | |
A7960E Photoelectron spectra of semiconductors and insulators | |
A7960G Photoelectron spectra of composite surfaces | |
A7970 Field emission and field ionization | |
A7975 Exoelectron emission | |
A7980 Resonance tunnelling | |
A7990 Other topics in emission and impact phenomena in condensed matter | |
A8000 Cross-disciplinary physics and related areas of science and technology | |
A8100 Materials science | |
A8110 Methods of crystal growth and purification | |
A8110B Crystal growth from vapour | |
A8110D Crystal growth from solution | |
A8110F Crystal growth from melt | |
A8110H Zone melting and zone refining | |
A8110J Growth from solid phases | |
A8115 Methods of thin film deposition | |
A8115C Deposition by sputtering | |
A8115E Atomic layer deposition | |
A8115G Vacuum deposition | |
A8115H Chemical vapour deposition | |
A8115I Pulsed laser deposition | |
A8115J Ion plating and other vapour deposition | |
A8115L Deposition from liquid phases (melts and solutions) | |
A8115N Thin film growth from solid phases | |
A8115R Spray coating techniques | |
A8116 Methods of nanofabrication and processing | |
A8116D Self-assembly in nanofabrication | |
A8116F Nanofabrication using crystal growth techniques | |
A8116H Nanofabrication using thin film deposition methods | |
A8116N Nanolithography | |
A8116R Nanopatterning | |
A8116T Nanopositioning and atom manipulation | |
A8116W Other methods of nanofabrication | |
A8120 Other methods of preparation of materials | |
A8120E Powder techniques, compaction and sintering | |
A8120G Preparation of metals and alloys (compacts, pseudoalloys) | |
A8120J Preparation of particle-, dispersion-, fibre-, and platelet-reinforced metal-based composites | |
A8120L Preparation of ceramics and refractories | |
A8120N Preparation of cermets, ceramic and refractory composites | |
A8120P Preparation of glasses | |
A8120Q Preparation of glass-based composites | |
A8120S Preparation of polymers and plastics | |
A8120T Preparation of reinforced polymers and polymer-based composites | |
A8120V Preparation of graphene and graphene-related materials, intercalation compounds, and diamond | |
A8120X Preparation of organic-inorganic hybrid materials | |
A8130 Phase diagrams and microstructures developed by solidification and solid-solid phase transformations | |
A8130B Phase diagrams of metals and alloys | |
A8130D Phase diagrams of other materials | |
A8130F Solidification | |
A8130H Constant-composition solid-solid phase transformations: polymorphic, massive, and order-disorder | |
A8130K Martensitic transformations | |
A8130M Precipitation | |
A8140 Mechanical properties and materials treatment | |
A8140C Solid solution hardening, precipitation hardening, dispersion hardening | |
A8140E Cold working, work hardening; post-deformation annealing, recovery and recrystallisation; textures | |
A8140G Other heat and thermomechanical treatments | |
A8140J Elasticity and anelasticity | |
A8140L Deformation, plasticity and creep | |
A8140N Fatigue, embrittlement, and fracture | |
A8140P Friction, lubrication, and wear | |
A8140R Electrical and magnetic properties (related to treatment conditions) | |
A8140T Optical properties (related to treatment conditions) | |
A8160 Corrosion, oxidation, etching, and other surface treatments | |
A8160B Surface treatment and degradation of metals and alloys | |
A8160C Surface treatment and degradation in semiconductor technology | |
A8160D Surface treatment and degradation of ceramics and refractories | |
A8160F Surface treatment and degradation of glasses | |
A8160H Surface treatment and degradation of composites | |
A8160J Surface treatment and degradation of polymers and plastics | |
A8165 Adhesion and related phenomena | |
A8170 Materials testing | |
A8170B Nondestructive testing: acoustic methods | |
A8170C Nondestructive testing | |
A8170E Nondestructive testing: eddy current testing and related techniques | |
A8170G Nondestructive testing: optical methods | |
A8170J Nondestructive testing: X-ray methods | |
A8170L Nondestructive testing: other techniques | |
A8180 Reduced gravity experiments | |
A8185 Intelligent materials | |
A8190 Other topics in materials science | |
A8200 Physical chemistry | |
A8220 Chemical kinetics | |
A8220D Statistical theories of chemical kinetics | |
A8220F Stochastic and trajectory models of chemical kinetics, other theories and models | |
A8220H Mechanisms and product distributions in chemical kinetics | |
A8220K Potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions | |
A8220M Nonequilibrium chemical kinetics | |
A8220P Measurements of chemical rate constants, reaction cross sections, and activation energies | |
A8220R Energy distribution and transfer, relaxation in chemical reactions | |
A8220T Kinetic and isotope effects in chemical reactions | |
A8220W Computational modelling of chemical kinetics | |
A8230 Specific chemical reactions; reaction mechanisms | |
A8230C Atom and radical reactions (with themselves or with molecules) | |
A8230E Molecule-molecule reactions | |
A8230F Ion-molecule, ion-ion, and charge-transfer reactions | |
A8230H Chemical exchanges (substitution, atom transfer, abstraction, disproportionation, and group exchange) | |
A8230L Decomposition reactions (pyrolysis, dissociation, and group ejection) | |
A8230M Oxidation, reduction and redox reactions (chemistry aspects) | |
A8230N Association, addition, and insertion | |
A8230Q Isomerization and rearrangement | |
A8230S Chain reactions | |
A8230V Homogeneous catalysis | |
A8235 Polymer reactions and polymerization | |
A8240 Chemical kinetics and reactions: special regimes | |
A8240D Atomic and molecular beam reactions | |
A8240F Chemical reactions in shock waves | |
A8240J Fast and ultrafast chemical reactions | |
A8240M Impulse techniques for chemical reactions | |
A8240P Flames, combustion, and explosions | |
A8240Q Plasma reactions | |
A8240T Chemiluminescence and chemical laser kinetics | |
A8240W Atmospheric chemistry | |
A8245 Electrochemistry and electrophoresis | |
A8245B Electrocatalysis | |
A8250 Photochemistry and radiation chemistry | |
A8250C Quantum yields in radiation chemistry and photochemistry | |
A8250E Photodissociation, photoionization as studied by luminescence and radiationless transitions | |
A8250F Photolysis and photodissociation by IR, UV and visible radiation | |
A8250G Radiolysis and dissociation by X-rays and gamma-rays | |
A8250H Photocatalysis | |
A8255 Radiochemistry | |
A8255D Hot atom reactions | |
A8255G Positronium chemistry | |
A8255K Tracer reactions | |
A8260 Chemical thermodynamics | |
A8260C Enthalpies of combustion, reaction and formation | |
A8260F Heat capacity and heats of phase transitions | |
A8260H Chemical equilibria and equilibrium constants | |
A8260L Thermodynamics of solutions | |
A8260N Nucleation (chemical thermodynamics) | |
A8265 Surface chemistry | |
A8265D Chemical thermodynamics of surfaces | |
A8265F Film and membrane processes; ion exchange; dialysis; osmosis, electro-osmosis | |
A8265J Heterogeneous catalysis at surfaces and other surface reactions | |
A8265M Sorption and accommodation coefficients (surface chemistry) | |
A8265N Other gas-surface interactions (surface chemistry) | |
A8270 Disperse systems | |
A8270D Colloids | |
A8270G Gels and sols | |
A8270K Emulsions and suspensions | |
A8270R Aerosols and foams | |
A8280 Chemical analysis and related physical methods of analysis | |
A8280B Chromatography | |
A8280D Electromagnetic radiation spectrometry (chemical analysis) | |
A8280F Electrochemical analytical methods | |
A8280H Nuclear chemical analysis | |
A8280K Energy conversion spectroscopic methods of chemical analysis | |
A8280M Mass spectrometry (chemical analysis) | |
A8280P Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (photoelectron, Auger spectroscopy, etc.) | |
A8280S Analytical methods using colligative properties | |
A8280T Chemical sensors | |
A8285 Physical chemistry aspects of chemical technology | |
A8290 Other topics in physical chemistry | |
A8600 Energy research and environmental science | |
A8605 Energy and environmental policy, economics and legislation | |
A8610 Energy resources and fuels | |
A8610A Biofuel and biomass resources | |
A8610B Fossil fuels | |
A8610C Hydrogen fuel | |
A8610D Wind energy | |
A8610F Tidal and flow energy | |
A8610H Geothermal energy | |
A8610K Solar energy | |
A8610N Nuclear energy | |
A8610W Waste resources | |
A8610Z Other topics in energy resources | |
A8620 Energy utilisation | |
A8620A General transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620B Automotive transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620C Aerospace transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620D Marine transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620E Rail transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620F Other transportation (energy utilisation) | |
A8620H Heating (energy utilisation) | |
A8620K Refrigeration and cooling (energy utilisation) | |
A8620M Lighting (energy utilisation) | |
A8620Q Buildings (energy utilisation) | |
A8620S Industry and manufacturing (energy utilisation) | |
A8620U Agriculture (energy utilisation) | |
A8620W Electrical/electronic equipment (energy utilisation) | |
A8620X Telecommunication systems (energy utilisation) | |
A8620Z Other energy utilisation | |
A8630 Energy conversion | |
A8630D Electrochemical conversion | |
A8630E Primary cells | |
A8630F Secondary cells | |
A8630G Fuel cells | |
A8630J Photoelectric conversion; solar cells and arrays | |
A8630K Photoelectrochemical conversion | |
A8630L Electrogasdynamic and magnetohydrodynamic conversion | |
A8630M Thermoelectric conversion | |
A8630N Thermionic conversion | |
A8630P Photosynthesis and bioenergy conversion | |
A8630Q Chemical energy conversion | |
A8630R Thermal energy conversion (heat engines and heat pumps) | |
A8630S Photothermal conversion | |
A8630T Energy harvesting | |
A8630Z Other topics in energy conversion | |
A8640 Energy storage | |
A8640C Storage in mechanical energy | |
A8640F Storage in thermal energy | |
A8640H Storage in chemical energy | |
A8640K Hydrogen storage and technology | |
A8640N Storage in electrical energy | |
A8640Z Other topics in energy storage | |
A8660 Requirement for energy: ecological aspects | |
A8670 Environmental science | |
A8670C Soil and rock (environmental science) | |
A8670E Water (environmental science) | |
A8670G Atmosphere (environmental science) | |
A8670H Indoor environment | |
A8670J Noise (environmental science) | |
A8670L Measurement techniques and instrumentation in environmental science | |
A8670Z Other topics in environmental science | |
A8675 Environmental science technology | |
A8675C Pollution removal at source | |
A8675F Contamination remediation (environmental science technology) | |
A8675M Carbon storage/sequestration (environmental science technology) | |
A8675T Waste disposal (environmental science technology) | |
A8675Z Other topics in environmental science technology | |
A8690 Other topics in energy research and environmental science | |
A8700 Biophysics, medical physics, and biomedical engineering | |
A8710 General, theoretical, and mathematical biophysics | |
A8715 Molecular biophysics | |
A8715B Biomolecular structure, configuration, conformation, and active sites | |
A8715D Physical chemistry of biomolecular solutions and condensed states | |
A8715H Biomolecular dynamics, molecular probes, molecular pattern recognition | |
A8715K Biomolecular interactions, charge transfer complexes | |
A8715M Interactions with radiations at the biomolecular level | |
A8715P Model reactions in molecular biophysics | |
A8716 Biothermics | |
A8720 Membrane biophysics | |
A8720C General theory of biophysical interfaces | |
A8720E Natural and artificial biomembranes | |
A8725 Cellular biophysics | |
A8725B Bioenergetics | |
A8725D Biological transport; cellular and subcellular transmembrane physics | |
A8725F Physics of subcellular structures | |
A8728 Bioelectricity | |
A8730 Biophysics of neurophysiological processes | |
A8730C Electrical activity in neurophysiological processes | |
A8730E External and internal data communications, nerve conduction and synaptic transmission | |
A8730G Brain models | |
A8732 Physiological optics, vision | |
A8732C Anatomy and optics of the eye | |
A8732E Physiology of the eye; nerve structure and function | |
A8732J Eye modulation transfer | |
A8732L Vision: light detection, adaptation and discrimination | |
A8732N Colour vision: detection, adaptation and discrimination | |
A8732Q Scales for light and colour detection in vision | |
A8732S Psychophysics of vision, visual perception, binocular vision | |
A8734 Audition | |
A8734B Auditory effects of noise | |
A8734D Otoacoustic emissions | |
A8734F Auditory prostheses and hearing aids | |
A8736 Speech and biocommunications | |
A8738 Mechano- and chemio-ceptions | |
A8740 Biomagnetism | |
A8745 Biomechanics, biorheology, biological fluid dynamics | |
A8745B Mechanical properties of tissues and organs | |
A8745D Physics of body movements | |
A8745F Rheology of body fluids | |
A8745H Haemodynamics, pneumodynamics | |
A8750 Biological effects of radiations | |
A8750B Interactions of biosystems with radiations | |
A8750C Bioacoustics (sonic and ultrasonic effects on living matter) | |
A8750E Bio-optics (effects of microwaves, light, laser and other electromagnetic waves) | |
A8750G Biological effects of ionizing radiations (UV, X-ray, gamma-ray; particle radiation effects) | |
A8760 Medical and biomedical uses of fields, radiations, and radioactivity; health physics | |
A8760B Sonic and ultrasonic radiation (medical uses) | |
A8760D Electric and magnetic fields (medical uses) | |
A8760F Optical and laser radiation (medical uses) | |
A8760G Microwaves and other electromagnetic waves (medical uses) | |
A8760I Medical magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy | |
A8760J X-rays and particle beams (medical uses) | |
A8760K Nuclear medicine, emission tomography | |
A8760L Preparation of radioactive materials for medical and biomedical uses | |
A8760M Radiation dosimetry in medical physics | |
A8760P Radiation protection in medical physics | |
A8760R Radioactive pollution and natural radioactivity: health aspects | |
A8765 Aerospace biophysics and medical physics (effects of accelerations, weightlessness and environment) | |
A8770 Biomedical engineering | |
A8770E Patient diagnostic methods and instrumentation | |
A8770F Electrodiagnostics and other electrical measurement techniques | |
A8770G Patient care and treatment | |
A8770H Radiation therapy | |
A8770J Prosthetics and other practical applications | |
A8770M Biomedical materials | |
A8780 Biophysical instrumentation and techniques | |
A8780B Biosensors | |
A8780S Genomic techniques | |
A8780U Proteomic techniques | |
A8783 Nanotechnology applications in biomedicine | |
A8790 Other topics in biophysics, medical physics, and biomedical engineering | |
A9000 Geophysics, astronomy and astrophysics | |
A9100 Solid Earth physics | |
A9110 Geodesy and gravity | |
A9110B Mathematical geodesy: general theory | |
A9110D Cartography | |
A9110J Topography: geometrical observations of the Earth | |
A9110L Photogrammetry of land surfaces | |
A9110N Rotational variations of the Earth: polar wobble | |
A9110Q Gravity fields of the Earth | |
A9110T Earth tides and crustal tilt | |
A9125 Geomagnetism and geoelectricity | |
A9125C Origins and models of the geomagnetic field; dynamo theories | |
A9125E Magnetotellurics | |
A9125G Geomagnetic spatial variations (all harmonics and anomalies) | |
A9125J Geomagnetic spatial variations attributed to sea floor spreading | |
A9125L Geomagnetic temporal variations and reversals | |
A9125N Palaeomagnetism | |
A9125Q Geoelectricity; electromagnetic induction and conductivity | |
A9130 Seismology | |
A9130B Seismic sources | |
A9130D Seismicity (spatial and temporal distribution) | |
A9130F Seismic waves | |
A9130K Oscillations of the Earth interior (periods less than 12 hours) | |
A9130M Seismic strong motions and damage | |
A9130N Tsunami | |
A9130P Earthquake prediction and precursory phenomena | |
A9130R Controlled source seismology | |
A9135 Earth interior | |
A9135C Earth models | |
A9135D Terrestrial heat | |
A9135E Earth core and lower mantle | |
A9135G Earth crust and upper mantle | |
A9135L Geochemistry | |
A9135N Geochronology | |
A9140 Volcanology | |
A9145 Tectonics | |
A9145B Sub-plate scale tectonics (faults, folds, rifts, etc.) | |
A9145D Plate tectonics | |
A9145F Convection currents in the mantle and crust | |
A9145P Slow vertical crustal movements | |
A9145S Gravity observations related to tectonics and isostasy | |
A9150 Marine geology and geophysics | |
A9150C Beach, coastal and shelf processes | |
A9150E Seafloor processes | |
A9150G Bathymetry and seafloor topography | |
A9150J Marine sedimentation and sediments | |
A9160 Physical properties of rocks, minerals and soil | |
A9160B Mechanical and acoustic properties of rocks, minerals and soil | |
A9160F Equations of state of minerals | |
A9160H Phase changes in minerals | |
A9160K Thermal properties of rocks, minerals and soil | |
A9160P Magnetic and electric properties of rocks, minerals and soil | |
A9160W Other properties of rocks, minerals and soil | |
A9165 Geophysical aspects of geology and mineralogy | |
A9185 Geophysical aspects of vegetation | |
A9190 Other topics in solid Earth physics | |
A9200 Hydrospheric and lower atmospheric physics | |
A9210 Physics of the oceans | |
A9210B Physical properties of seawater | |
A9210D Dynamics of the deep ocean | |
A9210F Dynamics of the upper ocean | |
A9210H Surface waves, tides, and sea level | |
A9210J Seiches | |
A9210K Sea-air interactions | |
A9210L Turbulence, diffusion, mixing, and convection in the oceans | |
A9210M Thermohaline structure and circulation of the oceans | |
A9210P Optical and other electromagnetic aspects of oceanography | |
A9210R Sea ice | |
A9210S Coastal and estuarine oceanography | |
A9210V Underwater sound | |
A9210X Palaeo-oceanography | |
A9220 Interdisciplinary aspects of oceanography | |
A9220C Chemistry of the oceans | |
A9220G Energy extraction from the oceans | |
A9220J Biological aspects of oceanography | |
A9220N Pollution of the oceans | |
A9240 Hydrology and glaciology | |
A9240C General hydrological theory | |
A9240E Precipitation (hydrological) | |
A9240F Rivers, runoff, and streamflow | |
A9240G Erosion and sedimentation (hydrological) | |
A9240J Evaporation and transpiration (hydrological) | |
A9240K Groundwater | |
A9240L Soil moisture | |
A9240N Lakes | |
A9240Q Water quality and water resources | |
A9240R Land surface snow | |
A9240S Land surface ice | |
A9240V Glaciers and ice sheets | |
A9260 Lower atmosphere | |
A9260B General atmospheric circulation | |
A9260C Synoptic and mesoscale atmospheric phenomena | |
A9260D Gravity waves, tides, and compressional waves in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260E Convection, turbulence, and diffusion in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260F Atmospheric boundary layer structure and processes | |
A9260G Winds and their effects in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260H Chemical composition and chemical interactions in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260J Water in the atmosphere (humidity, clouds, evaporation, precipitation) | |
A9260K Temperature of the lower atmosphere | |
A9260L Ionic interactions and processes in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260M Particles and aerosols in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260N Cloud physics | |
A9260P Atmospheric electricity | |
A9260Q Atmospheric storms | |
A9260S Climatology | |
A9260T Air quality and air pollution | |
A9260V Electromagnetic wave propagation and interactions in the lower atmosphere | |
A9260W Sunlight and atmospheric radiation | |
A9260X Weather analysis and prediction | |
A9260Y Meteorological applications | |
A9260Z Palaeo-atmosphere | |
A9265 Atmospheric optics | |
A9265D Atmospheric optical propagation, radiative transfer | |
A9265H Atmospheric spectral energy distribution, spectral absorption | |
A9265M Atmospheric optical scattering, polarization | |
A9265R Atmospheric laser beam propagation | |
A9265S Atmospheric optical imaging | |
A9265T Atmospheric optical modulation transfer | |
A9265V Clouds, fog, haze, aerosols, effects of pollution on atmospheric optics | |
A9290 Other topics in hydrospheric and atmospheric physics | |
A9300 Geophysical observations, instrumentation, and techniques | |
A9330 Information related to geographical regions | |
A9330B Africa | |
A9330C Antarctica | |
A9330D Asia | |
A9330F Australasia | |
A9330G Europe | |
A9330H North America | |
A9330J South America | |
A9330K Islands | |
A9330L Arctic Ocean | |
A9330M Atlantic Ocean | |
A9330N Indian Ocean | |
A9330P Pacific Ocean | |
A9330Q Southern Ocean | |
A9330R Regional seas | |
A9355 Research organizations and programmes in geophysics | |
A9365 Data and information; acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination in geophysics | |
A9385 Instrumentation and techniques for geophysical, hydrospheric and lower atmosphere research | |
A9400 Aeronomy, space physics, and cosmic rays | |
A9410 Neutral upper atmosphere | |
A9410B General properties of the upper atmosphere | |
A9410D Structure, pressure, density, and temperature of the upper atmosphere | |
A9410F Chemical composition and chemical interactions in the upper atmosphere | |
A9410G Electromagnetic wave propagation and interactions in the upper atmosphere | |
A9410J Tides, waves, winds, and circulation in the upper atmosphere | |
A9410L Convection, diffusion, mixing, and turbulence in the upper atmosphere | |
A9410N Dust and aerosols in the upper atmosphere | |
A9410Q Airglow, nightglow, and geocorona | |
A9410S Aurora | |
A9420 Ionosphere | |
A9420B Ionospheric electromagnetic wave propagation | |
A9420D Ionospheric structure | |
A9420E D-region | |
A9420G E-region | |
A9420J F-region | |
A9420L Topside region | |
A9420Q Ionospheric particle precipitation | |
A9420R Ionospheric plasma waves, instabilities, and interactions | |
A9420S Ionospheric electric fields and currents | |
A9420T Ionospheric plasma motion, convection, and circulation | |
A9420V Ionospheric disturbances and modification experiments | |
A9420W Interaction between ionosphere and magnetosphere | |
A9420Z Radiowave and rocket soundings of the ionosphere | |
A9430 Magnetosphere | |
A9430B Plasmasphere and plasmapause | |
A9430C Magnetospheric configuration and coordinate systems | |
A9430D Magnetopause | |
A9430E Geomagnetic tail | |
A9430F Magnetospheric plasma motion, convection, and circulation | |
A9430G Magnetospheric plasma instabilities and interactions | |
A9430H Trapped particles in the magnetosphere | |
A9430K Magnetospheric electric fields and currents | |
A9430L Magnetospheric magnetic storms, substorms | |
A9430M Magnetic pulsations in the magnetosphere | |
A9430N Magnetospheric plasma waves | |
A9430P Magnetospheric electromagnetic wave propagation | |
A9430Q ELF and ULF waves in the magnetosphere | |
A9430R VLF and LF waves in the magnetosphere | |
A9430S Magnetosheath | |
A9430V Magnetospheric interaction with solar wind | |
A9430W Magnetospheric interaction with cosmic rays | |
A9440 Cosmic rays | |
A9440C Cosmic ray origin and propagation outside the solar system | |
A9440E Cosmic ray interplanetary propagation and effects | |
A9440H Energetic solar particles and photons | |
A9440K Cosmic ray solar modulation | |
A9440L Cosmic ray composition and energy spectra | |
A9440N Cosmic ray showers and bursts | |
A9440R High-energy cosmic ray interactions, energy >10 GeV | |
A9440T Cosmic ray muons and neutrinos | |
A9440V Cosmic ray effects in meteorites and terrestrial, lunar, and planetary matter | |
A9460 Interplanetary space | |
A9460D Interplanetary magnetic fields | |
A9460F Interplanetary electric fields | |
A9460G Solar wind plasma | |
A9460K Interplanetary neutral gases | |
A9460Q Solar wind interaction with Moon, planets, satellites, and comets | |
A9460R Shock waves in interplanetary space | |
A9460S Electromagnetic radiation in interplanetary space | |
A9460V Outer heliosphere and interstellar interaction | |
A9480 Instrumentation and techniques for aeronomy, space physics, and cosmic rays | |
A9490 Other topics in aeronomy, space physics, and cosmic rays | |
A9500 Fundamental astronomy and astrophysics, instrumentation and techniques and astronomical observations | |
A9510 Fundamental astronomy | |
A9510C Celestial mechanics | |
A9510E Orbit determination and improvement | |
A9510G Eclipses, transits and occultations | |
A9510J Astrometry and spherical astronomy | |
A9530 Fundamental aspects of astrophysics | |
A9530C Elementary particle and nuclear processes in astrophysics | |
A9530E Astrophysical atomic, molecular, and solid state processes and interactions | |
A9530G Astrophysical radiation mechanisms | |
A9530J Astrophysical radiative transfer | |
A9530L Astrophysical fluid dynamics | |
A9530Q Astrophysical hydromagnetics and plasmas | |
A9530S Relativity and gravitation in astrophysics | |
A9545 Astronomical observatories | |
A9555 Astronomical and space-research instrumentation | |
A9555B Astrometric instruments | |
A9555C Ground-based telescopes | |
A9555E Solar instruments | |
A9555J Radiotelescopes | |
A9555K X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes | |
A9555L Aerospace instrumentation | |
A9555P Lunar, planetary, and deep-space probes | |
A9555S Auxiliary and recording instruments in astronomy | |
A9555W Other astronomical and space-research instrumentation | |
A9575 Astronomical techniques | |
A9575D Astronomical photographic and electronic imaging, and photometry | |
A9575F Astronomical spectroscopy | |
A9575H Astronomical polarimetry | |
A9575K Astronomical interferometry | |
A9575M Astronomical data and image processing | |
A9575P Mathematical and computer techniques in astronomy | |
A9575S Other astronomical techniques | |
A9580 Astronomical observations | |
A9580D Radio, radar, and microwave astronomical observations | |
A9580E Sub-millimetre astronomical observations | |
A9580G Infrared astronomical observations | |
A9580J Photographic region astronomical observations | |
A9580M Space ultraviolet astronomical observations | |
A9580N X-ray astronomical observations | |
A9580Q gamma-ray and cosmic ray observations | |
A9580S Other astronomical observations | |
A9585 Astronomical catalogues, atlases, and finding charts | |
A9590 Other topics in astronomy and astrophysics | |
A9600 Solar system | |
A9610 General, solar nebula, and cosmogony | |
A9620 Moon | |
A9620B Lunar origin, evolution, and age | |
A9620D Lunar interior, surface, and atmosphere | |
A9620J Lunar gravitational field, selenodesy, magnetic fields | |
A9630 Planets and satellites | |
A9630D Mercury | |
A9630E Venus | |
A9630G Mars and satellites | |
A9630H Asteroids | |
A9630K Jupiter and satellites | |
A9630M Saturn and satellites | |
A9630P Uranus and satellites | |
A9630Q Neptune and satellites | |
A9630R Pluto and satellites | |
A9630T Other planets | |
A9630W Planetary rings | |
A9635 Planetary and satellite characteristics and properties | |
A9635B Planetary origin, evolution, and ages | |
A9635E Planetary chemical composition | |
A9635F Planetary masses, sizes; gravitational fields; rotation; orbits | |
A9635G Planetary surfaces and topography; tectonics | |
A9635H Planetary neutral atmospheres | |
A9635K Planetary ionospheres; magnetospheres | |
A9635M Planetary interiors | |
A9635P Planetary electric and magnetic fields | |
A9650 Other objects in the planetary system | |
A9650D Interplanetary dust | |
A9650G Comets | |
A9650K Meteors, showers and meteoroids | |
A9650M Meteorites, micrometeorites | |
A9660 Solar physics | |
A9660C Physical properties of the Sun | |
A9660F Solar chemical composition | |
A9660H Solar magnetic and electric fields | |
A9660K Solar interior | |
A9660L Solar oscillations and waves | |
A9660M Solar photosphere, granulation | |
A9660N Solar chromosphere and chromosphere-corona transition | |
A9660P Solar corona | |
A9660Q Sunspots, faculae, plages | |
A9660R Solar flares, bursts, and related phenomena | |
A9660S Solar prominences and mass ejections | |
A9660T Solar electromagnetic radiation and spectra | |
A9660V Solar particle radiation, solar wind | |
A9690 Other topics on the solar system | |
A9700 Stars | |
A9710 Stellar characteristics | |
A9710B Star formation | |
A9710C Stellar interiors, evolution, nucleosynthesis, and ages | |
A9710E Stellar atmospheres, radiative transfer, opacity, and line formation | |
A9710F Circumstellar shells and expanding envelopes | |
A9710H Stellar mass transfer | |
A9710K Stellar rotation | |
A9710L Stellar magnetic and electric fields | |
A9710N Stellar masses | |
A9710Q Stellar diameters and surface features; oscillations | |
A9710R Stellar radiation and spectra | |
A9710T Stellar abundances and chemical composition | |
A9710V Stellar distances, parallaxes, and space density | |
A9710W Stellar space motions (proper motions, radial velocities, and orbits) | |
A9720 Normal stars (by class): general or individual | |
A9720D Pre-main-sequence stars | |
A9720E Main-sequence: early-type stars (O and B) | |
A9720G Main-sequence: intermediate type A and F stars | |
A9720J Main-sequence: late-type stars (G, K, and M) | |
A9720L Late-type giants and subgiants | |
A9720P Supergiant stars | |
A9720R Faint blue stars, white dwarfs, degenerate stars and nuclei of planetary nebulae | |
A9720T Population II stars | |
A9720V Brown dwarfs | |
A9730 Variable and peculiar stars | |
A9730D Beta Cep (Beta CMa) stars | |
A9730E Emission-line stars (Of, Wolf-Rayet, Be, etc.) | |
A9730F Chemically peculiar stars (Ap, Am stars, etc.) | |
A9730G Delta Cep, W Vir, RV Tau, and Delta Sct stars | |
A9730H S and C types and related stars | |
A9730J Long-period variables (Miras) and semi-regulars | |
A9730K RR Lyr stars | |
A9730N Flare stars | |
A9730Q Novae, dwarf novae | |
A9730S Other types of variable and peculiar stars | |
A9760 Late stages of stellar evolution | |
A9760B Supernovae | |
A9760G Pulsars | |
A9760J Neutron stars | |
A9760L Black holes | |
A9760S Other objects believed to be disintegrating or collapsing | |
A9780 Binary and multiple stars | |
A9780D Visual binaries and optical doubles | |
A9780F Spectroscopic binaries | |
A9780G Cataclysmic binaries | |
A9780H Eclipsing binaries | |
A9780J X-ray binaries | |
A9780K Multiple stars | |
A9780M Extrasolar planetary systems | |
A9785 Extrasolar planetary systems | |
A9785A Extrasolar planetary formation | |
A9785C Extrasolar planetary motion | |
A9785E Extrasolar planetary chemical composition | |
A9785F Extrasolar planetary masses | |
A9785H Extrasolar planetary atmospheres | |
A9785N Extrasolar planetary dimensions | |
A9785P Extrasolar planetary radiation and spectra | |
A9790 Other topics in stellar astronomy | |
A9800 Stellar systems; Galactic and extragalactic objects and systems; Universe | |
A9810 Stellar dynamics | |
A9820 Stellar clusters and associations | |
A9820C Associations of stars (OB, T, etc.) | |
A9820E Open clusters | |
A9820G Globular clusters | |
A9840 Interstellar medium; nebulae | |
A9840B Interstellar matter | |
A9840C Interstellar molecules and masers | |
A9840F H I regions and diffuse H I | |
A9840H H II regions and ionised gas, emission nebulae | |
A9840J Interstellar IR sources | |
A9840K Reflection nebulae, dark clouds, and molecular clouds | |
A9840L Star-forming regions | |
A9840M Planetary nebulae | |
A9840N Supernova remnants | |
A9850 The Galaxy, extragalactic objects and systems | |
A9850B Origin, evolution, and ages of galaxies | |
A9850C General parameters, classifications of galaxies | |
A9850D Kinematics, dynamics, and rotation of galaxies | |
A9850E Galactic structure, content and morphology | |
A9850F Masses of galaxies | |
A9850G Radiation and spectra of galaxies | |
A9850H Red shift, distances, and spatial distribution of galaxies | |
A9850K Groups, clusters, and superclusters of galaxies | |
A9850L The Galaxy | |
A9850M Local Group of galaxies | |
A9850R Active and peculiar galaxies | |
A9850S Radiogalaxies | |
A9850T Intergalactic and intracluster matter | |
A9870 Other astronomical sources and radiations | |
A9870D Cosmic radio sources | |
A9870J Quasars | |
A9870L Cosmic IR sources | |
A9870N Cosmic UV sources | |
A9870Q Cosmic X-ray sources | |
A9870R Cosmic gamma-ray sources | |
A9870S Cosmic ray sources | |
A9870T Cosmic gravitational wave sources | |
A9870V Background cosmic radiations | |
A9880 Cosmology | |
A9880B Origin and early evolution of the Universe | |
A9880D Theoretical cosmology | |
A9880F Origin and formation of the light elements | |
A9880L Observational cosmology | |
A9880M Dark energy | |
A9880N Dark matter | |
A9890 Other topics in galactic and extragalactic astronomy | |
| |
B0000 General topics, engineering mathematics and materials science | |
B0100 General electrical engineering topics | |
B0120 Education and training | |
B0140 Administration and management | |
B0140B Planning | |
B0150 Electrical contracting and installation | |
B0160 Plant engineering, maintenance and safety | |
B0170 Project and production engineering | |
B0170C Project and design engineering | |
B0170E Production facilities and engineering | |
B0170G General fabrication techniques | |
B0170J Product packaging | |
B0170L Inspection and quality control | |
B0170N Reliability | |
B0170Q Environmental factors | |
B0170S Control equipment and processes in production engineering | |
B0180 Other general electrical engineering topics | |
B0200 Engineering mathematics and mathematical techniques | |
B0210 Algebra | |
B0220 Mathematical analysis | |
B0230 Integral transforms | |
B0240 Probability and statistics | |
B0240C Queueing theory | |
B0240E Game theory | |
B0240G Monte Carlo methods | |
B0240J Markov processes | |
B0240P Principal component analysis | |
B0240R Error statistics (inc. error probability) | |
B0240T Time series | |
B0240V Regression analysis | |
B0240Z Other topics in statistics | |
B0250 Combinatorial mathematics | |
B0260 Optimisation techniques | |
B0290 Numerical analysis | |
B0290B Error analysis in numerical methods | |
B0290D Functional analysis (numerical analysis) | |
B0290F Interpolation and function approximation (numerical analysis) | |
B0290H Linear algebra (numerical analysis) | |
B0290K Nonlinear and functional equations (numerical analysis) | |
B0290M Numerical integration and differentiation | |
B0290P Differential equations (numerical analysis) | |
B0290R Integral equations (numerical analysis) | |
B0290T Finite element analysis | |
B0290X Integral transforms in numerical analysis | |
B0290Z Other numerical methods | |
B0500 Materials science for electrical and electronic engineering | |
B0510 Crystal growth | |
B0510D Epitaxial growth | |
B0520 Thin film growth and epitaxy | |
B0520B Sputter deposition | |
B0520D Vacuum deposition | |
B0520E Atomic layer deposition | |
B0520F Chemical vapour deposition | |
B0520H Pulsed laser deposition | |
B0520J Deposition from liquid phases | |
B0520X Other thin film deposition techniques | |
B0530 Metals and alloys (engineering materials science) | |
B0540 Ceramics and refractories (engineering materials science) | |
B0550 Composite materials (engineering materials science) | |
B0560 Polymers and plastics (engineering materials science) | |
B0570 Glasses (engineering materials science) | |
B0580 Powders and porous materials (engineering materials science) | |
B0585 Intelligent materials (engineering materials science) | |
B0587 Fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, and related materials (engineering materials science) | |
B0590 Materials testing | |
B1000 Circuit theory and circuits | |
B1100 Circuit theory | |
B1110 Network topology | |
B1130 General circuit analysis and synthesis methods | |
B1130B Computer-aided circuit analysis and design | |
B1150 Linear network analysis and design | |
B1150D Lumped linear networks | |
B1150F Distributed linear networks | |
B1160 Nonlinear network analysis and design | |
B1165 Chaotic behaviour in circuits | |
B1180 Time varying and switched networks | |
B1190 Other and miscellaneous topics in circuit theory | |
B1200 Electronic circuits | |
B1205 Analogue circuit design, modelling and testing | |
B1210 Power electronics, supply and supervisory circuits | |
B1220 Amplifiers | |
B1230 Signal generators | |
B1230B Oscillators | |
B1230G Function generators | |
B1230J Pulse generators | |
B1250 Modulators, demodulators, discriminators and mixers | |
B1260 Pulse circuits | |
B1265 Digital electronics | |
B1265A Digital circuit design, modelling and testing | |
B1265B Logic circuits | |
B1265D Memory circuits | |
B1265F Microprocessors and microcomputers | |
B1265G Digital signal processing chips | |
B1265H A/D and D/A convertors | |
B1265M System-on-chip | |
B1265N Network-on-chip | |
B1265Z Other digital circuits | |
B1270 Filters and other networks | |
B1270D Passive filters and other passive networks | |
B1270E Active filters and other active networks | |
B1270F Digital filters | |
B1280 Mixed analogue-digital circuits | |
B1285 Analogue processing circuits | |
B1290 Other analogue circuits | |
B1290B Convertors | |
B1295 Neural nets (circuit implementations) | |
B1300 Microwave technology | |
B1305 Microwave materials and structures | |
B1305M Metamaterials and structures (microwave) | |
B1310 Waveguides and microwave transmission lines | |
B1320 Waveguide and microwave transmission line components | |
B1350 Microwave circuits and devices | |
B1350D Parametric microwave circuits and devices | |
B1350F Solid-state microwave circuits and devices | |
B1350H Microwave integrated circuits | |
B1350P Microwave photonics | |
B1370 Industrial and medical applications of microwaves | |
B2000 Components, electron devices and materials | |
B2100 Passive circuit components, cables, switches and connectors | |
B2110 Conductors | |
B2120 Resistors | |
B2130 Capacitors | |
B2140 Inductors and transformers | |
B2160 Wires and cables | |
B2160D Cable accessories | |
B2180 Electrical contacts | |
B2180B Relays and switches | |
B2180E Connectors | |
B2190 Fuses | |
B2200 Printed circuits, hybrid integrated circuits and molecular electronics | |
B2210 Printed circuits | |
B2210B Printed circuit layout and design | |
B2210D Printed circuit manufacture | |
B2210F Printed circuit accessories | |
B2220 Integrated circuits | |
B2220C General integrated circuit fabrication techniques | |
B2220E Thin film circuits | |
B2220G Thick film circuits | |
B2220J Hybrid integrated circuits | |
B2230 Molecular electronics | |
B2230B Biomolecular electronics | |
B2230F Fullerene, nanotube and related devices | |
B2240 Microassembly techniques | |
B2250 Multichip modules | |
B2300 Electron tubes | |
B2310 Vacuum physics | |
B2315 Gas discharges | |
B2320 Electron emission, materials and cathodes | |
B2330 Electron tube technology and manufacture | |
B2340 Vacuum tubes | |
B2340B Transmitting valves | |
B2340E Vacuum microelectronics | |
B2350 Microwave tubes | |
B2350D Travelling wave tubes | |
B2350F Electron beam semiconductor tubes | |
B2360 Electron beam scanned tubes | |
B2360C Solid-state tubes | |
B2370 Phototubes | |
B2380 Gas discharge tubes and devices | |
B2390 Electron and ion microscopes | |
B2395 Other electron tubes | |
B2500 Semiconductor materials and technology | |
B2520 Semiconductor theory, materials and properties | |
B2520C Elemental semiconductors | |
B2520D II-VI and III-V semiconductors | |
B2520E Oxide and ferrite semiconductors | |
B2520F Amorphous and glassy semiconductors | |
B2520H III-VI and IV-VI semiconductors | |
B2520J Organic semiconductors | |
B2520K Ternary and quaternary semiconductors | |
B2520M Other semiconductor materials | |
B2530 Semiconductor junctions and interfaces | |
B2530B Semiconductor junctions | |
B2530C Semiconductor superlattices, quantum wells and related structures | |
B2530D Semiconductor-metal interfaces | |
B2530F Metal-insulator-semiconductor structures | |
B2530G Metal-insulator-metal and metal-semiconductor-metal structures | |
B2530N Other semiconductor interfaces and junctions | |
B2550 Semiconductor technology | |
B2550A Annealing processes in semiconductor technology | |
B2550B Semiconductor doping | |
B2550E Surface treatment (semiconductor technology) | |
B2550F Metallisation and interconnection technology | |
B2550G Lithography (semiconductor technology) | |
B2550N Nanometre-scale semiconductor fabrication technology | |
B2550R Radiation effects (semiconductor technology) | |
B2550X Semiconductor process modelling and simulation | |
B2560 Semiconductor devices | |
B2560B Semiconductor device modelling, equivalent circuits, design and testing | |
B2560F Bulk effect devices | |
B2560H Junction and barrier diodes | |
B2560J Bipolar transistors | |
B2560L Thyristors and silicon controlled rectifiers | |
B2560P Power semiconductor devices | |
B2560R Insulated gate field effect transistors | |
B2560S Other field effect devices | |
B2560X Quantum interference devices | |
B2560Z Other semiconductor devices | |
B2570 Semiconductor integrated circuits | |
B2570A Semiconductor integrated circuit design, layout, modelling and testing | |
B2570B Bipolar integrated circuits | |
B2570D CMOS integrated circuits | |
B2570F Other MOS integrated circuits | |
B2570H Other field effect integrated circuits | |
B2570K Mixed technology integrated circuits | |
B2570P Power integrated circuits | |
B2575 MEMS and NEMS device technology | |
B2575B Materials for MEMS and NEMS device technology | |
B2575D Design and modelling of MEMS and NEMS devices | |
B2575F Fabrication of MEMS and NEMS devices | |
B2800 Dielectric materials and devices | |
B2810 Dielectric materials and properties | |
B2810D Dielectric breakdown and discharges | |
B2810E Gaseous insulation, breakdown and discharges | |
B2810F Piezoelectric and ferroelectric materials | |
B2830 Insulation and insulating coatings | |
B2830C Organic insulation | |
B2830E Inorganic insulation | |
B2860 Piezoelectric and ferroelectric devices | |
B2860A Piezoelectric devices | |
B2860C Acoustic wave devices | |
B2860F Ferroelectric devices | |
B2890 Other dielectric applications and devices | |
B3000 Magnetic and superconducting materials and devices | |
B3100 Magnetic materials and devices | |
B3110 Magnetic materials | |
B3110C Ferromagnetic materials | |
B3110E Ferrites and garnets | |
B3110M Magnetic multilayers | |
B3120 Magnetic material applications and devices | |
B3120B Magnetic recording | |
B3120D Magnetic cores | |
B3120E Permanent magnets | |
B3120G Microwave magnetic devices | |
B3120J Magneto-acoustic, magnetoresistive, magnetostrictive and magnetostatic wave devices | |
B3120L Magnetic bubble domain devices | |
B3120N Magnetic thin film devices | |
B3120W Other magnetic material applications and devices | |
B3200 Superconducting materials and devices | |
B3220 Superconducting materials | |
B3220B Conventional low-temperature superconducting materials | |
B3220H High-temperature superconducting materials | |
B3220M Superconducting wires and tapes | |
B3240 Superconducting devices | |
B3240C Superconducting junction devices | |
B3240E Superconducting coils and magnets | |
B3240G Other superconducting material applications and devices | |
B3240M Superconducting microwave devices | |
B3240R Superconducting receivers and detectors | |
B3240Y Other superconducting devices and material applications | |
B4000 Optical materials and applications, electro-optics and optoelectronics | |
B4100 Optical materials and devices | |
B4110 Optical materials | |
B4120 Optical storage and retrieval | |
B4125 Fibre optics | |
B4130 Optical waveguides | |
B4140 Integrated optics | |
B4145 Micro-optical devices and technology | |
B4146 Nanophotonic devices and technology | |
B4150 Electro-optical devices | |
B4150D Liquid crystal devices | |
B4160 Magneto-optical devices | |
B4170 Acousto-optical devices | |
B4180 Optical logic devices and optical computing techniques | |
B4185 Optical switches | |
B4190 Other optical system components | |
B4190F Optical coatings and filters | |
B4200 Optoelectronic materials and devices | |
B4210 Photoconducting materials and properties | |
B4220 Luminescent materials | |
B4220M Phosphors | |
B4250 Photoelectric devices | |
B4260 Electroluminescent devices | |
B4260D Light emitting diodes | |
B4270 Integrated optoelectronics | |
B4300 Lasers and masers | |
B4310 Masers | |
B4320 Lasers | |
B4320C Gas lasers | |
B4320E Liquid lasers and organic dye lasers | |
B4320F Fibre lasers and amplifiers | |
B4320G Solid lasers | |
B4320J Semiconductor lasers | |
B4320K Free electron lasers | |
B4320L Laser resonators and cavities | |
B4320M Laser accessories and instrumentation | |
B4330 Laser beam interactions and properties | |
B4330B Laser beam modulation, pulsing and switching; mode locking and tuning | |
B4340 Nonlinear optics and devices | |
B4340F Optical phase conjugation and multiwave mixing | |
B4340G Optical saturation and related effects | |
B4340J Optical self-focusing and related effects | |
B4340K Optical harmonic generation, frequency conversion, parametric oscillation and amplification | |
B4340P Optical bistability, multistability and switching | |
B4340S Optical solitons | |
B4350 Holography | |
B4360 Laser applications | |
B4360B Laser materials processing | |
B4360E Metrological applications of lasers | |
B4360H Biological and medical applications of lasers | |
B5000 Electromagnetic fields | |
B5100 Electric and magnetic fields | |
B5110 Electrostatics | |
B5120 Magnetostatics | |
B5130 Magnetic effects of electric currents | |
B5140 Electromagnetic induction | |
B5150 Moving charges in electric and magnetic fields | |
B5180 Electromagnetic device applications | |
B5180D Electrostatic devices | |
B5180F Solenoids and electromagnets | |
B5180W Other electromagnetic device applications | |
B5200 Electromagnetic waves, antennas and propagation | |
B5205 Artificial electromagnetic wave materials and structures | |
B5205M Metamaterials and structures | |
B5210 Electromagnetic wave propagation | |
B5210C Radiowave propagation | |
B5210E Light propagation | |
B5210H Electromagnetic wave propagation in plasma | |
B5230 Electromagnetic compatibility and interference | |
B5240 Transmission line theory | |
B5240D Waveguide and cavity theory | |
B5260 Antenna theory | |
B5270 Antennas | |
B5270B Single antennas | |
B5270D Antenna arrays | |
B5270F Antenna accessories | |
B6000 Communications | |
B6100 Information and communication theory | |
B6110 Information theory | |
B6120 Modulation and coding methods | |
B6120B Codes | |
B6120D Cryptography | |
B6130 Speech and audio signal processing | |
B6130C Speech and audio coding | |
B6130E Speech recognition and synthesis | |
B6135 Optical, image and video signal processing | |
B6135C Image and video coding | |
B6135E Image recognition | |
B6140 Signal processing and detection | |
B6140B Filtering methods in signal processing | |
B6140C Optical information, image and video signal processing | |
B6140M Signal detection | |
B6150 Communication system theory | |
B6150C Communication switching | |
B6150D Communication channel equalisation and identification | |
B6150E Multiple access communication | |
B6150J Queueing systems | |
B6150M Protocols | |
B6150P Communication network design, planning and routing | |
B6200 Telecommunication | |
B6210 Telecommunication applications | |
B6210C Network management | |
B6210D Telephony | |
B6210F Telegraphy | |
B6210G Electronic mail | |
B6210H Facsimile transmission | |
B6210J Telemetry | |
B6210K Viewdata and teletext | |
B6210L Computer communications | |
B6210M ISDN | |
B6210P Teleconferencing | |
B6210Q Intelligent networks | |
B6210R Multimedia communications | |
B6210Z Other data transmission | |
B6215 Telecommunication power supplies | |
B6220 Stations and subscriber equipment | |
B6220B Subscriber loops | |
B6220C Telephone stations | |
B6220F ISDN and multimedia terminal equipment | |
B6220J Modems | |
B6220M Codecs, coders and decoders | |
B6220W Other telecommunication terminals and equipment | |
B6230 Switching centres and equipment | |
B6230B Electronic switching systems and exchanges | |
B6230D Other telephone exchanges | |
B6230F Integrated switching and transmission systems | |
B6230H Photonic switching systems | |
B6230Y Other switching centres | |
B6240 Transmission line links and equipment | |
B6240D Waveguide and coaxial cable systems | |
B6240G Submarine cable systems | |
B6240J Power line systems | |
B6240Z Other transmission line links | |
B6250 Radio links and equipment | |
B6250B Radio access systems | |
B6250D Point-to-point radio systems | |
B6250F Mobile radio systems | |
B6250G Satellite communication systems | |
B6250H Space communication systems | |
B6250K Wireless sensor networks | |
B6250L RFID systems | |
B6250Z Other radio links and systems | |
B6260 Optical communication | |
B6260C Optical communication equipment | |
B6260F Optical fibre networks | |
B6260M Multiplexing and switching in optical communication | |
B6260S Free-space optical links | |
B6270 Acoustic and other telecommunication systems and equipment | |
B6300 Radar and radionavigation | |
B6310 Radar theory | |
B6320 Radar equipment, systems and applications | |
B6320C Optical radar | |
B6320E Sonar and acoustic radar | |
B6330 Radionavigation and direction finding | |
B6360 Radioastronomical techniques and equipment | |
B6400 Radio, television and audio | |
B6410 Legislation, frequency allocation and spectrum pollution | |
B6420 Radio and television broadcasting | |
B6420B Radio and television transmitters | |
B6420D Radio and television receivers | |
B6430 Television and video equipment, systems and applications | |
B6430B Electronic news gathering | |
B6430C High definition television and video | |
B6430D CATV and wired systems | |
B6430F Closed circuit television | |
B6430G Video on demand and video servers | |
B6430H Video recording | |
B6430J Other applications of television and video systems | |
B6450 Audio equipment and systems | |
B6450B Hi-Fi equipment and systems | |
B6450D Audio recording media and techniques | |
B6450F Sound synthesisers | |
B7000 Instrumentation and special applications | |
B7100 Measurement science | |
B7110 Measurement theory | |
B7120 Measurement units | |
B7130 Measurement standards and calibration | |
B7140 Determination and value of fundamental constants | |
B7200 Measurement equipment and instrumentation systems | |
B7210 Instrumentation and measurement systems | |
B7210A Automatic test systems | |
B7210B Computerised instrumentation | |
B7210E Instrumentation buses and protocols | |
B7210F Telemetering systems | |
B7210G Data acquisition systems | |
B7210N Network and spectrum analysers | |
B7210X Other instrumentation and measurement systems | |
B7220 Signal processing and conditioning equipment and techniques | |
B7230 Sensing devices and transducers | |
B7230C Photodetectors | |
B7230E Fibre optic sensors | |
B7230G Image sensors | |
B7230J Biosensors | |
B7230L Chemical sensors | |
B7230M Microsensors and nanosensors | |
B7230S Intelligent sensors | |
B7250 Bench and portable instruments | |
B7250E Signal generators | |
B7250G Display, recording and indicating instruments | |
B7250J Bridge instruments | |
B7250Z Other bench instruments | |
B7260 Display technology | |
B7260B Display materials | |
B7260D Display characteristics | |
B7260F Display equipment and systems | |
B7300 Measurement of specific variables | |
B7310 Electric and magnetic variables measurement methods | |
B7310B Voltage measurement | |
B7310C Charge measurement | |
B7310D Current measurement | |
B7310F Power and energy measurement | |
B7310G Frequency measurement | |
B7310H Phase and gain measurement | |
B7310J Impedance and admittance measurement | |
B7310K Dielectric variables measurement | |
B7310L Magnetic variables measurement | |
B7310N Microwave measurement techniques | |
B7310S Electric noise and interference measurement | |
B7310Z Other electric variables measurement | |
B7320 Nonelectric variables measurement methods | |
B7320C Spatial variables measurement | |
B7320E Velocity, acceleration and rotation measurement | |
B7320G Mechanical variables measurement | |
B7320K Time measurement | |
B7320M Mass and density measurement | |
B7320P Optical variables measurement | |
B7320Q Acoustic variables measurement | |
B7320R Thermal variables measurement | |
B7320T Chemical variables measurement | |
B7320V Pressure and vacuum measurement | |
B7320W Level, flow and volume measurement | |
B7320X Humidity measurement | |
B7320Z Other nonelectric variables measurement | |
B7400 Elementary particle and nuclear instrumentation | |
B7410 Particle accelerators | |
B7410B Particle beam handling and diagnostics | |
B7410D Particle sources and targets | |
B7420 Particle and radiation detection and measurement | |
B7420C Particle track visualisation | |
B7430 Counting circuits and electronics for particle physics | |
B7440 Particle spectrometers | |
B7450 X-ray and gamma-ray equipment | |
B7500 Medical physics and biomedical engineering | |
B7510 Biomedical measurement and imaging | |
B7510B Radiation and radioactivity applications in biomedicine | |
B7510D Bioelectric signals | |
B7510F Biomagnetic signals | |
B7510H Sonic and ultrasonic radiation (biomedical imaging/measurement) | |
B7510J Optical and laser radiation (biomedical imaging/measurement) | |
B7510L Microwaves and other electromagnetic waves (biomedical imaging/measurement) | |
B7510N Biomedical magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy | |
B7510P X-ray techniques: radiography and computed tomography (biomedical imaging/measurement) | |
B7510R Nuclear medicine, emission tomography | |
B7520 Patient care and treatment | |
B7520C Radiation therapy | |
B7520E Prosthetics and orthotics | |
B7520H Aids for the handicapped | |
B7530 Health Physics | |
B7530B Radiation protection and dosimetry | |
B7540 Hospital Engineering | |
B7550 Biomedical communication | |
B7580 Biological engineering and techniques | |
B7600 Aerospace | |
B7605 Aerospace management | |
B7610 General aspects of aircraft, space vehicles and satellites | |
B7620 Aerospace testing and simulation | |
B7630 Aerospace instrumentation and equipment | |
B7630A Aircraft electronics | |
B7630B Aerospace power systems | |
B7630D Space vehicle electronics | |
B7640 Aerospace propulsion | |
B7640H Spacecraft propulsion | |
B7640R Aircraft propulsion | |
B7650 Ground support and air traffic control | |
B7650A Airport and airbase operations | |
B7650C Air traffic control and navigation | |
B7650E Spaceports and launch facilities | |
B7670 Human space exploration and engineering | |
B7690 Other topics in aerospace | |
B7700 Earth sciences | |
B7710 Geophysical techniques and equipment | |
B7710B Atmospheric, ionospheric and magnetospheric techniques and equipment | |
B7710D Oceanographic and hydrological techniques and equipment | |
B7720 Pollution detection and control | |
B7730 Other topics in Earth sciences | |
B7800 Sonics and ultrasonics | |
B7810 Sonic and ultrasonic equipment | |
B7810C Sonic and ultrasonic transducers and sensors | |
B7820 Sonic and ultrasonic applications | |
B7900 Military and defence systems | |
B7905 Policy, government and political aspects (military and defence) | |
B7910 Military circuits, components, and equipment | |
B7910D Sensors and transducers (military and defence) | |
B7910M Transportation (military and defence) | |
B7910R Weapons | |
B7910V Other military equipment | |
B7930 Military communications | |
B7930D Optical communications (military and defence) | |
B7930G Radio communications (military and defence) | |
B7930L Computer communications (military and defence) | |
B7930T Other communications (military and defence) | |
B7950 Military detection and tracking systems | |
B7950C Optical systems (military and defence) | |
B7950F Radar and radiowave systems (military and defence) | |
B7950J Sonar and acoustic systems (military and defence) | |
B7950L Chemical and biological systems (military and defence) | |
B7950P Electric and magnetic detection systems (military and defence) | |
B7950V Other detection and tracking systems (military and defence) | |
B7970 Electronic warfare | |
B7980 National security | |
B7990 Other military topics | |
B8000 Power systems and applications | |
B8100 Power networks and systems | |
B8110 Power systems | |
B8110B Power system management, operation and economics | |
B8110C Power system control | |
B8110D Power system planning and layout | |
B8120 Power transmission, distribution and supply | |
B8120C Network and transmission line calculations | |
B8120E a.c. transmission | |
B8120G d.c. transmission | |
B8120J Distribution networks | |
B8120K Distributed power generation | |
B8120L Power supply quality and harmonics | |
B8120W Wireless power transmission | |
B8120Z Other power transmission | |
B8130 Power transmission lines and cables | |
B8130B Power cables | |
B8130D Superconducting power cables | |
B8130F Overhead power lines | |
B8130H Power line supports, insulators and connectors | |
B8140 Power system protection | |
B8140C Protection apparatus | |
B8150 Power system measurement and metering | |
B8200 Generating stations and plants | |
B8210 Energy resources | |
B8215 Energy conservation | |
B8220 Nuclear power stations and plants | |
B8220B Nuclear reactors | |
B8230 Thermal power stations and plants | |
B8230E Steam power stations and plants | |
B8230F Gas-turbine power stations and plants | |
B8230G Combined cycle power stations and plants | |
B8230H Diesel power stations and plants | |
B8230J Geothermal power stations and plants | |
B8240 Hydroelectric power stations and plants | |
B8240B Wave power | |
B8240C Tidal power stations and plants | |
B8240D Pumped storage stations and plants | |
B8245 Wind power plants | |
B8250 Solar power stations and photovoltaic power systems | |
B8255 Fuel cell power plants | |
B8260 Other power stations and plants | |
B8300 Power apparatus and electric machines | |
B8310 a.c. machines | |
B8310D Synchronous machines | |
B8310E Asynchronous machines | |
B8320 d.c. machines | |
B8330 Linear machines | |
B8340 Small and special purpose electric machines | |
B8340C Piezoelectric motors | |
B8340M Micromotors | |
B8350 Transformers and reactors | |
B8360 Power convertors and power supplies to apparatus | |
B8360A AC-AC power convertors | |
B8360D DC-DC power convertors | |
B8360J AC-DC power convertors (rectifiers) | |
B8360N DC-AC power convertors (invertors) | |
B8360P Pulsed power supplies | |
B8370 Switchgear | |
B8375 Substations | |
B8380 Control gear and apparatus | |
B8380M Microactuators | |
B8385 Power filters | |
B8390 Other power apparatus and electric machines | |
B8400 Direct energy conversion and energy storage | |
B8410 Electrochemical conversion and storage | |
B8410C Primary cells | |
B8410E Secondary cells | |
B8410G Fuel cells | |
B8420 Solar cells and arrays | |
B8430 Magnetohydrodynamic conversion | |
B8450 Energy harvesting | |
B8460 Other direct energy conversion | |
B8465 Storage in electrical energy | |
B8470 Other energy storage | |
B8500 Power utilisation | |
B8510 Drives | |
B8520 Transportation | |
B8520B Automobile electronics and electrics | |
B8530 Lighting technology | |
B8530B Light sources | |
B8530D Lighting | |
B8540 Electric heating | |
B8540C Process heating | |
B8540E Space heating | |
B8550 Air conditioning | |
B8560 Refrigeration and cold storage | |
B8570 Domestic appliances | |
B8580 Other power utilisation | |
B8600 Industrial applications of power | |
B8610 Power applications in metallurgical industries | |
B8620 Power applications in manufacturing industries | |
B8630 Power applications in chemical and oil refining industries | |
B8640 Power applications in textile industries | |
B8650 Power applications in wood-processing, pulp and paper industries | |
B8660 Power applications in printing industries | |
B8670 Power applications in glass, ceramic, brick and cement industries | |
B8680 Power applications in agriculture and horticulture | |
B8690 Power applications in food processing industries | |
B8695 Power applications in water treatment and supply | |
B8699 Power applications in other industries | |
| |
C0000 General and management topics | |
C0100 General control topics | |
C0110 Control education and training | |
C0130 Economic, social and political aspects of control | |
C0130B Legal aspects of control and robotics | |
C0140 Ergonomic aspects of control and robotics | |
C0150 Environmental aspects of control and robotics | |
C0200 General computer topics | |
C0220 Computing education and training | |
C0230 Economic, social and political aspects of computing | |
C0230B Legal aspects of computing | |
C0240 Ergonomic aspects of computing | |
C0250 Environmental aspects of computing | |
C0300 Management topics | |
C0310 Computing/EDP management | |
C0310B Computer facilities | |
C0310D Computer installation management | |
C0310F Software management | |
C0310H Computer equipment and software evaluation methods | |
C0310P Computing/DP personnel management | |
C0310S Computing security management | |
C0320 Control engineering management | |
C1000 Systems and control theory | |
C1100 Mathematical techniques | |
C1110 Algebra | |
C1120 Mathematical analysis | |
C1130 Integral transforms | |
C1140 Probability and statistics | |
C1140C Queueing theory | |
C1140E Game theory | |
C1140G Monte Carlo methods | |
C1140J Markov processes | |
C1140P Principal component analysis | |
C1140R Error statistics (inc. error probability) | |
C1140T Time series | |
C1140V Regression analysis | |
C1140Z Other topics in statistics | |
C1160 Combinatorial mathematics | |
C1180 Optimisation techniques | |
C1200 Systems theory and cybernetics | |
C1210 General system theory | |
C1210B Reliability theory | |
C1220 Simulation, modelling and identification | |
C1230 Artificial intelligence (theory) | |
C1230D Neural nets (theory) | |
C1230L Learning in AI (theory) | |
C1230R Reasoning and inference in AI (theory) | |
C1240 Adaptive system theory | |
C1250 Pattern recognition | |
C1250B Character recognition | |
C1250C Speech recognition | |
C1250M Image recognition | |
C1260 Information theory | |
C1260C Cryptography theory | |
C1260S Signal processing theory | |
C1270 Man-machine systems | |
C1290 Applications of systems theory | |
C1290B Systems theory applications in natural resources and ecology | |
C1290D Systems theory applications in economics and business | |
C1290E Systems theory applications in emergency management | |
C1290F Systems theory applications in industry | |
C1290H Systems theory applications in transportation | |
C1290J Systems theory applications in education | |
C1290L Systems theory applications in biology and medicine | |
C1290N Systems theory applications in demography | |
C1290P Systems theory applications in social science and politics | |
C1290Z Other applications of systems theory | |
C1295 Other topics in systems theory | |
C1300 Control theory | |
C1310 Control system analysis and synthesis methods | |
C1320 Stability in control theory | |
C1330 Optimal control | |
C1340 Specific control systems | |
C1340B Multivariable control systems | |
C1340D Discrete control systems | |
C1340E Self-adjusting control systems | |
C1340F Fuzzy control | |
C1340G Time-varying control systems | |
C1340J Distributed parameter control systems | |
C1340K Nonlinear control systems | |
C1340L Linear control systems | |
C1340N Neurocontrol | |
C1340Z Other control systems | |
C1390 Other topics in control theory | |
C3000 Control technology | |
C3100 Control and measurement of specific variables | |
C3110 Electric and magnetic variables control | |
C3110B Voltage control | |
C3110D Current control | |
C3110E Power and energy control | |
C3110G Frequency control | |
C3110H Phase and gain control | |
C3110J Impedance and admittance control | |
C3110K Dielectric variables control | |
C3110L Magnetic variables control | |
C3110Z Other electric variables control | |
C3120 Nonelectric variables control | |
C3120C Spatial variables control | |
C3120E Velocity, acceleration and rotation control | |
C3120F Mechanical variables control | |
C3120H Time control | |
C3120K Mass and density control | |
C3120M Optical variables control | |
C3120N Thermal variables control | |
C3120P Chemical variables control | |
C3120R Pressure and vacuum control | |
C3120T Level, flow and volume control | |
C3120Z Other nonelectric variables control | |
C3200 Control equipment and instrumentation | |
C3210 Control systems and instrumentation | |
C3210B Recorders and indicators for control systems | |
C3210G Data acquisition systems for control | |
C3210J Meters and gauges for control systems | |
C3210P Control systems | |
C3210T Signal conditioning for control systems | |
C3210Z Other control instrumentation and measurement systems | |
C3220 Controllers | |
C3220B Programmable controllers | |
C3230 Control logic | |
C3230C Electronic control logic | |
C3230E Fluid logic | |
C3230Z Other control logic elements | |
C3240 Transducers and sensing devices | |
C3240D Electric transducers and sensing devices | |
C3240F Nonelectric transducers and sensing devices | |
C3240H Fibre optic sensors | |
C3240K Image sensors | |
C3240M Tactile sensors | |
C3240N Intelligent sensors | |
C3240P Microsensors | |
C3250 Telecontrol and telemetering components | |
C3260 Actuating and final control devices | |
C3260B Electric actuators and final control equipment | |
C3260G Hydraulic and pneumatic control equipment | |
C3260J Electrohydraulic and electropneumatic control equipment | |
C3260N Intelligent actuators | |
C3260P Microactuators | |
C3260Q Electromagnetic actuators | |
C3260R Electromechanical actuators | |
C3260Z Other final control equipment | |
C3290 Other control equipment | |
C3300 Control applications | |
C3310 Natural resources and environmental control | |
C3310C Control applications in agriculture | |
C3310E Control applications in mining, oil and natural gas technology | |
C3310G Pollution control | |
C3310J Control applications in other natural resources | |
C3320 Control applications to materials handling | |
C3320B Control applications to postal services | |
C3330 Control applications in building and civil engineering | |
C3340 Control of power systems and devices | |
C3340B Control of heat systems | |
C3340D Control of hydraulic systems | |
C3340F Control of nuclear systems | |
C3340H Control of electric power systems | |
C3340Z Control of other power systems | |
C3350 Control in industrial production systems | |
C3350C Control applications in metallurgical industries | |
C3350E Control applications in the electronics industry | |
C3350G Control applications in chemical and oil refining industries | |
C3350H Control applications in textile industries | |
C3350J Control applications in wood-processing, pulp and paper industries | |
C3350L Control applications in printing and associated industries | |
C3350N Control applications in glass, ceramics, brick and cement industries | |
C3350P Control applications in food processing industries | |
C3350Z Control applications in other industries | |
C3355 Control applications in manufacturing processes | |
C3355C Control applications in machining processes and machine tools | |
C3355F Control applications in assembling | |
C3355Z Control applications in other manufacturing processes | |
C3360 Transportation system control | |
C3360B Road-traffic system control | |
C3360D Rail-traffic system control | |
C3360F Control of other land traffic systems | |
C3360H Control of lift and aerial cableway systems | |
C3360J Marine system control | |
C3360L Aerospace control | |
C3360Z Control of other transport systems | |
C3365 Automated buildings | |
C3370 Control applications in telecommunications | |
C3370C Control applications in telephony | |
C3370E Control applications in telegraphy | |
C3370G Control applications in data transmission | |
C3370H Control applications in radio and radar | |
C3370J Control applications in television | |
C3370L Control applications in remote signalling, dispatching and safety devices | |
C3370N Control applications in photography and cinematography | |
C3370P Control applications in video and audio techniques | |
C3370R Control applications in optical communication | |
C3370Z Other control applications in telecommunications | |
C3375 Military control systems | |
C3380 Control applications in instrumentation systems and laboratory techniques | |
C3380B Control of electronic instruments | |
C3380D Control of physical instruments | |
C3380E Control of astronomical instruments | |
C3380L Laboratory control techniques | |
C3380P Control of optical systems | |
C3380R Control applications to materials processing | |
C3380Z Other control applications in instrumentation | |
C3385 Biological and medical control systems | |
C3385C Prosthetic and orthotic control systems | |
C3390 Robotics | |
C3390C Mobile robots | |
C3390M Manipulators | |
C3390T Telerobotics | |
C3390V Humanoid robots | |
C3395 Other applications of control | |
C4000 Numerical analysis and theoretical computer topics | |
C4100 Numerical analysis | |
C4110 Error analysis in numerical methods | |
C4120 Functional analysis (numerical analysis) | |
C4130 Interpolation and function approximation (numerical analysis) | |
C4140 Linear algebra (numerical analysis) | |
C4150 Nonlinear and functional equations (numerical analysis) | |
C4160 Numerical integration and differentiation | |
C4170 Differential equations (numerical analysis) | |
C4180 Integral equations (numerical analysis) | |
C4185 Finite element analysis | |
C4188 Integral transforms in numerical analysis | |
C4190 Other numerical methods | |
C4200 Computer theory | |
C4210 Formal logic | |
C4210L Formal languages and computational linguistics | |
C4220 Automata theory | |
C4230 Switching theory | |
C4230B Combinatorial switching theory | |
C4230D Sequential switching theory | |
C4230M Multiprocessor interconnection | |
C4240 Programming and algorithm theory | |
C4240C Computational complexity | |
C4240L Logic programming theory | |
C4240P Parallel programming and algorithm theory | |
C4250 Database theory | |
C4260 Computational geometry | |
C4270 Quantum computing theory | |
C4280 Biocomputing theory | |
C4290 Other computer theory | |
C5000 Computer hardware | |
C5100 Circuits and devices | |
C5110 Logic elements | |
C5110C Semiconductor logic elements | |
C5110D Optical logic elements | |
C5110E Other logic elements | |
C5120 Logic and switching circuits | |
C5130 Microprocessor chips | |
C5135 Digital signal processing chips | |
C5137 System-on-chip | |
C5139 Network-on-chip | |
C5140 Firmware | |
C5150 Other circuits for digital computers | |
C5160 Analogue circuits | |
C5180 A/D and D/A convertors | |
C5190 Neural net devices | |
C5200 Logic design and digital techniques | |
C5210 Logic design methods | |
C5210B Computer-aided logic design | |
C5215 Hardware-software codesign | |
C5220 Computer architecture | |
C5220P Parallel architecture | |
C5230 Digital arithmetic methods | |
C5240 Digital filters | |
C5250 Microcomputer techniques | |
C5260 Digital signal processing | |
C5260A Sensor fusion | |
C5260B Computer vision and image processing techniques | |
C5260D Video signal processing | |
C5260S Speech processing techniques | |
C5270 Optical computing techniques | |
C5280 Other digital techniques | |
C5285 Biocomputing techniques | |
C5290 Neural computing techniques | |
C5295 Quantum computing techniques | |
C5300 Computer storage equipment and techniques | |
C5310 Storage system design | |
C5320 Digital storage | |
C5320C Storage on moving magnetic media | |
C5320E Storage on stationary magnetic media | |
C5320G Semiconductor storage | |
C5320K Optical storage | |
C5320M Memory cards | |
C5320Z Other digital storage | |
C5330 Analogue storage | |
C5340 Associative storage | |
C5380 Other aspects of storage devices and techniques | |
C5400 Analogue and digital computers and systems | |
C5420 Mainframes and minicomputers | |
C5430 Microcomputers | |
C5440 Multiprocessing systems | |
C5450 Analogue and hybrid computers and systems | |
C5460 Analogue and hybrid computing techniques | |
C5470 Performance evaluation and testing | |
C5480 Security aspects of hardware | |
C5490 Other aspects of analogue and digital computers | |
C5500 Computer peripheral equipment | |
C5520 Data acquisition equipment and techniques | |
C5530 Pattern recognition and computer vision equipment | |
C5540 Terminals and graphic displays | |
C5540B Interactive-input devices | |
C5540D Computer displays | |
C5550 Printers, plotters and other hard-copy output devices | |
C5560 Data preparation equipment | |
C5580 Computer output on microform (COM) | |
C5585 Speech recognition and synthesis equipment | |
C5590 Other computer peripheral equipment | |
C5600 Data communication equipment and techniques | |
C5610 Computer interfaces | |
C5610F Instrumentation buses | |
C5610N Network interfaces | |
C5610P Peripheral interfaces | |
C5610S System buses | |
C5620 Computer networks and techniques | |
C5620L Local area networks | |
C5620M Metropolitan area networks | |
C5620S Computer network security | |
C5620W Other computer networks | |
C5630 Networking equipment | |
C5630M Multimedia servers | |
C5640 Protocols | |
C5670 Computer network performance | |
C5690 Other data communication equipment and techniques | |
C6000 Computer software | |
C6100 Software techniques and systems | |
C6110 Systems analysis and programming | |
C6110B Software engineering techniques | |
C6110F Formal methods | |
C6110J Object-oriented programming | |
C6110L Logic programming | |
C6110P Parallel programming | |
C6110R Software performance evaluation | |
C6110S Software metrics | |
C6110V Visual programming | |
C6115 Programming support | |
C6120 File organisation | |
C6130 Data handling techniques | |
C6130B Graphics techniques | |
C6130D Document processing and analysis techniques | |
C6130E Data interchange | |
C6130G Groupware | |
C6130M Multimedia | |
C6130S Data security | |
C6130V Virtual reality | |
C6140 Programming languages | |
C6140B Machine-oriented languages | |
C6140D High level languages | |
C6140E Other programming languages | |
C6150 Systems software | |
C6150C Compilers, interpreters and other processors | |
C6150E General utility programs | |
C6150G Diagnostic, testing, debugging and evaluating systems | |
C6150J Operating systems | |
C6150N Distributed systems software | |
C6150Z Other systems operation programs | |
C6155 Computer communications software | |
C6160 Database management systems (DBMS) | |
C6160B Distributed databases | |
C6160D Relational databases | |
C6160J Object-oriented databases | |
C6160K Deductive databases | |
C6160M Multimedia databases | |
C6160S Spatial and pictorial databases | |
C6160Z Other DBMS | |
C6170 Expert systems and other AI software and techniques | |
C6170K Knowledge engineering techniques | |
C6170T Knowledge engineering tools | |
C6180 User interfaces | |
C6180G Graphical user interfaces | |
C6180N Natural language processing | |
C6180R Human-robot interaction | |
C6185 Simulation techniques | |
C6190 Distributed systems software | |
C6190G Grid computing | |
C6190J Internet software | |
C6190P Parallel software | |
C6190V Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing | |
C6190Z Other distributed systems software | |
C6200 Artificial intelligence software and techniques | |
C6210 Knowledge based systems | |
C6220 Knowledge acquisition | |
C6220D Data mining | |
C6230 Knowledge representation | |
C6240 Knowledge verification | |
C6250 Reasoning and inference techniques | |
C6260 Machine learning (artificial intelligence) | |
C6261 Supervised learning | |
C6262 Unsupervised learning | |
C6263 Reinforcement learning | |
C6264 Neural nets | |
C6265 Support vector machines | |
C6266 Other learning models (inc. Naive Bayes) | |
C7000 Computer applications | |
C7100 Business and administrative computing | |
C7102 Decision support systems | |
C7104 Office automation | |
C7106 Word processing | |
C7108 Desktop publishing | |
C7110 Educational administration | |
C7120 Financial computing | |
C7130 Public administration | |
C7135 Emergency management | |
C7140 Medical administration | |
C7150 Military administration | |
C7160 Manufacturing and industrial administration | |
C7165 Public utility administration | |
C7170 Marketing computing | |
C7180 Retailing and distribution computing | |
C7185 Administration of other service industries | |
C7190 Other fields of business and administrative computing | |
C7200 Information science and documentation | |
C7210 Information services and centres | |
C7210L Library automation | |
C7210N Information networks | |
C7220 Generation, dissemination, and use of information | |
C7230 Publishing and reproduction | |
C7240 Information analysis and indexing | |
C7250 Information storage and retrieval | |
C7250C Bibliographic retrieval systems | |
C7250L Non-bibliographic retrieval systems | |
C7250N Search engines | |
C7250R Information retrieval techniques | |
C7260 Information science education | |
C7290 Other aspects of information science and documentation | |
C7300 Natural sciences computing | |
C7310 Mathematics computing | |
C7320 Physics and chemistry computing | |
C7330 Biology and medical computing | |
C7340 Geophysics computing | |
C7350 Astronomy and astrophysics computing | |
C7360 Environmental science computing | |
C7390 Other natural sciences computing | |
C7400 Engineering computing | |
C7410 Electrical engineering computing | |
C7410B Power engineering computing | |
C7410D Electronic engineering computing | |
C7410F Communications computing | |
C7410H Computerised instrumentation | |
C7415 Optical engineering computing | |
C7420 Control engineering computing | |
C7420D Control system design and analysis | |
C7430 Computer engineering | |
C7440 Civil and mechanical engineering computing | |
C7445 Traffic engineering computing | |
C7450 Chemical engineering computing | |
C7460 Aerospace engineering computing | |
C7465 Military engineering computing | |
C7470 Nuclear engineering computing | |
C7480 Production engineering computing | |
C7485 Smart cities | |
C7490 Computing in other engineering fields | |
C7800 Other computer applications | |
C7810 Social and behavioural sciences computing | |
C7810C Computer-aided instruction | |
C7820 Humanities computing | |
C7820M Machine translation | |
C7830 Home computing | |
C7830B Hobby computing | |
C7830D Computer games | |
C7840 Geography and cartography computing | |
C7850 Computer assistance for persons with handicaps | |
C7860 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries computing | |
C7890 Other special applications of computing | |
| |
D1000 General and Management aspects of Information Technology | |
D1010 IT consultancy services | |
D1030 IT training requirements | |
D1040 Human aspects of IT | |
D1050 Legal requirements of IT | |
D1060 Security aspects of IT | |
D1070 Environmental aspects of IT | |
D2000 Applications of Information Technology | |
D2010 Business and professional IT applications | |
D2020 Design and graphics IT applications | |
D2030 Education and training IT applications | |
D2040 Emergency services IT applications | |
D2045 Farming and horticultural IT applications | |
D2050 Financial applications of IT | |
D2050B IT in accounting | |
D2050E IT in banking | |
D2050F IT in financial markets | |
D2050G IT in insurance | |
D2060 Health care applications of IT | |
D2070 Industrial and manufacturing applications of IT | |
D2080 Information services and database systems in IT | |
D2090 Leisure industry, travel and transport applications of IT | |
D2105 Media-TV, radio, press applications of IT | |
D2110 Personnel applications of IT | |
D2115 Property market and building industry applications of IT | |
D2120 Public administration and law applications of IT | |
D2130 Public utilities' applications of IT | |
D2140 Marketing, retailing and distribution applications of IT | |
D3000 General Information Technology systems and equipment | |
D3010 Copiers and copy boards for business automation | |
D3020 Furniture and office environment for business automation | |
D3025 Mailroom systems for business automation | |
D3030 Microform equipment for business automation | |
D3035 Monitoring and alarm systems for business automation | |
D3045 Records management systems for business automation | |
D3050 Video systems for business automation | |
D3060 Voice equipment, dictation for business automation | |
D4000 Office automation | |
D4010 Television systems for office automation | |
D4020 Electronic mail systems for office automation | |
D4040 Facsimile systems for office automation | |
D4045 Mobile communications systems for office automation | |
D4060 Teleconferencing systems for office automation | |
D4070 Telephone systems for office automation | |
D4080 Telex for office automation | |
D4090 Viewdata and teletext for office automation | |
D5000 Office automation | |
D5010 Computers and work stations for office automation | |
D5010B Portable computers for office automation | |
D5010D Computer selection guides for office automation | |
D5010G Terminals for office automation | |
D5020 Computer networks and intercomputer communications in office automation | |
D5030 Printers and other peripherals for office automation | |
D5040 Supplies, stationery and storage media for office automation | |
D5050 Word processing equipment for office automation | |
D5060 Software for office automation | |
| |
E0000 General topics in manufacturing and production engineering | |
E0100 Management and business | |
E0110 Organisational aspects | |
E0120 Management issues | |
E0120B General management | |
E0120D Planning | |
E0120F Contractual issues | |
E0120H Purchasing | |
E0120K Financial management | |
E0120M Human resource management | |
E0120P Marketing and sales | |
E0120R Customer services | |
E0200 General support functions | |
E0210 Engineering mathematics and numerical techniques | |
E0210A Algebra | |
E0210C Mathematical analysis | |
E0210E Combinatorial mathematics | |
E0210G Optimisation | |
E0210J Statistics | |
E0210L Numerical analysis | |
E0220 Economics | |
E0230 Environmental issues | |
E0240 Safety and security | |
E0240C Security aspects | |
E0240H Health and safety aspects | |
E0250 Education and training | |
E0260 Social and political issues | |
E0270 Legal aspects | |
E0290 Other support functions | |
E0400 Information technology | |
E0410 Information technology applications | |
E0410D Industrial applications of IT | |
E0410F Business applications of IT | |
E0410H Mechanical engineering applications of IT | |
E0410Y Other engineering applications of IT | |
E0420 Information management | |
E0430 Information resources and networks | |
E1000 Manufacturing and production | |
E1010 Production management | |
E1020 Maintenance and reliability | |
E1030 Research and development | |
E1400 Design | |
E1410 Ergonomics | |
E1500 Production technology | |
E1510 Manufacturing systems | |
E1520 Manufacturing processes | |
E1520A Machining | |
E1520C Assembling | |
E1520E Joining processes and welding | |
E1520G Forming processes | |
E1520J Powder technology | |
E1520L Heat treatment | |
E1520N Surface treatment and coating techniques | |
E1520P Nanofabrication | |
E1520R Three-dimensional printing | |
E1520Z Other manufacturing processes | |
E1525 Industrial processes | |
E1530 Manufacturing facilities | |
E1540 Systems theory applications | |
E1550 Control technology and theory (production) | |
E1550A Robotics | |
E1560 Production equipment | |
E1600 Measurement and testing | |
E1610 Inspection and quality control | |
E1620 Measurement | |
E1630 Testing | |
E1640 Instrumentation | |
E1650 Standards and calibration | |
E1700 Manufacturing resources and products | |
E1710 Engineering materials | |
E1780 Products and commodities | |
E1800 Materials handling and distribution | |
E1810 Packaging | |
E1820 Warehousing and storage | |
E1830 Goods distribution | |
E1840 Recycling | |
E1850 Materials handling equipment | |
E2000 Engineering mechanics | |
E2100 General mechanics | |
E2110 Mechanical structures | |
E2110A General shapes and structures | |
E2110B Building structures | |
E2110C Bridges | |
E2110D Geotechnical structures | |
E2110Z Other structures | |
E2120 Heat and thermodynamic processes (mechanical engineering) | |
E2130 Fluid mechanics and aerodynamics (mechanical engineering) | |
E2140 Tribology (mechanical engineering) | |
E2150 Biomechanics (mechanical engineering) | |
E2160 Micromechanics (mechanical engineering) | |
E2170 Acoustic properties (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180 Specific mechanical properties (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180A Elasticity (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180B Plasticity (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180C Buckling and instability (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180D Vibrations and shock waves (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180E Fracture mechanics and hardness (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180F Ballistics and mechanical impact (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180H Adhesion (mechanical engineering) | |
E2180Z Other specific mechanical properties (mechanical engineering) | |
E2200 Mechanical components, systems and devices | |
E2210 Mechanical components | |
E2220 Vehicle mechanics | |
E2230 Robot and manipulator mechanics | |
E2300 Mechanical machinery | |
E2310 Power and plant engineering (mechanical engineering) | |
E2320 Engines | |
E2330 Mechanical drives and transmissions | |
E2900 Other mechanical engineering aspects | |
E3000 Industrial sectors | |
E3010 Agriculture | |
E3020 Mining, oil drilling and natural gas industries | |
E3030 Construction industry | |
E3040 Public utilities | |
E3050 Service industries | |
E3600 Manufacturing industries | |
E3602 Food industry | |
E3604 Beverage industry | |
E3606 Textile industry | |
E3608 Clothing industry | |
E3610 Leather industry | |
E3612 Footwear industry | |
E3614 Wood processing industry | |
E3616 Furniture industry | |
E3620 Paper and pulp industries | |
E3622 Printing industry | |
E3624 Fuel processing industry | |
E3626 Chemical industry | |
E3626A Pharmaceutical industry | |
E3628 Biotechnology industry | |
E3630 Rubber and plastics industry | |
E3632 Glass and ceramics industries | |
E3634 Cement and concrete industry | |
E3636 Metallurgical industries | |
E3638 Machinery and equipment industry | |
E3640 Measurement and control instrumentation industry | |
E3642 Electrical industry | |
E3642A Electrical equipment manufacturing | |
E3642C Domestic appliance manufacturing | |
E3642F Power equipment manufacturing | |
E3644 Electronics industry | |
E3644A Semiconductor industry | |
E3644C Printed circuit manufacture | |
E3644E Computer and peripheral industry | |
E3644H Audio and video equipment manufacturing | |
E3644L Communications equipment manufacturing | |
E3644N Optoelectronics manufacturing | |
E3644P Magnetic recording industry | |
E3644R Superconductor industry | |
E3644T Nanotechnology industry | |
E3644V Mechatronics industry | |
E3646 Defence industry | |
E3650 Transportation industry | |
E3650A Automobile industry | |
E3650C Aerospace industry | |
E3650E Railway industry | |
E3650H Ship building and marine industry | |
E3650Z Other transportation industries | |
E3654 Medical equipment and supplies industry | |
E3690 Other manufacturing industries | |
| |
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Producer | ||||
The Institution of Engineering and Technology |
Asia Pacific |
China |
India |
Copyright | ||||
Inspec, copyright The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 1969 to (current year). Compiled and produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Inspec data may not be duplicated in hard-copy or stored or duplicated in machine-readable form without written authorization from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, London, except that data may be temporarily stored (for up to one month) in machine readable form for re- formatting or editing and that limited reproduction of printed output up to twenty-five (25) copies is permitted for distribution within the customer organization only. Under no circumstances may copies be made under this provision be offered for resale. | ||||
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